Alice in Wonderland Krowley Base Luna Beuce Bambi Eon Kross Dumbo Krowley Base Beuce Cinderella Etrius Kel Luna Steel Beuce Eon Karina Ananta Krowley Glen Base The Emperor's New Groove Ananta Cat Eon Steel Etrius Corona Cat Glen Kaida Etrius The Great Mouse Detective Eon Glen Land of Departure Kross D'daear Cat Eon Kaida Luna Stratos Ananta Base Krowley Beuce Kel Steel Glen Etrius Karina Mulan Karina Glen Kel The Rescuers Down Under Karina Kross Robin Hood Kel Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Karina Krowley Luna The Sword in the Stone Ananta Kel Beuce Stratos Tarzan Kel Kross Krowley Try to complete in as few words as possible. Code: Model: (Get a name from this site below*.) Modifications: (Deletions of windows and doors, and addition of windows only; must have a front door.) Color: (The color of the house, as seen from outside; walls and roof) Theme(s): (One theme for the whole house, or go room by room.) * Themes: You can select themes from any world your character has visited. Even the briefest visitations count. It is possible to earn themes from completing bonus tasks around Town and at the House of Mouse. Purpose: This is an open and free world. As much as information about your surroundings as possible will actually lessen the load on everyone so that everyone can just hop in whenever they like and not have to depend as fully on other people. Plus, I like to make things personal and fun!
Model: Regal Mountain Modifications: Removal of Door leading from Patio to Bedroom. Color: Navy blue walls and grey roofing. Theme(s): Alice in Wonderland Living room and Patio Beauty and the Beast Bedroom Dumbo Bathroom Kitchen, Storage, and Misc. Rooms, Land of Departure