Kamen Rider Den-O RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 10, 2009.

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  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Kamen Rider Den-O is a popular Superhero series in Japan. In this RP you don’t have to have seen Den-O to be able to join. Ask me if you have questions.
    If you want information here’s the wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamen_Rider_Den-O
    Here is a video of Den-O’s transformations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoQjfU575zY
    Here is another video of Den-O, Zeronos and Gaoh’s transformations with finishers (from the first movie): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTL27eS9haM&feature=related
    If this gets too many people (I doubt anyone will join) I will add more forms from Den-O and change it so it can be done without multiple Imagins.


    After Ryotaro, the protagonist of the Den-O series, had saved the world a few Imagins, the main monster race of the series, remained leaving the Imagins who partnered with Den-O to hunt down the remainder who would do evil. Without Ryotaro to transform into Den-O the Taros (Den-O’s Imagins) struggled to fight and defeat the remaining Evil Imagins. After realising that Den-O would not appear the Imagins formed a group to attack the Taros and get rid of the only thing stopping them. Residing in Denliner, the train of time, the Taros began to wonder if it was possible for them to win.

    Meanwhile, Denliners Owner created multiple versions of the Den-O pass, the object which would allow Singular Points to transform into Den-O. A singular point is someone who is able to resist the control of an Imagin and be able to become Den-O to protect time.

    The Owner sent the Taros out to find Singular Points to possess and give them the power of Den-O to fight the last of the Evil Imagins while a new Zeronos appears after a message saying Sakurai Yuuto had disappeared. At the same time as this the presumed dead Negataros had recovered himself by possessing a human and is now working as a renegade. Among this Gaoh‘s belt and pass have been discovered by a human.

    When the Imagins gain hosts they begin their mission to defeat the evil Imagin and take their hosts to Denliner while Negataros and the Gaoh user fight Imagins of their own accord.

    Imagins and Rider Forms (Den-O, Zeronos, Gaoh and Nega Den-O)

    Momotaros, the first of Den-O’s Imagins. He resembles an Oni and his body is mostly red. Being knowledgeable to sword fighting he is a good match for the Sword Form of Den-O. He is usually reffered to as stupid and can be quick to act and arrogant. His catchphrase is “Ore Sanjouâ€, meaning “I Arriveâ€, he usually says this when he transforms into Den-O with a matching stance. When he possesses someone their hair spikes up with a strand of hair turning red as well as the eyes turn red.
    Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9f/Vlcsnap-512231.png
    Den-O Sword Form, the first of Den-O’s forms, allows the user to use a sword weapon and an attack where the sword detaches and can be projected in multiple ways where swinging the handle moves it. This is the most balanced form.
    Image: http://www.showwallpaper.com/wallpaper/0704/007592.jpg

    Urataros, the second of Den-O’s Imagins. He resembles a turtle and his colour is blue. Being a fisher he took up Den-O’s Rod Form. He is very flirty towards women and has quite a silver tongue letting him persuade people easily. His catchphrase is “Omae, boku ni tsuraretemiru?â€, meaning “Mind if I string you along?â€, he usually says this when he transforms to Rod Form or is hitting on women. When he possesses someone their hair becomes straight and mostly goes down one side with a blue streak and black rimmed glasses appear on their face as well as their eyes turning blue.
    Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/dd/Vlcsnap-582120.png
    Den-O Rod Form, the second of Den-O’s forms, allows the user to use a rod weapon and a finishing attack where the rod is thrown at the opponent to create a target and a flying kick to damage the opponent. Rod Form also allows the use of a additional cart of Denliner that can detect enemies under water. This form can be used underwater and but can’t move as fast as sword form or jump as high as any form. It has a kicking power boost.
    Image: http://www.freewallpaperthai.com/images/6638-Kamen_Rider_Den-O_Rod_form.jpg

    Kintaros, the third of Den-O’s Imagins. He resembles a bear an his colour is yellow. Possessing incredible strength his is noted as the physically strongest of the Taros. He usually reacts if he hears a word similar to the Japanese word for crying but is usually asleep on Denliner. He also has sumo mannerisms. His catchphrases is “My strength made you cry†(Wiki didn’t have the right Japanese phrase and I can‘t spell it) he usually says this when he transforms into Den-O or possesses someone. He is best suited to Axe form as his Imagin weapon was an axe and his superior strength works with the tough abilities of Axe form. When he possesses someone their hair grows such that they have a ponytail with a golden yellow streak through it as well as yellow eyes.
    Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1e/Kintaros2.jpg
    Den-O Axe Form, is the third form of Den-O, allows the user use of an axe weapon and has increased punching strength and defence. This form is the best for defence fighting. It’s Finishing move is where the axe is thrown into the air and the user jumps up and catches it before dropping down and slicing the enemy vertically. It is the physically strongest but lacks in speed and kicking strength.
    Image: http://www.showwallpaper.com/wallpaper/0704/007631.jpg

    Ryutaros, the fourth of Den-O’s imagins. He resembles a dragon and his colour is purple. He is very childlike and loves break dancing and animals, although, he can be very out of control. He also has a special power that can make others dance as his subordinates. His catchphrase is where he asks someone if its okay to defeat them followed by “Kotae wa kiitenaiâ€, meaning “Can’t hear you†(in a your answer doesn’t matter way). He is suited to Gun Form as he can move quick on his feet letting him dodge attacks while shooting at the enemy. When he possesses someone a brown cap appears on their head and their fringe grows long with a purple streak on it along with the eyes turning purple.
    Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/71/Ryutaros.jpg
    Den-O Gun Form, is the fourth form of Den-O, allows the user use of a gun weapon and its finisher is a charged energy ball formed from its gun and two shoulder pads. It has increased speed, attack and defence but is inaccurate meaning it causes a lot of collateral damage.
    Image: http://www.showwallpaper.com/wallpaper/0704/007632.jpg

    Seig, is the fifth of Den-O’s Imagins. Although not a Taros he is still one of Den-O’s allies. He believes he is noble as he made a contract with a pregnant rich woman for the safe birth of her child to which he possessed the child and through birth gained powers unlike any one else. He has the ability to make Imagins shrink to four inches in height for a short time when he says the phrase “Bow your headsâ€, this ability is only used when he is angered by disrespect towards him and he usually only does this when not possessing someone. His catchphrase is “Kōrin, man o jishiteâ€, meaning “Advent, to the topâ€. Instead of using one of the forms from the Den-O belt his unique powers allow the buckle to be changed into a Wing Buckle allowing Wing Form. When he possesses someone their hair is styled in cornrows and has several white highlights with one longer white and black lock on the left side of their face, and a white feather boa appears around their neck along with white eyes.
    Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9d/Sieg_Imagin.jpg
    Den-O Wing Form, is the fifth form of Den-O, allows the user to use a hand axe and a boomerang and its finisher is where the boomerang is thrown where the enemy easily dodges it and as it circles back towards the enemy the axe is throw at the enemy for both weapons to hit at the same time before the user dashes over and removes the weapons sending a damaging surge through the body. It is the fastest form of Den-O and has great attack power for both long and short ranged attacks.
    Image: http://www.showwallpaper.com/wallpaper/0708/011302.jpg

    Deneb, actually the Imagin of Zeronos. When he possesses someone their hair grows long past their shoulders with two locks on either side with the lock on the right side having a green streak. He is butler like and is very polite and overly friendly. He usually gives out his own brand of candy named Deneb Candy. When he possesses the user of Zeronos it allows the Vega Form.
    Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0b/Deneb-Den-O.jpg
    Zeronos uses Zeronos Cards to transform and each time the user uses one it turns to dust after transforming back out of any of Zeronos’ forms. Altair Forms cards are Green with the oposite side being yellow for Vega Form.
    Zeronos (Altair Form), is the basic form of Zeronos that doesn’t require an Imagin for. This form allows the user use of a glaive weapon that can change to a crossbow weapon. It’s finishing attack is either a horizontal slash through the enemy when charged or a powerful shot from the crossbow.
    Image: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r31/hydemyself/KRD35-047.jpg
    Here is a video of Zeronos Altair Form transformation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlj04HK8pPY
    Zeronos (Vega Form), is the form of Zeronos that requires Deneb and is activated by flipping the Zeronos Card in use over to its yellow side and slotting back in after being in Altair Form. It allows the user use of Altair Forms weapons but with a higher strength. It also has shoulder cannons that are formed from Deneb’s hands. It’s final attacks are stronger versions of Altair Forms attacks but the crossbow attack is in the shape of a V.
    Image: http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q129/Ryukendo_2006/wallpaperkamenriderzeronos226.jpg
    Here is a video of Zeronos Vega Form transformation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H8Xan5Oq2s&feature=related

    Negataros, is an evil version of Momotaros although he was a villain in a movie he is a renegade rider in this. When he possesses someone it has the same effect as Momotaros except with a darker red streak in the hair and eyes.
    Image: http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9262/negamc7.png
    Nega Den-O, this is the dark version of Den-O, it allows the user to use any of Den-O’s first four forms weapons though it resembles Sword Form with a purple colour and a teal tribal motif.
    Video (since I can’t find a picture): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9FP5dkKLLs

    Gaoh, this requires no Imagin and is the movie villains form from the first film. It’s weapon and finishing attack are just like Sword Forms but stronger. Not much else can be said about it since there is no Imagin.

    1. Follow the rules of the section even the 20 words per post, its ok if you go under by a few words every once in a while from not being able to do much but continually going under will get yourself kicked from the RP.
    2. You don’t have to know about Den-O since it’s a new story but if you want to know about it theres a Wiki link at the top and a video to show forms and powers.
    3. No random singing. Also put “Henshin†in the other section of your OC form.
    4. Stick to the characters of the Imagins as you will be Rping as them along with your characters.
    5. Any questions about the RP or Den-O ask me via PM/VM.
    6. One Imagin/Form per person unless not enough join.
    7. Lesser Evil Imagin can be controlled by anyone.

    OC Form

    Name: (full name)
    Age: (nothing too young or too old)
    Imagin and Form: (pick one from the above list, they are colour coded)
    History: (make it work and nothing too short, give them character. Also don‘t have them be like an expert at fighting with a sword or something ridiculous make it realistic)
    Personality/traits: (an example would be how the main character of the TV show of Den-O had bad luck and was shy, jumpy and weak)
    Other: (anything you want to add?)
    Preview Post: (can be your first post if you want)

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Ryu Kazuya
    Age: 21
    Appearance: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6tZbJMYB2Ek/ScRrjQF56jI/AAAAAAAAAEM/yS-Qu8dpdl8/s400/anime+boy.jpg
    Imagin and Form: Momotaros Sword Form
    History: Growing up in the outskirts of town he always noticed strange events, he swore people where possessed and that a train would continually appear where there was no train tracks a few months prior to being possessed himself. Believing he had been hearing things after they stopped he was eventually found by Momotaros who at the time had no idea he was a singular point but needed to escape an Imagin that was attacking him. Momotaros soon found out Ryu was a singular point when he was unable to take over after Ryu stopped him from doing so. When the Imagin realised Momotaros had fled into a human he attacked Ryu, in the moment after he was flung across the street Momotaros convinced him to use the Den-O pass that was dropped in front of him the time Momotaros possessed him. Doing so Ryu and Momotaros became Den-O Sword Form and defeated the Imagin. Afterwards Momotaros lead Ryu to Denliner.
    Personality/traits: Ryu is a carefree person who likes music. He is a drummer and ca pick up on any beat which proves useful when partnered with Momotaros in Sword Form as he can tell Momotaros strategy based off “the beat of the battleâ€.
    Other: N/A
    Preview Post: N/A
  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    That's just pessimistic, and I will not dare to see those words leave your keyboard again :B|:

    Username: Sorrow
    Name: Isabelle Lightwood
    Age: 20
    Appearance: Long black hair, waistlength. About 5'6, grey eyes, delicate facial features, and thin. She typically wears a small string of leather on her wrist, in case she has to tie her hair back in a hurry, and battle type clothing, usually in black. Long sleeved, so no one sees her bruises and scars from her past, along with slightly looser pants or shorts, depending on the weather. Hiking type boots, along with small knives hidden in her clothing.
    Imagin and Form: Just human? Pwease? I'll give you a special present?
    History: Abused ever since she was born, she was always told she was supposed to be a boy. Isabelle ran away at 16, and found work in taverns and bars cleaning. She finally got a steady job running errands for one such bar, the Lucky Clover. Her father continually searches for her, despite claiming he would be glad if she ran away. She never knew her mother, and gave up a long time ago about knowing anything of her. She has lived in various abadoned buildings until she could save up to afford a small apartment of her own. She has never been in a romantic relationship with a guy, though plenty have asked.
    Personality/traits: Sarcastic to those she knows better, but skittish around males, she tends to stick to smaller groups of females, or is alone if she can help it. She shows a kinder side to animals and children, especially young girls. She gets lost in thought a lot, and is continually tired. When her adrenaline gets going, she tends to suffer afterward, with fever like symptoms. This hampers her in a fight, but she has come to live with it.
    Other: Screw the singing rule B| and Henshin.
    Preview Post: Isabelle checked her knives in their arm sheaths, the one she kept hanging like a necklace, and the one in the small of her back. Once they were all secure, she grabbed the small brown package and headed out into the street, dogding people easily. The sunlight reflected off her eyes for a second, making her trip, but she caught herself against the wall of a building and took a deep breath. This whole being exhausted all the time was starting to get to her. She went into the building, a small house, and delivered the package to a young woman who was clearly pregnant. She vaguely wondered what kind of life the child would have as she accepted the money and turned, hurrying back into the street before the husband, if there was one, could see her.
  3. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    You do realise she won't be able to actually kill any monsters? Also why would she need "fighting clothes" and knives?

    Also you may not know this but you made a Kamen Rider 555 reference.
  4. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    That's fine. She can defend against them with her weapons, but not kill them, and its because of her dad.

    O_o......How so?
  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Okay then your in.

    The Lucky Clover, it's the club of the villains in 555.
  6. Haru66 Moogle Assistant

    Aug 10, 2008
    Name: Bryan Francis
    Age: 15
    Imagin and Form: Denab.All forms except for Zero form.
    History: Bryan was just a normal wimp. He couldn't even fight at all until one day, He saw sand just drop from him. He was confused from this experience but he didn't mind and kept on walking the streets. One night, He awoke to use the bathroom only to see a sand being with no legs, just on the ground staring at him. Bryan stared back but he would scream like a little girl as he ran out of his room. He ran onto the streets with his pajamas, only to see a large train which resembled a bull fly right pass him and into the sky. His face would turn pale and pass out.
    Personality/traits: Bryan is scared of everything bassicaly. He likes peace and likes to be in peace and quiet. He listens to classical music to time and rarely speaks when it comes down to the nitty gritty.
    Other: Henshin
    Preview Post: Bryan was sitting ontop of the roof with his pass in his hand and deneb standing by his side with his hands on his back. Bryan would smile as he looked up in the air towards the sky since deneb is now his one and only new friend. He stood up from the ground while putting his pass on and said, " I am ready to take on responsibility and help people.." Deneb would put his hand on Bryan's shoulder to reasure then Bryan would nod his head with a smirk.
  7. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    With Deneb you have all of Zeronos' forms except Zero Form. And i'm gonna need a preview post and you need to read the rules.
  8. Haru66 Moogle Assistant

    Aug 10, 2008
    ( Edited and the new 20 word thing is new to me. Explain it to me please.)
  9. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    It basically means 20 words per post, it was put in to try and boost writing ability and make things more interesting. Also your in and i'm guessing you've seen Den-O from the additional stuff in the bio.
  10. Haru66 Moogle Assistant

    Aug 10, 2008
    ( Den-O is my favorite rider series and Kiva is my second. When are we gonna start? And I don't really care for Decade.)
  11. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I see, well Den-O is also my favorite with Kiva second and Decade third, Kabuto was reasonable and Hibiki is terrible but i'm currently watching Blade.
    And I'll start if I can find more people.
  12. Haru66 Moogle Assistant

    Aug 10, 2008
    ( Hibiki really turned me off and I loved Kabuto. And I can't wait until we start.)
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