
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Te Deum, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Limex Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 20, 2008
    Karma like everything else thats religous is pure bs.

    sorry just my opinion.
  2. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I've never believed in karma.

    For example, if someone makes fun of someone else and later trips or something and gets hurt, I believe it's just a pure coincidence.
  3. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011

    I don't believe in coincidences.
  4. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I don't believe in karma, bad things never happen to bad people and good things are never happening to good people.
  5. Limex Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 20, 2008
    thats becouse if you didnt, and you would suffer someone bullying you or being mean to you, or just generally being a bad human, you need a conviction that when you are not/looking, this person will be punished for thier behavior, otherwise your general wellbeing would be compremised,

    i mean honestly if Karma existed Hitler wouldent be able to kill millions MILLIONS of jews before he died.

    and dont say" yes it works cuse he died in the end" cuse thats bugos, you say that about a person who kills ONE other person and then dies, or whatever Hitler killed Millions and then he bit the dust.

    Karmas not real.
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Ah, Godwin's law you strike again...

    Just because Hitler directly and, in latter cases, indirectly ordered the killing of millions does not necessarily mean that those actions would cause him karmic repercussions. Karma would base it on the actions of the killers themselves, and the repercussions don't necessarily happen at a specific time or amount, the karmic balance may react differently at different times, we can't wholeheartedly judge it's ability to dish out the karmic balance when we deem it to.

    Hitler may be the main person responsible for the millions of deaths but it doesn't mean that to the karma in the universe he will suffer the karmic response.
  7. Limex Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 20, 2008

    Then what on earth is Karma? , thats like saying " Karma is what goes around comes around BUT it has spechial cases" it dont quite work like that.

    and the killers themselfs? thats a very ridecelus thing to say, i mean no offence but it is, the ordinary german grunt soldier is as innocent as the ordinary allied grunt soldier, what where they supose to do? say "no i wont pull the trigger" fine then we will throw you in the gas chambers with the rest of the jews.

    the soldiers in wars have no choise, i mean look at the Russians, they got to choose from being shot down by german bullets or thier own, becouse if they would retreat they would be shot on sight, tell me what would the "right karma " choise have been there?.


    ""Just because Hitler directly and, in latter cases, indirectly ordered the killing of millions does not necessarily mean that those actions would cause him karmic repercussions.""

    really?...so..if i become a warlord and lets say...ehh...orderd all gamers in the world out there to be killed, and they would be, i woldent suffer "bad karma" ?.

    or if i manipulated my friend in to killing himself so i could get his girl friend, i mean he killed himself, but acording to your logic that wouldent cause me bad karma?

    ones again, not trying to be offensive, im just trying to make you see how silly that statment sounds.
  8. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Please read the thread before posting. It has been defined several times, and it does not bear repeating.
  9. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Karma is a funny thing. Eh, I don't really believe in the whole "Do good things in this life and you'll be doing better in your next life!" mostly because I don't really think there will be another life for people. However I really do like the whole idea behind it and the more basic "Do good stuff and good stuff happens to you, do bad stuff and bad stuff happens to you." which I do actually rather believe in and follow to some extent. And yes, that is my input on this discussion thing you're currently having.
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Karma, by definition, is cause and effect of our deeds and actions. Depending on the religious group such as Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists or Jainists, karma is more extensive and varied in its actual process, such as some groups believe it is the result of a higher being's intervention, whilst other believe it is part of nature. Karma in its basics is the cause and effect of our actions.

    It is not ridiculous idea, what is ridiculous is to say that 'grunts' don't have a choice. Everyone has the choice to follow or not, fight or not, pull the trigger or not. They are still humans whether they wear a uniform or not and they have the liberty and independence to make their own choices in their life. Soldiers are well informed that they will have to take someones life if ordered, they accept to be murderers. They are not innocent of their actions, especially in the eyes of Karma, their actions create cause and effect, and they must live with such actions. There is always a choice, even if the choice to take is obvious you can still make another choice.

    I don't know how true Karma works, how it judges actions and how they are received, it is a mystery to me. But if we are all judeged by it, then imagine how a warlord or manipulator such as you described would be judged.
  11. Limex Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 20, 2008
    first of apprichate the karma explination.

    but there are a fiew "holes" with

    lets say we go with the whole "grunt have a choice " thing
    and your latest statment.

    ""But if we are all judeged by it, then imagine how a warlord or manipulator such as you described would be judged.""
    Apparently very good, sense this was the reply i got from the topic of hitler.

    ""Just because Hitler directly and, in latter cases, indirectly ordered the killing of millions does not necessarily mean that those actions would cause him karmic repercussions""

    what im trying to say here is no , we do not know how Karma works your right on that its a mystery for all of us.

    but to say a grunt soldier would feel the effects of karma for "choosing" to kill someone (in my eyes forced) , while Hitler who without a forcing hand killed as you say directly and indirectly millions, but would not feel the effects of Karma dont make any sense.
  12. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    What I was trying to say was not that Hitler is free from responsibility or Karma, but the repercussions felt by his actions will be different from those soldiers he ordered to kill others. The karmic repercussions of Hitler's orders, and the killer's actions will be different, because their actions were different. He wouldn't get away with his actions according to karma but they would be felt differently compared to the grunt.
  13. Limex Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 20, 2008
    "Nods" i can buy that.

    still i dunno how it works but lets say , killing an other person would result in you getting killed yourself by karma, then hitler would be dead 100 times over.

    but all im doing now is nit picking and complaning, so il stop with the "but ,and this and what ifs" cuse im just dragging out the disscussion without really contributing

    so peace and war, thanks for the disscussion, it was very intressting, and ones again if i have sounded offensive i do appolgise.
  14. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Karma doesn't work like: 'An eye for an eye'. If that were true, thousands of killers would die constantly but the fact is killers can live lives like anyone else. Karma tries to keep the universe in balance, where how you act is rewarded and punished depending on its repercussions in the world.
    It's hard to imagine but it seems to act like a form of deisgned chaos.

    I'm not offended easily. If you ask questions I try to answer them. It's what I do.
  15. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Taking this further, when one person murders another, it could be karma working on the person that they killed, perhaps as a result of something that their ascendents did. Karma potentially means that all things are meant to happen and that they are all balancing actions, but I would not be able to say that as an authority on the subject.
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I believe that may be a possible repercussion from such a system as karma. However I should probably nite that karma, at it's core, promotes the use of positive actions since they are more desired and keep the universal balance in order, whilst negative actions aren't desired since they result in more chaotic problems than makes the inverse unbalanced. It is a moralistic structure to try and live a morally good life, much like Bible teachings and fables.
    But in theory, karma may result in someone's murder.

    As to it being pre-determined? I doubt that, since the concept of karma centres around the ideas of actions and choices that would presumably be focused on the idea of free will. I'm sure that some groups would agree with that idea but I am unknowledgable on the subject.
  17. Deathmaster Forse Moogle Assistant

    Aug 9, 2011
    Interesting discussion. In my personal opinion, good or bad karma is not some supernatural force that punishes those that do evil and rewards those that do good. I strongly believe that karma is a simple definition of the results a human action can bring. For example, the most simple one there is, eating too much aka gluttony, leads one to being fat and having health problems. Another, more popular example, Killing someone results to you being hunted and alienated by society and living with the fear of getting caught even if your not.

    If i were to talk about something supernatural, i would support a theory of universal and situational balance of multiple levels. For example, just like how there are both hot and cold days in a year, for every bad thing that exist, a corresponding good one exists also, maybe in another part of the universe, but it also exits. In addition, to give an example of another level of this theory, balance can also be find in the bad things themselves. By definition one cannot find suffer something evil without finding something good in it. The reverse is also true. After all, one cannot exist without the other. So, instead of karma, i am more willing to belive on the existence of some cosmos-scaled version of the yin and yang ideology. You know, in retrospect, what people consider as 'bad' or 'good' is entirely up to one's opinions and situations making this theory...a bit more complex.

    Regardless...I'm currently keeping my mind open for the more popular version of karma. Its been known to happen on some occasions. Seen it happening a few times myself.
  18. sora awsome11/10 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 10, 2011
    If your mean,rude,a bully karma will NOT to anything to you till later on in your life.That whats my mom tells me

  19. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Personally i'm unsure of whether karma exists or not. I mean, there are alot of times that when people do bad things bad things happen to them, but there are times that people do bad things and absolutely nothing happens to them. Even if it does exist though, i'm certainly not going to change my personality just because apparently something bad will happen to me.
  20. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    It exists, in a way. Like someone robbing a bank or something and them getting caught and arrested. Someone at a school bullying, and getting suspended. Or good things, like getting paid for doing a chore. Of course, this doesn't always happen, like someone doing a chore, only to be yelled at about the "poor" job they did. So basically karma can happen, just in some cases.