KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "...Cloud...''Yuffie came out of her hiding place beside the door and walked closer to Cloud,who was still on his knee's

    Cloud reluctantly looked up at Yuffie,he didnt want anyone to see the pitiful state he was in at the moment,he merely looked into her eyes and said"..What?''

    Yuffie bit her lip and sat beside him"...I saw...and heard everything...before we try and talk about it I want you to know why I've been interfereing with your relationship with Tifa..''she sad sadly

    Cloud put on an astonished look,so there was a reason Yuffie did what she did to get in his way with Tifa,Cloud grew curious and sat down straight with her"...Go on..''he said

    Yuffie nodded and looked down at the ground"..You may have hid it from Tifa Cloud..but I still know you have feelings for Aerith in feel bad about sleeping with Tifa...dont you?''Yuffie asked

    Cloud blinked unexpectantely,he thought he hid that secret well enough,but he figured that hiding things from a Ninja wouldnt be easy,Cloud let out a long sigh"...Yes..I still have feelings for her...but I think I shouldnt..but I dont think I can stop those feelings at the same time...''he muttered

    "..I know she means alot to you might think im a b*tch for what im about to've got to move've lost it with cant love anyone else right?''Yuffie asked

    Cloud shook his head"..Having sex with a girl cant stop you from loving another Yuffie...I'll get over it somehow...''he mumbled

    Yuffie smiled"OK.I'll leave it to you...and I've done what I've done to try and help you and Tifa grow closer..I know the idea's were dumb and my idea was childish...but I didnt want you to go back and forth with both of those girls..''Yuffie lip started quivering,letting Cloud know she was about to cry.

    Cloud looked over at her and opened his arms"..Let it out Yuffie..''he said

    Yuffie immediately flew into Cloud's arms and cried into his chest

    Cloud held her tightly and patted her back,now that he knew the truth he felt grateful to Yuffie,she did everything to try and keep him and Tifa together,and he couldnt ask for a better friend.

    OOC: whew... lol
  2. OOC: Kind of weird, considering the Aerith from before *shudder*. Or do we just forget about that? xD Cloud and Axel have more in common than they think...

    I don't know what to write >.<.
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Yeah,FinalForm only wanted to ruin Cloud's relationship with her up,maybe someone better can play her...*looks at TwilightNight*
  4. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    OOC: Aww... Cloud still has feelings for Aerith. ^^ *is a CloudxAerith person personally*

    Demyx sighed and walked through the hall... that was over... whatever it was. He scratched his head and went on with his life... he decided to go get a snack or something... he felt as if he had watched some sort of drama movie... and luckily, no one really noticed him there watching.
  5. OOC: Me too xP. Check my sig. Though of course, I don't mind in RPs.You know, you could've simply put Demyx to talk to them, he is Axel's friend.

    And, I don't need to free Aerith...I never placed FinalForm's name by her in the first place :D. Though I had to edit your Gatekeeper name to your recent one.
  6. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    OOC: Yeah I should, but I figure Demyx thinks there's still some sort of mess. You know IX...get out of trouble person...

    Demyx went over to a nearby water dispenser and picked up a plastic cup. He drank the water and sighed. "Well, now that I'm refreshed... I guess I'll just bug around those guys about what just happened..."

    OOC: Don't listen to me. I lied. Demyx wants the trouble. D:
  7. OOC: Lol xD. Good, cause Axel hasn't seen Demyx in a while (someone had him before you, loooong ago, but he disappeared, never came back, so he was free), and he has been spending time with girls. Zexion hasn't made his debut, Roxas is with Olette now in a little date, and Axel needs some male company.
  8. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    "Hey yo Ax... What just happened there?" Demyx asked, finally, being his usual cheerful self. He placed his hand on Axel's shoulder. "Something happened with you, Cloud, and Tiffany? You've been busy eh..." He smiled as he elbowed him.

    OOC: Forgive me, I had the urge to call Tifa Tiffany... or at least make Demyx call her that.
  9. OOC: Tiffany...xDD.

    "My name is Tifa, Tifa..." Tifa growled at Demyx, crossing her arms, not knowing how many times she had to remind him after years of knowing him.

    However, she was ignored.

    "Demyx!? Holy...finally, someone who has a male appendage that isn't Cloud!" Axel exclaimed, his downward mood getting excited just to see one of his closest friends, after such a long while. Who's missing now was Zexion, wherever he was, and Roxas was out...somewhere, wasn't he? Just two people missing to form back to the close knit group of theirs. Axel would call Roxas later to see how he was, but for now, he had at least one company. Grinning at Rei and Angel, then staring at Tifa's less than pleased expression, he turned back to the water wielder. "You've missed a lot, actually. Like the dance, I don't know if you went or not, but I didn't see you, and that Roxas is getting comfy with Olette. And about what happened now...long story..."
  10. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kishami was asleep under a tree in front of the school. There was a book open on her lap. She had been reading one of her favorite novels.
  11. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    "Well whatever..." Demyx sighed. "I didn't get to the dance. Fever. Sucks you know. Even guys like us can get sick when least expected." He rubbed his temple and sighed. "I seriously need to get on with someone soon, you guys are all lovey-dovey with hot babes and all... or hot guys in Tiffany's case..."
  12. Tifa was about to charge at Demyx, but as if Axel predicted it, he blocked her fist, and merely guided her hand down, patting it, still not looking at her. She bristled, her past mood getting combined with a dab of irritation. "Tell him is Tifa!"

    "Sure thing," Axel whispered back to her dismissively, only making the girl grumble even more, though his utmost concentration was on Demyx, as he wanted to tell him everything that had occured, except his love life, which was kind of in a jamble at the moment...a upsetting one. Though it wasn't like Demyx cared that he is interested in a Prep, right? Yet..this was something he only could entrust to Roxas. Halting himself from getting Larxene into his mind again, he elbowed him in the ribs lightly. "It's Tifa. T-I-F-A. Got it memorized? And I don't know what you're talking about...I don't have a girlfriend..." If whatever he and Larxene had was that, I mean, she still has Prep Marluxia, and as long as she's with him, it is called cheating. And Axel should be rightly titled a "lover"...not that it mattered now, did it? She probably hated him...after telling her the truth of being attracted to Rei..."You just have to find a girl for you, she's here somewhere I'm sure."
  13. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kishami woke up and found herself under the tree. She sighed and closed the book, standing up and dusting herself off. I hate it when I fall asleep while reading... she thought and walked into the school, carrying the book. She headed towards her dorm.
  14. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    "Tifa? That doesn't sound nearly as feminine as Tiffany. Oh wellz..." Demyx shrugged. "Well, now that I think of it, I'm sure being single has its advantages... I don't have to listen to anyone... I'm free to pick where I go, I won't get lectured by anti-romance teacher freaks in the school, you know, that stuff. Sweet freedom. I really should stick to that." He smiled and stretched his arms. "Well, I guess I should just enjoy being a free man while I can. But enough about me, what else happened around here that I for-some-strange-reason failed to notice all this time?"

    OOC: Brb's...
  15. "Um..." Axel hesitated, scratching his head, not knowing how to go about this. Glancing at Tifa for the moment, he gave her look, but she remained expressionless, only her eyes said that it was fine, so he took it as the answer. Though it still didn't feel right explaining it here, in front of her.

    Grasping Demyx's arm, he began to lead him away from the girls standing around the front door of Tifa's room, and sent a stare to Rei to say he'll be right back. As they were a bit out of earshot, he started to explain in a very low whisper, "Well, Tifa has a boyfriend, you know...Cloud. And there had been some problems, like there was one time, where it really pained Tifa, that he left and broke up with her, because he didn't feel good enough for her or was the best thing to do. But that's over, of course, so they're back together. Now though...they had...she lost her...they had sex, you know, and well...the condom ripped, and she doesn't know whether she is pregnant or not..."
  16. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    Demyx listened in, not fully listening, as he looked like he was ready to doze off. H's eyes widened though as he heard the 'sex' part. "Sex?!" He whispered loudly, "I thought that was forbidden in school grounds!!" He looked back at Tifa, "Wow... she's in trouble if the principal finds out..." He shuddered at the thought of her being pregnant... and the long lecture that might ensue. "I never expected that..." He slouched. "Man... I should never have annoyed her with that 'Tiffany' thing... Then again, I thought it was her name, so I guess I shouldn't blame myself for that..."
  17. "True, you're not allowed to have sex, but you know no one really follows that. Tifa's having a very hard time with it. Not to mention, that Cloud is the type to run off on tough situations that he can't handle, and he did so right now. Though I think it was more on a conflict between me and him, cause...we really don't like each other. He wanted to fight me, but Tifa defended me by covering me so his sword wouldn't 'slash my head'. Though, really, I could've blocked it. It's a huge problem right now, and we all don't know if he's coming back. Just the fact that he walked away I think is a really b*tch thing to do, considering Tifa might have his kid, if the test proves positive, and where would he be?" Axel finished as a end, sighing as the events of today left a tired mark on his body.

    He then thought if maybe Demyx can be trusted with the story about his own personal problems...yeah, he can explain it without exactly saying their names, this way, he wouldn't feel guilty of hiding it from one of his closest friends, who had never shown anything else, but loyalty. That's the safest thing to do. "And...I don't trust Cloud with Tifa, there's something wrong in there about him, somewhere, and I don't want her to get hurt. Anyway, to get away from that, is making me pissed....I was wondering what you think of my tumbling love life, which I can explain to you about?"
  18. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    "Well..." Demyx started, "I'm no expert in this thing, but love is complex, we all know that... And almost nothing is worse than affairs involved with it. I think that... yeah, you really care about Tifa yes?" He paused for a moment and then continued, "If Cloud doesn't seem to be the right man for her... you can always find someone better for Tifa... or Cloud could improve..." He scratched his head, "But of course, we're not too close with him at all, now are we? We have to leave him alone to improve by himself... unless of course he finds another woman, but let's hope not... wait, no... is that better or worse?" Demyx shook his head. "Sorry man... not good with this talk."

    EDIT: OOC: Just found out SORA! might leave... or be invisible and not post... can I get Roxas? Sue me for being used to roleplaying him and/or Demyx. :(

    Also, random thing... we need an Aerith for this little plot. Dx

    Oh yeah... and weren't you Riku *TwilightNight*? Just wondering why it was still blank...
  19. OOC: I'll have to PM her/him (I forgot) first, since it would be kind of mean to just take away the character and give it to you, you know? Just want to see if it's alright, so if she/he comes back...well...

    But if what you say is right then, I don't think there would be a problem.

    Aerith will be awesome, if someone good gets her.

    I'm not really Riku, I'm just taking over since the person who does a OC, Sharix, wanted to do something xP. However, he is available. Though we have to finish a certain date before he is taken, but anyone can claim him (just waiting on who). And I want a person to take Naminé so badly xD (read my sig. I know, Olette...but...>.<).

    And this is pointless, but the constant red of Axel, and blue of Demyx, and the white background reminds of the American patriotic colors. And it blends well.

    "Demyx," Axel deadpanned, half-lidding his eyes at him. "You're freaking confusing me. Is not that Cloud isn't the right man, is it overprotective brotherly instincts for Tifa or something, but something is just off. It's been off since I first laid eyes on him, and is only gotten worse with his actions, maybe that's why I can't get to like him. I can't find someone better, cause is really up to Tifa. And finding another woman is worse, of couldn't be, though didn't Cloud and Tifa mention Aerith? lost me completely, I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore..."

    Creasing his eyebrows as he tried to get back to his previous conversation to ignore this tangled web, and what had he set out to do, he asked, "Do you still want to hear what's been going on with me? If you're interested, of course....I don't mind."
  20. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    OOC: lol ok... xD Constant red and blue of dooom... Oh, and I want Aerith... but I'm sure someone else can do her better...

    Demyx sighed, "Ok yeah, I know how confusing I am... I'm such a weirdo and all that..." He scratched his head, "I think I want to lay off these romantic bits for now... I'm not a girl you know." He added. "We should be talking about sports and bands... not romance." Demyx said this mostly because this wasn't confusing just for Axel, but for him as well... "If you have anything that happened to you that's NOT romantic... sure, let's go with that."
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