KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. OOC: Okay, yet if no one else claims her, you can have her.

    Axel scratched his head sheepishly, a tint of pink going on his cheeks. "But you see, love is everywhere right now. There's nothing that has happened to me that isn't romantic. Is this...forbidden and problematic love triangle thing I have...yes, I actually have a love triangle on me, and is all I'm involved in, other playing dodgeball, if you want to talk about sports. And I'm not asking for advice or anything, I just thought you ought to know, but I guess if you're not into it, I'm not going to go on explaining. I have to tell this to Roxas though...he'll concerns..."

    He dropped it off there, noticing he was beginning to explain it anyway. "Fine then, what's up with you?"
  2. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    "Well, I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me." Demyx smiled. "After my long fever, it's been mostly alone time... not very fun at all... I'd be glad to talk to even a prep." He looked around the hallway a bit more, and leaned to whisper something, "Don't tell anyone I said that..."
  3. Axel stayed silent, before forcing a laugh on him as if Demyx just said the most funniest thing in the world, trying to force it on as believable as possible. "Of course, I won't tell, is a form of expression...yeah. Though even talking to a Prep is pushing it, isn't it? Seriously, I feel they're so boring. " He cleared his throat, suddenly feeling on the spot....though Larxene was not at all boring, it was the complete opposite. Oh, not at fact, she was one fine piece of-

    Trying to think of something to switch the subject, he went back about Demyx complaining about not having a girlfriend, and then it suddenly clicked. "Yuffie! Hey, Demyx, I think I found a perfect girl who's just unforunately like you...though if you ask me, she's a bit on the insane side.. to put it in simple words; is like she took dozes of crack and mixed it with sugar."
  4. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    Wha--waitwaitwait wait, I thought I said I didn't want to deal with romance anymore!!" Demyx pointed out, but was unheard by Axel as he continued. He heard and emphasized the 'unfortunately' part in Axel's speech. Excuse me? 'UNFORTUNATELY?' He felt kind of offended by this, as he thought he was one with a great personality... but he just let it slide and went on and listened to what kind of girl Axel was suggesting. "Well, as long as we can have fun I guess." Demyx shrugged.
  5. "You mean, one who takes dozes of crack and sugar? That'll be fun alright..." Axel joked, though did not miss the look of hurt in Demyx's eyes that one moment. Confused, he tried to think back on what he said if there was anything bad and...he couldn't find any, unless he took offense to a girl that's fitting for him and-

    He could guess how Demyx misinterpreted that one piece, and now he noticed that he had chosen the word "unfortunately". Axel winced inwardly, wondering if he was just saying all the wrong things lately. Looking at him from the corner of his eyes, abashed, he said in a apologetic tone. "Hey, Dem, what I said about you fitting her and 'unfortunately', I meant...that she's basically your...very hyper and cheerful personality, times a thousand. Not that is bad or anything on you, but on Yuffie it is. I don't know, she might actually be calmer..the point is, I'm sorry, didn't mean to offend you. "Axel smiled weakly at him. "To be honest, I only talk and act like this when around you, and no, I'm not saying this in a gay way, though I warn you, it will sound like it. You have this outgoing and fun persona that makes me want to be outgoing and fun...okay, and now I'm going to shut up."
  6. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    Demyx' eyes widened, not intending to have that look, "Oh oh... uh, no sweat. I'm cool with someone like me..." He stammered. "It's good you know someone I might be able to get together with..." He scratched his head and sweatdropped. "Ah, don't worry don't worry... I forgive you... I didn't really even need or want an apology now did I?" He smiled. "Well, at least I know that I can inspire at least a few people to be cheerful... gives me a feeling of being useful even though I didn't do anything." He laughed a bit.
  7. "Right. Let's just get over that awkward part of our conversation," Axel dismissed right off, chuckling a little as he went to look back at it. It would've been best if he hadn't said anything, but he needed to get that off his chest, he hated saying anything that might offend his friends, it would probably make them think he was turning into a a** or something. Sighing as he dug his hands into his pants pocket, his fingers touched something cold, and metal, and as he traced the shape, he closed his eyes and held back a groan. Larxene's dorm key.

    Was everything reminding him of her? Seriously, what the hell was wrong with him? Though he had thought to himself that he liked her hard, it's only really been two or three days, and he was acting like he just lost a girlfriend of two years. Perhaps if you like a girl too much, it gets you that way for the first few times. "What are you planning to do now? Cause trust me, speak to anyone and is a romantic fest. I'm so tired...and I have to go to the beach with Rei too. But you know, we can plan a day with just us guys for once. What do you think? I can't think of any places except a bar or club though...
  8. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    "Well..." Demyx stretched his arms and folded them above his head. "Yeah... just one bonding day would be nice... we should bring around Roxas too... The old trio before we went to school, if you remember." Demyx chuckled a bit. "You know I'd suggest the beach or the swimming pool just in the campus... but you don't like water that much do you?"
  9. "No, I don't hate water, I don't mind it...I went to the pool with Cloud, Tifa, and Rei before, and I just mentioned that I'm going with said Rei to the beach. Okay, fine, I'm not that much of a fan, but as long as I'm having fun...seriously, I just don't get why people with the power of fire are so...careful with water. But the old trio...and of course Roxas is going to go. Can't forget Zexion though, wherever is. If not, than is just the Three Muskeeters. Do you remember we used to call it that?" Axel questioned, thinking of the past when he was just a tiny evil little tyke. "Hey, how long haven't we fought, Demyx?"
  10. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    "Ah..." Demyx's smile disappeared as he began to think of how long it had been. "Well, we hadn't seen eachother for a while... I say it was around a... month...? Has it really been that long?" Demyx scratched his head. "I almost always lose back in the day... don't have a clue why... I guess that's why people call me Wimpy sometimes..." He smiled once more. "But... I'm sure I got stronger since then, so no picking fights with me anymore."
  11. "Oh, I'm not picking a fight today, I'm not into it. And when I'm not into it, I just don't do as well. Though you owe me one, and let's see if you've improved, I like to see it for myself. Though, I'm really curious now...," Axel trailed, noticing they were walking far off down the hall, to the point where he couldn't even see Tifa's room or the people anymore. Did they turn a corner? Looking around, he turned his body to head back, wanting to see if Cloud would come, and not stray too far away either. Gesturing to Demyx to follow, he added, as he thought on it for awhile, "I really do want a small spar for a bit, you hooked me on that, you know, and your little water clones. And, not to be 'romantic' or anything, but which do you prefer? Red, blonde, or brunette?"
  12. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    OOC: Sorry for disappearing a bit... had to let someone use comp for a short while...

    "Well..." Demyx looked up at the ceiling. "I'm not so sure... If this is about girls again, I can say a lot of redheads are cute, they say blondes have more fun, and most brunettes I know are pretty..." He replied. "But heck, people are different... I've met a lot of nice girls... Can't decide on one unless they like me first..."
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    After Yuffie calmed down she released Cloud and took a small step away,she wiped away her tears,cleared her throat and spoke" love Aerith...but you love Tifa...AND made love to her..were you thinking about Aerith when you made love to Tifa?''she asked

    Cloud looked away,very embarressed about the question"...Yes...when we began...I felt satisfied...but at the same time... felt I was betraying was like I threw every feeling I had for her away for sex with Tifa...and it felt horrible..''Cloud muttered

    Yuffie bit her lip and frowned"....Well...who did you love first?''she asked

    "Aerith"Cloud quickly responded"...Me and Tifa were just friends in the beginning...and years later,when I found her here...she told me how she felt...and..I lied''Cloud's body grew a bit hotter.

    "...Lied about what?..''Yuffie asked curiously,she knew something bad was coming.

    Cloud spoke after 2 minutes of a tense silence"...About loving her...I..didnt like her like that from the beginning...I thought we would just be friends...always...but I....promise me you wont tell anyone what im about to say''Cloud looked up and demanded,after Yuffie nodded Cloud continued on"..It was Pity...all of it was pity...I didnt return her feelings...and if I told her that...she..she might avoid me...and things might never be the same''

    "Cloud...Tifa's a strong girl...and so are su---''Yuffie was cut off

    "If I was really strong would I be in the pitiful state I am now!?''Cloud asked loudly"..Even the strong have emotions Yuffie...sometimes we cant take the truth and the pain that comes with it as well as other's....I'll never be with Aerith...Im with Tifa...I've got to life with that''

    "What's so bad about Tifa?''Yuffie asked him,a little shocked.

    "...I dont know!...but..I dont want to blame this on Aerith''Cloud said

    "..You dont have to..I dont think I can help any further..just let things play out...oh,and ignore Axel's taunts and comments,he isnt sh*t..''Yuffie smiled

    Cloud looked up at Yuffie and smiled a little"..Right..''he said,then with a puff of smoke Yuffie dissapeared,and Cloud,content with they're convsersation,had left the room and began walking back to Tifa's room. so good at this....XD
  14. OOC: True, but it does feel odd...all I'm saying is poor Tifa T.T. Maybe she should go with Rude xP. Or Leon.

    "You're right, though I like blondes better, is always been something of mine," Axel admitted, and for once, it really wasn't part of his liking for Larxene, he really was prone to blondes, he chose them most of all from before. His last girlfriend was blonde, though it didn't really work out. But what Demyx said is true, it depends on personality most, and that's...what keeps him hung up. "So you're saying you might actually give this Yuffie a chance? Interesting...very. Anyway, are you sure you don't want a small fight? We'll both hold back...then again, this place might get wet. With Cloud always damaging the walls for no reason...Saix is going to go berserk on us."
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Yuffie appeared right next to Tifa"..Hey...Cloud is on his way..just so you know''she said,eyeing her up and down" was it with Cloud?''she asked
    Cloud was just around the corner from Tifa's room,but his eyes fell upon Axel and someone else.he shook his head and passed them,trying to take Tifa's advice and ignore Axel.,he turned the corner and began walking over toward's Tifa.

    OOC:..Cloud isnt really bad..-_-....he never knew how Tifa felt...and if he just shot her down like that she'd probably be depressed..
  16. OOC: Yeah, but he made it worse unintentionally. She'll be depressed, if only for awhile until she comes to terms with it, but now she'll freaking break considering what you guys have been through, especially with sleeping with her and all. In other words, she'll be more depressed now than she would've been just simply accepting that he doesn't love her.

    Tifa didn't answer Yuffie, just simply stared at her grimly before going to lay against the surface of the door, sighing. She didn't know what to think of Cloud reappearing, but at least he was coming. She spotted him coming from the corner where Axel and Demyx were coming back from their walk of catching up, and she felt a bit relieved and happy that she wouldn't have to go through this alone. Guess it was just simply a 'breath of fresh air' that he needed, though Tifa had no idea what to say.
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Fine,be mad at me..some friend you are Tifa"Yuffie mumbled sadly,then she walked off toward's Axel and Demyx,who were just around the corner,he heard them talking from afar and she grew interested.She popped her head around the corner where they were"Hi boys!"she said cheeerfully

    OOC: Cloud wont tell her,I deleted a part with Cloud and Yuffie,Cloud is goin to TRY and accept the fact that Aerith can only be a friend and Tifa will be his bride-to-be..what kind of man would wait to tell them that right when the girl might be pregnant?...sheesh if Axel knew about all of that he'd freakin explode...

    Cloud approached Tifa and stood next to her,he gently grabbed her hand"..Are you feeling better?..''he asked,not knowing how to get a conversation going any other way.then,without warning,Cloud embraced Tifa very warmly.Hoping she would feel better if he did so.
  18. OOC: Not explode. Combust and take the whole school and inhabitants with him ala his death xP.

    Tifa was thrown off a loop as Cloud's arms wrapped around her, and pulled her tight into a hug. A bit surprised, she paused for a moment, before returning it and digging her face into his shoulder. Breathing in relaxation, she whispered, "Sorry for what I said from before, I was just frustrated. I wanted to follow you, but Axel said not to, and to let you come back on your own. And you did...I knew it..."

    She smiled at this, glad that the worry she had in mind and heart didn't come true. Cloud wasn't the type to leave at a time like this, and maybe this would finlly prove to Axel that he was alright, and to get off his back.

    Axel simply eyed Cloud when he passed them, but didn't say anything, he ignored him, then he'll do the same, unless the occasion calls for it. He was betting he wouldn't come back, yet he was man enough to, whatever was his problem. Good. He knew how Tifa would've reacted otherwise, and was glad he didn't have to watch her again being in pain from a broken heart, it didn't change the fact that he suspected Cloud though. Nudging Demyx by his side, he nodded his head to the blond. "That's Cloud, as you know. He came back, surprisingly..."

    It wasn't much later when they were disrupted by a very happy voice, and Axel looked to his side to find the suppose 'sugar and crack' girl actually talking to them. He blinked. He didn't expect her to come right now with them or even be here, and it was out of nowhere, though now Demyx might have a chance to have a girl, despite his I like being single speech. But...Axel honestly didn't predict it, yet might as well take your blessings as they come. Smirking, he clapped a hand to Demyx's back. "Hey! Oh,wait...since you know me, let me introduce you to my friend, his name is Demyx. Demyx, this is Yuffie..."

    He emphasized it roughly as he gave him a look.
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Yuffie eyed Axel suspiciously,he hated her,so why was he acting so friendly?she merely shook her head and looked over at the newly introduced Demyx:..Hi there''she said,waving a little,not knowing of what to expect from this new person,who knows?,maybe she was about to make a new friend.

    Cloud simply rubbed her back gently"...Dont worry about what you said right''Cloud admitted,though the whole Chocobo joke ticked him off a little.He released Tifa after a long pause and let out a small yawn,he had not slept for a very long time"...Can we go to bed now?''Cloud asked Tifa as if they were actally married and not as if it was a son-mother question.
  20. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kishami walked down the hall to her dorm, clutching the book in her hands. Today's going by really slow... she thought and continued to walk, observing the dorm numbers to find her own..
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