The Cast of Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 and also COM go to camp! and the Orginization are the instuctors! (except for Roxas he's a student and he is underaged to be a instuctor!) Story: Everyone gets enrolled in Camp Kingdom Hearts (I know original right!?) and yeah yeah the Orginization are the instructors so CHHOOOSE! If you are a orginization character you can choose what they teach (like how to use a compass or something camplike ok?) the limit of characters to choose is 2 Sora:SORA! Riku:InuKH2Sammy Kairi:swordser2 Namine:Nymph of Destiny Roxas:SORA! Xemnas: Occupation: Xigbar: Occupation: Xaldin: Occupation: Vexen: Occupation: Leaxeaus: Occupation: Zexion:darkheart418 Occupation:reading club instructor Saix: Occupation: Axel:Number 8 Axel Occupation: Demyx:Number 8 Axel Occupation: Luxord: Occupation: Marluxia:InuKH2Sammy Occupation:Gardening Club Teacher Larxene:Nymph of Destiny Occupation:Fighting Club Teacher
Sure you can be both of them and you can choose the occupation for Larxene so yeah you can choose like Marluxia has a gardening club thingy yes you can
Sure there you go and the Occupation is not specific it just has to be something like a Camp will hold Ok whats there occupation?
Sure but Number 8 Axel and darkheart418 still gotta choose their occupation YOU ALREADY DO!? im so sorry! i never knew im so sorry! :( cause i REALLY did not know!
Oh no its no problem I want you to have fun too. I was just saying that so that you knew, some people might see mine and not join yours and vice-versa. I actually may join yours too.