KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007

    She got up and combed her hair seeing as it was messy from her extremely long nap. Then she decided to try the whole ponytail thing and searched for a scrunchie.

    .....I think I had a lot more......I'll look for them some other time....

    She tied her hair up in a ponytail and looked at herself in the mirror. It was a very low ponytail.

    ........I look pretty good......a bit tilted to the left.....but that's all right....I think.....why didn't I think of this before? my hair won't get in my way....
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud grinned"Damn straight..hold on to your breast's!"he warned her as the motorcycle lurched forward again,Cloud was going to go faster than before...but could Tifa handle 100 mph?...or more?he didnt worry about it,Tifa was a strong woman,she could handle most anything.And Cloud would fulfill her taste for excitement...even if she had a heart attack in the process.


    Cloud was going to hold that speed for a little while and see if she could handle more.

    OOC: "Hold on to your breast's!" lol XD
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528 romantic.......speeding down a highway on a motorcycle going 100......

    BIC- Angel walked out her room and headed toward the cafeteria again.
  4. "What do you mean hold on to my breasts?!!" Tifa shouted to him with a raised eyebrow that he couldn't see. She now had a iron grip unto Cloud, that for a moment she was worried she would cut off his circulation. The bike was going a faster and faster, and she felt butterflies in her stomach going through her chest, and to her throat as the acceleration began to gain. Feeling the wind prickle her face cooly, while blowing back her hair like some kind of typhoon, she laughed in joy, thinking that Cloud was becoming quite bi polar, with slowing down with a moody look, and then speeding up again happily, unless it was a part of his game. As the momentum became fierce, feeling a shudder pass through her, she wanted to let everything out in a big "whoop", but she couldn't.

    To hell with that.

    "Woooooo! Faster!"
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "I was kidding about the breast thing Tifa...''Cloud said,a little surprised that she couldnt see that...was all the speed making her slow?,he almost coughed when Tifa held on to him tighter,but he was sure he could handle her superhuman strength....well,he could only hope.Cloud's slowly went faster,115 was his limit,and Tifa would just have to deal with it...he only went higher if it was a special case,and this was just for fun


    "That's it..''he muttered,he was keeping it that way until he exited the highway.
  6. "I know you were joking! I just wondered where that came from..." Tifa explained, a bit defensive concerning anything with her chest due to the size, as they kept going and going in more speed, until she felt like if she let go a tiny bit in her grasp on Cloud, she would fall off. This was so...exhilarating, she couldn't barely breathe, but it was fun, and it was amazing, and that's all that mattered. Trying not to squeak on the force of it, which appeared like a weaker version of a rollercoaster, which is saying somehthing considering how fast they go, she was just fine with the decision to stop at a limit, any more, and she might implode, or at least it felt like it. Tifa wondered if they were close to the mall considering their rush, but she didn't want to get there that fast yet...she liked this.

    Just her, Cloud, and the highway.

    OOC: Cue, "Calling" xP. Or some rock music for a montage lke they do in movies.
  7. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    *Riku wandered through the halls smiling*
    "It's just a setback...everything will get better" He thought to himself as he tried to cheer himself up.
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Tifa's wish did not come true as Cloud pulled out of the highway and back out into the street's((lol..just thought of Cloud in the ghetto XD)) of Twilight Town,his speed reduced to 35 thanks to a crappy speed limit,and he hoped Tifa would understand,because he really...really...REALLY didnt want to get pulled over."Are you hungry?..we could get something at the food court there too if you want''he offered,true enough his stomach was growling,and he didnt even eat anything in the cafeteria.

    He could see the large mall a mile away and was about to pull in it in a few minutes. im gonna make Cloud ghetto for a day..
  9. OOC: Ghetto Cloud..xDD.

    Tifa pouted as they veered off the highway to Exit 20, heading back to Twilight Town, and the speed diminishing to that of 35. Not that she could blame Cloud, and it wasn't like she didn't expect this as they were getting close to the mall, unfortunately, so she just relaxed, and took calm in the soft ride for now. They could always do it again as they head back.

    Hearing Cloud's question, Tifa nodded eagerly, abo****ely hungry herself, since she hadn't eaten anything since yesterday, or at all. And she could also feel Cloud's stomach grumble beneath her palms as she still had her arms around him, though they were more loose. "If anything, that's the first thing we should do, I'm starving."
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud nodded as soon as they pulled into the parking lot,which was more packed that the street's,Cloud had weaved in and out passed the rows...and unfortunately there was no space in front,they'd have to park at the back and walk...yippee,Cloud turned ot Tifa"..Sorry..maybe we should have came earlier..''he stated as he eased his car into an empty parking space and shut down the engine,he pulled out his key's and stepped out of the car.he took off his goggles with his free hand and waited for Tifa to take off her own

    OOC: lol im gonna do it...they're going to go pass a CD store and Cloud's gonna meet some gangster's XD
  11. OOC: Sorry for the delay. And wth? xDD Gangsta Cloud. Just no 50 Cent D=.

    "It's fine," Tifa honestly replied to him as they arrived, taking off her goggles in turn as Cloud took his, and the bike was parked. She handed them to Cloud, not knowing where to put them exactly, and brushed her hands through her hair to at least fix up what the wind did to it, not that she cared that much, but she didn't want to appear like she had a unfortunate accident with a blow dryer. Not having a mirror, Tifa had to follow her instincts and feel when her hair was fine, and with that, she swung her leg backwards to get off the motorcyle, now standing by Cloud's side. Staring at him, she asked quickly for his opinion, "Is my hair, alright?"

    Should've worn a ponytail...
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    " like like the Crypt Keeper...oh you mean the hair..''Cloud joked"''that was all Cloud could think of,he wasnt a girl and didnt know if hair was good or bad.He took the goggles and placed them inside his coat pocket,which was very large,he gave Tifa a quiet nod an began walking toward's the entrance of the mall"..So...what are you hungry for?...Im hungry for some Tifa..''Cloud said slyly

    OOC: I wasnt going to do any 50 cent...why,is he bad?
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Let's see....he has a reptutation for cursing and talking about drugs..........though then again those are rumors I've heard.......

    BIC- She bought another Mountain Dew and was going to go away when she wondered. would be the perfect time to try out the taste test between Dr.Pepper and Mountain Dew......

    So she bought a Dr.Pepper.
  14. OOC: He's not that bad, but people think he doesn't have that much credibility like Kanye or Jay-Z.

    "I'm hungry for some Cloud..." Tifa also stated, sticking her tongue before following up with quickly, "Jr." Of course, considering she ended being perhaps pregnant, she will have enough of Jr. for now, unless she doesn't turn out to pregnant. But even then, will she risk it all over? Shaking her head, not wanting to think about that at the moment, she went back to her hair. "Sexy" doesn't account for the way your hair looked, but maybe if she explained it, he could give a proper answer before they go in....but he did say she looked like the Crypt Keeper. Though he was joking.

    Still, she passed a hand through her hair absentmindedly at the thought, and went to answer his question, "I don't know...anything really. I just want to eat. Fast food or no?" She paused for a moment, before asking, "My hair doesn't look like Tina Turner back in the day, does it? Frizzy or standing up, a mess, right?"
  15. raglflagl Merlin's Housekeeper

    After walking around the campus and weirdly enough not running back to her room, Namine got to explore the campus a little bit more. Enjoying herself, she slowly made her way around observing other people and their actions. Looking at nature and such trying to find what else to draw. After walking for a short while Namine thought I wonder.. what Aerith's up to now...
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    She stared at the two drinks before her.

    .......which should I try first?........Dr.Pepper....
  17. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: If anyoe wants to do a recap for me, I'd reeeeeeeeally like it :sweatdrop: I think I left off somewhere around after the pregnancy scare.
  18. OOC: To be honest, nothing. Other than the fact that Cloud revealed to Yuffie that he loved both Aerith and Tifa as they had a talk (he said "I love you" to Tifa at first because he felt pity, but in the end he grew to love her), and that Larxene is knocking on Axel's door in what would be bad news to "end it" (a decision that was for the best), Tifa took a rest, woke up, found Angel (who was emo) and Cloud in the lunchroom. Cloud wanted to leave, so after having Angel says it's fine and all, Tifa left with him, they went on a cool motorcycle ride, and are now at the mall.

    The end. As you can see, I think only like eight or so pages were added since you were gone,'s short xP. As for dear Pyro:

  19. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    .........I want to be someone's partner in crime........not sure who though......I feel like i can be Axel's.....
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Sorry I've been gone so long,my modem broke

    Cloud shook his head"...I dont know...should I have a taste of you here?...or when we get back to Twilight High?''Cloud joked, food?Cloud definately doesnt want's fattening(depending on what you order) and Tifa's already at risk of getting wouldnt be her fault of course,it he was to blame anyone it would have to be himself,so he decided to ask her a question..maybe if she was embarresed by it she would get it."'ll get a salad right?''he asked,and he was hoping that she would,he heard a woman's appetite grows when they're pregnant,but he was told by a bunch of dumb jocks...but he'd take their word for it...just this once.
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