Journey of Reflection

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by water mage, May 9, 2010.

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  1. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx was glad that the attention was now on Marluxia and Axel. He had gotten out of what seemed to be a confrontation something the melodious nocturne always avoided at all costs. He was free to do as he wished aside from the mission. Would the others know if he decided to ditch and go elsewhere or was he being spyed on? Surely they weren't that paranoid, but with Xemnas one could never tell. Demyx tapped his fingers resting on the white marble armrests and kicked both of his feet back and forth. He was preparing to leave and had to say something before his departure. "Geez you two. You really gotta watch yourselves mainly you Marluxia. You're always going to be on the boss's black list for what you and Larxene did. I'd hate to be in your boots, but as they say you gotta face the music." His azure tealish orbs, had life and impish pride in them, but also held a deep darkness one that was that never released except to prove a point that Demyx was serious and meant business. "So with that I'll leave you be with your note." He summoned a portal that ascended upwards taking him out of the room of Where Nothing Gathers and into the main hall of the castle. "I guess I'll get this over with," he stretched his arms in boredom wandering the halls until his keen senses kicked in that made him hide in the shadows only to spy on two warriors starring at one of another.

    Cloud cast his eyes to the brunette, the one whom he knew as Leon. There was something strange about how the other warrior approached that sent some bad signals. "No need to walk on egg shells with me. I know why you have tracked me down. It's because of Sephiroth isn't it? I can assure you he's not here. I'm insulted to think of you comparing me to him. It's literally a slap in my face." He gripped his sword warning Leon to be careful not to tempt him. "Do not blame me for the world's destruction. I have my own problems ones that you will never understand or can relate too. Try having someone controling you and maybe you can come to fanthom the kind of hell I live with everyday of my life."

    Kaoru sighed feeling a similar feeling his brother was experiencing until his eyes lit for his cell phone was vibrating his pant pocket. "Hold that thought Hikaru." Kaoru held up his finger to silence him for a moment. "Well now it seems the boss wants us to meet him at his place. It's been so long since we heard from him and the others. I wonder what it's about? Don't you?" Kaoru sent a text to Tamaki saying that he got the message and would be right there. He also added that they needed to catch up on everything.

    Hikaru leaned on his elbows and did a stretch like that of a cat from taking his nap. "The boss finally contacted us after so long? That's a surprise. I thought he would of forgotten about us. Glad to know he still cares." He pulled his cell phone out from his pant pocket and replied as well. "Anything would be better than staying here all the time," Hikaru said nonchantly to Kaoru while texting Tamaki that he was a baka for forgetting to keep in touch for so long. "Maybe our prayers have been answered." The older teen snapped his cell phone closed and placed it on his person. "I'm actually looking forward to this." Hikaru bounded off the bed with his brother in tow. "Now let's get out here without anyone seeing us." Quickly they both ran down the stairs and into the garage. "We'll take my car," Hikaru buckled himself in his black and red customaized version of a hybrid; combination of a lamborghini coupe and ferrari with Karou in the shot gun seat. Once the coast was clear, he accelerated out of the garage and off the premesis before anyone knew he had left.
  2. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Saix was walking through the halls of the castle wondering why Xemnas would give Marluxia the mission after all Marluxia betrayed the organization. Why should Marluxia be trusted anyway Saix had plans of his own. Saix walked down the halls and saw Demyx Saix did not care but he decided to observe.
  3. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    In Japan:Haruhi sat on the worn floor of her father's apartment pooring over a worn out text book required by her cheap online class. Unable to attend formal law school, even at the top of her class, she resorted to online classes while she searched for a job. A job, as it turned out, that didn't seem to exisit. After ten straight minutes of reading the same page without retaining an ounce of information, Haruhi dropped the book and buried her face in her hands. Everything seemed hopeless. She couldn't be a lawer, the host club members stopped checking in on her or even calling from time to time (because they were so busy she assumed) and her father couldn't support her like this for much longer.

    Elsewhere in the Gummi ship: Sora snored peacefully in the pilot's seat of the Gummie ship. He had the ship set to auto-pilot so he could get in a few hours of sleep. Although things around him were growing in turmoil, at least for a little, he could sleep and dream of sand and sun.
  4. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Hikaru put the metal to the pedal, the car increasing in speed within seconds. Within minutes, he passed his family's estate and headed north where the the main mansion of the Suoh residence was located. Halting at the expanisive gate, he reached out the window to press a combination to open it. Since Hikaru and Kaoru were some of Tamaki's best friends, they knew the combinations to enter the property. Pressing into the intercom, Hikaru held the button to speak. "Let the boss know tha Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin are here." Taking his finger off the button before there was a response, the car drove around the circluar path where a grand water fountain was present in the middle. "Once the boss see's us Kaoru, he'll be shocked to see what we both have acquired." He drummed his fingers acorss the black leather of the steering wheel preparing to park.

    Kaoru turned on the blasting stero sytem hoping for a reaction from Tamaki himself to let them know that they have arrived. "Hikaru, surely the boss is not that native to think we didn't have cars yet. We're not in high school anymore. The moment we graduated, is when we got a sense of freedom. Ours cars are the proof." Kaoru leaned back in the seat noticing a parking valent attendant of the Suoh's come to the car asking to park it. "No I don't think so. We'll park it ourselves right here."

    Hikaru set the car into reverse to align himself just alongside of the front of the mansion. Stepping out of the car with his brother, he activated the alarm system with a simple click of a button on his keyring that held his car keys on. Stuffing them in his pocket, his brother and him proceded to the main entrance of the mansion where the doors were automatically opened for them by the awaiting maids and butlers. Each servant of the Suoh residence bowed or curtisied before them for they knew how important the Hitachiin name was and wanted to leave a good impression for the Suohs. Hikaru and his brother acknowledged their presence with a simple nod themselves. Reaching the main hall, Hikaru glanced at the two stair cases that went in opposite directions. Tamaki if he was upstairs would be descending one of them."Hey milord, Kaoru and I are here. We defintely need to catch up."
  5. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    "Cloud I mean no disrespect. I was merely concerned about you. Wheter you accept it or not I can relate to turmoil as I have had matters to tend with myself." Leon chose to walk closer towards him at the same time keeping his eyes on his surroundings.

    Tamaki had heard some loud rock music previously that made him run over to his bedroom window and observe from above. There was a sports car parked outside. "I haven't seen that car before." Tamaki walked out of his bedroom only to venture down the right side of the stair case to welcome his two friends that he had not seen in quite some time. "Hikaru, Kaoru, how are you two doing?" His steps reflected his princely status. "I assume that's your car parked outside? It's really nice... and loud," he added with a grin. "Thank you for accepting my invitation to meet me here. The others should be showing up soon. I sent them all texts except for Haruhi. She doesn't have a cell phone so I couldn't contact her." He gestured for them to sit on one of the couches and had a maid bring them each a cup of peppermint tea with a plate of chocolate chip cookies. "So why we wait for the others to show, tell me what you two have been up to," Tamaki sitting on one side of the couch crossed his leg over his other and took a sip from his tea.
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Hunny was with Mori, practicing martial arts as usual. He sighed and sat down. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he missed being with the other members of the Host Club. He was sure Mori felt the same way and looked up at him. Hunny sighed and laid down on the ground.

    Mori sat down with Hunny. He simply stared at the horizon, thinking over what happened when the Host Club was around. With a sigh, Mori really missed everone, including Haruhi. He wondered if the king, Tamaki, would have a Host Club reunion or something so everyone could see each other again.

    Destiny Islands:

    Kairi was laying on her bed. She hoped Sora would come back soon so the two of them could send time together like they promised. Kairi sat up and looked out the window, staring at the island. She pondered what everyone on Radiant Garden was doing. She sighed and stepped outside, walking out to the shoreline. Kairi really missed hanging out with everyone and hoped they would get together soon.

    The World That Never Was:

    Heading back to her room, Xion wondered if Axel was going to be alright. She really hoped so, and wanted to have sea salt ice cream with him and Roxas some time again. She laid on her bed and looked out her window. She wished that the sky sometimes change, she was bored with the dark and bleak colors of this world. Xion sighed and fell asleep on her bed, hoping for something different to happen.
  7. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Saix walked down the hallways he decided to ask Xemnas about sending Marluxia on that mission. Saix warped onto his throne and looked at Xemnas and in his cold emotionless tone he asked"Xemnas why send Marluxia on that mission surely he cant be trusted after betraying us". Saix sat on his throne and waited for a response from Xemnas.
  8. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    "Simple really I sent him on that mission as a test, I figured since the item is far from essential and I had nothing better to do well why not?" Xemnas adjusted himself mildly on his throne "besides i have a feeling he will not betray us twice anyway." Xemnas focused on Saix with his eyes "that is all is there any other qustions Saix?"
  9. nobodynerd100 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 14, 2008
    (OCC: "inner and outer beauty" Now that I finally have some free time I can go back to role playing. Can I be Vexen. If yes, can it be one of Vexen's experiments that caused the vortex, I'll have him not remember at first.)
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Mori checked his phone and found a text message from their boss, Tamaki. "Hunny, we will see the others from the Host Club again." He felt Hunny jump on him and sighed, pulling off the over-hyper boy from his back and prepared to go for the Souh residence. Mori didn't show it, but he was actually glad to see the other members of the Host Club.
  11. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: That's fine and welcome back nobodynerd100.)

    Cloud was unsure of what Leon was trying to prove. How could he understand him when he had not gone through anyone controlling one's self? Leon was sadly mistaken to think he could relate on any level. Getting up on his feet, Cloud Strife brandished his sword, coming awkwardly at the brunette. He still needed to recover and the best he could do for now was attempt to look fierce. Sephiorth did a number on his body, but Cloud refused to give in to the likes of anyone. "Leon nothing personal, but you can't save me. No one can."

    From the cover of the shadows, the melodious nocturne continued to observe the two humans. He had not yet attacked for two reasons. The warriors were indeed stronger fighters than himself and Demyx didn't feel like engaging in battle. He was one to let the others do his work and only fought if he had no choice. The intruders were in the castle, but at least they were not destroying property. Deciding it was best to make his move, he came forth from the shadows a plan would unfold if needed. Being his usual friendly self he greeted the two. "Hey you guys are looking lively," he waved his hand in a friendly gesture.

    Hikaru took the cup of tea and held it to his lips, sipping it slowly so not to burn himself. The boss appeared to be his own self and had not changed. He held such a dignified manner about himself as if he didn't have any cares or problems, but Hikaru could see through that facade in a flash. "Never mind what we have been doing. Nothing important to tell you the truth."

    Kaoru sipped his tea in a graceful manner, observing the actions from his twin brother. Such brashness if he ever saw it. "Hikaru, I can read your mind so don't try to hide it from him." He directed his attention to Tamaki. "My brother and I are upset that our futures have been decided for us so that's why he's not in one of his finest moods."

    Hikaru sighed for he predicted Kaoru to talk down to him. "Fine, I'm clearly pissed off that plans have been made for us to follow and my freedom doesn't matter to my parents. Didn't mean to take it out on you, but you're so used to my blunt and rude comments anyway," he added with a smirk. "But enough about me, what is the reason you called us here or do we have to wait for the others to show up? My guess is we do so I'll humor you," Hikaru eased back on the sofa he was sitting on.
  12. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Saix left his throne and walked towards the hall of empty melodies and started thinking. Saix looked up at the sky and then looked at a door and entered the hallways of the castle. Saix wondered what the organization would do now after their last plan failed. Being the second in command was not an easy job having to their was alot of dutys but the luna diviner did not care. Spoting Demyx talking to two humans they must be the intruders but Saix obsereved to see how Demyx would handle the situation.

    OCC:Hey could I take king Mickey.
  13. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Marluxia listened quietly as the fool spit out words of vengeance or so he thought. Another pawn of this Organization who could only find its support and goal his backing point. When he had finished, he merely opened his eyes and calmly made eye contact with the flurry of dancing flames, "My treachery?...lest us not forgot your scars on this Organization as well VIII...or do I need to bring them up in full disclosure yet again?" he said a slight smirk crossing his lips. "Let me just say that your it takes a traitor to know a traitor according to your flawed methods..." he said before jumping elegantly and slowly descending to the floor from his throne. Turning his attention back to Xemnas, he merely bowed and continued in his deep charming tone, "very well Superior...hopefully I shall not be disappointing..." With that being said he turned briefly and proceeded to head out of the throne room via the doorway.

    He quietly examined the envelope while he walked, not believing for a second in Xemnas's trust. What are you thinking now you stubborn old fool...another test perhaps?..., he thought to himself with a calm but serious face as he descended through the castle. Or perhaps this is a way to subtlety dispose of me without publicly doing so in front of the were always one to doubt my full strength and potential..., he managed to say with confidence and even let a slight dark murmur of a laugh cross his lips. "No matter the case...I shall play this little game for now..." he said finally conjuring a portal leading to Hollow Bastion and stepping into it.

    Kyouya sighed as he knew this moment would come, merely a few days after graduation and here Tamaki was all ready sending his "regards". Casually taking out his phone and flipping it open his eyes slowly tread over the text before closing it and rubbing his temples. "Damn it...that idiot is all ready lonely..." he said before rolling his eyes and letting out his cynical laugh. "Very well lets see what foolish ideas he needs to let lose this time..." He gradually made his way to one of his familys car garages before seeing his driver wave him down, he returned the slight wave before speaking, "not today...I believe my graduation present could do with a little more breaking in..."

    Walking into the compound he made his way to his car, a slick and cool black Lamborghini Murciélago. Whipping out his car keys he clicked with ease as the door shot up slowly allowing him entrance. The cool leather seats were a refreshing taste, of course with a black interior, and he had made sure to customize his stereo system perfectly so everything would reflect his cool type. Starting it up and giving it a rev he proceeded to hit his music, before pulling out and flooring it out of the garage towards Tamaki's estate. Luckily for him the car rode smooth under his touch and despite his speed, his name could usually get him off the police's bad side if need be. After a set time he finally made his way into the estate, entering the code provided, and proceeded to pull around to the front choosing to park under a tree for the shade.
  14. nobodynerd100 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 14, 2008
    The World That Never Was:
    A lab that is usually well kept, clean, and orderly was right know messy and unorganized due to it's main user being busy on another project. With his the former project put on hold due to failures, the scientist of organization 13 had decided to go to work on another project that would hopefully be more successful then the last. Being vastly different from his last project, this assignment has taken a vast amount of work and time had been placed into this task let it still wasn't finished. Not manny of his fellow members in the organization even knew of this project of his the only ones being Xemnas, Saix, and Zexion, with only Xemnas knowing all the details. "I have to have this finished before the next storm begins." thought Vexen to himself.
  15. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    (OOC: leon47, water mage said that would be fine for you to be King Mickey)

    Leon was about to rebuttal when he a saw a man in a leather cloak appear. It was one of the members of the organization. He had a hunch that one of them would eventually find them. "Cloud looks like we have to continue this conversation later." Keeping his eyes on the young nobody, Leon was prepared for battle as he had his gun blade out. "I don't know what you intend to do, but we don't want any trouble." He thought it was somewhat strange that the nobody had not attacked yet.

    "He always has to have the last words," Axel mused to himself seeing that the nobody of nature had left. Marluxia was a mystery and could never be trusted. At least when the fire wielder did betray the organization, it was for a right reason. Roxas was the one who made him feel like he had a heart which brought forth a shred of humanity. Understanding that Xemnas had dismissed them all, Axel left and appeared somewhere else in the castle. He heard noises coming down from a lower area of the castle and it intrigued him. "So Vexen is up to something again. I should investigate," the eighth member of the organization walked down the stairs putting the task of searching for intruders with Demyx off for now. The water wielder could hold his own without him. What kind of mess up could he possibly do anyway?

    Tamaki placed his cup down on the coffee table on a coaster so it wouldn't stain the wood. "I can see that you're upset and you have every right to be. I'm used to your snide remarks so I don't take any offense." He laced his fingers together acting calm and rational. "As soon as Kyoya gets here I will tell you my plan." Turning his head to the side, he heard another car pull up to the front from the music he heard. "What is with you two and Kyoya and loud music?" Tamaki stood up and walked to the front. "I'll be right back guys," he spoke over his shoulder to the twins only to see a servant open the doors for his good friend to enter. "Kyoya it's so good to see you. Hikaru and Kaoru are in the grand living room. That's their car parked out there or least one of their's I think. Anyway come join us," he walked back in the room and sat on the chair he had previously been sitting in. "Now if only Hunny and Mori would get here," he sent them another text letting them know everyone was waiting for them. "Now everyone tell me what's been happening in your lives?"
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Mori and Hunny soon arrived and Hunny had a huge grin on his face. Mori's face was calm as usual. Hunny was looking all the place for Haruhi as he and Mori reached their seats. They sat and looked at the others, "It's been too long, King." Mori sounded calm as ever, Hunny, however, was overly excited. He swung his legs happily and wondered if Haruhi would be coming soon.
  17. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    In radiant Garden king mickey was helping with the rebuilding of the world by wipeing out heartless that got close to the town. The king looked at the sky"Soon Radiant Garden will be rebuilt and I can return home but something does not feel right like there is a dark pressance nearby but what could it be". The king sighed he ran into the distance following the dark pressance he felt nearby.
  18. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx stepped closer to them seeing what their reaction would be? It was amusing to play with victims especially if they had not attacked yet. "Good. I'm glad that you said that because I don't want any trouble, but would rather ask some questions that's all. So first one is why are the both of you here? Who sent you and don't you know this castle is forbidden to access by trespassers?" Demyx asked calmly with the same grin on his face. So far so good. No one had intervened and it looked like he could hold off these two until the others arrived if they showed up.

    Cloud focused his cool blue eyes upon the younger organization warrior and kept his demeanor subtle. Any of the nobodies, the exception of Xemnas could be dealt with easily, but the warrior had faced Sephiroth and was still recovering. At his current state, Demyx would have a chance at beating him depending on what attacks he used. Cloud wasn't to fond of which element each of the organization possessed so it was wise to be calm for this nobody could reveal his power at any moment. "I'll answer your questions on my part. I came here by accident. I was not sent by anyone and was merely resting." In case the nobody would attack, he had his weapon ready. "Is that all that you ask?"

    Kaoru's eyes focused on Hunny and Mori whom had just graced them with their presence. "Well it looks like the others are here Hikaru," the younger twin responded with a grin on his face.

    "Kyoya is also here. I wonder what the boss wants to say? To tell you the truth it will be better than anything else happening in our lives." Hikaru folded his arms across his chest, as he was currently bored.

    "No kidding, but still I would like to hear what Kyoya, Hunny and Mori have been up to these past years. Wouldn't you?"

    "I guess." Hikaru placed his arms behind his neck. "I have nothing better else to do." His golden eyes starred at Tamaki. "So boss tell us what did you have planned..."

    Kaoru followed in pursuit to their plan. "And the rest of you feel free to jump in and tell us what you guys have been doing or what futures you will have and we'll tell you ours...

    "But only if you tell us first." Hikaru ended their conversation and waited for Hunny, Mori, Kyoya to speak before the boss if there was a chance at that.
  19. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Haruhi tapped her fingers, exhausted, on her counter. She'd finally finished all her homework and picked up the house; the only thing left to do was wait for her dad to get home or for someone she'd applied to call back. Whistfully she thought about the host club to pass time. Although she'd been paying off a huge debt her whole time with them, it was definetly better then than her life now. "Maybe I should call them up... see how things are?" she mused aloud. "then again... using the phone again will just add to our bill. I should probably just let it be. They're busy people now."
  20. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    "Hmm that's strange. I wonder why this guy doesn't want to fight? Unless he could be tricking us?" Leon said to himself while keeping his eyes on the young nobody and Cloud. In case there was an attack from out of no where, Leon scanned the area, waving his gun blade in a threatening fashion at his surroundings. No one could never be to prepared for the unexpected and this castle was the home to hundreds of lower forms of nobodies; the Organization XIII's slaves to be exact. "Cloud be on your guard. You can't let it down for a second. Something tells me we're not out of the woods yet."

    Axel carefully made his way down the twisty stairs that led to the bottom bowels of the castle. Keeping his eyes peeled for any surprises, he maintained the threshold of his power so Vexen wouldn't spot him as easily. Venturing further into the darkness, he felt the cold chill erupt from the basement where Vexen's lab was located. So not to be spotted and against his better judgment, the flurry of dancing flames cautiously entered and kept his presence hidden within the shadows as he observed Vexen's every move.

    Tamaki took another sip from his cup and listened to the Hitachiian brothers' conversation. No one had spoken or didn't want to inform him of their news so it was up to the king to tell them the reason why they all were summoned to his home. "Like I said, thank you all for coming and now I'll get to the reason why all of you are here. You see Japan is having an economic downturn not that really effects any of us that much, but more to the point I feel it's best that we all move on to a different location. To be more precise, America the land of opportunity. I don't know about any of you, but there is so much to life than to learn the trade of our respected families and to have your futures be decided for you. This is happening in my case and I won't allow it. I desire something more than that which is why I decided to leave Japan behind and start a new life. With my lineage and prestige I will have no problem at all accomplishing this. I would humbly request if any of you would be so kind as to accompany me on my journey," he held back his blond head and placed his right hand through his locks in a quick fashion.
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