We had Maggie put down today... about two hours ago. She was doing just fine, given her condition, of course (she was still having grand mals, but nothing we couldn't deal with), but about four-five days ago, something happened. She could hardly stand and when she did, she walked in circles. We thought it was her nails, which we had failed to get earlier because we've been so focused on the tumor, and had them clipped yesterday, hoping it'd help. We wanted to give her a week to see if it would (to give her feet time to heal, as I'm sure walking on her long nails had made her feet sore on top whatever else was going on), but she was also having problems breathing (we think)--she'd pant (which the Prednisone can cause, and she had been doing that all along, so that in itself wasn't concerning) and then act like a fish gulping for air. My mom thinks she had a stroke, though I'm not sure. I would think a stroke would have killed her. While we know the tumor was growing and she was never going to get better (we were only making however much time she had left comfortable after we started "treating" for the right thing), I don't think it's possible that it can change that drastically from one day to the next. Here's a photo that was taken on August 26, 2014: And here's the log: Compared to before we started "treating" her right on May 23, 2015, in terms of number of monthly seizures, she was doing a lot better. Although even before then, with the exception of April 2015 because I was in college, which was unconsciously upsetting her, she had more days without seizures each month than with. Rest in peace.
Thank you. She was also my first and only dog, so that makes it a bit harder, but I'm doing pretty well, given the circumstances. I got emotional when she was put to sleep--understandably--but otherwise it's like everything's normal. I mean, if not the tumor, age would have gotten her, though she probably would gone a bit longer. I don't remember exactly when, but we got her when I was 11 or 12. My mom doesn't really want to, but once some time passes, maybe we'll look at getting another dog. Maggie we got for free after she was rescued from the dangerous streets of Seattle. She was first given to another family, but their little kids were "abusing" her, pulling her by her neck and tail. The person who rescued her knew my aunt who then asked us if we wanted her. Until then (if we do), my aunt's five border collies at the ranch will help fill the void.
Well you knew it was coming, it hardly came as a surprise at this point. Not that it makes it easy, but in my experience it makes it significantly less brutal. Hang in there.
@Princess ♥, you also replied to me directly in The Lounge when we had the first and only scare back on June 11--it turned out it was only a bad stomachache from her new diet and therefore not related to the illness and she got better due to me babying her over the weekend--and I just wanted to give you to a personal shout-out, thanking you for the support that you were able to provide. The vet, who was very friendly, said he was impressed that she made it as long as she did.
I'm sorry that this had to happen to you. I hope you find peace in knowing she loved you and you loved her. There is nothing more precious in life then the love of a child or an animal.
Sorry to hear that, Amaury. Pet's are always hard to see go. She's not in pain anymore though. -Nights