KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Rei rose an eyebrow, Axel's aura snapping around like... oddly, fire. Shaking her head, she stopped in front of her old, blue clunker truck. "It's in good shape, but it's been through a lot." Peering over at Axel, she felt the wind in the air whip at her face involuntarily. "You're not the only one that likes driving recklessly. I'd like to see you and me head-to-head." Walking to the other side of the truck, she began tapping her foot impatiently. After a few moments, she coughed loudly and looked at her wrist, glancing at a watch that wasn't there. "Hello? I'm waiting, Mr. Gentleman."
  2. "Have you ever heard of the saying, 'patience is a virtue', dear Spicy?" Axel drawled out dryly with his English accent, giving a flamboyant expression, before getting up to the side of the truck, and jabbing the key in the appropiate car lock. Once it opened, the first thing he did was unsecure the inside locks so Rei could get in, and in a swoop, hopped unto the driver seat, shutting the door. He was expecting a car, and going by what Rei said, he couldn't do much as he had wanted to, unless they were planning to be towed. Seeing the girl settling, he went to start the engine in one swift movement of the wrist, letting it heat up a bit as he eyed his companion, "Head to head? You're talking to a five time winning drag racer here. I'll leave you in the dust, literally."

    He gave a smug smile, as he studied her casually, before wagging a stern finger at her, saying seriously, though his eyes glittering playfully, "Remember to wear your seatbelt. Safety first, young lady. We don't want to have a accident and you go flying off the front window like a rag doll to your bloody death. The poor, poor streets..."
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud once again began imaging Tifa covered in honey,and he'd only thought of that sort of thing when he saw Rush Hour 3...oh Chris dog you...,Cloud opened his eyes and stretched"...Is it almost done?''he asked Tifa,he wasnt paying much attention,and since she was so focused with it,she might be able to estimate when it will end.
  4. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: lol xDD

    Rei stuck out her tongue at Axel, raising her own finger and poking him lightly on the nose. "Don't worry, Spike. Wind blows the flames away." Despite that, she reached over with her other hand and grasped the seatbelt, clasping it tightly. "There, happy?" Rei snapped friendily in her English accent. "Now come on, let's pedal to the metal!" Sitting back, Rei smiled as she reached out and turned on he radio. The song "Crazy B*tch" was playing at low volume, so she turned it up louder.
  5. "Hmm?" Tifa questioned, Cloud breaking her distraction from the movie, too enthralled in it, looking at him sideways. What was it that he asked? Is it almost done? Going with that, Tifa waved her hand in a "almost" gesture, going to eat another M&M after. Speaking, but gazing at the screen, Tifa explained, "We're in the part where Beth is trapped in ther apartment after the monster attacks, and the main characters are going to save her and crap now."

    She said this quickly, also questioning without paying attention to him still, "I thought you were falling asleep?"

    "Will do. And wind might blow the flames away, but it can't put it out when is strong, can they?" was all Axel replied on the matter, putting his own seatbelt, letting out a shaky breath. Considering the tragic ending in his past, while some people might become too distraught from driving a car after that such a life changing accident, for some reason, he did the exact opposite. He was weird like that, and he didn't know why, but it somehow made him feel...better, especially when he was breaking the speed limits, to which he sometimes shed tears out of nowhere. Maybe it was a good idea that he didn't have to go as fast as he had anticipated with Rei watching...

    Closing his eyes, shaking his head a little to get rid of the thoughts that he had locked away long ago, he placed the truck on Reverse and looked back through the rear view, turning his head, and began to back away, the music blaring in his ears. Smiling at Rei's enthusiasm, the truck swerved backwards in a smooth slide as it was fully out in a second, and switching to Drive, he leaned back and turned the steering wheel with one hand casually, pressing the gas pedal, and speeded off.
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud grinned and laughed silently"..Im imagining some things in my head..maybe we can try it someday..''he said,he layed back in his seat and begann checking out the movie,since it was at a good part.
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    She couldn't sleep after that last dream.

    ....-_-.......why can't I just die?.......*sigh*....might as well see what's on the internet.....

    She turned her computer on and went to Yahoo! to see if anything interesting was happening. Then she searched for "Reasons for contemplating suicide" and found an interesting webpage.

    .....heh heh's funny because it's so true......
  8. OOC: Wow, I just got back with my friend from the movies, and wow, Cloverfield That's all I can say xP. It kept you in suspense and at the edge of your seat, kind of. Eh, I recommend it. Is not scary it just...hits you, if that makes sense. Everybody in the theatre was so quiet, even at the end, they were just quiet...and filed out the exit. The first 15 minutes is whatever (and the freaking camera was nauseating with all the moving, though funnily, it was more still after they were escaping -_-), cause is the party, but then after they feel the "earthquake" *cough*, it takes off from there.

    I've been outside the whole day, and I only managed to get on in my best friend's Sidekick before (not right now, I'm home). Couldn't do crap.

    I won't spoil the movie here, so I'll...write Tifa's feelings on it only ^^;, but I had her right on track, at least on female perspective.

    After a while, where that one girl gets hurt, Tifa was already too into the movie to even eat more M&Ms. Now they were around the subway tunnel, and she was simply watching to see what might pop up next. She didn't bother to think what Cloud meant about trying whatever later, she just wanted to see what would happen next, do they all die?....and then there was Rob and Beth...the official love story, other than Lily and Jason...but that didn't last long. Leaning on her back to the seat, the tension kept her eyes on the film, and she wondered briefly if Cloud was watching too.
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    God this movie is boring....freakin' godzilla remake...only without the godzilla.. Cloud thought boredly as he watched the movie,it seemed to him as just another dumb Godzilla sequel,how could Tifa really be into this?he let out a yawn and shut his eyes once more,falling into a deep sleep.
  10. For the rest of the movie, Tifa didn't break any eye contact, except once to see what was Cloud doing, and found him asleep. Rolling her eyes after that, the rest of her mind was filled with the intensity it was showing. As it ended, there was the explosion of the war between the monster and the army, then the rubble in Central Park, and the camera ends after a grubbled share of feelings. It was that where the camera cut, and the ending credits appeared, indicating that it was finally over. It took awhile for the rest of the people to get up, but there wasn't alot of speaking, if at all, and some began to head out. Gripping monster film, that was for sure, and it was deifnitely worth the munny. Letting out a breath, she looked over at Cloud, and smacked his shoulder to wake him up, too bad for him he missed it for thinking it was worth sleeping over. "Cloud, wake finished..."
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    I want to see it! :D......well...did I make a good recommendation?.......
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud had finally finished pouring honey all over Dream Tifa,and as he was just about to get it on he was woken up by the real Tifa's voice,he opened his eyes sleepily and looked over at her" sure know how to wake me up from the best dream ever''he mumbled,he sat up slowly,still a little tired,and yawned" was the movie?''he asked
  13. "It was great. I loved it!" Tifa expressed jubially, enjoying the movie overall and how it kept her on the edge, not to mention the surprising turns. The end was a bit sad though, still, it was a great watch. Also a good thing she wasn't to get motion sickness, especially when she came here after eating considering the movement of the camera. She also spotted, when the video kept cutting back to a day that Rob and Beth spent together in Coney Island, in the very end when they are in the ferris wheel, she saw something fall into the ocean. Dun dun dun.

    Chuckling a little at that, she waited as now people began to move out, or rather, she waited on Cloud, as he looked a bit tired. Digging into her abandoned bag of M&Ms, she popped one into her mouth after a long absence, thinking back on what her boyfriend said on a "good dream". It seems he's been having those since they came in. Staring back at him, she questioned softly, "Ready to go, sleepy head?"

    OOC: If you're planning to see it, keep your eye for that (in the ocean) when they are in the ferris wheel and he turns his camera a bit xP. It was actually a satellite that fell.
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Well......what was it supposed to look like fell?....
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud groaned and nodded"..Lead the way..''he said as he stood up and stretched,it was time to see if she really wasnt a shop freak"..Oh...and I need to find some honey in this place..''he told her,smirking evily.
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ........sometimes you scare me Tularim......
  17. Tifa simply raised a eyebrow at that comment, looking at him oddly, before just blinking, and walking pass him down the aisle, slowly so he could follow. Since when did Cloud like honey? She just reached the steps, halting just for him to catch up, only to ask, holding her M&Ms in one hand as he stood by her, "Why would we need honey for? I never knew you loved something sweet." Thinking she should do a Axel, cause that guy had amusing quirks, she added with a knowing smirk and arrogant air, "Except me, of course."
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Well your the greatest thing I've ever tasted..''Cloud told her as he caught up"..But...honey would make you taste even sweeter...and...maybe some whip cream..''he said slyly,he had hoped that the baby wouldnt come now,since they'd miss out on alot of sexual adventures.
  19. Tifa blushed a little when Cloud said his first sentence, flustered and flattered, though she let out a small laugh when he finally came out with what he was thinking of. As they both went down the stairs, she thought over that since they already broke that first barrier, it wouldn't be bad to things. After all, without exploring, their now sex life (if they do it again) might get dull. Shaking her head as she smiled, already heading to the exit, she placed her arm around his waist as they walked out of the room, giving him a sensual stare. "Sure thing. Then can we add peaches? Or strawberries?"
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "I've already had a taste of peaches''Cloud looked down at her chest,just so she knew what he was talking about",what do you have in mind with strawberries?''he asked,all this new experimenting idea's were getting him excited.
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