KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- i still have awhile till new years... >.<
  2. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    OOC: I'm sick of being alone. I'm bringing Demyx into that mess. D<

    Demyx was walking across the dormitory hallway... he didn't expect anything to happen, as it's been a really long time since something exciting came up... well, at least for him. He heard some sort of shouting... what room was it coming from? Or is it just in the hall? Demyx couldn't tell, but he followed his hearing and got closer until where he could identify some voices...
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud had soon stopped moving,and had taken in the words Axel had said,Cloud had been kidding around all along,and he thought Axel had the brains to realize that,but Cloud just knew the red-head wouldnt see it,so he was prepared for any witty come-back,except a blow to his heart,his parents were gone..dead,Axel might not have been smart enough to find out,because if he did find out then he sure as hell wouldnt say a word about his mother.

    Cloud turned around to face Axel,who was now beaten to the floor,and Tifa,Cloud gave her a move-the-hell-out-of-the-way look,then turned to face Axel"You know...I was playing in the beginning...but just got serious!"Cloud swiftly pulled out his Buster Sword from the holster and ran toward's Axel with a bloodthirstly look,his sword being dragged and making sparks on the ground"And only god can stop me from slicing you apart!"Cloud shouted coldly as he jumped in the air,about to slice Axel's head off.

    OOC: it just got epic lol,and as much as most of you want to interfere and act all cool,please dont,I've wanted this fight to happen for a long time.
  4. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    Demyx had no idea what the hell those people were doing... but it didn't sound very peaceful because of all the shouting. "What the hell--" Demyx said as soon as he looked at what was happening. (Demyx made it look as if he was just going to pass by... not really like he had listened in.) He stared at the scene he expected to happen. Axel would die, because Cloud would slice his head off, and he had no idea why. I've been missing a lot... Demyx thought.
  5. OOC: I just noticed…what happened to Aaron? XD

    “No, stop it!” Tifa shouted to Cloud, still covering Axel, and now going to cover his head with her shaking body. She was obviously scared and anxious now, and she felt Axel grumble under her to get off, but didn’t dare move. God, this was not happening….there was no way this was happening. What will it take for these two idiots to finally be in peace? Didn’t they know it was affecting everyone else? If Cloud wanted to get to him, he was going to have to wrench her off, and even then she wouldn't let go. Tifa wanted none of her men to get hurt in this stupid fight, and not only was it dumb, but pointless. If it was for anything except verbal spats, then it might have actually worked, this is nothing but baby stuff, and they’re nothing but babies.

    Her eyes shifted around for anyone else to help with this, and she felt tears swell in her eyes. “You promised…no fighting to kill…”

    Axel tried to get the girl off of him, but this time, she was really not budging, and he groaned, when he was officially covered by her, and couldn’t see anything with her black hair except Cloud’s feet heading towards him. Surprisingly, he was calm, even felt like going to sleep as being laid down for so long now, but he still felt the urge to get up and go head to head, right now, right then. It had been held off for way too long.. Now Cloud was all upset because he insulted his mummy, and he didn’t care whether he was joking or not, his fun was his displeasure, and he wasn’t going to let that redhead whore comment go, even though his real mother didn’t have red hair, he had inherited her green eyes…Axel then felt a slight ache that seemed to overtake him more than anger, and he shut his eyes, blocking the memories away, that he had locked so long ago. There were not to awaken again. He could hear the deepest corners of his mind the car screeching…and yells…and..


    Thankfully, Tifa’s whimpering voice snapped him out of it before the remembrance consumed him completely, which was dangerous…not in temper, but in depression for him, and he cursed under his breath. Damn that promise…was he willing to break it? Break just to finally, finally…get at Cloud? That was more than just a simple oath, it was in tie with heir friendship…would he be a traitor? He couldn’t do that to Tifa…

    “Get off,” Axel mumbled again, trying to move, but it seemed that now Tifa had placed all the strength and body weight on him. He let out a breath irritably. “I’m not going to fight him, just let go…”

    She shook her head, willing her tears away. “I don’t believe you...”
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud had seen that Tifa would not move,and Axel didnt have enough strength to break free,reluctantely he broke off his attack and landed on the ground inches away from Axel's head and he glared at Tifa"Why are you defending him Tifa!?''he asked,shouting angrily in the process.Well.the situation couldnt be worse,he was extremely pissed off at Axel,but the ******* is being protected by could he get her to release Axel?

    Cloud made a quick slice at the wall next to him,then glanced back down at Tifa angrily,awaiting an answer.he did say it would take a god to stop him,but he forgot about a goddess....and Tifa was one.

    OOC: aww he's so sweet XD
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007

    ..........maybe you should make better friends.........friends that won't fight.....*sigh*.......knowing Axel.......and knowing Cloud.......-_-........I better get over there.......

    She wiped her tears and her nose and checked herself in the mirror. sign that you ever cried.......except your red nose..........-_-.......*sigh*......

    She pocketed some tissues and went back to Tifa's dorm and saw what was going on.

    .....nice job, Tifa......
  8. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kishami sat down underneath a tree, staring and the blue sky. She watched as a white cloud floated across the sky. She stared at it, mesmerized. It seemed so hypnotizing... Kishami had always been a cloud watcher, and she still was. For some reason it seemed fun to just lay on the ground and stare at the passing clouds... sometimes she even counted how many clouds there were. 1... 2... 3... She closed her eyes and sighed. For somereason she wasn't in the mood to watch clouds.

    She stood up and dusted off her pants from the dirt on the ground. I need to find something to do... I can't let these memories keep haunting me... maybe if I do something else to keep myself occupied... she tried to think of something to do, but realized that she didn't see much to do in this town, and sighed. Man... why did I have to move? I had a perfectly good life back at my old home...
  9. OOC: Wow...Cloud is overkill :3, you know any girl would fall for that sweetness. Woot!

    Tifa sniffed a little as she eyed her lover, making Axel on the bottom finally able to see without her long ebony hair around like a curtain. She looked at Angel with a nod, and then sent Cloud a apologetic for stopping him from wanting what he wanted, but she shook her head as well, trying to explain, "I'm sorry, but I don't want any of you to get hurt, you're both the men I love, in different ways, of course, not to mention it's pointless. All because of little verbal spats you two are going to fight for the kill or something?! I would understand if he betrayed you, or killed or hurt someone close to you, but all this is a battle of prides. Both your prides are cut hard, and since you're guys, you can't take your egos being shut down that way, and have to say something back and throw dirt, over and over until one of you wins. And you can't have it otherwise. That's what this all is. Is childish and is stupid, and people around are being affected by it. As you can see."

    Tifa raised her arms to point to Rei, but mostly to Angel, and then shifted her eyes over both males. "How about this? You're both dipsh*ts, you're both p*ssies, you're both a**holes, you're both f**kfaces, you both look like you came from a barn farm with your hair, Axel from a porcupine, and Cloud from a Chocobo, and you both need your balls to drop. And fast. How about that? And the mother comments are uncalled for, so no more."

    She eyed Axel sharply at this. Tifa didn't understand though, Axel even made bad comments about his own mother, and hates her, another reason why he never went home, which she didn't mention to Rei. So why would any hint of it piss him off if he did the same?
  10. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- wow... O.o..................
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud looked at the wall and sighed irritably,wanting to cut it until there was nothing left,but restrained himself from doing so,,he glanced at Tifa and placed his Sword back in its holster" wont have to worry about any of this anymore..''he muttered,staring Tifa down.a moment after Cloud said it he walked right past her without a second glance.

    he shook his head as he walked,very pissed at himself for letting Axel go AGAIIN without an a**kicking.but it didnt matter,he was done,with everyone,and everything in that he began heading out to the school grounds to prepare leaving everything that happened in the past.
  12. OOC: I kept getting Databased ^^;, but I found a way in. It seems I can't get to the main forum index only, but I can check my private messages, the Cutscene Portal, and all, so I simply clicked on my screen name in the Active Users list, and then clicked “Find all posts done by blah blahâ€, you know, and it takes me here by clicking on a previous RP post of mine. Yah, is kind of weird xP. That’s the only way I can get in for now. If not that, then it goes completely “This Page Cannot Be Displayed†on me for hours.

    Man, it seems the Database errors are back again :/.

    Axel remained quiet throughout the whole of Tifa's speech, a bit annoyed at her sudden rewording of their insults, if not a bit amused, yet otherwise calm. He watched from his vision on the floor at Cloud, his words, and then him walking away...perhaps out again. Maybe to get some fresh air or simply leave, nothing new. And Axel wasn't going to let Tifa go after him again, not anymore, is up to Cloud to come back, if he will. And Axel would stop proving his point any longer, since none of them seem to get it, when the prove just happened right now.

    "Geroff," Axel grumbled deeply, this time low and serious, as he wasn't going to be trapped here any longer, and if it comes down to it, he'll break away by force. He didn't need to though, as Tifa finally got off him, and his body could breathe fresh air again. Sighing in relief, he quickly scrambled and got up, fixing his clothes as he looked down at them, but not finding them that rumpled. Going to stare at Tifa, he found her sitting in the floor, her back against a wall, and glancing at where Cloud just left. She went to wipe the tears that were in her eyes before, but they weren't exactly stopping now. He went forward a few steps, and grabbed her hand as he bent down. "Get up. Forget him, for now. There's no way you're going to be upset over his a** again. I won’t let you. If he isn't a imbecile, he'll come back and see if you're pregnant or not, and stay with you after a while of cooling."

    Tifa looked up at Axel, a bit lost at the sudden change of moods. She did lose a bit of energy holding him back, and keeping him there, but now Cloud was gone once more, probably sick of her and everything in her life. Of course, she felt worse than she had when she found out about the news of the condom having broken, because now she didn't have her boyfriend, and she was stuck on whether she might have a kid or not. Yet, she tried to get up with the help of Axel, and soon stood on her feet, trying to blink back more tears as her eyes went burry for who knows how much now so far today. Tifa didn't want to cry again, she was so sick of it, she'd rather eat ice cream or something and drown in sorrow like a girl should. She stared at Axel hopelessly, wondering what to do, "Maybe I was too harsh...what now?! I shouldn't have said that-

    "No, no, you were right, actually. Of course, you should've let him get the fight he was so craving for, but you got other people here who won't leave," Axel said, then gave a gesture with his head to the other two here with them, and the many others that weren‘t present. "We'll be here whether you have a rugrat or not, and we'll be happy to help otherwise, but don't go looking for Cloud again. That's enough on your part, don’t you think? It’s time to prove himself what type of man he is.â€

    He wanted to add if his words from before didn’t mean anything now, but bit his tongue, since he knew he didn’t make it easier for Cloud either. It’s partly him to be blamed.
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ........*sniff*...............I hate this nose......

    She pulled out two tissues. One for her and one for Tifa.

    .......Axel..........don't let this happen again........please.........
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    10 minutes later...

    Cloud was up on the edge of the roof thinking hard,even if he said it was for Tifa's sake to get along with Axel he didnt think he could do it,Axel hated Cloud for so many reasons,so how could Tifa expect them to get along and be friends?

    he let out a long sigh and clenched his fist's tightly"..Why did you have to stop me!?"he muttered angrily,then he fell on his knee's looking at the ground"...Telling her how I felt was a mistake in the look what's happened.''
  15. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528 bad.........
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: what is?...
  17. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Cloud can't leave Tifa! Then he'd be a jerk.........because Tifa can't raise a child by herself! And she's not even asking him to be friends with Axel. Just not fight with him......ever again.......
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: No fighting IS friendly to him...since Cloud thinks they cant change...and you'll find out what Cloud does...he might not leave Tifa(increases suspense) XD
  19. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    He better not......i hate it when I heard stories of teenage pregnancy and almost all the time the guy LEAVES!
  20. OOC: Yeah, but we might not now if Tifa is pregnant yet. Though now I'm seriously thinking about it...o.O Am I the only one who's board is not loading well...and it's white? *sigh* At least I can get in normally now -_-. I hate this T.T...

    Tifa hesitated at this, but then thought of the conversation she and he had before, the last time he did this, and even she had decided that there wouldn't be no more following him any longer. But really...what if she did turn out to be pregnant? What then? Still...Axel was right, she had her friends, and she knew that was support enough. And maybe then...perhaps Cloud wasn't the person who she thought he was, if he doesn't come back...and that ached her, alot, but she forced herself not to show it until she was alone. Sniffing, she wiped away her red eyes from the water drowning them, and gave a weak smile, nodding, though not very confident. "Yeah,, what a day..."

    "What a day indeed. But we should make it better, though I don't know whether we're still going to the beach...." he directed this particularly comment to Rei, staring at her questionably to see if she was still up to it. If Axel honestly would've described this weekend, it would be a extremely eventful one. The dance, Larxene, pregnancy scares, fighting, insults, many more to come, he guessed. And this was only up to Saturday, still early. Not to mention he hadn't gotten a good sleep, so this weekend will definitely be written in his history books. Gazing at Angel, he then widened his eyes as he contemplated his actions, and eyed her guiltily as he remembered what eh ahd done. "Listen, Angel...about when I yelled at you...sorry, I didn't mean it." He then shifted his eyes to the three girls there, reluctantly. "And fine...I'll lay off, Cloud...a little."
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