KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ...........I'll take that as a yes for both.......I wish you both best of luck when the time comes......

    She said this all with an air of not caringness but she really actually did. It was just the depression that was making her talk like that. what do we do now?
  2. OOC: Who says she will be pregnant? xP I have faith on the thread (we can do like a month time skip too, though), but the thing is complicated, Tifa's going to have to leave school too if it happens...

    Tifa felt relieved at that, at least they were on the same level of thought, and she had Cloud's agreement that if they had the baby, he'll stay with her through it. She liked the support, and stared gently at him, running a hand through his smooth, spiky hair softly. "I'm glad, then. You cant find out your pregnant until three days later though, so instead of waiting for the usual month to see, I'm going to the doctor's appointment right away. I'm hoping for the best, I'll be so nervous to see the result..." Hell, she didn't even like to think about...if she was pregnant, she'll probably faint, yet even so, she couldn't help but think on a few things concerning it.

    Pointing to a chair next to her in offer for Cloud to sit, since he was standing, she looked around the table to the two, her eyes glittering, "But I already got who's going to be the the Godfathers' and Godmothers' if I end up having it...and yes, Cloud, one is Axel...Rei, Aerith, then there's Barrett...maybe you too, Angel...there's not much godfathers' though..."
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud sat next to her and swore under his breath and he hoped Tifa was kidding.,he slowly turned to face her"..Yuffie will be a Godmother too...''he pointed out,Yuffie seemed perfect for the job,friendly,but serious when she had to be.
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528 kidding........I'm not sure if Axel is going to do so well.........and as for me?....well......let's just say I'm not a kid person.......I don't like children.....and children don't like me......of course there are a few exceptions.....but if you're telling me to take care of the little thing......then.....I will try my best......
  5. Tifa laughed a little, but nodded to Cloud's suggestion. After all, she wasn't the only who can choose Godmothers and Godfathers, though she did wonder why Cloud would pick Yuffie, after all she did, and being all over him. It reminded her of before they went to sleep, how she asked, but he avoided the question a little...something about Yuffie, it was obviously something he didn't want her to know. However, not needing to think on it now, she was too good in a mood, she said, truthfully, "Don't think that inept of Axel...I have a feeling he'll be a great father, if he ever had the chance. In fact, I know he will...he even has a little sister, so the experience is there...and I trust you, Angel..."

    Puasing there a little, she then siad, "That's even if I have the baby, and anyway, I'll probably have it later in the future if not now, I mean, if Cloud is willing to have a family," She sent him a amused and sly look, though...that can only happen if things remained okay. " So...why not plan ahead? Whatever the case, I'll be pregnant someday in my life."

    OOC: Good father....Disney Crueish...xP.
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Yeah I was thinking that too....:D....

    BIC-.......yeah but..........*sigh* know what......we'll talk about this later......only one of us is happy and I tend to kill that happiness......

    She said to Tifa.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud didnt give Tifa one bit of eye contact the whole time,infact he didnt even listen to her,he was looking around for Yuffie,but had not seen her"..Yuffie...''he muttered,he knew she wouldnt just leave him like that,something important,or bad must have happened.he stood up and began leaving the cafeteria to see if she was out there
  8. "I guess if you want to..." Tifa replied to Angel unsure, looking a bit oddly at her, because she thought she was feeling better, only to distract herself as Cloud moved to get up, and leave. She didn't say anything despite pondering why he was leaving, though he did hear him mutter "Yuffie". This was getting her more suspicious every second, and she had a inkling feeling to follow him and see what is it that was wrong, since she wasn't going to find out herself with patience.
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007

    She looked at Cloud leaving then went back to look at Tifa in the eye.

    ........Operation: Stalk Cloud?.......well....if you want to......but if you find anything painful you can always complain to me and I'll always listen.........unless I'm preoccupied with something....
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Yuffie suddenly appeared behind Cloud(Puff of smoke) and began pushing him out of the cafeteria"Dont ask,just move it!"she kept saying,stopping Cloud from complaining,after they were outside of the cafeteria Yuffie grabbed his hands and looked him in the eye"...That person is here...''she said silently
    Cloud raised an eyebrow"..Who are y--''Cloud's eyes widened,Pictures of Aerith flew through his mind"....You mean...'''
    "Yes...promise me you wont screw your relationship with Tifa up ok?...cause if you see her then I think you'll do something...something bad...and hurt Tifa..''she muttered
    Cloud nodded slowly after a minute or so
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    .......I'm going to go and get a Mountain Dew.......

    She stood up and went towards a vending machine.
  12. Tifa just nodded to Angel as she got up, thinking over her operation of stalking Cloud...but did she really want to know? The last thing she needed now was more pain and hurt, she was so sick and tired of it, even now when she was getting a glimmer of happiness, things get suspicious, and her love is hiding something from her. Tifa somehow wished Axel was here...because she knew if he saw her worried, he'll do something to make her feel better, the bad thing being he'll pester Cloud about it, or figure it out himself. But he wasn't, which was a good problems, but yet a empty one, and now she was stuck being anxious, and deciding whether or not to follow.

    She didn't want to...she didn't want to see or know anything. Tifa wanted to be ignorant, she didn't want to hear, see, speak, anything anymore. She just didn't. She even wanted to just run away for awhile and spend time with herself without company, all alone...
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    " get back in there and STAY with much as you want to see Aerith your going to have to wait..ok?''Yuffie said politely
    Cloud nodded faster and hurriedly walked back to Tifa,who was apparently alone and Angelless,he kept eye contact on her and only her to avoid seeing Aerith.He hopped down next to her when he was close enough and rubbed her back"...Where'd Angel go?''he asked
  14. Tifa kind of tensed up when he came back, yet tried to will it away as she went to appear normal, yet her "peppyness" was down a notch. Answering Cloud, as normally as she could, she looked at him, who now seemed to be gazing at her intensely for some reason, "She went to get a Mountain Dew, that's all. Maybe she'll be back..." She hesitated a bit, knowing she didn't want to hear it, but wanting to see what he says, before asking quietly, "Why are you looking for Yuffie now? Is there something you need to tell me....?"
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud sweared in his mind,he was a little annoyed that she caught on,but its not like Cloud tried to hide his friendship with Yuffie,he sighed and just smiled at her"..Just a friendly chat with her..I told you she was a better friend than you think..''he said slyly
  16. Tifa just gave a nod and returned the sly expression, though with a smirk. There was something missing, a hole, but that was enough for her to hear, she didn't want to inquire about it any longer. If he didn't want to tell her, then it was obviously news that was going to upset her in the end. Gazing at him, though, she also questioned, curious, "Okay then, what is it that makes Yuffie a better friend than I think? You keep saying it, but never give a reason why..."
  17. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007

    She was staring at the vending machine with her mountain Dew just hanging on the edge of being dropped.

    .......T_T.......*bang*.......come on you jerk machine........*swing*.......come on! DANG IT!........

    Unfortunately it was still pretty secure in it's place. some lucky b**t*rd is going to get two Mountain Dews.....! I have enough money for another one?......

    She searched and came up empty.


    She went back to Tifa and Cloud.

    .......T_T........the school needs to get new vending machines........or God just doesn't like me and decides to curse me with bad luck.....
  18. Tifa heard Angel return, and she sighed, but waited to see if Cloud answered, or took Angel's distraction as his chance to avoid the question. If so, she'll definitely give him a look that said it won't be over until he had answered. For now though, she shifted her attention to Angel, thinking to help her on the situation, looking at her with a smirk. "That happens sometimes, Axel showed me the trick to get it to work by force, since I had problems with it too, and he was getting annoyed that I kept looking for him for help everytime." She giggled a little, remembering back then, but made her way to get up, glancing just once at Cloud. This whole thing was bothering her now, yet it was best to save it for later. "I'll help you with it."
  19. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Nah.......forget about it........I wasn't that thirsty anyway......

    She was of course in denile but she knew that Tifa really wanted to see what was up with Cloud so she wanted her to wait and hear it. She herself could care less but she was also curious.
  20. "No, it's fine," Tifa insisted, giving her a seret look that she can still talk to him about it later, it didn't really have to be now. He'll probably won't answer it descriptively, he will explain why, but never the true reason of what exactly is the root of it. That, and she wanted to escape for a minute. Standing on her feet, she motioned for Angel to come with her, as there were three vending machines in the cafeteria, and she needed to know which one. "At first, I broke the vending machine my first time, since you know...I got more strength than normal, but after a bit of practice, I managed to control it. Axel also taught me how to get the soda for free without paying, which is good, since I feel like having a drink can't get caught though."
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