I know, right? At first we think that he's gay, But then it turns out that Naoto was a girl! /yesIreallydoknowwhatyou'retalking /aboutinthisthreadaboutwritingsystems
Rosetta Stone is over priced for a mediocre learning system. I'm doing just fine with my cheap book, dictionary, and internet. On a different note, anyone wanna help me with some on'yomi/kun'yomi questions?
Kanji. Such a brutal mistress. They have to learn around 2000 characters in japan before finishing school on top of the english courses they take. Half the adults forget all but the most common ones. And you need to have a mastery of over 5000 characters just for getting certain jobs in the Japanese government. Although I suppose it isn't too different here, what with schools making us learn tons of words in English classes only for us to barely use more than a 100 different ones a day. We're lucky there's only one way to write our language. Unless you count those "U" using limeys.
Eventually yes. Unless you somehow become immortal. Then you'll only die on the inside for having used so much of your infinite life trying to learn this.