KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud took out his wallet and handed it to her"...Just go...before I get really angry..''he said,he put one hand to his forehead and shut his eyes.his head had been throbbing painfully earlier,but he didnt want to worry Tifa.And now it had been hurting twice as much...a Migraine maybe?...or just a plain,bad headache?.

    OOC: Can I take Leon out of sheer boredom?
  2. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Oh My God... I edited it so yeah, if you can could you post something with Saix, if you can, or if you want?
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Chaser007 played him..and he's a yeah..
  4. OOC: Pervert is a understatement xD. And yeah, you can take Leon, by the way, Tula.

    I do want to play Saïx, I haven't use him for a long time :3.

    Saïx walked the halls, as even though it was Saturday, and the students were free to browse through the school, and go outside for their weekend break, vice-principals and temporary principal, such as himself, had to stay and check for any sort of applications to the school, or new student, so he spent most of the time in his office. A lot of things had happened, he noticed. First, it was reproted that Axel missed the rest of his classes on the day of the danceby his teachers, when he already explained the problem and had spoken with him about the danger of him getting suspended. However, he'll let this one go, and if he did it again, no mercy anymore. Second, he had been having complaints about shouting and violence in the halls, which led him to check things out in the dorm building.

    The prove of this was that he found a hole in the wall (which has been taken care of), and eye witness who were around the rooms and watched through their peepholes, noted that it was a bunch of "Skaters", and said threre were three dark haired girls, and a blond...and since a certain redhead was popular and well known, the students simply said that they heard Axel and saw him. Unfortunately, his job was to investigate, and it seemed that Axel might as well make his home in the office as he always had to go there for putting himself into trouble, and he was going to have another meeting with him soon and figure out what has been going. What, oh what, to do with that boy?

    Supposely, today was the day where the Principal, Xemnas, as he had taken over that position while he was gone, was to return from his...treatment, to which he finally convinced him to go through. The last thing they need was for girls and boys alike to be manhandled, and the man needed serious help anyway. Hopefully, they got to the problem and fixed it.

    Speaking of the devil, as he was walking through a hall, he spotted Xemnas browsing as well, and acting normally, he went to speak and get his attention, "Xemnas, glad to see you back. How has it been?"

    Tifa was uncertain as she took the wallet from him with her free hand, creasing her eyebrows as she studied him. Knowing Cloud, he'll probably just make her go to the store anyway, but if it was this bad, he definitely needed his rest or something....but could he even drive with his state at the moment? Tifa bit her lip as she thought, and decided that she will quickly browse around the store to please him, and come back right out, and buy him some medicine with a bottle of water or something later. Not going into f.y.e. will perhaps make him upset, and giving a nod of her head, she said, "Fine, but after this, you're to take it easy." Looking around, as in the malls there was always a type of bench for people to relax, she spotted one close to his side. "Go sit on the bench and wait for me, alright?"

    With a stern look, she placed the wallet in her short's pocket and walked inside, though she wasn't going to last even more than five minutes as she would buy a mix CD of songs...and a very cheap one.

    OOC: I tend to write long posts when I'm bored ^^;.
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..yeah..Right..''Cloud said tiredly,he opened his eyes slightly and was just barely able to make out a bench,and it wasnt too far away from himself.he put his right foot out slowly,then began walking at his normal pace toward's the bench,he quickly took his seat before he fell over.his body had grown a little hotter,now that he thought about it...just a fever maybe?..or was it something entirely different?All he knew was that it was hard enough to get over to this bench...but the only thing that hit him that fast was the Stigma..but it was obviously gone..right?.

    OOC: thx,I'll use him later on...and the Stigma really gone? XD
  6. OOC: You're kidding...o.O. That would cause quite the plot overdose...ZOMGZ, somebody get the Holy water. Where's Aerith?

    Tifa was worried, so she immediately went to the rack where it said, "NEW RELEASES", and took the Now That's What I Call Music 26, or whatever number they're up to now without a second thought. She knew the songs there, and it had most of what she liked, if not all, taking three or four songs out, so she found herself walking to the cash register, and she seemed to be lucky, because the customer they were serving left the moment she went up. With a weak smile, she gave the man the case, and since it was on sale, took out Cloud's wallet, getting 15 munny out of it, only to put it back in as she handed it to the clerk, who in turn, gave her back the bought CD. With a quick thanks, she flew out of the room in hurried fashion, getting outside soon enough, only stopping to see if Cloud was on the bench.

    Walking to him, which was short steps to get there, she idly sat down beside him, putting her arm around his shoulders again as she placed her items on the floor under her. Tense, she asked, "What's wrong? Is it a headache?" With that, her free hand went to his forehead, trying to see if there was a fever.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Nah im kidding...

    Cloud felt a little better knowing that Tifa was there concerned about him.he opened his eyes only a tiny bit so that they were slits"...My head is pounding and im burning up...what do you call that Tifa?''Cloud asked sarcastically,but with a hint of joking in his tone,just so she didnt think he wanted her with him.then his eyes began to water,as if he was looking directly into a lamp after just waking up from a long sleep."..Anyway...ready to leave?''he asked
  8. OOC: Okay, but I was serious on asking where's Aerith. Twilight--XIII hasn't been on...*sigh* Where are people these days?

    Tifa shook her head at the question, not minding the joke at all, but not thinking it was a good idea for him to drive when his body was at this state. Taking her hand off his forehead, feeling it really hot, she told him plainly, "It depends, I don't really know if you can drive with your head hurting and without your concentration full on. We might have a accident." Letting out a breath as she looked around the mall, she turned back to her sick man, saying as in finality, "I'm going to the drug store, it's only a few feet from here, and buy you some medicine, along with a bottle of water that you can down it with, okay? Can you handle being alone here, or you want to come?"
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: sometimes I think we're the only people in this thread XD

    Cloud shook his head,letting her know he refused to move"..I think I'll do better here...sorry..''he said.
  10. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Same as always, and you, Saïx?" He awnsered back, and watched as the girl left, He was making a mental note to give her detention next time she came around.
    'Off The Hook...' The girl thought, trotting down another small hallway as a dog, and she suddenly stopped.
    "Hey, wait..." She said. "Isn't he...?" She asked herself, the pup walked slowly around the corner to get a clear look at Xemnas, there was somebody else, more familiar to her, Saïx. She retreated from the corner a little farther back,
    "So I thought..." She said, her eye twitched for a moment, and she strolled back out from the corner towards Saïx, and Xemnas.
    "Hey, isn't he that dude...?" She started, standing next to Xemnas.

    "Kid, what's you're name?" Xemnas suddenly asked.

    "Kasha," She awnsered, "Nice to meet you...?" She said slowly, as if questioning herself.
  11. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    "so..anything else you wanna do?"roxas asked olette once they had gone and got ice cream and gone for a walk around the town,he looked around to see if there was anything else they could do...

    ooc-finaly thought of something to post LOL i know its lame...but still...^^;
  12. OOC: Lol xD. A record. A date that has lasted four months or so xP.

    And I think, Tula, the more I open the characters to be free, the more people we can get. At least, that's what I'm seeing.

    "No, no, no need to say 'sorry', is fine, just wait for me her while I come back. I'll be quick," Tifa said, giving him another light pat on the shoulder, before getting up, grabbing her things from the bottom of the bench in one hand. With a last glance to Cloud, she went to scurry off down the halls of the mall, heading straight for where she knew was a Walgreens. After this, if Cloud felt better taking the medicine and could drive, they were going home, and he was going to bed. She'll probably keep him company too, just in case, if he wanted.

    Saïx didn't bother to answer how was he, as his colleague got distracted by some talking dog. Fine. He had offically seen everything, considering this school was specialized for those who had powers, it was to be so, but he didn't expect a animagi. Sighing, looking over at his higher up, he went to ask, "Is this a new student? Or an intruder? And if she is a peer, had she signed in the front desk?"

    "How about we go to the beach?" Olette offered, not knowing exactly what else to do, other than go to the mall, or the park, but the beach also had amusement rides...a fair, so they could go on rollercoasters, especially by the sea. That would be cool, in her opinion. She pointed at a bus stop, as if to suggest they go there. "We can go on the bus, or we can go the long way walking. Whichever."

    OOC: Oh my gosh, they might run into Axel xP. Is kind of funny that is Olette suggesting everything on a date xD.
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud watched her go,and then shut his eyes again knowing that even though the trip was almost over,he ruined the rest of it.He set his let hand on his lap while covering his face with his right.what kind of sickness hits people that fast?..Aerith's water cured the Stigma...didnt it?..or did it only prolong the attacks on his body?

    "Ease Up Saix...or mr. Saix..''Leon said,walking over from behind Saix with his arms folded."...she's just a little kid...but I came down here to ask you when the next dance will be.''he said,he came here as late as Cloud did,but wasnt able to find a he wanted another chance to get one.

    "Same here!"Yuffie said,popping up from behind him,she smiled and jumped next to Leon"...We'd like another chance!"

    OOC: im pretending the FinalForm Aerith thing Never happened XD
  14. OOC: Lol xP. Good, because she's not dead either TT-TT. Damn Sephiroth.

    "Is Mr. Saïx," the royal blue haired man corrected sternly, turning around to look at the students before him who interrupted. Staring down at them blankly, but sharply, wondering why they can't be satisfied with just once dance, he answered, "It won't be for a long while, as school just started, and the primary focus to do in a school, is to study. We would have a Sadie Hawkins Dance soon around the corner, followed by a Halloween and Winter Dance in the appropiate Holidays. One we hit the new year, all you'll be worried about is midterms, and beginning to take the SATs and the town exam if you're a Junior, so you better enjoy what you'll get. Good enough for you?"

    Tifa had walked quite a way, almost jogging sometimes, but it was all good in the end as she spotted Walgreens up ahead, and went to it, a bit more calmly than before, but still hurrying. As her legs stepped in the store and the cool air condition brushed her uncovered skin, which was her legs arms, and face, she looked around. It was nice that it was still warm and hot outside, instead of the days being ruined by the upcoming winter that will appear soon, yet, she couldn't waste any time thinking about that as she headed to the aisles right off, following the signs. Now, Tylenol, or Advil? Just something that worked strongly, but not enough to make him drowsy...

    OOC: Heheh, Sadie Hawkins Dance xP.
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Leon shook his head no,not good enough for him."..Isnt there something fun coming up besides a dance then?..''he asked,he had already gone 2 weeks with nothing but homework and test's,he wanted something exciting to happen,and he wanted it now.

    "..Yeah..there has to be something fun coming up..Sai-I mean...Mr. Saix..''Yuffie said sweetly,trying to be as cute as possible.because honestly,she was bored too.the only thing she did for fun was flirt with Cloud,but she did it with a purpose,and that was to make sure him and Tifa became closer through all of it. intruder inside your body..when your bodies defenses try and get rid of overcompensates..and hurts like hell Cloud thought,as he was taking this much more serious than before,and he was pondering whether to check his arm for the dark marks again.

    OOC: too bad Sephiroth couldnt come to school XD

    and which arm did Cloud have the red band on again? the left,right?
  16. OOC: Yeah, it was the left. He always had it covered.

    "School is not for entertainment, if you're not satisfied with what you're given, then, to put it in Layman's terms, too bad. It's the weekend, find something to do outside, or go to the pool in the basement," was all Saïx said on the matter for a final time, before turning around after narrowing his penetrating gold eyes at them and paying his attention back to Xemnas and the dog. "Now, if you would please leave so I can take care of this problem at hand."

    Tifa was now going through the rack of medicines, noting the Tylenol boxes right at the second, since it was a well known brand, as well as Advil. Still, she picked the one Tylenol box where it reduced fever, sickness, headache, etc., the symptoms that Cloud was having, and it blatantly said that it has more strength, so it works for her...and him. Taking it in her hand, she walked down and out of the aisle, getting a bit out of breath with her running around all the time, but her man was sick. She wondered what it could be though, as he was fine just a while ago before...

    Getting to the least busy check-out, waiting for a lady to finish, she sighed.
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: im sorry im not creative with what Cloud wears..I can only picture him wearing that awesome AC clothing...=(

    Cloud couldnt hold back any longer,he opened his eyes and they immediately stung,that never happened before.if he really did have the Stigma,Did it reach up to his eyes now too?After his vision slowly came back to focus,and an insane amount of blinking,Cloud pulled his left 'sleeve' up to find faint,black marks along his arms.Surprised,Cloud let out a small gasp and let go of the sleeve,letting it fall down on his left arm again.So Aerith couldnt heal him?if the kids back at Midgar were getting sick again he would have gotten a call from Vincent,since he now had a phone...but they were fine...not to mention young.And it seemed to Cloud that it was harder to get out of a grown body than a young one.

    Leon was about to protest until Yuffie held her finger up at him.
    "One more thing Mr. old are you?''Yuffie asked.
  18. Tifa finished paying for the Tylenol after a while of waiting, and getting a bottle of water, still pondering over what Cloud might have as she was walking back to the bench in which she left him in. A sickness couldn't hit him that fast, could it? Feeling her stomach clench hard as she thought of the worse, she found herself walking more quickly, just wanting to get back more than ever. In a second, it wasn't long until she spotted a mass of blond spikes in which she went towards. Tifa noticed he looked a bit worse now, and she wondered if this was something Tylenol can fix.

    Sitting down beside him again, she placed all the stuff next to her instead, and went to study his face, asking him in a worried tone, "What's wrong, Cloud? I have the medicine, if it would work..."

    "That's none of your business," Saïx replied patiently, finding his right eye twitching, but didn't turn around to face them anymore. He really needed a good and long vacation, kids these days are easy to get on your nerves, and while he had control, he was known to have a nasty temper. To make sure they get the point he was serious, he added, "Any more questions, and you'll find yourself writing them in detention on Monday, after school."
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud smiled as Tifa returned to him,and felt a little worried himself after the asked how he felt"..Im..''he hesitated..he didnt want her to worry..but he didnt want to lie to her anymore either"..Tifa..remember our last battle..against the remnants of Sephiroth?...I woke up in that small pond of water..and healed everyone..''he said,trying to take this nice and slow"..I hope its still there..or someone took some...''he sighed,really trying to take it easy on her"..Just look at my left arm..''he said silently,he shut his eyes and waited for her reaction.

    "..Why are you threatening us Mr.?...''Yuffie asked cutely"..Is it because you wasted your teenage years getting high in your friends house after running away from home? it because you were touched at a young age? it because those ugly a** marks are on your face and you cant get a girl because of it? it beca--"Yuffie's mouth was covered up by Leon's gloved hands

    Leon began dragging her away from Saix,she didnt know what Saix could do when he's mad,and he didnt want her to find out either.

    OOC:...Yuffie is awesome XD
  20. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "No need to threaten her, she's already got detention on Monday for the next two weeks." Xemnas said to Saix and looked at Kasha. "I wouldn't go get caught in any more danger or trouble." He noted to Kasha.
    "Danger!" She quoted on him."I laugh in the face of danger!" She said, and suddenly calmed down, the small pup trotted over to Xemnas, and she stopped next to Xemnas. "Dude, give him a flippin' break, the dude has pretty much worked himself to death." She said to him, and saw Xemnas had glanced at her and she suddenly darted off.
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