The one thing I've come to accept is that all dating advice ever is always wrong no matter how correct it might sound. My advice for dating? Never listen to advice about dating.
Am I the only guy here who really doesn't have his heart set on a gamer girl? I think it's cuter if she's who she is regardless of kicking my toosh at a game or w/e.
I'm hearing a lot of "a lot of the time"'s and "probably"'s here. I'm thinking most of this advice probably won't help you out. A lot of the time advice is crappy. Also, THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH CHAINSAWING THAT 7 YEAR OLD ON XBOX LIVE, HE ASKED FOR IT!!! /reallyi'maplaystationguy
I've only ever been attracted to girls who like games, but their "gamer-ness" has never had anything to do with it. Does that count as not having my heart set on a gamer girl?
I've never been big on gifts either, especially in the early stages of dating. Too many guys thought that it meant that I owed them something on a physical level T-T ( this is why I prefer to pay for my dinner too )