KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
  2. Tifa exploded into laughter as she put her hand over her mouth to not make much noise and halt it, staring at Cloud amusingly, for some reason finding what he said about peaches and connect it to a certain part of her funny. It wasn't until she calmed down a little, that she chortled out, "Peaches? Don't you mean melons?" Giggling a bit more, she rolled her eyes to the side. "Just kidding. And, I don't know what I have in mind for strawberries, I'll probably know when we're actually up to that point."
  3. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    ooc-whats been happening? sorry i havent posted here in awhile...i didnt know what to say ^^; still kinda dont....LOL but i figured i should try ^^
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ....nothing much is happening......Axel and Rei are on a are Tifa and Cloud.....I guess.....
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud rolled his eyes playfully at her melon statement"..Well,maybe we can think of a new name for them''he joked,mlons worked just fine with him,no matter what they called them they still tasted good."...Think we should pick up some fruit too?''he asked.
  6. OOC: Yeah, that's pretty much it. Roxas is still on his date with Olette.

    Tifa rolled her eyes, though she shook her head, knowing she had strawberies and cherries back in her dorm for her to eat. "I already have some, and yes, I even have whipped cream. I enjoy eating that with the fruits I have, really good." Smiling slyly, she went closer to him slowly, dragging her arm along his back sensually, and leaning her face in the crook of his neck, she tilted her mouth into his ear, whispering huskily, "But now with you in the mix, it can be amazingly delicious."

    Nipping at his ear lobe for added affect, making sure it was conspicious enough so onlookers wouldn't see it, she drew her head back, and returned back to her normal walk, as if that never happened, though her arm was still wrapped around him.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud shuddered in pleasure as Tifa nipped his earlobe,very sexy."...Im delicious without fruit...didnt I already prove that?''Cloud asked her silently,so no one could give him or her an awkward stare or a disgusted look.

    OOC: that dates been goin on for like 2 weeks or more XD
  8. OOC: More like three months xD. Maybe four.

    "Oh, I know, but a little extra topping wouldn't hurt," Tifa smirked, and if it wasn't for the fact that she could be pregnant right about now, or wasn't worried over it, she would've gone and done it at the end of this day even. She didn't mention to Cloud that she also had honey stored either, just in case he gets too tempted, but it wasn't going to be used for now. Not to mention, he was keeping secrets to himself, so that was another negative for no action.

    Amongst the talk, they had made their way down the escalator from the restaurants and theatre at the very top floor, and went back a level, now walking and browsing around the halls. It was there that Tifa spotted a sign asking for a job, apparently needing new people, and it was at a good place as well.

    Victoria's Secret.

    She stopped Cloud, and pointed to the store, heading to it as she took back her arm and grabbed his hand briskly. "Let's go in there. They're hiring."
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud looked up at the sign and a million thoughts poured into his mind,particulairly dirty thoughts,Cloud walked with Tifa inside,but had to know what she wwas going to do."...So...cashier or something?''he asked,he had never been in a shop like that before,mainly becausee...well,he was a man.

    And in the back of his mind he thought of Tifa becoming a model..for some reason it made him angry...

    OOC: lol XD
  10. OOC: Lol xD. It makes him angry because people will be looking at her?

    "Yep, the cashier," Tifa replied back, heading to a neat wodden desk in the back were women were standing behind, as they checked their customers' items and underwear. But as her eyes looked around at the, typical things that a Victoria's Secret store will have, along with its perfumes in another room next to it, she remembered that she didn't have any lingerie...she had to use that gown before. Her eyes widening as the realization hit that this was her chance to buy one, just for her man to see it and take it off, she smiled. Stopping them from walking, Tifa turned to look at him with a mischievious glint in her eyes. "In fact, I'm going to buy something special instead, so you're going to wait outside for me. However, what's your favorite color for a woman to wear under her clothes?"

    She also had to ask for the munny, but that was when she sees the price and comes back to him.
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Tifa...Lingerie...Score!that thought went through Cloud's mind,as she went on to color...he immediately thought of just makes a girl so much sexier...then again white is nice..but makes them seem too ****ty for him..but hey,if your buying lingerie you dont plan on wearing for show,you plan for someone to take it off.Getting back to Tifa,Cloud had a sexy glint in his eye"Black...may not be the most original color,but I cant pass the chance of seeing you wear it...make it as tight as you can bear..''he said slyly,because busty girls and tight clothes always matched.

    OOC: yeah..would be awesome for Cloud to beat all those guys up..but does Tifa really want millions of men to whack off to her?..
  12. OOC: No...o.O. I feel sorry for models then xP.

    "Um, okay," Tifa grinned, a bit surprised by Cloud's enthusiasm, though she guessed that was expected, considering what she was talking about, and she agreed with the black. Nodding her head, she squinted her eyes as to where they were as her attention drifted from him, trying to see if she could spot the price, which they sometimes had on paper around or something. Reading one that was close, she turned her eyes back to Cloud, holding out her hand. She swore when she got a job, she'll pay him back, because it didn't feel right to waste such, even though he was her boyfriend and all. "Um, that would be around 30, if you have the munny. It could be more though, so give me 40 just in case, I'll return the change."
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud quickly took out his wallet and took out 40 money,he handed it to her quickly and grinned"..Just get going...I want to see you in it..''he said,he was never going to get a chance like this again..or was he?he just wanted to see Tifa half naked and in some sexy clothing...isnt that what any guy would want?

    Cloud takes out a remote and freezes time,then he looks directly at *TwilightNight* and asks"When are we going to do it again!?and dont make her pregnant,I wont get any for 9 months or more!!"he exclaimed worriedly

    OOC: XD
  14. OOC: Lol xP.

    *sigh* Cloud, hold down your hormones -_-. We'll see it how it goes, though you don't have to worry. You're lucky enough I'm actually making her get lingerie to show off to you later. Now if you don't mind, got to get back to replying...*takes remote and resumes time*

    Tifa took the munny in her hands, fluttering her eyes in surprise at how much he wanted her to buy it. If that was the case, maybe she should've had some lingerie before, only that she never expected to ever use it. Leaving him alone as she turned to her right to go and see some of what they had, she thought over what to do with it and when to use it. He wasn't going to see her in it anytime soon, after the doctor's appointment, if she wasn't pregnant, she'll wear it as a celebration of their own privacy. It was kind of weird, having intercourse just when you were almost pregnant, yet she also didn't want to be phobic about it either. Accidents happen, they just needed to be more careful from now on, and to step up to that, Tifa decided to buy the morning after pill soon.

    As she got to the aisle, her concentration was left to something else...the very revealing clothing. Now, he said black and and tight. She browsed around the color, studying some, but in the end, putting it away. Tifa had to get something perfect, but at the same time, within the price of the munny he gave her. Hmmm...
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud looked around for a wall to lean on,but close to the dressing rooms.he had looked around ofr a few moments and found a bare spot next to a rack of white bra's,he might as well kick back at wait for Tifa to finish up.
  16. Tifa found a few good ones that she liked, one that rveealed only what needed to be revealed, and the important parts hidden...somewhat, to keep him guessing and not get so much a full blast until he took it off. Of course, she had to get one her chest size, and after a moment, she spotted the one...the perfect black, the perfect design, and she knew it will stick to her body tight like he wanted. Tifa didn't even need to try on it as she looked at it, she could tell it would fit her...which was good, it would make Cloud wait,and the more she lasted, the more it will be worthwhile when she puts it on for him one day. Hahah, this is going to be fun.

    And it cost only 35. Perfect.

    Grabbing it, she went to fold it in her amrs, not letting anyone take a good look at it, and headed to the register, also having to remember that she had to get a job application, though she didn't know if a young girl like her buying lingerie was a very good presence. Oh was hard to remember something like that.
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud licked his lips in both excitement and lust,already picturing Tifa's round behind and overflowing bust in lingerie,but the question was...could he control his urge?

    Cloud Jr. was already beginning to wake back up,and was already thinking about reintroducing himself to every hole Tifa had.Getting a little irritated,Cloud sighed and looked down at Jr."Down boy..''he muttered.he had hoped no one saw odd would it be for a guy to talk to his boner?

    Cloud Jr. really needs a leash.
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    No kidding...>_>.....

    BIC- She was back at the cafeteria lounging around about 3 seconds from dying of boredom.
  19. Tifa was next in line, and handed the item to the lady, who seemingly checked it over to put the price in the register. Sighing in relief, she then asked the woman if she could have a job application, as she was interested in working. The female was nice enough and nodded, digging her hand down under the table, and pulling out two sheets of paper stapled together, to which she was given. Tifa smiled back as she grapsped them. "Thanks."

    After that though, the woman gave her the price, and she gave the 40 munny in its whole, waiting as she got the change of 5 returned, and was handed the red bag with her lingerie hidden inside of it.

    Now done, she bade goodbye, and turned around to walk back, her eyes shifting everywhere to see where Cloud was waiting for her. She spotted him soon enough over at the dressing rooms, around a stack of bras, and giggling, went over to him quickly, her lips in a smirk as she reached his figure, jokingly saying as she came to, "Enjoying the shop's clothing, I'm guessing?"
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud was snapped back into the reality by the sound of Tifa's voice,he moved away from the wall and directly infront of her,smirking."...I'd enjoy it more if I could see you in it..''he whispered to her,and he really would enjoy Tifa trying on lingerie for would any man.
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