
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Te Deum, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    That's not karma, that's consequence. What about the people who don't get caught?
  2. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    Like I said, it exists in the way. I didn't say it existed completely, but I guess consequences is a good word for it.
  3. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    So, you believe that karma exists because other people decide to condemn them for what they do? Might makes right is only a step away...
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    So there's karma by human action, not by some divine force of justice.
  5. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I have a word for karma . . . let's see karma, karma, karma . . . . umh B****

    Karma sucks because it doesn't work right for me. You know the whole do good and good stuff happens thing??? Well bulls*** I used to, USED TO, do good things all the time trying to help people out . . . it blew up in my face. I tried to help my uncle chop down this tree once . . . ended up with poison ivy. Tried to give this girl her money back and she flips out on me thinking I stole it. If karma was a person, I would shoot it . . .
  6. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Banned

    Jul 19, 2007
    Code Vault
    History has shown that Karma exists but that's only what history has said. History is told by the winners in any way they want so we can't really know for sure. For example. Hitler.
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Are you saying Hitler got what he deserved?
    Did everyone he ordered to death get what they deserved, too?
    History, if anything, has shown that karma doesn't exist.
  8. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Godwin's Law? Twice? Seriously guys, read the thread before you post. This has been addressed. I already explained it so here it is:

    At its core, Karma promotes doing positive actions because they keep the universe in balance while negative actions aren't desired because they lead to more chaos. It's like how any other religions teaches to do morally good things because in the end, they have more benefits.

    For example, let's say that I'm a school bully. I push kids into the mud for laughs, I take their lunch money and I've even given a few people some swirlies. What sort of reprecussions would this have for me? Even if I weren't punished for my actions by the school, a good look around would show me the truth. As a result of my action, a good amount of people don't like me and some can't even tolerate what I do. Some of my friends have left me saying that "I've gone too far" but who cares about them? This is all for a good laugh. If they can't understand a good joke, screw them. So I continue doing what I do but then I notice that I'm alone. My own nature has pushed away the few things that I cared about and some have even been destroyed by my actions, both directly or indirectly. No cosmic force is punishing me for anything for I have brought about my own fall.

    Now let me use an example of me doing something good and how Karma works. I'm a Graphic Designer and occassionally I pick up a few jobs by helping freinds or people around the community by making them a logo or a t-shirt design for an event. Last winter break for example, one of my old teachers asked me to help her with a book design that she was making for one of her classes. Since I already knew her and saw that she was having some trouble with it, I decided to help her free of charge. But what rewards would I recieve for doing something for free? Who cares? I'm helping out somebody who has helped me multiple times in the past and this is easy stuff to do. I'll even finish it ahead of time just because I feel like it. I finish making the design for the book, hand her over the file, she goes out to print the book and everything is fine. My only reward was that I helped somebody in need and it feels good. Now to some people that would seem like a rip-off but let's look at the bigger picture. What if my teacher were to have a friend that also needed help with something design-related? What if she just happened to remember me and recommend me? Now what if I were to help this person, don't you think they would also recommend me to others if they thought I did a good job? By just helping one person, I could possibly be getting jobs because word of mouths spreads quickly.

    I hope this makes people understand how Karma actually works.
  9. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Well, this is my opinion:

    I do believe that doing something good to someone, you'll be granted with another good thing for yourself. But I don't believe in "rebirth", I don't believe that I'll be living again in another body and in another century. I am who I am, I won't be anybody else, this is my only, precious life; I'll be living the way I want, choose my own future and accept it because I am the one who choose it. It is my only life, but I will live forever even after I die, in Heaven, with God, with my friends... with my dearest ones for all eternity.

    For what I know about the subject, Karma is the mirror that reflects your owns actions. You're getting hurt because you did something horrible in your previous (or another) life. And, I heard that Karma is the same thing but with a reduction of time: In the same life, or even in the same day, your action will be reflect with the moment. Whatever good or bad is your action, and then, your "Karma".

    This is my opinion;

  10. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    But that isn't even close to how things work in the world. People get the short end of the straw all the time. Good people get bad things and bad people get good things. There is no set way to live life and have things magically work out right here right now.
  11. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Maybe people don't realized the good things around them. And I agree: never a Good people will always get Good things and Bad people will always get bad things, doesn't exist people totally bad or totally good or a "set way to live life".
    Maybe I just believe that doing bad things will "attract" bad things, like:

    ~I do something bad --that will generate--> hatred --that will generate--> bad things --that will generate--> hatred --that will generate--> bad things -- that will generate--> hatred --that will generate--> war between the worlds --that will generate--> USA to beg help to Yoda --that will generate--> the 3rd Mundial War --that will generate--> the 1st Universal War, and so on.
  12. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    The flaw in this here is well life isn't fair. This messes up any form of logic made out of the situation.
    If Karma worked it would play by the rules so to speak but that can't be the case due to things never being fair 100% of the time.

    An example: Cancer
  13. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i agree that people take quite ALOT of things for granted. things that other people don't have, like for example, electricity which isn't common in some countries. i also think that the fact that they can even take those things for granted makes their life not that bad. and i think that people taking those things for granted and paying a lot more attention to only the negative, gives people the perception that life is bleaker than it actually is
  14. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Ah, you do not understand the meaning of the last example. He was predominately right about hatred, however, 'something bad' is far too vague. Hating someone for something produces hatred as much as the act does. Being different from someone can inspire hate in them. Doing better than them can. Hating them is a bad thing in itself in those cases.

    Violence begets more violence, leading to wars, and this is a generally undeniable fact. The more violence you commit, the more likely you or your children are to have violence visited upon you because you made society a more violent place to live in as a whole. This is not to say that you will get what is coming to you, but that if you add to the negative value of all life, then you will incur losses on your own life as well.
  15. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Hindu's explain when something bad happens to a good person by saying it was something bad they did in a previous life. I don't believe this, I don't believe in rebirth but I do believe that bad things must happen to everyone, and at some point it will balance out, if people live long enough to experience it. I see good things happen to bad people but I have to think that they will be punished for it at some point and I do believe that, but at the same time terrible things happen to good people who don't deserve it but I think that things will turn around for them and they will get exactly if not more then they deserve.