Got my ingrown toe-nails on both of my big toes taken out, so now I've got bricks on both feet, and I really don't want to go anywhere because I hate walking on numb feet. I always lose my balance sooner or later
Yes my friend, that would be the choice.....if we didn't have to go out later for haircuts. I wish I knew how long my toes are going to be like this, because they had to put quite a bit of numbing on my toes
Better than having the ingrown toenail, I've had them before ( suffered from chronic ones for years :c ) and they hurt like a mother. It'll wear off soon. 8)
I'm actually on pain medicine right now, because otherwise my toes would be hurting much more. I can't remember what it was called, all I know is it's a narcotic, and my parents keep saying I'm going to crash soon and get high. Well, so far my whole life I haven't had any medicine that's said you'll fall asleep affect me, and I'm pretty sure this one won't either