KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. OOC: I don't know, if she did, I would've thought it was a random one to get around. It's been too long since I played FF7.

    Tifa just shook her head, watching Angel walk away sadly, but then heaved a heavy sigh. The girl was making the decision for them, and stepping up to Cloud, she grabbed his hand with her free one that didn't have the can of soda, and shrugged, not knowing what to do now. Before Angel left the cafeteria completely, she asked Cloud, only one last ime beofre they left, "What other way? Tell me, it doesn't matter if it might not work...but if it's dangerous..."

    She had a ride long ago, when she first came here to do her studies in a good school, but her truck broke down fully and was considered useless, not that it wasn't crap anyway. So, with no way of fixing it, or money, it went to the heap.
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud sighed"Sitting on the handlebars..or my lap..either could slide off..or block my vision...and either one wins..''he said,he gave her a small kiss on the cheek"...I tried''he said
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    She drank some more of her Mountain Dew then went to take a nap.
  4. "Yeah..." Tifa sighed disappointedly, finding Angel now gone, and in defeat, gestured to Cloud by pulling his hand for them to go, sending a smile to him. She couldn't be down and ruin Cloud's own mood, and she couldn't wait to ride the motorcycle, that in itself, got her excited at the prospect and made her feel better about Angel. Taking a sip from her Sunkist, she glanced over at Cloud, skipping, "Let's go, then! I don't know how long it has been since I haven't gone outside with you...if we ever even did."

    Rei was out with Axel.

    And now she'll be out with Cloud.

    It was funny how they were with the men they wanted. Hopefully, Rei will take advantage of it to get even closer.
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    .....-_-.......*is asleep*
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud nodded and began leaving the cafeteria with Tifa,he eyed her up and down" know I dont use helmet's right?''he asked her,just to be safe,he wanted her to know exactly what she was getting into,since Cloud is an insane driver when he can be.besides,the mall closes in about 2 hours and he didnt know how long Tifa would take,so he needed to hurry...but then again he WAS paying...what did he get himself into?

    OC: I need to go..dunno when I'l be back..later!
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    *after a long nap* She felt refreshed in a way and somehwat more cheerful.
  8. Tifa nodded, looking at Cloud knowingly, but also wondering if he really thought she wasn't aware of that. She's seen him ride his motorcycle alot of times, and she couldn't wait to ride it and see what thrill it brought. She wasn't quite the reckless one that far, only when it calls for it, but she was dying to have a go, she didn't particularly cared for helmets, though she did think over about possible accidents. Tifa was positive on Cloud's skills though, and trusted him with her life. "Don't worry about it, I'm ready, and I'm pumped, and I just want to experience it already. The mall is almost closing anyway in about...three hours? Anyway, make sure to go extra fast..."

    She smiled at him, giving him a wink.
  9. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- I haven't been on here in a bit... wat I miss? ^^

    oh... O.o...wait a sec... Tifa is riding a motorcycle?! interesting... lol... ^^
  10. OOC: Don't worry, you didn't miss alot, the big event is over, so now, while Axel and Rei are on their outing (if chula ever returns), they were chilling in the cafeteria (Angel, Tifa, Cloud). Angel left, and Cloud and Tifa are leaving.
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    " you want me to get arrested?..''Cloud jokingly asked her as he turned a corner and began walking past classrooms,he punched her cheek softly and smiled"...this place isnt as open as Midgar...but..if I take the highway...''he trailed off,he didnt want to show Tifa how fast he could go,the first time he went at top speed he nearly passed out,but now he was a more experienced Rider and could take it...but what about her?"...Think you can handle top speed?''he asked
  12. "I can handle myself, you just drive," was all Tifa replied with pizazz, rasing her eyebrows sassily and looking confidently at him. Other than her born strength which was rare on a female to be strong, she had passed through all the trials so far that have happened to her in this school. Crying, moping, emotional, the baby, suspicions, everything, she had to handle, speed was nothing to the pressure and the hell she felt throughout these weeks, and she wanted to let go for once. So, she walked a bit quickly, to get outisde, spotting the entrance and exit in front of her. "Any new stuff you added to it?"
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud expected an answer like that from Tifa,he simply nodded his head and listened to her question...and he wondered,when had she taken such an interest into vehicle's?he faced the entrance,which was not too far off,and said"...I didnt change's sleek black now...I added...''Cloud scratched his cheek awkwardly"...Nitrox..I think that's what they call it..anyway,it temporarily boost's my bike's speed..and the guy who helped me install it said it could even break the sound barrier...I dont plan on using it anytime soon though..''he finished,as much as Cloud loved speed,breaking the soudn barrier sounded...hell,it just freaked him out a little.his bike was already fast,so there wasnt a need to use it anyway..but the guy convinced him,so Cloud just said 'what the hell' and took it at half price.
  14. "Nitrox?" Tifa exclaimed in question, as they both stepped outside, the black door being opened because it was the weekend, days when students go in and out. Not that she was a expert or anything, she knew just a tiny bit about cars and driving, but did he mean NOS? Nitrous Oxide System...if his bike had that, it would be amazing, though quite...hazardous. She would love to go fast, but not to that acceleration, and this is going by Cloud's bike limitations already, which were great. "Where did you get it from?
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    " was a gift from Axel's twin brother..if you get who im talking about''Cloud said slyly,he was,of course,talking about Reno,he didnt bother asking where Reno got it from...Cloud merely assumed Rude built it,but didnt bother to ask,he'd probably say 'classified' or some BS like that.
  16. "Reno?" Tifa asked herself in surprise, going by the twin brother remark, though not exactly twins...they did have their differences in facial features in some way, not believing that he would give something such as NOS or Nitrox to Cloud. It wasn't like they were complete enemies, but they weren't exactly "buddy buddy" either, so this was quite the news. Another thing, was that she was a bit bewildered that her boyfriend could speak Axel's name without adding a little nasty something extra, since this whole hatred spar had escalated to a new level, that she was not sure she could even fix anymore. It was quite saddening, but it wasn't like it was fully Cloud's fault, Axel should've kept his mouth shut, and he shouldn't have lost control that way, despite the points he made. As she said to him, if it was a mistake, it was a lapse of judgement on her part, and she'll deal with it.

    As they were heading to the parking lot, already spotting the bike, she joked offhandedly after her silent contemplation, "You know, I should ask Reno if he has a long lost brother or something, Seriously, they resemble each other. Is not like we know of his family fact, the only info we get from the Turks are their names, and where and who they work for...wouldn't it be cool? To find they're related? Reno could be his senior. Then we'll have two Axels..."

    OOC: Lol xP. I'm itching to do that and make them brothers for the hell of it, especially with Axel's backstory (that you will know soon enough), but canon does not let me xD, even if here is different, with no worlds and stuff.
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "I cant even deal with one we're talking about two of them?''Cloud asked her,growing annoyed with the whole subject,he noticed they were approaching the bike so he pulled out his key's from his right pocket,where he always kept them,and waited for Tifa's responce.
    s responce

    OOC: ...oh god..
  18. OOC: ...just a idea...xP. I do not know...

    "Well, is not like they're the same, Reno is more laidback and well...agh, okay fine, they might be pain in the a**es in their own way, but the point is, the way they do it is different," Tifa explained, though she wasn't positive whether that actually defended anything. It didn't matter though, Axel was her best male friend and overbearing older brother, minus the fact that she was the one older, for Reno, well, she didn't know. Simply a acquaintance. Thinking she should change the subject, Tifa added, "It wouldn't be two Axels exactly, I meant in appearance, and it was a suggestion about them being related. But anyway...are you really going to pay for everything, what you said back there?"
  19. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Ah Reno........I love that's too bad Angel hasn't met him yet.....oh and two are the best.....
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud sighed irritably"...Yes...I'll buy everything you want"he said,he wasnt sure if Tifa was a heavy shopper,and he prayed she wasnt,because a girl with this kind of offer wouldnt let it pass her by...she'd buy half the mall.Cloud jogged the rest of the way to his motorcycle and put his right leg over it and sat down,he looked at Tifa"...Dont buy half the mall..ok?''he said jokingly
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