KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud smiled"Sure...assuming you can get out of the booth..'''he said,sliding out carefully so he didnt disturb anyone eating nearby."..What movie did you have in mind? clueless..''he said,though Meet the Spartans looked great,he'd let his lady decide,brushing himself off he walked over to her side of the booth and let his hand out for her to take"...and you might need some help getting out''he joked
  2. Tifa rolled her eyes at him, but took his offered hand, and cautiously got up from her seat and out of the booth smoothly. Fixing up her black shirt, in the process letting go of their hold, she tried to think of what movie to watch, yet the truth of the matter was: she was clueless as well. There was a couple she wanted to see, but it also had to interest her companion, since he was the one paying and it would be selfish. Thinking silently for a moment as they headed out to leave, she turned to him, "First, tell any type of movie you're thinking of watching, then I'll tell you mine, and we can decide together what to see. Not to mention, is your money..."
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Action..Comedy..Suspence..That's what interest's me...''Cloud told her simply as he began making his way out of the buffet,passing a waiter that strolled past him to clean the table he had just left.
  4. "Yeah, but some films might not be more interesting than others no matter what genre. Just tell the movies," Tifa asked of him, wanting to know outwardly the names so they can choose, she was up for anything really, as long as it wasn't boring. Yet she also wanted to take in Cloud's opinion, and see what his thoughts are. It was for the two of them, and if there wasn't any making out, then it had to be something both of them will enjoy. "Either that, or we'll see a chick flick if you don't say anything."

    She smiled innocently.
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ........let's see.....there's The Bucket List.......Cloverfield....The Eye(I can tell you about it if you want......but I think I already did......*shrug*)......uh.....i think there were others.....I'm not sure about this one but it might be a movie....Over My Dead Body(it's not a horror movie....)
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud quickly faced her"Fine,Cloverfield..''he mumbled,the last thing he wanted to do was see a chick flick,it would destroy his reputation and he couldnt show his face in the mall again.he waited for Tifa to agree...
  7. "Cloverfield?!" Tifa questioned back to him excitedly to make sure, as she was bracing herself for what he was going to pick, but it ended up benefiting her too. It was either that, The Eye, or some other intense movie that were playing. Staring at him with a smile, she nodded, as they headed to the theatre that was placed along with the restaurants. "Okay fine, Cloverfield it is."

    Hopefully, it wouldn't be a wastse of money, it at least had to satisfy in some way.
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "...Right..''Cloud muttered,he suddenly let out a loud yawn,and his lack of sleep was starting to hit him,maybe it was a bad idea to get up so early."...Let's hurry up then..''he said,he wasnt interested in seeing the movie,but the dark theater wouuld give him a chance to catch a few Z's.and that was good enough for him.
  9. Tifa shrugged in response, walking beside Cloud in the path to the movie theatre, and as they arrived, she checked the time that was plastered in the glass window near the entrance, where you could see some arcades games, including teens playing DDR and crowding around the machine the most. Axel loved that game and was seriously and royally skilled on it, but he never convinced her to try it no matter what he said, thinking she was going to make a fool of herself, especially around more skilled people.

    However, she drifted her eyes to the board, and noticed the next Cloverfield was at four thirty...and looking at the clock, it was now starting, which was good, since the beginning is mostly centered on commercials, but they had to buy it now. Grabbing Cloud's hand, she pulled him to the entrance softly, "Come on, the next showing is beginning."
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Take it easy...its probably no good anyway..''Cloud muttered"..Go up to the concession and look at anything you want..I'll buy it..'',he was speaking of a slurpee,candy,whatever she would want to eat later,Cloud looked over a 17 year old ticket vender and knew it might take a while,from the looks of things he didnt even know how things worked,like age discounts and such.
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    But those are hard!.....well.....maybe not....but......I'm no good with change......>_<
  12. "Okay, I'll wait for you over there," Tifa agreed, nodding, staring to the junk food from far off. She didn't want to eat popcorn or anything of the sort, especially when they finished eating, but a bag of candy wouldn't hurt to swallow along the movie. Giving a soft squeeze to his hand, she let go, and went toward the concession stand, looking at all that she could buy. Tifa already knew what type of candy to get, M&M's, so she waited for Cloud to finish as she eyed the DDR machine. For some reason, she was tempted to try it, despite sucking.
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Yeah...uh-huh...bummer..''Cloud kept mumbling,after 7 minutes of the kid making mistakes,he began going on about his love life and how is girlfriend left him for a ''real man''....and he couldnt blame her.the kid just went on..and on..and that rabbit on a battery commercial"..Hey..I'll be right back ok?''he lied,he grabbed his ticket's without the kid noticing and walked over to Tifa,who was staring at a DDR machine"...Want to go play it?''he asked her,he obviously wouldnt play..but maybe she would."..And hurry up and make a descision before that guy comes over..''
  14. "Hmm?" Tifa muttered, blinking as she snapped out of her daze, which happened while she was patiently biding her time for Cloud. Getting back on track though, she processed what he said, and wne tto look at the glass that held the candy for show, and pointed at the big size bag of M&M's, replying to him, "I want those. And no, I'm fine, I'm tempted, but I'll probably make a fool of myself in DDR. And what guy?"

    She looked over at him probably as she asked the question, raising a eyebrow. Was it the worker at the ticket booth? Thinking of that, she drifted her eyes to the boy.
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Dont look..''Cloud muttered quickly,then he looked down at the bag of M&m's Tifa was talking about."..Damn..''he muttered,would her appetite ever lessen? they just came back from a buffet and she wanted a big bag of M&M's!?...not on his watch"..How about something a candy bar..a kid sized candy bar?'' he asked,he made it seem like he was joking,but secretly he wasnt.
  16. Tifa quickly reverted her stare, just as a favor for Cloud, and simply hear him suggest something else, like a candy bar. As much as she would like to, she was aching for M&Ms better, just tiny small sized chocolate that she could crunch on in case she felt the need of something sweet. Looking at Cloud, she shook her head, "No, thanks, I want some M&Ms, if you still don't mind. I won't eat them all, and I doubt I'll even eat that much, but the good thing is that you can save the rest for later."
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud sighed silently,at least they were small...right?Cloud took out a ticket from his pocket and handed it to her"..I'll get it...Theater 8...try and get us a nice seat ok?''he said,then he focused his attention on the Candy Vendor....who was playing Guitar Hero...or was at least trying to..with a mop..
  18. "Wait, you have to tell me what kind of seat you prefer, because sometimes people like it far back, in the middle, or right up close. I've never been to the movies with you, so I don't know..." Tifa stated, as she remembered she did that once, and Roxas and Axel didn't like being up front, because it was uncomfortable, too big, and they had to look up, so they preferred the middle. Glancing at the candy vendor, she looked at him oddly, before stepping out to leave, just waiting for Cloud's response so she could quickly go. "Whichever?"
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Far back..''Cloud told her,and he gave her a small wink"..and I might change my mind about the making out..''he said.
  20. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel was dreaming a weird dream.

    Axel, Tifa, and Rei were in it. they were all......somewhere......but they were having a lot of fun. laughing....running around......and then.....something happened. Then the laughter was replaced with screaming and the feel of death everywhere.......

    *gasp* O.o......*huuf**huff**huff*.........what.....was that?
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