KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Tifa wagged her finger at him playfully. "Then that's going to be a while, sooooo....patience is going to be needed." She stuck her tongue out at him, knowing he was probably dying to see her in it, and she was dying to show it to him because Tifa liked to make him feel that way, but considering the problem of a maybe baby coming, that was going to be kept in mind, and it wasn't the right time to do it. Gesturing at him to come over so they could leave, she asked him, "Where do you want to go next? I've been wanting to see a CD store..."
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud smirked and moved over toward's her"...Let's go..I've got to see what music you like...probably Britney Spears or something''he joked,he fought hard to stop from laughing out loud.this would really be interesting for him,since he's never heard of a song Tifa had liked,and he just HAD to laugh when he found out her favorite band/singer.
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Dude, this looks coolio can I join? I'll play Xemnas if ya want.

    Played by:ChocoKitten
    Image/Description: She has short brown hair with a reddish/brown dye on the underpart of her hair. She wears a short sleeve blouse, a black plaid skirt, and gray knee socks with black dress shoes.
    Ability: She can turn into a young pup
    Pup Image/Description: [​IMG]
    Weekend Look: [​IMG] Her shirt is dark red and says "Talking is NOT a way of communication" and she has regular blue jeans, she wears sleeves on her arms that have black and red stripes down them. Her shoes and black and white DC shoes.
    Personality:Quiet, Loner, Can Care, Fighter, Merciful, Soetimes Stubborn
  4. OOC: You're in xP. Now, I usually ask people for a sample of their RPing, but I know you're good xDD. And yes, you can be Xemnas. I'll place you in the front page now (your OC a Undecided), though nothing much is happening now.
  5. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Ok, dude, is there anything that Xemnas Should Be doing right now?
    A small dog trotted down the halls of a school, its fur black and tan, her eyes, different coloured, blue, and green. 'Is there, like, a class I should be in..? It thought to itself, and suddenly a hand was outreached and had grasped it by the scruff, the pup whined for only a second.
    "Stray's ain't allowed." A man said, he had silvery hair, and dark skin, his eyes were a light brown.

    "Dude-! Let go, seriously, I hate being man-handeled." The dog suddenly said, and kicked itself away only to change into a girl, roughly around 13 years.
  6. OOC: Lol, no xP, Xemnas is not doing anything.

    Just to say, is Saturday, so there's no class for now, but student can travel around, and be in their dorms and all. This is the only time this is happening though, as putting days in a RP isn't a good idea, is it? ^^;
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Oh Dude totally sweet then. They can wear different clothes on the weekend then, right? Or is it like always uniform.
  8. OOC: Yeah, they can wear their clothes on the weekends xP. Just as long as school is over, like after school and stuff, they don't need to wear their uniform unless they go to classes.
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Totally awesome, I just finished drawing like a chibi/somewhat picture of Kasha in charcoal, so yeah I'm afraid to colour it but here's pretty much what she looks like in person I'll edit my profile

  10. OOC: Alright, I'll just add it.

    Tifa rolled her eyes as they got out of Victoria's Secret, looking at him dryly. "And what do you listen to? Linkin Park, in those little emo moments alone?" Of course, she was joking, and she made sure it was in her tone, as she didn't fully agree with Axel and Rei on Cloud being "emo" and all...he was, but not the way they placed it. At least she thought so...maybe not, after all, she did remember him going off. Shrugging as she threw the thoughts clean, she grabbed Cloud's hand as she led him to the closest f.y.e. store, which was a few walks away. Striking up conversation, she added, "I don't like Britney Spears...well, I like some of her songs, but I'm not a fan. I don't really have a specific favorite band or singer in music, honestly. I just choose songs that I like, and that's it, whether it be Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop, R&B..."
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud sighed irritably,getting tired of the same joke and insult over..and over again."..Im not emo... and im tired of that same joke..''he said tiredly,what did any of them know what he had gone through? nothing,not even why do they act like they know it all?
  12. SoraXRikuXRoxasXAxel Moogle Assistant

    Feb 15, 2008
  13. OOC: Don't know. Send me a PM of how you RP, and we'll see.

    "I didn't say I agreed with it, Cloud, I was just playing around. The word 'emo' is used now for anyone who's sad or depressed nowadays, is kind of...well, I don't know, but I'm not fond of it, it takes away from the real ones who do have that problem," Tifa said honestly, looking over at him softly. As she said before, she didn't fully agree with what her friends said, he was emotional in a different way, and it wasn't suicidal and cutting yourself and hating the world. Placing a arm around his shoulder, massaging his neck gently with her hand, she went to say, "And don't think about it too much, while you have your moments, is nowhere near the real definition. Look, we're here."

    And they were, standing at the f.y.e. store close to the entrance.
  14. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    The man seemed to glare slightly, with the tone she had used. On mistake, of course.
    The girl seemed to cringe somewhat and suddenly waved, while saying,
    "Toodles, Mansex!" she suddenly disappeared after running away.
  15. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ooc: Isn't F.Y.E. a music store....?

    bic: *Riku stood in f.y.e. as he slowly glanced around at c.d.'s around him loooking carefully*
    "There it is" He muttered as he picked up an album called Comatose and began walking toward the cashier a big grin on his face.
  16. OOC: Yah, which is why Cloud and Tifa are there. But that's at the mall, and you have to drive there (though Riku is the only one that can portal, just not inside the school or alarms will go off).
  17. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://I just phailed at posting here again didn't I?
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Yeah yeah..''Cloud muttered,just wanting to end the subject then and there."..I dont need anything..go in and find something..''he said tiredly,he wished that he stayed in bed a little while longer...but breakfast had called him away.
  19. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ooc: Yes....crap I gtg. I'll probably be on tommorrow though so laterz
  20. OOC: What, you mean the store thing? If so, there's always the Edit button...and since I'm Saïx, I can maybe get to Xemnas when he comes back to the school and goes to the office or something (before, Xemnas had a slight...problem, he was supposely the "school rapist" *don't ask o.O...please*, so flow with me here, and pretend that he went to a psychotic ward, and he returned after treatment xP)

    And see you, Knight!

    Tifa took her arm back as she looked at Cloud thoughtfully, noticing he has been tired for awhile. Not wanting to push him more and force him to come with her, she nodded, and with a pat on his shoulder, asked him first, "If you want, we can leave, is not like I need to buy anything now, you know." She thought Cloud would find the music store interested, and it wasn't like she had the munny to go buy anything and she didn't need to. She wanted to get a lingerie, and she got it. That's all.
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