Journey of Reflection

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by water mage, May 9, 2010.

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  1. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx did his nbest not to yawn for the humans were begining to bore him. Not that he didn't enjoy messing with their minds, it was just that he got the feeling he was being watched for he felt another presence in the area. "You know, you don't have to wave your weapon around like you own the place. Do you see me with my weapon out? Nope. Not at the moment anyway," he hinted with sarcasm, his eyes warning them that he did have a trick up his sleeve. "So I'll make it easy for you guys," he turned his back on them to irrate the bruntte even more for the blonde didn't seem to be getting upset. "Go on do what you must. I dare ya," he turned back around and pointed his finger at them.

    Cloud didn't move a muscle for he had a strong hunch what the nobody was up to. It was genius to pretend to drop one's guard when in reality doing the direct opposite. Cloud didn't know how Leon would react, but as for himself he would wait for Demyx to make the first move.

    Hikaru stole a glance at his twin brother Kaoru and stood up showing that he would join him. "I was thinking the same thing myself boss. There is nothing left here for any of us so it is time to move on. I have one conditon though. We take Haruhi with us."

    Kaoru nodded and stood up just moments after Hikaru. "It has been a while since we have seen her and I bet she's worse off. Haruhi has to come with us. Hikaru and I will arrange that. You and the others can help if you want."

    "Kaoru why don't we just surprise her?" Hikaru pulled out his cell phone fromt his pocket, underlined her name in his contact list and called the number. "Now all we have to do is wait for her to pick up."
  2. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Xemnas started to walk around the castle with little to do he walk around a corner and spotted Demyx "hello Demyx have you found the intru..." he trailed off. He had seen Cloud and Leon "well Demyx I have to congratulate you, you have found the intruders I am going to wait here and watch you deal with the and if you need help i will gladly assist" normally Xemnas would never agree to just watch but he was bored and wanted some light entertainment."

    at the crystal fissure

    Sephiroth seemed bored out of his mind but he was probably the most patient man who ever lived and waited " I can only hope that cloud fights soon because once he uses the darkness in his heart I will know exactly where he is" Sephiroth let a small laugh come and stood still on the edge of the large valley of ice blue crystals.
  3. Cicada Killer Destiny Islands Resident

    "inner and outer beauty"

    ((I wish to join if it is not late to do so... I wish to be Xigbar, Zexion and I- wait why do you have Reno but no other Turks..? Blah, I will also be... An OC I guess ^^; I hope the inner/outer beauty can be as a title also))

    Name: Mimix
    Gender: Female
    Species: Demonic Cat
    Age: 3 years old
    Powers: Able to Teleport(sp), Ice Element(due to necklace) and Being See-Through.
    Description: Mimix was from Halloween Town, but being curious, ends up traveling father then most demonic frisk kitties. She had a owner, but, she got away and thus is a stray cat who pops up in different worlds at different times. Sometimes it is just Mimix takes a cat nap and in her sleep whisks herself away to another place. So it isn't the cat's fault to be honest, blame the magic it was born with-
    Personality: Soft-Spoken, Loving, Curious, Lazy & Loyal
    Image: [​IMG]

    ((I hope you don't mind me being a cat... ^^;; ))
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Haruhi, after staring at the phone waiting for it to ring, jumped a little when it actually went off. She scrabbled for the reciever and breathlessly answered "Haruhi speaking!" she winced at her tone, which sounded desperate instead of professional. Please be a job offer! She prayed, puting her hands together in a prayer fashion and holding the phone to her ear on her shoulder.
  5. Cicada Killer Destiny Islands Resident

    ((I am believing in fire mage's word that it's fine that I post-))

    Mimix yawned and stretched like any other cat would do when just waking up. Curiously the cat looked around noticing she had awoken in a different place then where she had slept last. Mimix meowed as he looked around the place which seemed to be one of Twilight Town's alleyways. The demonic cat jetted out of the dark alley and looked around the town for something to be doing.

    Meanwhile at the world that never was...​

    Xigbar had heard there was intruders but didn't fully take it seriously, figuring it wasn't anything he couldn't handle himself. At the time No. 2 was currently in the grey room of the place on one of the sofas sitting. Xigbar was messing around with his weapons and wasn't noticing anything else being so forced on his own thing. The free shooter quickly grew bored of toying with his guns and dismissed them and sighed loudly as he putted his feet up on the table.

    Zexion was in the lower floors of the place like usual. By himself, the schemer was deeply lost in thought over the meeting. 'people invading our haven..?' he thought to himself, 'what might they be thinking to come to the world that never was...' Zexion paced throughout the basement levels while thinking to himself.
  6. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: That's fine. I told her to tell you.)

    Demyx was startled at Xemnas's presence that he almost grew tongue tied. He quickly came to his senses and bowed before his boss. "Boss you don't have to waste your time on me. I'm sure you have better things to do. Send one of the other members here. Xigbar would be best for this sort of thing." He addressed Xemnas with high respect and authority.

    Cloud remained silent through the whole conversation. It was just the perfect distraction he needed to get him away from what troubled his mind and that was having to face Sephiroth again in the future. He hoped he would get some moments of peace before the evil resurfaced.

    Kaoru went up to the phone at the same time with Hikaru to surprise her. It had been a long time since they have spoken. "Hey Haruhi long time no see."

    "How have you been? The boss misses you too."

    "In fact we're all going to pay you a visit to your place. How does that sound for a reunion?"
  7. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    "Demyx.... do not speak lowly of yourself besides the other members are busy and i require entertainment." he drew his aerial blades and said "well now shall we begin Demyx? or would you like to make the first move?"
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    A thud sounded on the other end of the phone and then the sound of the phone being picked up again. Hearing Hikaru and Kaoru's voices surprised Haruhi isn't dropping the phone. "Hikaru! Kaoru! Hi!" she exclaimed. Of course she was completely happy to hear her old friend's voices. On the other hand, she still had no job; but she pushed that thought off for now, focusing on the postive of seeing her dear friends again. "Yes, that sounds great. I was just thinking of you guys. When are you coming over?" she asked, trying not to sound to excited. Unfortunetly, it was hard to hide as she was smiling brightly for the first time in a long time.
  9. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: Anime Expo was fun except for the drama I had to put up with one of my friends. >_<)

    Demyx stood up and shrugged his shoulders not bothered by having to fight at all. The melodious nocturne was a lazy nobody who hated to get himself all sweaty. "If you say so boss, but you can go first if you like. I'm going to watch the master at work," he placed his fingers in quotations marks awaiting for Xemnas to make the first move.

    Now Cloud wanted to roll his eyes at this sight. Why did he have to fight the leader of the organization? Cloud could easily beat the other nobody by the sight of the demenaor of the young lad, but Xemnas was another concern. "If we fight I want to know the reasons for doing so and they better not be senseless." Cloud was buying himself some time to recooperate by having small talk.

    Hikaru and Kaoru both grinned devishly like the imps they had always been. Haruhi had missed them and they would rub that information in Tamaki's face before long. "Oh you missed us? We missed you too. How about we come over like today or maybe two hours from now?" The twins offered in a genuine manner. "We need to catch up on everything."
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "That's fine, defenitely, yes. I'll make us something to eat and I should shower too. Two hours should be perfect! Is it just you two?" Haruhi added the last question because she knew how the host club was. While the twins were very independent of others, it was just like the club to all show up on her without notice. Better to check than to be startled. As she waited for an answer, she was already in the kitchen trying to figure out what she could actually make to eat. They didn't have alot in the refrigerator but maybe a soup?
  11. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all

    "hmph you are intruding in our castle you will leave now or die. only nobodies are allowed in this castle. so which will it be?" Xemnas knew they were stalling for time so he decided to humor them.
  12. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Leon shook his head at Xemnas's rude remark. "I thought nobodies weren't supposed to have emotions or feelings so why are you resorting to threats?" That's anger which is clearly an emotion." Leon would resort to humoring the leader of the organization, but he was still prepared to launch an attack if it came down to it.

    At the bottom of the basement, Axel was still spying on Vexen wondering what the old kook was up to now. Did he screw up once more and was trying to hide his mistakes by causing another diversion or did Vexen have something else up his sleeve?

    Tamaki's calm demeanor turned a 180 at the sound of Haruhi's voice. Without thinking, the blonde young man seized the phone from the twins and began with the hesterics. "Haruhi! It's me Tamaki. I'm coming over also and so is Kyoya, Hunny and Mori. You remember me don't you Haruhi? Please tell me you haven't forgotten me." His voice was tense and his hands were shaking at the thought of her forgetting who he was.
  13. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Haruhi nearly dropped the phone again as well as a dish of soup she'd been pulling out of the refridgerator. Over the phone there was the sound of glass and plastic clanging around as she caught them along with a barely covered curse. "Ah! Tamaki! yes, of course I remember all of you!" she quickly tried to calm him down. "I'm so glad you'll all be coming over, I've missed you all." she continued while balancing the dish, phone, and closing the fridge door. "Eh, since you're all coming over would you mind bringing a cake or dessert of some kind? I know Honey loves them but I don't really have anything sweet." she explained.
  14. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    The twins cringed at the loud sound over the phone. Haruhi had dropped something and hopefully it wasn't expensive. "Yeah we'll see what we can do. We'll see you in an hour." They hung up before Tamaki could reply once more. "That went well. She wants us to bring over something sweet."

    The oldest of the twins shrugged. "Since we won't be there to long we might as well bring cookies."

    The youngest twin added. "We can take them on the plane with us at least without having to refridgerate them."

    "This is going to come as a complete shock to her, but I'm sure the boss can manage." Hikaru spread one of his devilish grins. "But you knew that didn't you boss?"

    Cloud stood idly by not interfering with Xemnas and Leon's confrontation. The last thing he wanted to do was fight. If he did he would alert Sephiroth of his presence which would be disasterous, but still what choice did he have? He couldn't wait forever.

    Demyx was in awe and also confused by Leon's last statement. The brunette did have a point. They were nobodies and yet they acted like they were more than that. "He does raise a good point boss. How can you be angry if we're not supposed to feel any feelings right?" The melodious nocturne turned to the other warrior and shrugged his shoulders not getting, but a simple shrug from the other. "See he doesn't get it either."
  15. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    "demyx..... i have no idea really?" Xemnas turned to the warriors "You know... nobodies come from beings of hearts so in our own existance, emotions come from the mind so we exibit many basic ones."
  16. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Getting tired of waiting for the senile old fool, Axel took the liberty of coming out of the shadows so Vexen would notice him. If he had to deal with the fourth member like he had before than so be it.

    "I don't believe that for a second." Leon's thoughts pushed his reasoning to aside as he said something to himself. "You just pulled that comment out of your ass." Getting his mind back on track, he spoke firmly pointing his gunblade in Demyx's and Xemnas's direction. "You nobodies are meant to lie and decieve others so why should I believe you? That's all part of your plan and I'm not easily fooled like Sora was."

    Tamaki chose to ignore their snide remarks. In his mind Haruhi was all that mattered and of course she would be shocked by the news, but it was going to be sooner or later. Setting his day dreaming to the side, the host king got his group's attention by raising his voice. "Okay so Haruhi knows that we're coming. All we have to do is meet her at her place and I don't want there to be any trouble especially from you two." His eyes glared at the twins. "This is going to be an unsettling time for my poor Haruhi so no mischief." Walking away from them, he picked up a phone that connected to the staff. "Have all of my belongings packed in half an hour and no questions."
  17. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Xemnas calmly stated to leon "I did not ask you to believe me I am only stating an opinion, an opinion that was formed however from my own experiences, and from witnessing the organization's actions. Such as marluxia and Axel betraying me he showed envy and lust for power, Axel showed love and the desire to protect. Demyx didnt betray me but he showed fear. so in that light do you have anything to say now?"
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