KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. OOC: Axel doesn't hate Yuffie (he had never said that), just think she's annoying xP. Remember their first meeting? xDD

    Chocobo, lol. Tifa did actually compare his hair to that in FF7, and I remember Cloud cross-dressing too....

    "I'm just going to leave you guys alone for the little while? You know, new friendships. Okay? Okay! Demyx, make sure to call me. See ya!" Axel exclaimed quickly, pushing Demyx a bit closer to Yuffie, before waving at him, and beginning to walk away, sending him a thumbs up behind Yuffie's back, hoping this would be quite the start for him. Who would've known that his suggestion would actually come true now? Giving them one last glance, he made his way fast to Tifa's dorm, seeing Cloud and her hugging, but not minding it for once, yet Rei was there, and they still had that outing. Axel was in a much better mood after talking to a close friend of childhood memories, and he hoped that now that they had girls, or at least Demyx might get one now, wouldn't stop them from getting to hang out a lot.

    Tifa eyed him confused for a minute, but since she had wanted sleep and to rest from the beginning, didn't complain, and nodded. She looked at her girl friends at this to sent them the message, before turning back to Cloud, not noticing Axel approaching after leaving Demyx and Yuffie alone. "Sure thing, I really need to...calm down. You're staying in my bed, right?"

    "Who's who in what bed?" Axel asked suddenly in a teasing tone, sticking his tongue out at Tifa as he reached her. Before, he would've objected to the idea completely, but he didn't think it could get as far as having sex together, which they already did, so complaining about them going to sleep would be pointless on his part. He gazed at Tifa questionably, and she only smiled and spoke that it was alright with her eyes, which was enough, as they glittered. Axel let it go, reluctantly, but he did, Cloud did come back, after all, but he was going to find out what was it that he didn't trust about him. Sending him a suspicious look before staring back at Tifa, he placed a arm around her shoulders, and kissed her forehead lightly in a comforting manner. "You'll be fine?"

    "Yeah, I will, I'll buy the test tomorrow when the girls and I go out, and I already made the doctor's appointment before you guys came, though it was a bit...hard," Tifa answered as Axel released her, staring at him intensely. It seemed he had calmed or backed down from how he was recently, which was something she should be thankful for. No more fighting. She saw him smile, before beginning to turn around. "Talk to you, later?"

    "Hell yeah," Axel replied in a heart beat, especially with this whole pregnancy problem that he was hoping was just a scare. Ignoring Cloud's presence, he gave her a short, lazy wave, and went to go to Rei, to see what is it they were going to donow.
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:Tida? lol!

    "Huh!?''Yuffie watched as Axel ran off and sighed angrily"What was that about?..''she mumbled,before turning back to face Demyx,she eyed him up and down....eww,not interested.

    Yuffie smiled at Demyx"...Erm..Hi..Im Yuffie..''she said,re-introducing herself to Demyx

    "ugh..''Cloud let out a sigh of annoyance as Axel left,he gently wrapped his right arm around Tifa,put his left hand on her room's door knob and turned it,he pushed it gently,letting it open a crack,Cloud gently pulled Tifa inside with him like a spider would do to its prey.

    Cloud moved over to the bed and released Tifa with a satisfied smile,he quickly moved over to the door and shut it gently,then turned around to face Tifa once more"...Ready?''he asked
  3. OOC: Lmao xDDD. I just noticed that. Darn typos.

    And here I thought Yuffie might actually do something other than talk to Cloud and Tifa. Oh well...can't say it couldn't hurt to try xP.

    Fine then. Give me Demyx :D.

    "As ready as I'll ever be, I've been wanting to sleep," Tifa replied as she went to bed, which she had tended to, but now took the covers off again to get the rest she desperately wanted. Fixing up the pillows, she smiled, and turned to face him, a bit apprehensive. Hesitating for a little bit as she sat on the bed ready to retire her body for now, she asked softly, "So where did you go? And how did Yuffie know you were coming...?"

    She was wondering about that, and there was no harm in asking, was there?
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud's smile cleared from his face"..Dont worry about it..''he said as he walked over toward's Tifa and crawled into her bed,making sure to go behind her to feel her warm body fully.Tifa could never know about that conversation on the roof."...And dont ask Yuffie...''he said firmly before laying his head on a soft,comfortable pillow and shutting his eyes.
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007

    She just stood there observing everything that was happening.
  6. Tifa giggled, looking at him amusedly as she went to lay next to him, dragging her legs in, and wrapping the covers over both of them. "Don't ask Yuffie? You know that just makes me want to ask her, right?" Of course, unbeknownst to her, she had somewhat repeated Axel's words to him from before, yet it was more of a offhand comment. However, Tifa still couldn't help but question, "What in the world would you be talking to Yuffie about? Or rather, in her case, more like touching you."

    She pouted annoyingly at this.

    Axel watched as both of them went inside from the corner of his eyes, and as he looked in the front, he saw Demyx and Yuffie, and he did wonder for a moment if that would even work out. At least, it can perhaps teach his friend to talk to girls properly? Reaching Rei and Angel, he looked at both of them with a sheepish smile. "Well, guess the drama is over for now, isn't it? Still...I don't trust Cloud with her...God forbid he breaks her heart again..."
  7. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    "The hell?" Demyx mumbled under his breath as Axel went off. He blushed as he got a thumbs up from his friend. So this was Yuffie... he looked down at the short girl. She seemed nice enough, and was pretty cute... The question was, though... would she be the right girl for him? "Hi, the name's Demyx." He smiled. "Nice to meet you Yuffie."
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud smiled while he still had his eyes shut,not making a move of any kind"..She's a better friend than you think Tifa...and even if she asked she wont tell you...''he muttered,speaking thr truth,he squeezed Tifa little tighter and laughed silently,glad that Yuffie had helped him out

    Yuffie smiled"Cute name havent seen you around here before..where have you been?''she asked curiously.
  9. Tifa just blinked at his remark on Yuffie, her instincts definitely sensing there was something she wasn't to be told. It made her kind of worry a little, but she drove it away as she went to cuddle against him, smling up at his face, but pointed a accusing finger at him playfully. "You're hiding something from me, and it seems I'm being kept out of it." She remained quiet for a moment, just a moment as she studied his eyes carefully and intensely, and asked in a soft, weak voice as she began. "Do you love me?"
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud let out a very soft sigh,he opened his eyes and looked directly into Tifa's,he had seen this coming and Yuffie even warned him,he loved aerith AND Tifa,so he really isnt going to lie.he smiled tiredly and said"..I love you Tifa..'' before shutting his eyes and turning in the opposite direction,hoping to get some sleep and not to talk about any of that anymore.
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528 do we do now?
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: My character's are stuck -_-
  13. Tifa took it as the truth, she didn't see dishonesty, but the reason she asked was because if they were to have a baby, she wanted to see if he would stay with her though it all, or rarther, to be sure. Nevertheless, she wasn't getting anything else from him as he turned over, and sighing, looking at his back, she dug more into her covers and pillow. The deal with Yuffie was on her mind now, though she would wonder about that later, as she was too tired to to even use her brain.

    Flickering her eyes close, she slowly dragged her way into sleep, her breathing slowing down as she calmed.

    "I don't know," Axel honestly replied to Angel, but heading to stare at Rei instead. The day had really strecthed over them, and he wasn't sure if they were still going to their planned trip anymore. "We're still suppose to go to the beach, but I'm not certain since alot of things had happened. I'll be willing though, if you are Rei. I think now is only..." He stared down at his digital black wristwatch, checking the time." Three-thirty...strange, I thought this problem lasted longer than this..."
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: im gonna be stuck for a VERY long time....
  15. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    .........well........I'll just hang around here being bored.........enjoy the rest of your day........

    She left to her room still depressed about the fighting.
  16. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    "Thanks." Demyx blushed lightly about the comment about his name. He scratched his head, "Just across the dorm... far away from where you're staying probably... And last week, hospital because I had a high fever... nothing to do there but get treatment and watch TV with mostly episode reruns... Thank goodness that's done... How about you?"
  17. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kishami walked down the hallways aimlessly, looking for something to do. She had basically been doing that all day but couldn't find anything that would be interesting. She sighed and continued to walk. This school is really boring... she thought. Maybe it's because I need to make some friends... she thought, but she hadn't seen anybody all day, except for that one guy. I think he said his name was Cloud... she thought and continued to walk.
  18. raglflagl Merlin's Housekeeper

    If it isn't too late, would it be alright to join? Dx, I'd like to be Namine if possible..
  19. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    Aerith was in her room, quietly reading a romance novel. She looked at the time and sighed, "I got carried away in my reading again..." she smiled and bookmarked the novel, she put it on a table and then packed her bag... She always made sure everything was ready for school... Aerith got dressed and went out of the dormitory to find Namine... who was just arriving to the school.

    OOC: Couldn't find a better color. D: And, this is so I can meet with ragl. >D How she knew Namine was coming? Who knows lol.
  20. raglflagl Merlin's Housekeeper

    A blonde girl stood out infront of the building. I hope everthing'll be alright once I get in.. she thought worried about the new people she was going to meet, and all the things that could happen to her. She entered the building, looking for someone who could help her out, mainly Aerith. "I hope she isn't too far away." the blonde looked around, unfamiliar with all the buildings and such. She got lost a few times, walking through the halls. Stumbling into classrooms, while classes were going on. She knew it, she was lost. The new school was a little too big than she was used to, especially with the large amount of people. I hope I can find someone soon. the thought came into her mind. Looking at each stranger that passed by her, Namine was clearly afraid and nervous.
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