Kenya roits

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by *Hippie Jesus*, Feb 15, 2008.

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  1. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
    currently Kenya and areas surrounding it r having a roit about the presidental election and this dude (whos name ecscapes me :p) but some how won he was way behind in the polls but yet he won so right now roits through out the kenya area is having a massive roit so now it has became so out of control now australia has came and try to make peace kinda like we r in what i'm saying is shuold turkey have more of there allied countrys help them out in iraq then we evacute then head for kenya seeing as kenya is much more severe then iraq is now.... or some kinda mix of that???
  2. Cat Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 17, 2008
    Well, you have a point. I think. But like yeah we should help out Kenya since its more messed up then Iraq. But thought we should we cant or we can cause another war with them ya know?
  3. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Yeah, let's prematurely end the war on terror, so we can start a war with the new dictator of Kenya. Sounds like a plan.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    The Kenya riots are bad but really, what are outsiders going to do? It does seem the election was rigged and the people have the right to do what they are going to, and why should we go support the government there that is obviously corrupt? In the end, there are some situations in which we do not really belong in until people actually want us there. We had every right to go to Afghanistan and probably, had we focused there we might have caught Bin Laden. We are spread too thin.

    Also, the UN is not really deciding on doing anything, as is often the case with African locations sadly. The Middle East gets much more attention and always has. There is a lot of corruption in Africa and things that happen there with dictators all the time. However, only seldom do we or any other countries at all bother with them because the governments are so unstable and there isn't oil there like there is in the ME, which controls the world economy.
  5. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Well, I wouldn't speak too soon Cin. Such things are still possible as Bush has until November.

    Anyway, I didn't even really know about this. Partially my fault since I haven't really focused on the goings on. I'm steadily avoiding television due to all the presidential ads running. And the tv I do watch doesn't really report news.

    I can't see the United States bothering to get involved as they're more focused on the Middle East than Africa at this point in time. It would be nice if the world was a magical place where there was nothing wrong with it. But it isn't a Utopian paradise. No it's largely a Dystopian tragedy where everything is wrong with it.

    This isn't the place for me to rant my world opinions.
  6. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
    well realizing the fact dat iraq doesn't like us so they might try another bombing/assanation.

    if u put it dat way.........maybe like a 25/75 split.

    UN should try summtin atleast seeing as there some what close

    see what i was thinking was if like russia and europe were to split and help both kenya and iraq so the war stuff would be semi-over there would probably need some camps in there just to keep things calm ya know?
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