Cool, thats what I wanted to write anyway, just asking around, Basically WWIII Ends the world and around 3500 AC Life comes back, and all have equal access to resources, there is no consumerism, wild capitalism, socialism or poverty, but there are those who want to make things the way they were just so they can make money(And in return there are those who will stop them, or at least try), the world is made up of basically, a few villages and kingdoms and endless forests. magic is now everywhere, replacing electricity, There will be magic time travel and even god-like powers. so yeah, this will also link back to the cold war and stuff, if you like Magic, anime and history, you might like this story, ill be posting it in a few weeks, in the writers nook.
wut? no not at all, i want to make this an actual story where a few people try to prevent the world from becoming what it was before, Most of the story should take place during time travel.