KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Tifa chuckled a little as she felt her cheeks burn a bit, and she licked her lips sensually in response to him, though she did it jokingly, "I can work with that." Giving him a slight wave now that she had her answer, with one last look, she walked to the podium where it had a person was stationed, blocking the entrance. Going to it almost in a run, knowing that time was wasting, she handed the guy her ticket, and waited until he ripped the half of it, giving the remaining piece back to her.

    Now allowed in, her eyes scouted for Theatre 8 as she walked down the hallway, having to turn to the right, looking at the doors and signs to show which one was it. It took about a few seconds for her to spot Theater 8, the Cloverfield sign flashing above, and stepping to it, pulled open the door, going inside the dark room, the screen already lit up with the commercials as she went down the passage. Far back...
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    " rock 'dude' ...''Cloud said sarcastically,4 minutes later the idiot had finally gotten to getting the jumbo bag of M&M's and letting Cloud pay"...Dumb*ss..''he muttered when the rockstar began 'rcoking' out of sight,Cloud pulled out his ticket with his free hand and handed it to a big,mean looking fella,who apparently ripped the ticket's....yeah...great way to use that strength pal.Cloud took the now ripped in half ticket back from the guy and proceeded to theater 8,and he had hoped Tifa had found good seats...away from other's,so no one would hear them.
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ...........what exactly happened?....we were all so happy before..........must've been the soda.......speaking of soda......I'm thirsty.....
  4. Tifa, after going up the stairs to the top by the side, found a free seat for two in the far back, where the wall was, making sure that it was right dab in the middle so they could see the huge screen perfectly. As she got comfortable, the green light that had the "Warning" appeared, signaling the movie was about to start. Now, all to do is wait for Cloud once more...
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud pocketed his ticket and entered Theater 8,and he could already here the movie starting,as he passed the looming wall to his side ,he peered past it and could barely make out Tifa,who had found decent seats after all,he had taken the same path up she did,only very silently,so he wouldnt disturb anyone in the theater,he tossed Tifa the bag on M&M's when he was close enough and took a seat next to her.

    OOC:..would this die without me?...cause Angel is alone..chula is gone..and it's only you and me XD
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ......yes......yes it'd be near death but I'll still post......just to keep it alive.......for a while........
  7. OOC: It kind of would, some have really dispapeared, actually, I don't know whether is school or something. Chula is not exactly gone, but more like she can't log on as she used to. A lot of thread shave been quiet lately, like only three or four people usually post and is kept between them. I wish schools burned down...and that's a joke, Fire ^^;.

    I have never seen Cloverfield, so I have no idea how it starts :sweatdrop:.

    Tifa caught the bag of candy smoothly, setting i on her lap as she concentrated on the screen, now that the movie was beginning, if they were even going to watch the film. Glanicng at Cloud sideways for a moment as he sat down, she went to look back to the front, commenting, "Hope the movie doesn't suck that bad. And if it does, we can do something else..."

    She sent Cloud a sly stare at this, her expression suggestive.
  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Neither have I.....but I've seen the trailer when my family was watching Transformers in the was soooo weird......; trailer just goes like this....but I'm not sure if that's how the movie starts.

    The whole thing is like videotaped with like a normal handheld camera. So these college kids are having a going away party for this guy who's going to leave New York to they're havng a blast and his friends say their goodbyes in front of the camera and then the lights go out and someone sugests to go up to the roof. This is an apartment building so then the cameraman goes up to the roof and their all going like "What's happening?" Cause they keep on hearing like....this roaring sound and miniature earthquakes sort of they turn the tv on and watch the news before the power goes out or something and then go up to the roof....I on the roof there's like this huge explosion in the distance and fireballs start raining down the size of.......well....giant meteors so everyone rushes back to the stairs and everyone's trying to get out of the apartment building and the last thing you see before the cameraman is hit by it or something is the Statue of Liberty's head fblown off and flying through the streets knocking cars around.
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Either way...we both win...right?''Cloud asked her,cocking his head in her direction,he felt kind of embarresed that he couldnt think of anything cool or funny to answer her with..but he'd learn...

    OOC: I havent seen it either...that's what worried me XD
  10. OOC: We'll wing it ^^;. I think I got spoiled a bit.

    My new avatar is dedicated to Chula, who had shown me the word "aesthetic" and "Aesthetic Axel" xD. Is kind of funny, I never heard the word before, and after chula tells me what it is, I suddenly hear it everywhere o.O.

    "Suuure do, sexy," Tifa replied playfully, sticking her tongue, getting her sight out of the movie as it was simply the beginning credits. It was then she winced inwardly, knowing that would be more like something Axel would say in a joking manner, and she shuddered. Really rubbing off on her, wasn't he? Either way, it didn't bother her, as she went to open the bag of M&Ms and began to eat the little circular, colored covered chocolates, putting her attention back to the screen to see if Cloverfield was any good. Didn't matter. If she fel tlike it, she'll go to Cloud and they can make their own entertainment.
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud put his attention to the movie too,and while he was here he wanted to get Tifa something while she was doing shopping of her own...and it wouldnt be food,that's for damn sure.he looked down to the floor and began picturing what Tifa would want...perhaps it was a nice dress...or maybe even a Car...but it'd be a cheap one..good looking,but cheap,because Cloud was not made of money.
  12. Tifa concentrated as she kept eating her pieces of chocolate one by one, bordering awhile before eating the other. She was full, and she was merely placing them in her mouth for the taste, so she didn't have to rush. She watched idly at the opening credits, with some "Property of the U.S Government" watermarked screen saying that viewers are watching...something of a "Digital SD Memory Card" of a video pertaining to...U.S Case Designate "Cloverfield", found in a area formerly known as Central Park...

    Popping another M&M in her mouth as it now truly began, she took a glance at Cloud to see what he was doing, only to find him deep in thought, but turned back to the movie to not miss anything.
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Maybe shoes...or hair product's...or some movies..."ugh..''Cloud muttered silently,even after sleeping with her he doesnt even know what she'd want at a mall,he could always's surprise her.But he was also hoping she would buy something for his pleasure too...such as lingerie,...a very nice of course...but she wasnt like that,all Cloud could do is hope,and he'd have to choose between movies,shoes,hair product's,clothes,or even a car...
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
  15. OOC: Aesthetic

    In other words, a mature way of saying sexy, hot, good looking, gorgeous, etc. :D. Cloud also has aesthetic value :3.

    And the lingerie is funny, considering that Tifa didn't have one and so had to choose the gown that "day" xDD.

    As they were heading farther into the movie, where the guy is at the roof or balcony and then notices and hear something behind him like a crash, where they start shouting, Tifa took another M&M slowly, half hour passing before she ate another one. This is where the camera began shaking a little, though the first fifteen minutes are boring, now it was starting to get good. Shifting her eyes to Cloud for a little while, wondering if he was even watching, she offered out the bag of M&Ms to him cutely, "M&M?" Tilting her head to the side, she also asked, "Penny for your thoughts or no?"
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    And then he'd pour honey all over her body and--Cloud suddenly snapped back into reality and faced Tifa,who had offered him some M&M's.he shook his head no and smirked"..Dont you mean munny for your thoughts?''he asked
  17. Tifa shrugged at that, huffing playfully, turning back to the movie along with her bag of chocolatey goodness. "Same thing. The point is, both ask if you'd like to share your thoughts." Staring back at him once more, as she was right next to him, she placed a arm on his shoulder. "You look like you were thinking something, and not paying attention to the movie. Tell?"

    Somehow, Tifa doubted he would. He was already keeping stuff from her, so she didn't really believe that he will say it openly. At least, this time, she was prepared, and it still wouldn't hurt asking.
  18. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Lalala... snowday!!!

    Rei looked over at Axel curiously. "You?... Drive?" She started laughing beginning to skip. "If you promise not to cause any major damage, why not?" Whipping out her keys, she picked out the appropriate one and held it out to the redhead, smirking. "Or are your aesthetic charms too powerful to keep that promise?"
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..You'll find out later on today..''Cloud said simply.then faced toward's the movie,and now..he was getting tired of it..or just tired in general,he folded his arms and shut his eyes,he was taking in all of the sound..but not the visuals.
  20. "They are powerful, but I'll just say the car will live. I did use to drag race, after all, is not like I don't know the limits," Axel piped nonchalantly, taking the key out of her hand in one swipe and smiling. Just smiling. There was also the fact that he didn't mention that both his driver and motorcycle licenses were suspended, but who needs to know that? It wasn't like police scouted the streets a lot, and they looked almost empty anyway. Walking through the parking lot, following Rei as he didn't know where the car was, he took a glance at her, "So where is it? Is a hunk of junk? No offense, by the way."

    Tifa raised a eyebrow, but that was a good enough enough as she eyed him. It looked like he was tired, and soon enough, she watched him as he closed his eyes, obviously, not wanting to see the movie. Not to bother him, Tifa went back to see the constant shaking of the camera, but it was looking extremely interesting, and they were already showing who was the couple of the story.
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