KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. OOC: You're convincing slowly...diminishing. I will only play Reno though, if Rude is gonna appear, someone else has to RP him, and I won't add them in the list cause if they do appear, is only like cameos, really, they won't last long...and...they won't come to the high school, think of road trip. I can easily add Reno to Axel's story to fit, but then I'm still not sure if I dare...

    "I barely buy anything in the mall, so why would I want to buy half?" Tifa questioned deliberately, knowing that while he mentioned this as a joke, he truly meant it, that he was worried that she'll rob him of every cent until there wasn't a penny left and leave completely broke and poor. Fine, that was exaggerating, but she wasn't like that, really. Neither was she the type to let the male carry all the bags. Seeing that she was getting in his mototcycle, she tried not to appear too ecstatic as she jogged after him quickly, and hopped on smoothly the moment she got there, a grin on her face. Immediately wrapping her arms around his waist, she asked, a bit curiously now that the thought passed her head, "I do wonder Cloud...what do you do with the vehicle when it's raining?"

    She was sure he wouldn't keep outside? Maybe cover it?
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud turned his head and scanned her"...It depends on where I am...and where are all these questions coming from?''he asked curiously,since he had never seen Tifa so interested with his motorcycle before.while he waited for her responce he put the key's in the ignition and turned it to the right sharply,letting the engine roar as it awakened from its slumber.he pulled out a couple of goggles from his pocket and handed one to Tifa,because,what good is experiencing a ride on his motorcycle if you couldnt see?Cloud watched her once more,and let the engine lightly shake his entire body.

    OOC: If its temporary it doesnt seem worth it to me.
  3. OOC: Well, it will be the same way if Cloud/Tifa ever visited Midgar...or Edge City (from AC), whatever time period it is...they will see their friends.

    Of course, I'm still in indecision, and I have a lot of time to think on it considering chula is not here or whenever she's going to come back (and then perhaps leave for another long period of time after T-T).

    "I'm a bit curious and interested, I've always wondered about your bike, but I never really had the time to ask anything about it..." Tifa answered thoughtfully, only to almost halt a squeak when the engine started as her body shook, and she felt a sudden thrill dash through her stomach and spine. Taking the goggles Cloud offered her after, she let go of the embrace from behind for a moment, putting them on, and making sure they were rightly placed, she went to circle her arms around him again, tight, in case. Tifa wanted to head off already, wanting to see just how fast the bike could go, yet she remained patient and appeared calm and casual. "Is it bad that I ask of it?"
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..No..Just strange..I never expected you to ask me about it''Cloud answered as he put on his own goggles,he took a deep breath and faced forward once more,he placed his hands on the handlebars and gripped them tightly,and as he kicked back the small kickstand up from the right side of the motorcycle he pulled the right handle back and they suddenly lurched forward,as he made his way out of the parking lot of Twilight High he asked Tifa one more question"...Highway?..right?''he asked slyly.

    OOC: lol road trip to Midgar XD...if they ever go can you play Marlene?..or Denzel?...or both? XD
  5. OOC: Lol xP, sure :D.

    "Hell yeah," was Tifa's own sly response to Cloud's question, because she really wanted to see what this motorcycle had in store, and the highway gave the most chance to the speed limit. She was pumped by now, the minute the bike took off as it lurched forward, it had her, and now, she was merely waiting for the real fun part. The breeze was flowing her hair already, and Tifa couldn't wait to let go (not literally), just like she planned, and enjoy something so far. Thinking he should let him know this, she added, "Don't worry about me, okay? I'll be fine, just drive like I'm not even on board..."
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud nodded his head at her comment,pretend she wasnt there?...she just might regret that,because he doesnt hold back.looking both ways he noticed that there wasnt much traffic,one or two cars occasionally went by..but that was about it,he looked back at her and said"Hold on" before they lurched even harder than before,Cloud took a sharp left and began speeding down the road,he was holding back just to see if Tifa would complain,after all he wasnt going that fast....but Cloud knew she'd realize this wasnt it.he grinned and gradually went faster.

    82....83...84...85...86...the mph grew each second.

    He just hoped the police werent out patrolling.
  7. Tifa tried not to be so jumpy, but as she grasped on even tighter to Cloud, knowing this was going to have force, she held wih bated breath, almost like a person sitting in a roller coaster and waiting for it to start. That was exactly what she was feeling, and while it gave her the idea that the group can go to the fair one day, the fact is, she was going to have a mortifying ride in this motorcycle. Seeing that there weren't many cars, making it easier for Cloud to zoom to whatever speed without having to worry, she bit her lip, her smile widening. It wasn't until they began to go that she felt the wind flashed past her hard, her hair swishing behind even more harshly, and the only reaosn why she could get some proper air was because she was behind Cloud's back...and the acceleration only picked up from there. Wanting to whoop, she stopped herself in time, and merely laughed. "This is going to be fun! Remember, don't be afraid to go faster!"
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud laughed silently as he felt Tifa hold on to him tighter,and in response to her sudden comment the Motorcycles speed went fron 86 to 96 mph,giving them a hard lurch,Cloud was used to he didnt react at all...!,suddenly he had an idea..but he couldnt do it alone.Cloud turned his head slightly to the right"Lean back as far as you can!"he shouted to Tifa,trying to raise his voice against the winds roaring in their ears.

    OOC: lol <Loz and Yazoo pop out"wheres mother?''>XD..that would be a nice battle though,especially with tifa on his side
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Ah Rude.....Reno is simply incomplete without Rude......why can't they be teachers or like security at the high school?....
  10. OOC: Lol, that would be cool :D. Though it leaves to wonder what are they doing in Twilight Town. We can have a Tifa vs. Loz 2.0.

    And no...I would've, but they belong in Midgar, since the city is implied, and I like them better as Turks xP. And if my plan works, you'll get to see them soon, if chula gets here.

    Tifa was truly in delight and joy as they went faster, and she could feel the cool wind scratching her face, and the roar in her ears barely making her hear anything. When Cloud shouted, however, she had understood, but hesitated. What did he mean lean far back? This would be the first time Tifa had a run of anxiousness, but otherwise wanting to see the capabilities, she did so reluctantly, hoping they didn't fall over, though it was quite hard with the wind. "ALRIGHT!"

    She managed to do so, and closed her eyes in anticipation making sure her hold on her boyfriend was tight and secure even more.
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Awww man.......:(.......they could be having a vacation......
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud grinned and leaned back with all of his might,and slowly the front wheels were rising higher and higher,and the rising stopped just below Cloud's neck,he had always wanted to try a wheelie,but it was a heavy bike and he couldnt have done it alone.Cloud let them hang that way for 10 more seconds before leaning forward again and letting the front wheels hit the ground with a thud,luckily it didnt spin out of control.
  13. OOC: You'll see them, Fire...though is going to be quite the long time...

    Tifa should've known what leaning far back meant, but she didn't think he would actually do a wheelie. She hung on for her life around his waist as she felt herself go backwards even more, letting out a loud scream, not of terror, but of surprise and cheer, a mixture of laughter added it in, her heart beating fast, and her arms shaking, but all in good entertainment. It was needless to say, whatever thrill and shudder went through her that time, that she was glad that they were back to normal on even ground, as she was trying to catch her breath. Letting out more giggles relieved, she dug her face into Cloud's back. "You crazy! But I loved it!"
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud laughed at Tifa's rush of excitement,he wish it could be like this forever..just him and her...!,it suddenly came back to Cloud that Tifa just might become pregnant,his smile faded,he slowed down quickly until they were doing about 5 below the speed limit..he remembered something...pregnant women going too fast on anything..may it be a car..a might effect the babies birth somehow..but Cloud wasnt really paying attention at the time,since it was before he slept with Tifa,he was not going to take the risk.he sighed silently and just faced the road,hoping that Tifa would not ask,but who was he kidding?'s Tifa.
  15. Tifa breathed in deeply, her eyes still closed, enjoying the ride as the breeze massaged her hair, and how the experience of this was so far extravagant, as that would be the right word to use. So while she was enjoying the outrageous speed, letting free one arm in the air for the hell of it, only to put it back in Cloud's waist, her eyebrows creased in confusion as he felt the bike slow down. It wasn't that noticeable at first, so she thought it was her imagination, but when it got obvious, her eyes snapped open, lost on why they were going by speed limit now...even lower. Frowning, a bit miffed that her fun was cut short, she was going to question why. Anyone who were enjoying themselves only to have it drain down would ask the same question, as the driver didn't give a reason why. Peering at Cloud, she asked, concerned and bewildered, "Why are we slowing down? Are you alright?" With this, she smirked, joking, "Too much for you?"
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud frowned"'s too much for me..''he lied,just loud enough for her to hear,he couldnt speak about the baby since he knew Tifa would go on and on that it was a 50-50 chance it would,and what if it did happen Tifa?what then?Cloud was approaching the highway,so he had to make a choice,go through the dangerous highway where speed was essential,or go through the considerably longer way through the city street's....what would he choose?excitement,or safety?
  17. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Safety! Safety! Safety! :D
  18. OOC: Excitement! The highway still has a reasonable speed limit, and Tifa isn't even 24 hour pregnant yet, if she is.

    Tifa didn't fully believe it, but said nothing on the matter, and leaned her head on Cloud's back, frowning disappointedly. Well, it was fun while it lasted, she guessed, but she couldn't help but wonder why the change of mood? It looked like he was enjoying himself just as much as she was, so she didn't understand why they had to slow down, especially when Cloud had done all this, gone greater speed, and more, she could figure. It disoriented her and it put her down, and all she said on the matter was a small, "Okay..."

    She didn't get why he kept things from her so much now.
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud didnt answer her,he felt bad for denying her any more fun...what to do?Cloud had decided to pull into the highway..which also seemed strangely empty,it had a few more vehicles and such...but where WAS everyone?Cloud himself was feeling bored now....following the speed limit completely sucked,and he was sure teenager's everywhere agreed...!,why not one last time before he had to take it easy?,Cloud smiled and looked at Tifa"..Tifa..who's the man with the sexiest girl on the face of the Planet?....who's the man who cant be beaten by anyone?....and who's the man you'll be married to in a few years?" he asked slyly,he hoped she said the right answer,or they'd be having a boring ride.
  20. "Barney. Then again he isn't exactly a 'man', is he?" Tifa quirked, a huge smile grazing her face as she looked like she was harshly holding back laughter. Chuckling a little though, she nuzzled her face into his back lovingly, her arms encircling him more tenderly, truly and really saying meaningfully, "Of course, you, silly. You're the love of my life..." Not to mention she might have his baby, but she at first didn't want the typical answer. Besides, the little joke despite not being funny in her opinion, made her feel better from Cloud's dwindling the motorcycle down, and it freed most of the dismay she was going through at the moment. That, and she didn't want to make Cloud think she was that upset over it, and she wasn't. It just…confused her is all, and now, she was aware that Cloud isn't telling her his thoughts, didn't she have that trust yet? Tifa could tell when he was like that avoidance of the Yuffie question.

    But, oh well...
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