bleh...tried making sigs after a pretty long while of not making one... <--fail! Give me all the CnC you got! >D
dude! I love both of them! ^-^ Awesome job! I like Code Geass and the Geass matches perfectly with the sig.
The second one is pwnsome. I only can find two things that maybe bug me a little, but it's only because I'm looking for flaws. The size looks a but big, but I dunno. xD The font looks kinda plain as well, but the highlight-outline-ish-thing makes up for that. Love 'em! ;D
Lelouch tag has potential to be good. But something about the c4d in the background is a bit odd....maybe sharpen it just a tad bit....idk... And also, get those lines off his face O_O
I like the text in both of them, but I personally like the Justice one better. I'm not really liking the background in the Lelouch one because of all the blackness in it, but other than that I suppose they're both ok.