Kanye West acts out at the MTV music awards..... again

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Luna Lovegood, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. beezygee Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 3, 2007
    Seriously, people need to give it a rest and stop talking about it. Yeah, Kanye's a ******, we get it...do we really need to hear it over and over again? He apologized so get over it.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Kanye West has a pretty big ego. I can't say I like Taylor Swift's music or I agree with the decision either... but at the same time, the award went to her and that's how it goes. I think he was just kinda blitzed and alcohol does reduce inhibitions in someone so he just went with an impulse that later he had to apologize for because it was an asshat move. It's the way it goes and why it's wise to not be ripped -before- the awards. xD
  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    *rolls eyes* look sorry guys.. but I feel like that whole thing was staged, just so Taylor and Kanye both get more fans or haterz due to the 'fight'

    I mean seriously NO ONE, not even Kanye.. would just jump up like that and say someone else' video was better..

    I mean it's threads like these that are getting them even more famous.. just ignore it.. it will all go away.. and in about 2 years you will wonder...

  4. [​IMG]

    Being drunk or on alcohol doesn't excuse it :/. In fact, he's done way more arrogant, egotistical quotes and acts sober. And he'll probably continue to do so again. This isn't exactly a one time mishap.
  5. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    He's a sorry excuse for a human being but he's helped the youth in Chicago more than most other celebrities from there? Odd. Also, your acting as if you've never made a mistake in your life. Are you Jesus? No? Get that **** out of your ass then.
    MTV deserves part of the blame for letting him in drunk while knowing of past things he's done at such events.
  6. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    This situation will end up being a grain of salt. Trust me.

    Kanye West disses a celebrity, obviously drunk, and people are hating on him for a while. Guys, calm down. Celebrities have as much rights as we do.
    We call Lil Wayne a homo.
    We say Eminem is a wannabe.
    It's just a simple fad that will eventually die out.
  7. I'm acting as if I never made a mistake in my life? Excuse me, who the hell are you again? You aren't Jesus either to make a judgment. An arrogant ass is an arrogant ass no matter which way you look at it. This isn't even about "mistakes". So all the crap he's pulled, and knowing very well he's doing them, is a mistake by your standards? Yeah, he cares a lot about the youth, just like he cared to remark about an unrelated topic in a tribute to help the Katrina victims just so he can have attention to himself. There's a reason why people, celebrities, pull these shocked faces at him and why everyone expects him to pull another stunt. Hell, I've seen Kanye West fans admit he's an ass, but is a musical genius. It's fine. At least they don't kid themselves.

    Everyone knows and is aware that Kanye is a grade A ******bag. He lives for that.

    Now, if you can't take my opinion and want to kiss his ass by throwing celebrity donations over me when other artists have done much more if you want to give names out, be my guest. But don't pull your damn attitude on me. Good day.
  8. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    It's not (at least in my opinion) a matter over the fact that he spoke his mind. It was how he went and did it. Do you, or anyone else, not agree that interrupting the girl's acceptance speech to say that someone else deserved the award that she just got was not an a-ok thing to do?
  9. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Guts? My ass. Guts would be keeping his opinion to himself, which everyone who disagreed did but him. Kanye is a crybaby everytime he (or someone he wants in bed *coughBeyonececough*) doesn't win something, proven when he lost to Justice and tried saying that he should have won because more money was spent on him. And, just like that time, he's not giving a real apology; just trying to cover his ass.

    brb gonna go throw a public fit for losing the science fair and then apologize cause i have guts lol
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I have to admit, Ghetto makes a convincing argument. Most award shows are staged in one way or another, it adds attention to the night and more celeb gossip over all.

    Though I have to admit, Kanye is that type of person to go straight into something without seeing what's ahead, I wouldn't be surprised if he did this without be prompted. Whether it was over his Mother's death or not, it's like he said, she would not of been happy about this and that's what he should focus on.

    Anyways, it's more attention grabbing for West, Swift, Beyonce and most any celeb who gave their opinion on the matter, just how the world turns
  11. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    Ugh, this guy has one of the hugest ego's i've seen.
    This just further proves that.

    I wish swift would have mentioned fishsticks to him.
  12. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    I think Kayne should have won best female video.