Keyblade's power Vs Wielder's power...

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Radiowave, Feb 18, 2008.

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  1. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    kind of an obscure topic, but is it the strength of the key that makes the wielder strong or is it that because the strength of a wielder they can do fantastic feats with a keyblade...? I mean, we know sora has some abilities that dont require a keyblade like gliding or dashing, but people like Terra, Riku or Mickey. Even their fighting combos make them float upwards a little bit...and Terra seems to have the ability to control his keyblade using his mind...yet we havent seen any of them (terra obviously) fly on their own, or hover on their own...they just kind of catch up to sora as he runs...
  2. Zeftnon - The Superior Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 12, 2006
    Press Ctrl+W to find out...
    You could say both matter.
  3. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    That's like saying it's not the Keyblade that defines the hero, but the hero defines the Keyblade. Sora's a unique individual, but he's not going to be the last Keyblade wielder.
  4. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    I agree, it's definately a factor of both the user and the weapon.
  5. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    I believe the Keyblade simply draws out the power of its wielder. Without the Keyblade, Sora would be just a regulart teenager.

    However, the Keyblade in the hands of someone unworthy of it... would be little more than a giant key.

    Its like, symbiosis.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    I would say the Keyblade links to the Heart of the wielder and that spirit is what is the true power for it. Riku is kind of an unusual circumstance. He seemed to be a little more than an ordinary teenager prior to even leaving DI. He also gained power of Darkness though he seemed to learn some lighter side things too by KH2 of healing etc. He also fires powers without a Keyblade and could float around without one too, but it's pretty much Darkness I think that enables it and his power may be more self-centered. Now that he has a Keyblade though, I suppose we will see what else he's able to do with it. It may be that since Riku was destined originally to be the Keyblade wielder, he was always very strong even though he did not possess it. So, I'd guess the Keyblade is nothing without the Keyblade wielder, and the Keyblade wielder may just be a typical person without it too.

    With Sora though, I don't think he'd lose his magic spells since those are all learned through items etc. Everything Sora does learn that doesn't come from the Keyblade I would surmise is his too. He just does not seem to have the power innate that Riku does without it. Maybe in KH3 though we might see if he does learn such things or if he still has to fire power through it as a focus. It is an interesting question.
  7. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    ^ What he said.
  8. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Also what he said. :rockdover:
  9. Marlu[XI]a Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 12, 2008
    Castle Oblivion
    As Riku was the original destined "Keyblade wielder", he obviously has stronger inner power than Sora does, hence the reason the keyblade decided to choose him. But Sora works hard, fighting his way up from a weak sissy to someone strong enough to make Sephiroth say "Wtf...?"

    Riku is no doubt more naturally skilled, but Sora has the capacity to get stronger, quicker. His heart is just as powerful, and that equals strength in the world of KH.

    The Keyblade's power is more important than that of the wielder, I believe. The wielder is an important factor, but his skill means more than his strength. Sora can't lift 200 pound boulders, but he can slice-and-dice a heartless in no time flat.

    Riku can't uproot trees with his bare hands, but he can reduce a horde of nobodies to mincemeat with little to no effort.

    The keyblade is the power, the wielder is the user of the power.
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