KH Class RP Part 2

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Feb 9, 2011.

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  1. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    "Well Vexen, he's a child. Children are quite clumsy." Hestia nearly glared at Vexen. She patted the boy's cheek, humming a bit to calm him down. "Now dear, no one is going to hurt you. I wouldn't let them." she hummed a bit softer, trying to earn his trust.
    Mage didn't have the energy or conscious to wince, sleeping soundly in Nympha's arms. She muttered in her sleep.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    The little boy's eyes glittered with tears as he looked down at Hestia patting his cheek and humming, "Um, why are you helping me. I can take care of myself! I'm a big boy!" Vexen shook his head, "He's hopeless. I don't know why he was created. It was Zexion's idea." Zexion sighed, "I just thought...Akii isn't my age at all. She's so young and until she got older or...even not....I could create someone like me that she would latch onto and love when she was older." He stood, leaving Mage to Nympha, Someone tell me you all found something worthwhile out there?" Nympha pulled Ventus' core out of her pocket and held it out to him. "It wants to go to one who can use it best." Zexion nodded, "Right...X. I wonder where he is exactly."
  3. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Hestia ceased her hums, smiling. "Well, you're a child. I protect them, and creations. And besides, I believe you are allowed to live. Besides, Vexen's a grumpy old man that can get a new beaker." she chuckled.
    Parma flew around, finally finding a bathroom to wash. She washed herself up, returning to a white bird once more. She flew back, noticing Hestia with a boy. "Oh! Hestia who is this? He looks like Ashir, how cute!" she perched upon his shoulder, pecking her mark on his skin. "There now, can you hear me child?"
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Vexen huffed, "I believe I named him No. ii or Nixio. He's the latest model of your "land" versions. Otherwise, the water Fakes are now sitting peacefully in the tube of water in the lab. Now, I must fix my experiment Hestia." Nixio shivered and stroked Parma with two fingers. "She's pretty. Yeah, I can hear you." Nympha left Mage with Zexion to fix her wrist and she stroked Nixio's head, "Nice boy."
  5. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    ooc: TN, what about Nuthead? xD;;
    bic: Parma chuckled. "Well Nixio, this is Nympha. I am Parma, weapon and ally of Ashir and my creator is Hestia!" She was a proud bird indeed.
    "Oh! Vexen, do you need help with the air ones? I could give you a design. And the Water ones, oh I'd love to see them as well!" she was quite excited, an artist loved visiting new creations.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    ooc: What the? How did I miss that? Sorry! ;_;

    bic: Vexen glowered and grabbed Nixio's arm, pulling him away from her, "No, no more help! I know you did something to Nympha. I just....know it." He started to drag Nixio away from her. The little boy turned back toward her and winked.

    Roxas shook his head, "No, I see who she is now. I see what kind of man she wants. Xenree....she's the only one who's true to herself. All these girls around...they're not like her. It's her fault! Xenree started all this. With Xion....Namine...even Axel." He pointed Oblivion toward Xenree's back and growled, "Xenree!"

    Renee cringed, "Isn't that dangerous? Wouldn't I go back to being who I was before? that what you want?"
  7. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Hestia chuckled. "It's just a design for the body, no need to worry! Nympha's special because she's the first of them all!" Parma spread her wings, allowing Hestia to hop on and ride her. They both trailed after Vexen and Nixio.
  8. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    "Roxas...think before you act that way...maybe you lost your mind when you had that Dark Aura around you" The Green ? Egg explained with the Pink ? Egg pleading "Please Roxas.....think clearly....Namine does not want him....she just wants to apologize"

    "Well Renee...I love you no matter what you really it's up to you" Raoxthu replied
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Vexen pulled the boy back to the lab. A stream of music came from a tank embedded in the ground. Vexen strapped the boy to a table and slid an IV into his arm. "Now, no more running. I don't have time to chase you again. We're going to fix whatever gene in you is malfunctioning." Nixio sighed, "I told you, nothing's malfunctioning." his little voice sounded odd with his irish accent.

    "Hmph, she can't explain that to my face!? I've got better things to do! Xenree!" Xenree turned, regardless of everything else for the moment, "What!? Why does everyone demand my attention at once! Dear lord. I can't stand you people!" her rant stopped when she saw who it was, "Roxas? Oh, my darling Roxy!" Arms outstretched, she hugged him close to her and Roxas got a good whiff of her scent. Like roses and spices...darkness, this was the smell of darkness. "I wanted to tell you I'm through with the light. All it's brought me is pain. How much left forgiveness can I dish out?" She smiled evilly at the SnS Eggs behind him, "Shhh, it's alright now."

    Renee closed her eyes, "I won't let it change me...I won't... Let's do it."
  10. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Hestia looked towards the tank, sheepishly keeping Parma away from it. "What is it?"
    "I-I have a problem... with this body, cloth and water don't mix well." Hestia landed Parma on a shelf to watch Nixio. She hopped down and grabbed her sketchpad, creating a design for the air fakes.
  11. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    "What!?" The Pink ? Egg yelled aloud "He's betraying us!?" before the Green ? Egg replied "I'm afraid so......he will no longer be an egg-wielder if he goes with this plan"

    "Okay" The Black Egg replied firing a small pink/black beam aimed for Renee's heart
  12. bluekingboy Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 23, 2011
    in the pits of hell, spamming back
    Al saw Namine running torwards him and met her halfway with a big hug.
  13. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Gexln looked coldly at Xenree. "Hmph. So you do feel after all" he stated, seeing her with Roxas.
  14. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    Namine looked up at Al and replied "Listen....I'm sorry about what we see.....I have feelins for Ro..." shortly before the Pink and Green ? Eggs appeared by them replying "Namine stay away from Roxas.....he's gone totally whacko and evil!"
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree laughed, "Is that what it seems like? My poor Gexln, so confused aren't you? Alright. I'll tell you.... Glen...that was his name. He thought he could defeat me and thus I showed him the true power of darkness. I wanted to make him into a more worthy adversary."

    Roxas turned his head back to the SnS Eggs and winks, briefly. A small smile on his lips before vanishing and turning back into Xenree's coat. Oathkeeper shimmered in his hand. His plan...was going exactly as he thought. Even if Namine wanted to leave him because of this, he'd be happy with that. At least Xenree wouldn't be able to hurt her anymore.

    Renee let her heart become engulfed in the corruption. She opened her eyes, letting it settle inside her. She didn't feel much different, "I sure hope that worked. I don't feel any different."

    Vexen glanced over to Hestia and the tank, "Oh that? Those are the water forms. Zexion thought they should have a certain...allure. Mermaids...they'll blend better but they're not much of mermaids and more like sirens. Sheesh, the things never stop singing." He threw a chunk of meat into the tank and whatever was in it, swarmed on it. Zexion followed shortly down into the lab again, "Ladies, please, don't eat like that. It's savage." A woman's head with fish ears and scales poked her head up out of the water. Her hair was blue like the water. She pouted but when she tried to speak, music came out instead. Zexion seemed to understand, "I know...I know. He's a jerk, what can I do? I have to work with him and live with him. He took care of me since I was a child." She rolled her eyes and dove back under the water. Nixio smiled at Hestia, "Her name is Dreena. She's the best singer, at least I think so. Aren't they pretty. With their diffent colored hair..." he sighed and closed his eyes, letting Vexen run his tests.
  16. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    "Did you model all of these after Nympha?" Hestia asked, a small smirk gracing her lips. Parma looked around, able to sense a trace of familiar energy throughout all these little Fakes. "Or... How did they all get so much of a personality? It's lovely really, makes them all the better."
  17. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    The two SnS eggs slightly confused just nodded in approval before floating near Namine.

    "Oh don't may even feel the same effects as in when Shadow Star corrupted you" The Black Egg explained

    "Anyone have an idea on how to get to the eyes" Hacker asked looking at the fish.
  18. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    "A more worthy adversary? Well, you succeeded. But that right there is going to be your downfall" Gexln stated.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Vexen looked to Zexion and he blushed, "W-well I...she was just...ALRIGHT! I liked Nympha, she's....damn beautiful and I just thought her appeal like that would work against Xenree's Fakes as they all seem to resemble males. There is logic behind this!" Nixio laughed, "Sure there is."

    Roxas' hand moved slightly, slowly enough that he thought she wouldn't notice. He lifted Oathkeeper and before he knew it, Xenree flipped them over so he was lying on his back with Xenree leaning over him. She'd tackled him to the ground faster than the eye could blink. "So foolish. And here I would've given you everything. Oh, much I do adore you." Her silver eyes were actually quite pretty up close, but it was the last thought that ran through his mind before Xenree kissed him. Her darkness spreading through him like an infection through their kiss.

    Renee smiled, twirling. "Cool! You..uh, can leave us now Mr. Black Egg." she childishly waved goodbye to it.

    Aqua floated next to them, panting, "Wait until it swims under you and try to grab onto that scale that's jutting out from it. It gives the perfect advantage to stab it in the eye. C'mon, we gotta watch out!" Aqua shoved them aside as a pillar broke under the water from Morpheel's rampage.
  20. bluekingboy Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 23, 2011
    in the pits of hell, spamming back
    Al just pointed to Xenree and Roxas."Really?"

    Lax got bothered by Roxas and Xenree.
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