Karo's Stroy

Discussion in 'Archives' started by ♦Demon♥Angel♦, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Okey before I get started I have something to say. I will take OC's from people. I'm going to try this. If you want to be part of the stroy then this is what you need.

    user name:
    OC name:
    what he/she looks like:
    weapon(that will come later in the stroy):
    where does he/she come from:

    Now that I got that out if the way...LETS GET STARTED!!!!

    Chapter One: School

    Karo's p.o.v.​
    The boy mwalked out the house. He was 14 years-old with semi brown spiky hair with a red tint to it, but the weirdest part was that he had a red highlight. He never understood it, but never questioned it.

    As he got closer the usuall questions popped into his mind. 'Who's my father? How come he left me?Where is he? What is he like? Who's my mom? What happened to her?' Evertime he thought about he cuoldn't help, but felt quilty.

    'Weird, he tought to himself, 'I don't even know her, and I feel sorry!'

    The school bus finally made it's way here. Karo took his usuall seat: near the back, near the speaker (in case music was playing).

    starnger p.o.v.​
    He watched the kids load in the bus, but he was paying more attention to Karo. He had to look away for a second, then looked back. The bus was driving away now.

    'Mabye next time,' he tought has he made his way throught the feild to his gummi.

    Karo's p.o.v.​
    When the bus pulled up Karo was half asleep. He snapped awake when his friend tapped his window. Jordan was his name. He was the popular guy every girl wanted, and every guy wanted to be. He had green eyes, blond hair, and is tall. He also had light brown frickelson the brige of his nose.Even though Karo is the ounk kid, he and Jordon are best friend.

    "Ready for the math quiz?" Jordon asked. They stopped in fronmt of Karo's batered locker.

    "The question is: Am I ALWAYS read?" HE retorted back. Jordon and Karo were smart guys, and knew that it. Each were good at different things.

    Not really," Karo paused to look at him,"the questiuon is:have you STUDY at ALL?" Laughed the tallest boy.

    "Good one, Jordon," mumbled Karo," very good." HE never took jokes lightly, but he could crack 'em out like a volcano spitin out lava.


    "Warning bell." Decleared Jordon. They started off to history class. "We still have two minutes be fore class!"

    "But you hate to be late," grumbled a sour Kaor. "what the heck is wrong?'

    Riku's p.o.v.
    Riku sat at the edge of his bed staring at the picture of him and his friends that had been taken long ago. He took the picture out and took out the two letters that hide behind it.

    Dear Riku,
    Hey haven't seen you in a while! Thought oyu'd could come down. Me & Sora are staying at the house with the baby on the way.
    Anyway, how are you've been? I'm fine, got kinda gasy. Sora thinks it's hysrical. I'd like to see HIM have a baby. I would buy big buck to see that!!
    Well can't say much now. See ya!
    P.S. Hope you come to visit!

    Riku remembered that week. How big she got from the last time he saw her, how he and his friend laughed everytime she passed gas. That week was all so the week Karo was born.

    I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye, but I can't. The heartless are acting up, and you need to tp protect the next keyblade master. He reminds me to much of her, and that's to painful. Sorry again.

    Riku set the picture back on his dresser and stared at it. It was of him, Sora, and Kairi with Karo in her arms...before she died.

    End Chapter One
  2. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Yosha, that was a very good beginning. What drew my attention were the letters. Seeing how the story is going, I'm looking forward to reading more of this. Keep up the good work. But...not to be a pain but it looks like you rushed through it in the beginning because there were spelling mistakes. But I don't blame you...happens to me alot too..( no one points it out for me...hehe) But overall, it's all good.

    If you don't mind... I'd like to join also.

    user name: Mexony
    OC name: Mexony Isavai Hafitle
    what he/she looks like: Dark brown hair,tied in a pony tail. Maroon eyes, scar on neck. Tan-ish skin. White sweater, skinny ripped jeans at the knee, stripe socks. Earring on the cartilage?? ( not sure if it's spelt right)
    attidued: Quiet, Smart and Dumb at times. Gives out opinions...sometimes. Sneaky. Mental at times.
    weapon(that will come later in the stroy): fifty centimeter sword, with sharp blades at the sides ( like a knife) a buckle wrist band. ( tied around when holding weapon)
    bad/good: Bad. (Tehee)
    where does he/she come from: Was born in the East of Karo's location. Raised like normal ways. Kicked out the house at the age of twelve.
    She's now seventeen, trying to get some revenge from getting kicked out. She see's no reason in being kicked out of her home. A starved child, will do anything now for money, a home or sitting object.
  3. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Nevermind. I'm going to put up teh next chapter. But before I do that. Mexony...You scarded me.

    Chapter Two: Mexony=Big Trouble. Big Time
    Karin’s p.o.v.​
    Karin waited for Karp and Jordon to come. It was long time. She fixed her ardun hair nervously while some girls giggled passed her. Her green eyes searched the halls. She pulled up her striped elbow gloves.

    “Where you lazy bums?†Karin whispered softly. She unwrapped her sack loch and started eating her turkey breast-ham sandwich.

    “You know Karin.. you gross!!†A boy called from behind her. She jumped slightly. Karin spun around really fast whipping Jordon who mumbled ouch.

    “Ha, made you jump!†Karo said while sitting next to her. Karo and Karin have been friends since Karin moved in the neighborhood. Jordon shoke is silky hair in annoyance. She reached over and smacked him.

    “Told you!†retorted Jordon. He dug into his conny with ease. He joined the ‘pack’ (as they called themselves) two years before.

    “Told doufus what?†Karin asked. She had finally finished her sandwich and was making her way down to the bottom of her water bottle.

    “I said ‘she’d hit you if you scared her.’ and I was right.†The oldest retorted again. Karin glared at Karo.

    Mexony p.o.v.​
    The strange girl made her way down the halls. She felt pride in her stomach for helping Ansem. IT really felt powerful.

    ‘He promised power, and a home, and that’s what I’m going to get.’ She thought angry thoughts towards her old family. ‘I’ll make them regret that decision! They will pay!’

    Mexony felt herself get close to the cafeteria . ‘The cafeteria is….which way again?’ the teen scratched her head.’ Um….Ok?’

    “You lost?†An male from her left. He walked up to her. ‘Guy got a lot of guys walking up to me like this.’ She flipped her pony tail.

    “Yeah! where’s that café?†She always cut things short for her benefit.

    “Oh, that a right then a left and go forward and you’ll see it!†He pointed to the right making hand movements while talking.

    “I got a question for you. Do you wan to live or die?†Before he could answer (or ask for the matter) Mexony hands started to glow black. She put her hands on his chest and took his heart.

    “AH--!†His body disappeared. The evil girl laughed. ‘That was almost tasteful!â€

    Karo’s p.o.v.​
    Karo jumped suddenly. He felt someone life or heart taken away. It was odd. He face turned white, drained. He grimaced away from the group.

    “What’s wrong?†Jordon asked. Karo could feel them burning holes in his skull.

    ‘What is wrong with me? First that crazy dream, now this!’ He thought. ‘I need to pull it together.’

    “Nothing! It’ just…. That girl!†The other two turned to see who he was talking about. Sure enough there was about a seventeen year-old girl making her way towards them,

    She had maroon eyes with brown hair. She wear ripped jeans to her knee, a white sweater, and striped socks. She also had green earring on her right ear. What was cght Karo’s attention was on hr hip, but not was there, what he thought was always there.

    “Hey cuz!†She said casually. “How’s it going?â€

    End Chapter two ​
  4. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    That was good, skittles. A few mistakes but it's all good. But there's one question... how did I scare you? *curiousity* Oh, thanks for adding me in your story, enjoyed the whole way. Keep it up, looking forward to your next chapter.
  5. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Sure of course!! But I have most of chapter 4 done. Chapter three will be put up tonight! Like right now tonight!

    Chapter 3: Memories

    Riku's pov

    Riku was exhausted from work. Being a well known handyman was no easy job, especially with an bottemless stomache for a kid. He couldn't but wander to THAT day.

    ♦Flash Back♦
    "Isn't he beautiful Sora?" Kairi asked breathlessly. She held a small baby boy tight in her arms, her hair damp with sweat and had bags under her eyes.

    "Yeah. he is. He has your nose!" Sora whispered softly. He kissed his wif's check firmly. "I love you."

    They both looked at each other then at the crying baby.

    "Aww!" He4 has your eyes! Their so beautiful!" Kairi coughed. Sora looked at hyere worriedly.

    Riku pressed himslef agasnt himslef the back wall. H kept thinking how they would make great parents. They loved each other and the new kid.

    "What should we call him?" Kairi wezzed. She gave the baby to Sora so she could cough more.

    "How 'bout Karo. It means 'beautiful wander'." Riku said aloud. He smiled softly at the two.

    Kairi nodded and Sora smiled. They were really a perfect family. Anyone could see them together no matter what.

    Kairi satarted hacking now. Big whopping ones. Her eyes filled with tears, and her flesh drained of the color she had left.

    A nurse came in and took Karo away with out a word. Kairi kept coughing. now she had tears down her face. Runninf like waterfalls. Fast.

    "Sora......Riku...Karo?" She looked around for the baby, but didn't find him. Riku raced to her other side. She looked at him with water eyes. She held their hands a laid down her head. H er eyes dropped lower and lower.

    "Tell Karo....that I......love him..." Kairi said wth her last breath.

    ♦End Flash Back♦

    Riku was asleep on the couch. he snored softly to himslef. He was dreaming he was with Kairi and Sora.

    Karo's pov
    The stranger sat next Jordon who sat across from Karin. All of them felt uncomfortable with her there. 'She doesn't seem friendly', he kept thinking.

    "Did you just call me 'cuz'?" Karo shuddered. 'Does my dad or mom have a brother her sister? Mabye she can tell who they are! Yeah!"

    The starnger giggled. "Sure did! MY father...was your...dad's older brother!"

    Mexony's pov
  6. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Very good chapter. Although I found some letters missing in a some words. Overall, it was good. Very interesting with Kairi. Sad though, but I liked it. Keep up the good work, skittles.
  7. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    To the two new people: Can do folks!!! I'm going to have to rewrite the 4th chapter. I think it's going early anyway. Sorry to say this but Karo friends are closed now. You two made just in time!

    To Mexony: Oops!!! Well we all can't be perfect!!!! I'll try better next time!

    Ok next chapter will be put up soon. The rest will be on.....NOW:
    the rest of the chapter!
    Mexony's pov
    Mexony giggled. "Yep, sure did!!" 'Ok now what do I do? Haven't really thought about that. I thought he just buy it. Ok just lie!' "My father...was you...dad's older brother!"

    "Who are you?" The guy next to her said. He looked pretty cute to her.

    "Oh, I'm soorry! I'm Mexony!" Nice--" She was cute of by a nose behind her. One of thier firends appeared behind Mexony. 'Oh great what does HE want?!'

    The guy brown hair blue eyes, and looked pretty tall for his age. 'Lying is going to be the hardest now!' The she relized someone was standing behind him. another guy. He had purple hair, black eyes and had black pants under his school shorts, eom-ish!

    "Made a new friend uh?! And you didn't bother to ask how we felt?! So like you Karo." The first boy said. The girl giggled.

    Karo stuck his touge out and smiled. "sit down Patrick, Xegram! You stood to much!"

    'Well I'm not going to get much down here and the big meanie will be mad at me for sure. Will better wrap this up!'

    "Ok. Xegram said sullenly. He started off in space with Patrick. The guy with purple hair was really quiet (Mexony named by the color of hair), and the brown hair guy started to look at her with this face that said 'what the hell!?'

    Karin's pov
    Karin looked at Xegram wandering at he was thinging and looked at Patrick. The she looked at Karo he looked like was deep in thoguh.

    "Can you tell me about my dad?" Karo blurtd out. The taller one looked at him with pain in his eyes.

    "You can always ask your uncle!" He interjected. "I mean how can you know she telling the truth?" She's weird looking! Red eyes--fph-- propealy contacts!" Mexony glared at him. 'This is not good!' Karin thought.

    She looked at Karo again remembering the day before Jr High.

    ♦Flash Back♦
    Karo and Karin sat on the paopu friut tree looking at the sunset. It was bend like some God hand hand down it to rest aboun.

    "Do you remember what your parents were like?" The girl asked. The buy laughed at her commenly asked question.

    "I told you no like a blllion times, but I quess I can humor you. Yes I remember my dad....he was..."

    "HE WAS A DRUGGIE!" Karin cut in. They both laughed out loud.

    "Yes a HUGE one. Crack in the morning, meth in the afternoon, and the coccian at night. He had the worst lung cancer ever. His skin was slocky and was losing hair! He was called fred."

    "EW! Fred!? Why Fred! Why not Goerge! His name is goerge!"

    "Who knows...I wish I could meet him...to give him a good pop in the face!" Karo and Karin burst out laughing again.
    ♦End Flash Back♦

    When Karin came to, the bell had rung. Mexony looked ticked and Patrick looked like he had won some big wrestling match with millions of money.
  8. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos

    though that was sad with what happened to kairi. :(
  9. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Why you want to be her. I was going to make her go out with the girl on the island sephenia?! It's gets funnier, but not in the next chapter.
  10. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Here's Chapter 4

    Chapter 4: Deja Vu?
    Eddi's pov:
    'Blah, blah, blah. I've heard this all nefore.' Eddi Kuchiki thought. He sat at the dinning room table while his mom yeelled at him. 'Quick question; what did I do?'

    "Are you even listening to me?" Mrs. Kunchiki said. She was a scary woman. Black hair with almost matching eyes (people say that she and Eddi look alike).

    "Yeah, your were talking about how I need to do better, or I'm going to fail at life." 'Like you guys.' He added the lest part in his head.


    "I GOT IT!" Eddi yelled. He hoped it was Karo and the others. He smiled when he saw then. "I'm going to the island, mom!"

    He got a 'hmph' from his mother, her usual response. His parents never really cared for him.

    "Took ya look enough. what held ya?" Eddi smirked. Xegram and Patrick frown whle Karin giggled (Jordon seemed to disapprove of this).

    "Sorry my uncle wanted me to finish ALL my chorse." Karo explained with a grin. They reached the shore for the main island. They got in their boats. Karo with Xegram, Karin with Jordon, and Eddi with Patrick.

    "What are we going to do this summer?" Karin asked when they had crowed around the paopu fruit tree.

    "I don't know what we should do, but I know what we should do NOW!" Patrick said smuggly. His smile grew qith every eye roll.

    'What is this diot thinking now?' Eddi thought to himslef. It semed like the moron's smile couldn't get any bigger, but, hey look!, it did.

    "'Truth or Dare'!"
    Disney Castle
    A duck waled down the halls of a very beautiful castle. This had been his job, as court wizard, to greet the king in the morning. There was a HUGE door the duck stood in front og. It had three circles attacked in the middle.

    "When the duck got in he said his usual greeting. "Good morning yoyr magesty--QUACK!" There was something different. NO KING!

    "Not again." Donald said. Flashbacks from the last time the king disappeared raced through his head, the good ol' days.

    "I'll go tell the queen." Before he got to the door, Pluto, the kings loyal dog, poked Donald in the back. He held a letter in his mouth. Sighing, the court wizard took the letter.

    Some minutes later....

    "Oh my!" Queen minnie gasp. She set the letter down on the table (Donald huffed from getting Goofy from the Garden). The whole room had a tense feeling about it.

    "Does this really ahve to happen again?" Daisy, the queens loyal maid-of-honor, asked. The queen looked over the letter again and again.

    Dear, Donald,

    "I'm sorry to say, but I must, that I'm leaving. The worlds are at stake again, and the keyblade master is no where the be found! I need you and Goffy to go to disteny Island and seek Riku. Tell him about the problem, he m,ight know more than me.
    -King Mickey
    P.S. Could ya Pluto with you? He might be of help. And apologize to Minnie for me.

    "I had a feeling this would happen." Minnie whispered quietly. She wented to the huge book bookself and pulled out a book. It had "Destiny Islands" on the front cover.

    "I want you two to reveiw this book and pack. Leave as soon as you can." The queenordered. Donald, and Goofy saulted her and ran off.


    "Gawrsh, where do you think Sora is?" Goofy asked Donald when they were ear their rooms.

    "I don't know. We haven't talked to him for fourteen years or Kair and riku now that I think about it. "Donald said in his quaky voice.

    "Well, we'll see riku in a few hours, right?" The duck nodded and went in his room.
  11. Konefeddi Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 7, 2008
    Yay, im in it, *coughs* I mean my OCC, is, hehe, good, very good Demon