This just suddenly came back to me... Anyway, one of the guys in my class had been in a student exchange for a year in the US, and he said that American high-schools seemed exactly like the ones you see on TV. So I'm asking from all you former/current high-schoolers from the States that is this true, or was he in some really weird high-school/talking trash.
I haven't seen a single tv high school that looks like mine, but there might be some out there since they might shot the show at a school.
I have never seen one exactly so, but most highschools seem the same. Marble flooring, or some type of hard rock or tile, small lockers, unfortunate resemblence to prison. The small details are usually off, but generally all the high schools are alike.
Yeah, I would say that my high school is like the ones in TV sometimes. We've got drama everywhere. Pregnant teenagers(one of my friends' sister) and heartbreak. Cliques and all. Yeah, I would say that mine is kind of like it.
Nah. I mean, there are some resemblances, like the general appearance of the school, although in real life, the schools tend to be filthier. How TV-like the school is depends on how new it is and how many schools go there. Nowadays, any school that has operated over a year is nothing like TV, simply because they are all overcrowded (at least, the public ones are), and the crush of sweaty teenage bodies makes the place look like a prison cell after the first semester. The crowds are abysmal, you have to shout to make yourself heard; the classes are worse, to the point where some teachers can't even teach, the food is indescribably bad, etc. All this is from personal experience, so I know what I'm talking about. And I went to the newest school in the state.
I'm curious as to why you're all describing how your schools look. I'm pretty sure the question was the overall feel and such. Not a physical description.
The overall feel is created by the atmosphere of a place, which is created in large part by how it looks. Therefore, looks = feel.
So, you mean to tell me that just because a school looks nice or crappy, that'll determine whether they have drama or not? I strongly disagree with that statement. My school actually looks very nice and has loads of drama. And there are schools down in the ghetto that have very little. It's all dependent on the surrounding environment and the students that go there. Not how the school physically looks.
Personally, my highschool was backwards compared to the 'sterotypical' highschools shown on t.v. The jocks and cheerleaders were laughed at, we all had no school spirit, and the popular kids were all punks/geeks. But, I'm pretty sure that was just my school.
Well, I don't live in America, but I did go to High School in England :'D and yeah it was a drama fest constantly. I think ours was similar in some respects to what you see on the TV with the drama and the cliques and all that crap, but in other ways it is very different. American High Schools have a lot more going for them than English ones IMO.
Okay, I mean to say this as nicely as possible, because you're cool and actually discuss topics meaningfully... ...j00-epic phail me-pwnage :D
Lol :D Since I have absolutely no experience with high school drama, nor would I ever want any, I just responded with what I did know.
Haha, that's how my school is too. Cheerleaders and dancers are made fun of and the artsy kids are all popular. Though the drama still exists.