Kabuto: World of Meteors

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Fayt-Harkwind, Dec 7, 2009.

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  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    This is an alternate plot of Kabuto that takes place in America. It’ll be a little more mature than the actual show this RP is based off.

    Instead of a single meteor hitting Japan an entire swarm crash into many countries around the world. With three landing in America the states are put into mass alert as many Worms, alien life forms that can mimic others forms and memories, attack and replace the people. Although, in the other countries the meteorites have yet to spawn Worms and as such the countries with meteorites governments form a pact and create the group known as Zect to defeat the Worm threat in America before they can awaken the still dormant meteorites.
    As the armed forces of Zect, the Zect Troopers, slowly defeat the Worms with more casualties than kills a scheme is devised that more advanced forces are needed and Kamen Riders are born.

    They are an alien life form that came from the meteors.
    Aggressive to humans, Worms attempt to blend into the human population by copying the faces of their victims along with their memories. They only need to look at the human to copy their image, but once done so, they attempt to kill the original. However, the Worms believe the person that was mimicked now exists as a part of them due the fact they also acquired their victims' personalities. Despite being able to copy both image and memory, they are unable to copy certain things such as scent. The pupa form is known as a Salis, taking on the shape of a chrysalis. A Salis normally has a green body, except for the albino one known as a Mutation Salis which has a white body. After a Worm is threatened or endangered, it has the ability to molt, revealing a stronger form that can move at blinding speeds which comes from their high metabolism.

    Worms do not need to naturally molt and their "cast" can be broken off or shattered. They also have the ability to revert back into a Salis form if necessary. When a Worm is destroyed, it explodes into its predominant colour. They largely resemble Arthropods, specifically insects.

    Zect Troopers
    Weapons: Machine Blade Gun (able to use machine gun mode and retractable knife mode), Grenade launcher, flash bombs (to prevent Worms from molting).
    -Black = Basic Troopers
    -Black with yellow stripes = Shadow Troopers (TheBee’s unit of soldiers)
    -White = Bright Troopers (trainees)

    Kamen Riders

    All Riders finishers, transformations and cast offs/put ons are voice activated. Henshin is to transform, Cast Off is to Cast Off into Rider Form (if needed), Put On is to return to Masked Form and the name of your finisher (except and bracketed things) is to use the finisher.
    Clock up which is a feature to move at the same speed as a molted Worm when they move at fully force. It is activated by tapping the clock up pannel on the right side of the belt that is either used to transform or appears when you transform.

    All Rider weapons:
    -Zect Mizer = A unique weapon specially developed by the ZECT organization for individual use among the Riders. This unique weapon loads tiny autonomous drones called ‘Mizer Bomber’ which are released from the four shoots ports. Unique to the Zecters design, these Mizer Bombers independently swarm and attack enemy targets from all directions. However, these drones only have a limited operating radius of 15m.

    - The first Kamen Rider. Able to use the Clock Up function.
    -Weapon: Kabuto Kunai Gun
    -Kunai Mode = Activates when the gun barrel is detached, unsheathing a short-dagger weapon
    good for its swift and easy handling;
    AVALANCHE SLASH can be used in this mode.
    -Gun Mode = The default mode, fires high-intensity ion beam blasts and is equipped with tri-
    laser targeting;
    AVALANCHE SHOT can be performed in this mode.
    -Axe Mode = Becomes active when the gun barrel is held, and using the bladed butt of the
    weapon like a tomahawk;
    AVALANCHE BREAK can be performed in this mode.
    -Kabuto Zecter, once attached to the belt the Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the Horn is pulled horizontally to the right the Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice.
    -Finishing Move = Rider Kick = While being charged at by the enemy or the enemy is in range and your back is facing them while in Rider Form the user presses the 3 buttons ontop of the Zecter in order (with the Zecter voice counting “1, 2, 3”) and then return the horn switch back to the starting position before flipping it back again a current of electricity will be passed up to the horn on the helmet of Kabuto then back down into the right leg for a Counter Kick.
    -Motorbike = Kabuto Extender = Special bike designed for Kabuto, capable of switching between two performance modes: the high-speed Masked Mode and the offensive Ex Mode. Masked Mode is the Kabuto Extender’s first formation and is most suited for Kabuto’s Masked Form in every aspect, because of its highly-fortified defenses. After using “Cast-Off” (Kabuto cannot ride Ex Mode in Masked Form), the bike changes into Ex Mode. This form is used for frontal assaults and battering style attacks as the Ex Horn can easily destroy Pupa Worms. After the front fairing clears, the front wheel separates in two, allowing the front chassis to sink. The Clock Up system can further extend the abilities of this machine, allowing it to surpass basic gravitational laws. The Kabuto Extender is a Honda CBR1000RR.
    Henshin example
    Cast Off example
    Rider Kick Example

    - Able to use the Clock Up function.
    - Weapon: The Zecter used to transform becomes a weapon mounted onto the fist leaving TheBee to use unarmed combat for attacking until the use of it’s finisher.
    - TheBee Zecter, once attached to the bracer on the users left arm the Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the a switch on the back of TheBee Zecter is flipped forward the Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice.
    -Finishing Move = Rider Sting = When in Rider Form and the button on the back of the Zecter is pressed a charge of electricity covers the stinger of TheBee Zecter and the user punches into the target.
    - Motorbike = Machine Zectron: Standard-issue bikes for each Rider; mass produced by ZECT. Zectron Pinch is the standard weapon equipped to the bike. It launches a molecular shock forward, ridding any obstacles ahead. Each Rider has its respective symbol located on the windshield of the bike.
    Henshin example
    Cast Off example
    Rider Sting Example (00:26-00:42)

    - Able to use the Clock Up function.
    - Weapon: The Drake Zecter gun.
    - The Drake Zecter, once attached to the gun mount Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the pull-able switch is pulled on Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice.
    -Finishing Move = Rider Shooting = When in Rider Form the user folds the wings of the Zecter gun back to form a scope and a charged shot is fired.
    - Motorbike = Machine Zectron: Standard-issue bikes for each Rider; mass produced by ZECT. Zectron Pinch is the standard weapon equipped to the bike. It launches a molecular shock forward, ridding any obstacles ahead. Each Rider has its respective symbol located on the windshield of the bike.
    Henshin/Cast Off example
    Rider Shooting Example (00:43-01:02))

    - Able to use the Clock Up function.
    - Weapon: The Sasword Sword.
    - The Sasword Zecter, once attached to the hand guard of the sword mount the Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the tail switch on the hand guard is pushed down Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice.
    -Finishing Move = Rider Slash = When in Rider Form the user pulls the tail switch back up and then back down to charge the weapon and slash through the enemy any number of times before the charge is over.
    - Motorbike = Machine Zectron: Standard-issue bikes for each Rider; mass produced by ZECT. Zectron Pinch is the standard weapon equipped to the bike. It launches a molecular shock forward, ridding any obstacles ahead. Each Rider has its respective symbol located on the windshield of the bike.
    Henshin/Cast Off example
    Rider Slash Example (01:03-01:20)

    - Able to use the Clock Up function.
    -Weapon: Shoulder cannons (Masked Form only), Gatack Double Calibur (Two Pincer Swords) (Rider Form only).
    -Gatack Zecter, once attached to the belt the Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the pincers are pulled back to the right the Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice.
    -Finishing Move = Rider Kick = When in Rider Form the user presses the button on the back of the Zecter three times (with the Zecter voice counting “1, 2, 3”) and then return the pincer switch back to the starting position before flipping it back again a current of electricity will be passed to the right leg for jumping roundhouse kick.
    -Finishing Move = Rider Cutting = Using the two Pincer Swords and connecting them together to make pincer-like sheers the blades charge and the pincers can be closed causing anything within range to be sliced in two.
    -Motorbike = Gatack Extender = Special bike designed for Gatack; it has two modes: Masked Mode and Ex Mode. In the latter configuration, which Gatack cannot ride in Masked Form, the bike becomes a surfboard-like vehicle which can fly very quickly and destroy multiple Worms with its mandibles. Also, with the Kabuto Extender present, a team finisher named the Extend Rider Drop can be executed. Tossed into the air off the Kabuto Extender's EX Anchor, the Gatack Extender is then driven into the enemy from above by Gatack's kick.
    Henshin example
    Cast Off example
    Rider Kick and Rider Cutting Example (01:21-01:57)

    - Unable to use the Clock Up function.
    - Weapon: None.
    - The KickHopper Zecter, once attached to the belt the Rider Form can be used via “Henshin”.
    -Finishing Move =Rider Jump - Rider Kick = When the legs of the Zecter are pressed down KickHopper is able to leap into the air (Rider Jump) then lead into an electrical charged flying kick (Rider Kick).
    - Motorbike = None.
    Henshin example
    Rider Jump Rider Kick Example

    - Unable to use the Clock Up function.
    - Weapon: None.
    - The PunchHopper Zecter, once attached to the belt the Rider Form can be used via “Henshin”.
    -Finishing Move =Rider Jump - Rider Punch = When the legs of the Zecter are pressed down PunchHopper is able to leap into the air (Rider Jump) then lead into an electrical charged punch from in mid-air (Rider Punch).
    - Motorbike = None.
    Henshin example
    Rider Jump Rider Punch Example (1:33-138)

    Dark Kabuto
    - The same as Kabuto just different colours.
    - Able to use the Clock Up function.
    -Weapon: Zect Kunai Gun
    -Kunai Mode = Activates when the gun barrel is detached, unsheathing a short-dagger weapon
    good for its swift and easy handling;
    AVALANCHE SLASH can be used in this mode.
    -Gun Mode = The default mode, fires high-intensity ion beam blasts and is equipped with tri-
    laser targeting;
    AVALANCHE SHOT can be performed in this mode.
    -Axe Mode = Becomes active when the gun barrel is held, and using the bladed butt of the
    weapon like a tomahawk;
    AVALANCHE BREAK can be performed in this mode.
    -Dark Kabuto Zecter, once attached to the belt the Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the Horn is pulled horizontally to the right the Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice.
    -Finishing Move = Rider Kick = While being charged at by the enemy or the enemy is in range and your back is facing them while in Rider Form the user presses the 3 buttons ontop of the Zecter in order (with the Zecter voice counting “1, 2, 3”) and then return the horn switch back to the starting position before flipping it back again a current of electricity will be passed up to the horn on the helmet of Dark Kabuto then back down into the right leg for a Counter Kick. Instead of the green electricity it is black.
    -Motorbike = None.
    Henshin example
    Cast Off example
    Rider Kick Example (2:00-2:17)

    - The Bronze Rider
    - Able to use the Clock Up function.
    - Weapon: Zect Kunai
    - Ketaros Zecter, once attached to the brace on the right arm and twisted on the Rider Form can be accessed via “Henshin”. This is Ketaros’ only form.
    - Finishing Move = Rider Beat (Kunai) = The Kunai is charged with electricity and Ketaros slices through the enemy.
    - Motorbike = None.
    Henshin example
    Rider Beat Example (1:17-1:22)

    - The Silver Rider
    - Able to use the Clock Up function.
    - Weapon: Zect Axe Gun (can be used as a gun or axe)
    - Hercus Zecter, once attached to the brace on the right arm and twisted on the Rider Form can be accessed via “Henshin”. This is Hercus’ only form.
    - Finishing Move = Rider Beat (Axe) = The axe is charged with electricity and Hercus digs the axe into the enemy then slices through them.
    - Motorbike = None.
    Henshin example
    Rider Beat Example (1:39-1:46

    - The Gold Rider
    - Able to use the Clock Up function.
    - Weapon: None.
    - Caucasus Zecter, once attached to the brace on the right arm and twisted on the Rider Form can be accessed via “Henshin”. This is Caucasus’ only form.
    - Finishing Move = Rider Beat (Punch) = Uses an electrically charged punch on the enemy.
    - Finishing Move = Rider Beat (Kick) = Uses an electrically charged kick on the enemy.
    - Motorbike = None.
    Henshin example
    Rider Punch & Kick Example (1:47-2:00)

    In addition to Riders and Troopers there are also Zect Employees who wield a small gun, wear black suits and aid the Riders and Troopers with information and monitoring from a surveillance van.

    1. The sections rules. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=80885
    2. 3 characters max.
    3. Do not try to take over the story in any way, I will remove you instantly if you try.
    4. Be literate.
    5. No singing.
    6. Try to progress the story and not stay in the same place for the whole RP without breaking rule 3.
    8. Give a preview post of how you would fight as a Rider/Trooper/etc, it doesn’t have to be long I just need to see if you understood.
    9. If you have any problems or questions VM me. I’ll help in anyway I can.
    10. No godmodding, it’ll get harder not to god mod with the whole super speed thing and eventually when Hyper Forms are unlocked and time control is used.
    11. I’ll add more rules if needs be.

    Rider/Trooper/Other: (State which type of Trooper or which Rider you are, there can only be one of each Rider though)
    Other: (optional)
    Preview Post: (Just so I can see if you understood the info I gave) (If you’re a Rider then show me your “Henshin/Cast Off”, fighting and finisher)


    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Theos Deus
    Age: 20
    Rider/Trooper/Other: Kabuto
    Appearance: http://www.freewebs.com/anime17/[la...Hitman-Reborn_mela(0.88)__THISRES__148836.jpg
    Personality: Incredibly confident, repeats words of wisdom from his grandmother.
    History: His family was killed by the Worm when they first appeared from the meteor that landed near his home. After they took on his parents image he fled before they got him as well and sought refuge in a military safety zone. Later on in the week after the shock and fear had subsided he became very hateful towards the Worm and sought to avenge his parents. During an incident in a skirmish between soldiers and the Worm Theos spotted two Worm return into his parents forms after being heavily injured. After giving chase he caught up with them and killed them both by striking their weakened and motionless Worm forms for a large amount of time. After being moved from the safety zone he lived with his grandmother and cousin while he trained himself to be able to fight the Worms for years before he was selected by Zect to become Kabuto. He now lives with his younger cousin who he treats like a sister.
    Other: N/A.
    Preview Post: N/A
  2. Haru66 Moogle Assistant

    Aug 10, 2008
    Name:Bryan Francis
    Age: 18
    Rider/Trooper/Other: The bee
    Personality: He is a shy person who speaks soft.
    History: He was 15 as his parents died before his eyes in such a violent death at the hand of the worms. Bryan was on his knees as his parents was surrounded in a puddle of bloods so he gripped his fist tightly while saying, " I swear.. I will find.... these.. THESE.. CREATURES AND DESTROY THEM!"
    Other: (optional)
    Preview Post: Bryan stood with a smirk on his as the worm was right infront of him, taunting him. Bryan looked at the worm and said, " It seems you don't know what I am capable of.." He threw his hand into the air as a bee like machine flew into Bryan's hand then a brace appeared on his hand. He looked at the worm and said, " Watch me." He slammed the bee onto his brace while exclaiming henshine. Yellow rings started to expand from the bee as it quickly went over Bryan's arm then yellow armor started to come up from his armor which quickly went all over his body.
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