That's one of my first sigs; made when an image of the ES first came out. The reason for the "Game Over" is my expectation of what will happen to me should I get the game. xD I made this awhile ago too, about when there were a few leaked videos of the 2007 movie. And that's my most recent one, but I threw it together kinda quickly. Still, I don't think it turned out as bad as I expected it to. ^^"
Well the first one have a little weird colours , if I get to say it ;P The second one is pretty good even though I almost have no idea what it is ^^ I like the third one I think it looks pretty cool with the yellow lines and it match the bands name (: Good job DP (:
I like the second one. On the Game Over one you need to like add more stuff into it and the colors don't fit well. :\
The first does have some weird colours The second I like, But the upward gradient is kinda weird The third one I think looks pretty good.
It's OK first tries but you should follow tuts to improve. Especially you need to develop good backgrounds and effects cuz your tags look extremly simple.
..... No Fkin duh. Anyways, I agree that you should follow some tuts. It might be boring sometimes..... But it will help you ALOT.