KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    you scared her away,good goin Scooby...LMAO!!
  2. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Heehee, glad to be back :D... LET GO!!! I CAN'T BREEVE!!!!! lol...
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    *lets go* DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT AGAIN! :yelling:
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    *throws scooby snax at her head* Whoof em' down you mutt XD
  5. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Haha, yeah. Exams and Drama Club kept me away.
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    *catches snack and throws em back to Tularim* YOU EAT THEM! :yelling: Bye...
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: <Throws a box at Scooby's head>Shaggy: like,come on scoob,we gotta go to some haunted place and act like p*ssies the whole episode,then we f*ck up trapping the ghost,but somehow we still catch it,Zoinks!
  8. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Bye Fire, and lol Tularim! I used to like scooby doo actually...
  9. OOC: Wtf at the video?!! Lmao xDDD. And, wow, Misa's a whore, what the freak hanging around like that with your underwear *shoots*.

    And I used to watch Scooby Doo too.

    Tifa went to reply right away, but she couldn't as Cloud went to get up the moment her mouth opened to speak, probably to get his food. While it wasn't unexpected, the suggestion still startled her, since he didn't really complain about it when she mentioned it. Despite it though, Axel was going to be the baby's Godfather, whether he liked it or not. Cloud might think ill of him, but as a person who had been on his side from the beginning of high school until now, what the blond said was way low for Axel....thinking that he would ruin the child's innocence with that...her child, specifically, and she knew the redhead wouldn't do that as pure fact.

    It proved, though, that Cloud's opinion was a bit warped due to their mutual hate and problems with each other. Her opinion though, was what mattered, and it will stay that way for someone who knew Axel personally after three years.

    "I don't know about punching, I already got my frustration out on that earlier. I'm just waiting to see the results, and take it for what it is," Axel stated, letting out a tired sigh at the thought of Tifa's life now going to be harder, if she had that bundle of love in her belly. He would be there the whole way through though, if it came to that, and will lend her money, whatever the amount is, to help, yet he at least needed a job. Walking out of the dormitory building and getting on the path to the front entrance, he remained quiet for awhile, and deciding to switch the subject, he tilted his head slightly as he eyed Rei, "I have a few things in mind for the beach, there's a boardwalk, we can a travel there, but of course, we need to get on the beach first before it closes. Then from there we can eat..."
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    That show was the same sh*t over and over XD except a new guy in a mask and a new place XD

    Cloud returned 5 minutes later with a fried chicken leg,mashed potatoes,stuffing,and garlic bread,it may be an odd menu,but who really cared?take what you want..sheesh he payed his 40 munny,he shouldnt have to worry about what other's think.he unfolded the napkin containing his silverware and pulled out the fork,he immediately stuck it in the mashed potatoes and began eating,enjoying the warm taste in each bite.
  11. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Totally misses the whole "chocolate" mello joke (see rivals lol) but the ending is priceless xDD

    Rei nodded, walking with Axel arm in arm down the hallway. Turning as he spoke again, she blinked, smiling. A boardwalk... "Sure, that sounds like a lot of fun. We can go there and then we can eat afterwards."

    pfft, brain explosion. xDD
  12. OOC: Brain fart xP. I'm getting close to it too ^^;.

    "By the way, we're going in your car, right?" Axel suddenly asked, almost doing a doubletake as if he just remembered, both heading outside right now, the sun blaring upon them as they stepped out, and walking to the parking lot. If that was the case, then maybe he might have a chance to have his fun, if Rei's car can compete with it. He had also decided, that on this trip, he would vanish any thoughts of Larxene, negative or positive, just to simply manage to enjoy the day without feeling like crap, or ruin anything, he didn't like people going down with him. It was going to be hard, considering she was eveywhere when he was talking to Demyx, but as long as nothing of a mention is brought out, he was fine. So, staring at Rei, he gave a innocent smile as he questioned, "Can I drive?"

    Tifa jus stayed quiet when Cloud came back, as she focused on eating her meal, not wanting to talk about the subject now until she was about midway done, though it was thinning fast, and there was only some left. Taking a few sips of her soda once more, she licked her lips quickly, before gazing up at Cloud, waiting for a minute, until she outwardly said a tone of finality, "Axel is going to be Godfather, I'm the one that knows him. I can't believe you actually thought he would do that."

    And that was all Tifa stated on the matter as she went back to collect more spaghetti, rolling it around the fork, averting her eyes from him.
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud quickly gulped down the last of his stuffing and glanced up at Tifa"..It's not my fault he gives that kind of impression...I dont know what the hell his problem is..''Cloud growled,and with that he took the chicken leg and took a bite out of it ,his attitude becoming steadily becoming out of control.
  14. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Lol, saw that one coming out of nowhere. *tsk tsk tsk* Axel... don't break the car...

    gtg, I'll be back soon
  15. OOC: Alrighty-o *gets shot*

    Tifa sighed, not knowing what Axel's problem was either, other than the fact that he doesn't trust Cloud with her for some reason. And while it didn't make her doubt her boyfriend, he was acting odd, and was hiding things from her that he didn't want her to know, and that was something to ponder over. The only clue she had was Yuffie. But that was a matter she would figure out later, right now, she was liking her food, the mall, and with that, grabbed another mouthful of spaghetti, the mashed potatoes done, and only one piece of fried chicken left. "Just...ignore him, like you've been doing. Him being Godfather doesn't mean you have to deal with him all the time, you know. That's only if the both of us die."
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud finished up the rest of his chicken without a word,then began getting back to his mashed potatoes,this was all very he gulped down a bit of mashed potatoes he said"..Can we just get back to having fun?''he asked,he couldnt blame her for this,he started the conversation...but he didnt want to finish it because it just ruined the whole point of the trip.
  17. OOC: Switched to laptop, yay! I can be in bed and post. That's the best xP.

    "Alright," Tifa agreed easily enough, giving a shrug, though it wasn't like the conversation bothered her like it perhaps did to Cloud. She thought maybe, that if Axel tried to fix things, there might be a chance left, because Cloud did commit to what he said he would do for her, and now it was the redhead's turn to prove himself. Sighing, knowing that would take years, she finished up her pasta, before going to eat the last fried chicken...which was really a fried chicken wing. "Anyway, I've been thinking of getting a job here, maybe they have someone to hire in a store."
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    NUUUUU! I WANT A LAPTOP! Ah well.....that's great......I still like L Gets an Idea....:D....makes me laugh every time.....
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "...That's a good idea...but nothing with mini skirt's..or anything tight..''Cloud said,knowing that Tifa would understand,the last thing he needed was getting put in jail for beating a guy senseless for checking out his girl's goods,Cloud pushed his plate away from him and stretched"..As for me,I need to get back on the delivery service...'',his 500 munny wouldnt last forever.
  20. Tifa giggled, remembering his job, and how she helped on making and receiving the calls. It actually paid welfrom before, and it will do so again. About her job....well, of course she's not going to flaunt anything, that was someting a **** would do, but he thought she could get a job in a store. Eating and finishing her last piece of chicken, she took more sips of her soda, one last time, where she drank enough to wash everything down. In the end, she was full, as her stomach wasn't large enough to hold so much food, so she decided to skip desert, letting out a breath. "Woo. I'm done! That was delicious...." He looked at him with a smile. "I thought you weren't going to eat for while, but I guess you did. So, what do you want to do next? Movies? We can see the times, and if it would be awhile for the movie to begin, we can go throughout the mall while waiting."
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