Crossover JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Dimensional Caravan

Discussion in 'Written Works' started by burnitup, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Bizarre Adventure

    Dimensional Caravan
    By burnitup​

    Story inspired by the "Post Here, Get a Stand" thread. I decided to make this story after the idea of a JoJo story about KHV members was spawned in a productive conversation in the thread. So anyone who got their Stands in the thread will be featured in this story as a character. I will be using the usernames of most of the members who posted, barring Dinny who will bet he main character of the story under the name "Jodin Nyjo" (because, hey, this is a JoJo story and we need a JoJo), otherwise the usernames will be used with a few made a little more JoJo. If you posted in the thread and are reading this remember two things: 1) I don't know what you look like or what your personality is like so how I portray you in the story will mostly be creative license, 2) If I don't know your gender I will be going off my mental image of you of what your gender might be so if you are male and I don't know that makes sure I know.

    Special thanks to Bites the Dust for proof reading the story for me and giving me feedback for the ideas I come up with and otherwise assisting me with the writing process.

    ~~Table of Contents~~

    Prologue: L'Envol (This post)
    Chapter 1: Tomorrow Comes Today
    Chapter 2: A Kind of Magic [YET TO BE RELEASED]

    ~~Table of Contents~~



    She had been staring at the small box in front of her for almost twenty minutes now. After all of that time, she couldn't settle on a guess as to what might be inside of it without opening it.The box, and whatever was inside of it, was her inheritance from her granduncle who passed away recently. In the fourteen years of her life, she had never heard of this "Granduncle Joestar" before. When word of his passing reached her family in the States, she didn't feel anything over the death of an unknown relative.

    Her mother on the other hand was devastated by this as she was apparently really close to her uncle, and she and good ol' dad went to the funeral in England leaving her behind under the watchful eye of her aunt. When they had returned two weeks later they brought back this box and said it was written in granduncle's will that it'd be given to her.

    She is Jodin Nyjo, an average girl by all accounts. At least that's what she thinks of herself. She wondered as to why the granduncle she never knew felt the need to leave something to someone he had never met before. She had no doubt he must have talk to her mother about her and maybe that was the reason why. She was curious as to what her mother must have said to the old man to make her seem interesting. She was sure she probably embellished some facts here and there. Parents tend to want to make their children look good in the eyes of others, especially towards people they love and respect.

    "It's probably a ship in a bottle," she said, finally coming to a final answer and nodding her head in agreement with herself.

    She lifted the lid of the box and saw an ornate arrow resting on some sort of fabric in the box. Jodin grimaced in disappointment, she was so hoping that it would have been a ship in a bottle! Not that she'd know what to do with it if she got one... Regardless, it didn't bothered her that much. She'd figured she was probably going to guess wrong the moment she started her own little private guessing game. Reaching into the box she lifted the arrow out to inspect it.

    "Wonder why Mr. Joestar would want me to have some old arrow?" she asked herself outloud. She noted the arrow head still looked pretty sharp. Seemed odd for anyone to keep an old looking thing in good condition. Maybe her granduncle was some sort of eccentric who like to get old weapons and fixed them up to look like they were a long time ago like one of those weird people who fix up old and busted cars they find at garbage dumps or something. Curiousity got the better of her as she pressed her index finger on the tip of the arrow.


    Dropping the arrow to the ground she brought her finger to her lips and placed it in her mouth. Blood. She tasted blood. She should have guess that would have happened, but she did it anyway.

    "JoJo!" her mother called from outside her bedroom. "It's time for dinner, c'mon down to eat!"

    JoJo... Of all the nicknames Jodin had ever got saddle with that was her least favorite one. Which she knew was probably a bit nonsensical to dislike a nickname like that but she could help it. All people did was take the "Jo" from her first and last names and put them together. Not exactly clever. Granted her preferred nickname works on the same basis but no one seemed to want to call her "Dinny," not even her parents. It was a lot better she felt but they'd all say "You look more like a JoJo," and just leave it at that, vetoing her suggested nickname. She'd still insist on being called that but that doesn't stop people from calling her JoJo.

    "Coming!" she called back to her mother. Picking the arrow back up she placed it back into its box. Setting the box on her desk she headed out her room door, having the ever slightest feeling something was off...


    Walking home from school Jodin looked over in shoulders as if any moment she'll see someone appear behind her. Her walking pace was inconsistent and showed signs of nervousness as she switched from slowing down to speeding up. A week had past since her parents return and Jodin was getting more and more scared as the days came and went. Things have gone from normal to outright weird around her and she wasn't sure why!

    She has had things she needed brought to her when no one was there, people who happen to have ticked her off in some way or another seemed to have been hurt in some way or another by an unseen assailant, often violently, and she's even seen a ghost-like hand once in a while just on the edge of her vision! Normally she'd probably blame the last one on her mind playing tricks on her, but after the sixth or so time she abandoned that train of thought.

    Hell, just today she saw a girl who was making fun of her get punched by this hand, so hard she flew backwards with blood spraying everywhere! Granted if anyone deserved to get punched it was that bitch but still! She couldn't have... whatever the hell it was that was following her that no one else could see go around hurting people. So she left school early today to head home, though she chose to go the long route home as she wandered her way into town in paranoia.

    She had figured this must have something to with the arrow. After all, this trouble all started after she got it. Various theories have floated around in her head. All of them, of course, involved a evil spirit haunting her. Her pace quickened as she shook her head, thinking if she did it hard enough those thoughts would leave her head.
    "I'm too young to be haunted by an evil spirit!" she shouted and unintentionally drawing the concerned glances of passers by.

    Suddenly an idea came upon her! She could go to the local Catholic church and get this spirit exorcised from her! She's seen enough horror movies where a family gets haunted to know priest are well versed in the banishing of demons! But unlike the protagonists of poltergeist films she was no fool! She wouldn't wait until things got their worst before seeking the assistance of an expert on demonic entities, she'd do it right now!

    Stopping in her tracks Jodin looked side to side. A devious smirk slowly crawled on her face as she began to take exaggerated strides forward.

    "I just remembered that I have something to do before I go home today! It is in this direction so I hope you don't mind, mister evil spirit sir!" she proclaimed out loud, addressing the invisible entity. Of course this had the... slight side effect of drawing more stares her direction, with many people she walked passed backing as far away as possible from the seemingly insane girl.

    With a new purpose in mind Jodin was off, her previous fears now abandoned. She had to take a detour from her original route to find the closes church but she didn't mind so long as she could get rid of the evil spirit.
    Twenty minutes past without incident and she was feeling rather smug as she felt secured in her victory over the invisible entity, figuring it couldn't read her mind. If it could it would have stopped her by now.

    'This is the best plan ev-'

    "Hey! JoJo!"

    Jodin stopped in her tracks as her thoughts were cut off by her hearing her much loathed nickname. She turned her attention to whoever it was that called out to her.

    She grimaced a little at what she saw, there were three guys all of which she recognized from school. She knew they were what one could call delinquents but beyond that she knew next to nothing about them but apparently that wasn't the case on their end. She didn't know what bothered her more, that fact she had to stop her quest to get rid of her evil spirit to acknowledge these guys or that some complete strangers knew who she was and her nickname.
    The three approached her smiling at her. The way they smiled at her kind of made her feel uncomfortable.

    "Well fancy seeing you here, JoJo." One of them said. He had bleach blonde hair and was slightly taller then the other two and was wearing a black wife-beater with black pants which for some reason had an absurd amount of chains attached to them. "Skipping out on school are ya?"

    "But schools out by now..." she said, eyes darting to her sides. She need to get out of here before the evil spirit did something to these guys.

    "Your walking, though." Another one of the boys said. This one was a ginger wearing a blue bandana, a black t-shirt with what she assumed to be some internet meme on it, and black jeans. "It takes quite a while to get here on foot and not that much time has passed since school ended. So that must mean that you must of left early."

    "Not necessarily..." she muttered backing up from them, eyeing a near by alley.

    "C'mon, JoJo. Don't worry, we won't bite." The third one said. This one was really fat and wearing some rather ill-fitting clothes that made him less then appealing to look at.

    "Excuse me," she said backing up from them some more. "I have to go."

    She then quickly made her way into the alley way she had been keeping an eye on to get away form those guys. She did get that far in before she was grabbed from behind and pinned to the wall on her right by the blonde hair one. She noted for someone with chairs on their pants he was far more quiet then he had the right to be.

    "Hey we aren't done with you, JoJo." The blonde said sneering at her a few inches away from her face.

    "Yeah, you think you could just walk away from us?" the fat one chimed in.

    "Let me go!" Jodin said a little more panicked then she wanted to sound. This was bad...

    "Or what?" The blonde said his sneer becoming a wicked grin. His moving from her shoulder down her arms. She tried to struggle free but he just put more pressure on her to keep her pinned.

    "No really! Let me go n-" She tried to say but it was too late. A ghost-like fist came from behind her a struck the blonde right in the face, sending him flying backwards into a wall with a sickening crack.

    "Oh no..." She muttered, eyes wide from fear.

    "You bitch!" the ginger roared. He leaped towards her in anger. "What did you do?!"

    He never got close to her as the fist once more appeared and upper-cutted him into the air. The boy sailed into the air before landing outside the alley on the sidewalk. The fat boy who saw all this transpired wisely decided to make a run for it but didn't make it too far. The evil spirit that has been following appeared out in follow to rush and grab the boy by the ankle, causing him to fall flat on his face.

    As the fat boy screamed in pain clutching his face the entity forced the boy to turn over. The evil spirit reared back its fists and then let loose a flurry of punches on the downed boy.

    "ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!!" it shouted as it laid down a beating on the prone boy.

    "No! STOP!" Jodin yelled out at the spirit. The spirit paid no heard to Jodin's words however and continued its assault.

    "I SAID! STOOOOOOOOP!!" Jodin yelled out with all her might. At this the sound of fists against flesh stopped. Jodin looked at the sight, the spirit had disappeared leaving behind three bodies of badly beaten, bleeding boys.

    "Are they... Are they... dead?" She asked, a tinged of fear in her voice. Shaking her head, she turned away from the sight and ran deeper into the alley trying to distance herself from this as far as possible.

    Turning the corner she soon discovered the alley didn't have another way out, it was a dead end. She would have to face the scene the evil spirit caused in order to leave after all.

    Turning around she was faced with her evil spirit in full form. Letting out a startled scream she backed up from the entity until her back was pressed against the wall with no chance to escape the spirit. She finally had a good look at what has been following her.

    It was humanoid in appearance, its build was surprisingly more feminine then Jodin had been excepting it to be, its arms and legs seemed like they were a mix between organic tissue and mechanical clockwork bits, especially the legs which seem to end with sharp, jagged knives for feet, its head was featureless almost like a mannequin's. For some reason the spirit seem to be wearing a belt crookedly around its waist with a belt buckle of a bird with a warm orange breast. The spirit was also wearing a black domino mask on its face but for some reason there were no eyes, just white. The color of the spirit's body was odd as well, almost everything below the chin was purple and black quartered diagonally. The hands, the shoulders, the blade feet and the head were all gold in color.

    Jodin's back slid down the alley wall until she was sitting down on ground, her eyes not leaving the spirit for a second.

    "What?" she muttered as she patted the ground for something she could defend herself with. "What do you want from me?!"

    The spirit approached a little bit closer to Jodin but stopped when she threw a can that had been near by at it. The spirit floating in the air a few feet away peering at Jodin as if waiting for something. Like a loyal dog waiting for its master's command. After a few minutes just had calmed down and stood back up. Looking past the entity she saw the can she threw.

    "Pick that up," she said pointing to the can, her tone nervous. The spirit did as it was told and retrieved the empty can. "Give it to me," she said a little more confidently. The spirit did as it was instructed, floating over to Jodin and dropping the can into her hand. It had followed the order without question or hesitation. Jodin looked at the can and then back to the spirit.

    "What are you?" she asked but got no response. Before Jodin was able to gather her thoughts she heard the unmistakable sound of police sirens drawing closer to the alley. Panic went through her mind of what would happen if the police tried to arrest her for what had happened to those guys.

    "Get me out of here!" she yelled at the spirit. The spirit turned around and brought its hands together. The clockwork gears of its arms started to move, quickly the pace of the gears started to increase and the noise they were making was getting louder and louder, sounding like a clock on overdrive. Then the spirit, as if it were opening a show curtain, tore a portal in front of it.

    "What is... that?" Jodin muttered. She approach the portal, the spirit went to move behind her. She peered into the portal, it looked like the alley was in but it seemed... off. Peering pass the portal she looked at the alley then back at the portal then back at the alley. There were differences but it was the same alley. That can only mean one thing...

    "A different world..." she muttered to herself.

    Last edited: Sep 19, 2014
  2. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    So you know that I know pretty much nothing about the JoJo series, but I really like this so far! Only problems I see are a couple of minor grammatical errors—one is one of my pet peeves, "would of" vs. "would have"—but you've set the plot up rather nicely! I wonder which members will appear next... *goes back through Stand thread*
  3. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Thank you for your comment. It is unfortunate that my writing program doesn't pick up on grammar or spelling errors as I write. As such I have to rely on my proof reader, BITES DA DUSTO, to point out any I may have missed on read throughs. I'm not that good at grammar to begin with so the mistake is largely on my part. And now my OCD is telling me to go through the whole thing to find any such errors and fix them even though I have no idea where to start looking.

    I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the story as it comes out.

  4. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Nice work... :)

    I really enjoyed it and can't wait for more. Sorry I couldn't be a Beta, me and grammar have a severe dislike for each other. It's really interesting. =3
  5. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Thank you, Sara. I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story. Also you're in it. :3
  6. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field

    BIU! Sorry, I know I told you I would read this days ago but life got in the way. Bleh. ANYWAYS, I did some spellchecking stoof. Good spellchecker you have so far, I only found three or four things. They're up in the quote up ^ there. Who were the three guys? Just random thugs?
  7. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Thank you for the help, though I could only see one error that you pointed out (I'm assuming the red is the error stuff) which was the quite/quiet mistake. Other then that I don't get "RUN ON SENTENCES" bit. What is that even suppose to mean?

    And couldn't you just point out the parts that had the mistakes instead of quoting the whole post? That kinda makes it more difficult.

    Who were the three thugs? Considering they will never appear again it doesn't even matter.
  8. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    Beautiful. You're making quite the set up!

    I haven't seen what was planned after my last post in Post Here, Get a Stand, so most of this is me going in blind.
  9. Ghost King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2012
    Sorry! I totally forgot to post here when I got back (this is really late). But it is really good so far and a I can't wait until more characters are introduced. *cough* Im going to be an awesome villain *cough*
  10. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    ~~Chapter 1~~
    Tomorrow Comes Today

    It had started out as a routine patrol...

    For three weeks now, dozens of society's less than desirable individuals have been getting attack by vigilantes and have been sent to hospitals in droves. When these people were questioned about the incident by the police most remained silent about it, likely to save whatever pride they had left. But one did talk and according to him he was assaulted by a short, young Asian girl wearing purple and black who had superpowers. At first this story was laughed off, likely because of the massive brain trauma as a result of his injuries from what was no doubt the work of a group.

    Of course, when several more started saying the same thing, the laughing stopped and the police started to look into it properly. Of course there were no such things as superpowers, but how was it all these people were beaten by one girl?

    That was the question on the mind of one police officer as he and his partner chased a girl matching the description.
    On their routine patrol, they had spotted her walking down the street with a duffle bag slung over her shoulder. She was Asian, short in stature, and definitely young, at least in her mid to late teens if he had to guess. She had short black hair that was too pure in color to be natural, wore a purple hoodie with black pants, a belt that she wore crooked on her waist with a buckle that looked like some sort of bird, and she had on a domino mask. It didn't take an expert to realize that this girl obviously styled herself as some sort of superhero.

    When they had stopped their squad car to question her, she took off running and of course they had to give pursuit. Or tried to, the car's tires all mysteriously popped forcing them to chase her by foot. However, the strangest of occurrences to happened: fire hydrants burst open in their path, potted plants flew to the ground in front of them, even a lamp post fell over towards them. It was like something was trying to keep them from apprehending the girl.
    And to think it had begun as a routine patrol...

    The girl they were chasing made a sharp turn into an alley to try and get away. The police officers smirked to themselves, they knew that alley was a dead end. They had her!

    The two officers turned the corner leading into the alley and drew their firearms.

    "FREEZE!" the two yelled in unison... only there wasn't anybody there. The girl was gone! But the two knew that was impossible, there was only one way in and one way out.

    "Where did she go?!" one yelled, unaware there was an observer on the rooftop of a building over looking an alley.
    The girl panted heavily as she watched the scene of the police officers looking through every nook and cranny in the alley to find her. She pulled back her hood and took off the black wig letting her brown hair down.

    "That was close," Jodin said as she removed the domino mask from her face. "They almost had me if it wasn't for you, Caravan."

    At the mention of its name the spirit that Jodin had named "Caravan Palace" appeared before her. She named it after seeing a poster for a band she saw once in a city she visited four years ago. She smiled at the spirit, it had been four years since she got it and she couldn't be happier even if their "conversations" were one-sided. Four years ago... Looking back on it now she almost felt silly that she use to fear the spirit. Now, she can't imagine being without it. Heck, she based her superhero outfit on it!

    "I do feel kinda bad though," she said as she put her wig and mask into her bag. "I did have you break quite a few things trying to get away. But a superhero can't be arrested by the police! They get mad at vigilante work!"
    She turned away from view of the alley she had been in with a huff.

    "You'd think they'd appreciate all the good work we do," she said with frustration. "I mean I go out and find some bad guys and I'm all like 'STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!' and the bad guys are like 'No, scram kid!' and you are all like 'ORAORAORA!'" she put emphasis on her spirit's battle cry by doing some punches in the air, "and they go down!"

    "BUT!" she said turning back around to face her spirit. "Our work here is done, so I guess its time to move on."
    She turned to look at the city she had been defending for the past few weeks, placing her hands on her hips with her spirit mimicking the pose.

    "You hear that city?!" she yelled out to the city as if it would listen, "Caravan Palace and I, the Magnificent Dinny, must take our leave from you!"

    The Magnificent Dinny... not exactly her best superhero name, being a placeholder name until she could come up with a proper one. But, as it stood, she kind of warmed up to it and it stuck with her.

    A frown formed on her lips and she hid her eyes as if to avoid crying.

    "I know you're upset at my leaving," she spoke dramatically with mock sorrow in her voice. She shook that off quickly and went back to grinning. "But I'm needed elsewhere now. I'm needed wherever outlaws rule the city, wherever innocent woman and children are afraid to walk the streets, wherever a man cannot live in simple dignity, wherever people cry out for justice! That's where-"

    "There she is!" one of the police officers from before yelled up from the street.

    "Speechovergottogo! Caravan Palace!" at her command the spirit tore open a portal and jumped in, making a mental note to make sure she wasn't being searched for before making her grand heroic speeches.


    The alley was peaceful and mostly quiet, barring the one stray cat digging through the trash. A clear blue sky peered down between the buildings. Just an ordinary urban scene.

    Then things got bizarre.

    A noise that sounded like someone stomping on bubble wrap while someone else tears several large piece of paper in half length-wise, suddenly echoed through the alley. The stray cat's ear to perk up at the sound, looking to sky to see where the noise was coming from. The air above the alley began to darken, turning into a royal purple spot in the air. The space in which the spot appeared split apart, as if someone slashed at it causing a sort of "tear" to appear.

    The cat sensed something was wrong and hissed at the sight before jumping from the trash bin it has been digging through and fleeing as quickly as possible.

    Soon after the portal's opening, Jodin fell through with Caravan Palace slowing her descent allowing her to land safely on the ground below. The cat narrowly avoided getting hit by the girl.

    "Hey look, a kitty!" Jodin said as she watched the feline scurry away. "Now then, wonder where I am?"

    She looked at her surroundings and hummed to herself. Another alley. Her spirit seemed to have a real habit of creating portals that open into alleys ever since the first time it created a portal. She supposed that she should be grateful for that. If it opened portals into city streets, more often then there would be far more consequences than she'd like to deal with.

    "'Ooh' and 'ahh' that's how it starts, but then later there's running and screaming..." she muttered her thought out loud.

    "Is that so?" a voice said. The sound of the voice snapped Jodin out of her thoughts. Had someone seen her enter the world?

    "Wh- Who's there?" she called out, trying not to convey her own panic.

    "I've been waiting for you for a while now," the voice called out.

    "Huh?" she muttered. They had been... waiting for her? "What are you talking about?"

    "As I said, I have been waiting for you." Suddenly, a man rounded the corner and come into view. "For quite some time now."

    The person in front was man at least his mid-twenties, average height, medium build, with dark hair and eyes and wearing a white suit with a bow tie. Why he was wearing a suit if he had been waiting for her to appear in an alley, she had no idea.

    "Well, whoever you are, stop freaking me out like this and tell me who you are!" she demanded, taking a step back. She wanted to get out of here.

    "My apologies, the name's Zeppeli." he said taking a bow. "SynK Zeppeli."

    As he bowed, Jodin saw an opportunity to get away. She had Caravan Palace appear and move toward him with its right hand outstretched to push him over. As Caravan Palace got within three feet of the man, something burst from the man and wrapped around Caravan Palace's arm!

    "What the-" she started before being cut off by the sudden pain in her right arm. It was like a rope was tied around her arm that was slowly tightening. Looking back at her spirit, she saw what looked to be transparent wires had wrapped around its arm.

    "It can't be..." gasped as Caravan Palace reared back its left fist to strike at the wires tied on its arm. However, more wires burst from the man before wrapping around the other arm, the slow, tightening sensation happening on her own left arm.

    "So it has revealed itself," the man called SynK Zeppeli said with a smirk. "I guess in that case, I will show mine!"

    With that, something appeared out of him, not unlike how Caravan Palace appears out of her. It looked like a mass of wires had come together to form a vaguely humanoid figure. The only thing that didn't look like it was made of wires was its head. The head looked like a chrome mannequin head with a single, unblinking, red cyclopean "eye" in the middle of its "face."

    "A spirit?!" she yelled out in surprised. The man smirked at this.

    "Yes. I have a so-called 'spirit'. And the name of this spirit is..." suddenly, the enemy spirit shot out more wires from its waist, which wrapped around Caravan Palace's legs, tightening and forcing it into a spread eagle position, "EL MAÑANA!!"

    Jodin fell to her knees from the pain in her legs. It had become evident to her that any pain felt by her spirit would be felt by her as well.

    "Of course, what you believe to be a spirit is actually a powerful vision, created from your own life energy!" He paused to see if Jodin had anything to say. When she didn't respond, he continued. "Because it appears next to you, this vision is called... A Stand!"

    Jodin was about to respond but before she could, the spirit, or Stand as he called it, El Mañana shot out more wires from its torso that wrapped around Caravan Palace's neck. Jodin gasped in pain. It felt like a noose had been wrapped around her neck.

    Her eyes darted around her surroundings to find something, anything, that may help her deal with this situation. A sly smirk crossed her lips as she found just that.

    "What's with the grin?" SynK asked.

    Suddenly the sound of a rapidly ticking clock started to echo through the alley. It didn't take long for SynK to realize the sound was coming from Jodin's Stand.

    "What are you do-" Synk cut himself off when a shadow suddenly appeared over him. Looking up, he was greeted with the sight of dumpster falling towards him.

    "EL MAÑANA!" Synk yelled, causing his Stand to retract its wires and move above him. The wires that comprised the Stand disentangled themselves, losing its humanoid shape, and wrapped around the dumpster, slowing its descent enough for SynK to jump out of the way.

    "That was cl-" This time, he was cut off by a gold fist flying towards.

    "ORA!" Caravan Palace shouted as its fist hit a brick wall, SynK narrowly avoiding it. A small crater was left in its wake.

    SynK put some distance between himself and Caravan Palace, recalling his own Stand to his side once more.

    Caravan Palace drifted back over to Jodin, taking its spot behind her.

    The two stared each other down, not wanting to take their eyes off the other.

    'Just who is this guy?' Jodin thought. 'He says he's been waiting for me, and he has a spirit as well. No, what was it that he called it? A Stand? Regardless, he has one too. I can't let my guard down, who knows what his can do?'

    "Hey," she called out to him. "You said you were waiting for me. How did you know I would be here?"

    "Before I answer that, I have my own question," he said in response. He threw up his hand quickly to point rather dramatically at Jodin. "How is Senator Brando doing?"

    Silence reigned in the alley as Jodin stared blankly at Synk.

    "...Who?" she asked.

    "You don't know who he is?" he asked, baffled by the notion that someone didn't know who he was.

    "I literally just got here, how am I supposed to know who that is?!" she yelled at him, the stress of the situation getting to her. Silence once again reigned in the alley as Synk stared at her, his expression softening. He straightened himself up, his Stand disappearing back into him.

    "I see. In that case, do you mind if we go somewhere else to talk?" he said, holding his hand out to her.

    "Go somewhere else? You just attacked me!"

    "Technically you attacked me first," he quickly pointed out. "But I have something to ask you and I'd rather not do it here in this filthy alley."

    Jodin just glared at him, her Stand leaning above her menacingly. Of course, the threat she was trying to convey gave way slightly as her stomach grumbled. She realized she neglected to have lunch.

    "I'll buy you lunch if you just hear me out." he said, trying to suppress a chuckle at the bodily function. Jodin grimaced at this and sighed.



    Jodin glared daggers at SynK as she took a bite from her burger. SynK had decided that instead of taking her to get food right away, he had to make a quick detour to get something from the hotel he was staying at. The detour plus the search to find a place to eat, which they eventually settled on a small diner, took roughly an hour's time. She had to admit, the amount of time and the pain in her stomach left her in a foul mood and none too pleased with the man sitting across from her. He had his head on his hands, looking at her with what she assumed was either a smug smile or an amused one.

    "What?" she finally said, sounding a little more irritated then she meant to.

    "What?" SynK said in return, the same stupid look on his face.

    "Is there a reason you are just staring at me, grinning?" she asked, her eyes narrowing. He smiled brightly at her.

    "I'm just thinking about how adorable it is that you are trying so hard to seem intimidating." Synk said sarcastically.

    Jodin's eyebrow twitched at the comment. She was upset enough at him and really didn't need the sarcastic jab to her pride. Slowly, Caravan Palace appeared behind her. Noticing this, SynK sat up and held up his hands.

    "Sorry, sorry!" he said, laughing nervously. "Let's start this over. My name is SynK Zeppeli."

    He held his hand to Jodin, who looked at it then moved her gaze to meet his. She slowly took his hand in her's and shook it firmly as Caravan Palace retreated back into her.

    "Jodin Nyjo," she said simply.

    "Ah, mind if I call you "JoJo"?" he asked.

    "You can call me Dinny. I prefer Dinny as a nickname, so call me that or call me Jodin," she said in a neutral tone.

    "Really?" he asked. "You look more like a JoJo to me."

    Jodin glared at him as he held up his hands again.

    "Fine, Dinny it is then." he said, laughing again.

    "Look," she said, exasperated. "What is it that you wanted to talk about? Better explain fast or else I'll walk."

    "Very well," he said, his expression becoming more serious. "I came all this way to explain. But in order to explain it, I must start at the beginning. This has to do with the Zeppeli family."

    "Many years ago, my great-great-great Grandfather had joined an archaeological group at his father's university and was able to travel to various places around the world. On one of his travels, the group went to Mexico to excavate an underground Aztec ruin. Amongst their finds was an artifact of great evil, the Stone Mask." he explained, his expression dark. "The mask had the ability to turn men into monsters. On the voyage home, several of the crew died before they realized that someone had put on the mask. That someone turned out to be the leader of the group."

    "The ship's crew was completely slaughtered but my great-great-great Grandfather managed to survive by diving into the sea. However, the mask remained on the ship, drifting away." he paused momentarily to let the information sink in before continuing. "Two years after that event, my ancestor traveled the world in search for both the mask and a way to destroy it. His quest brought him to an English aristocrat who had recently inherited a fortune from the family that took him in that perished not too long after they met."

    "I assume this guy had whatever your ancestor met didn't give over whatever your ancestor was looking for?" Jodin chimed in.

    "Correct," SynK answered before continuing, "The man refused to give over the mask. As far as he was concerned, it was his property. My ancestor offered to train this man in a martial art he had picked up in his travels in exchange for the mask. However, the man never honored his end of the bargain. After being trained, he hid the mask away, never to be seen again. Our two families have been fighting each other ever since."

    "...So you want me to help you in a century old feud?" Jodin deadpanned.

    "This is no feud!" he proclaimed, rising from his seat. "The members of the Brando family all carry the wickedness and cunning of their ancestor! My great-great-great Grandfather learned that that man had killed the family that brought him under their roof to gain their wealth for himself! He was evil incarnate and my family is fated to fight his!"

    Jodin sighed, and shaking her head. "This seems a little ridiculous."

    "R-ridiculous?!" SynK shouted.

    "You really expect me to believe there is some old mask capable of creating monsters?" she asked, pointing a finger accusingly at him. "Sorry, but that's just more than a little silly."

    "And I guess "evil spirits" aren't ridiculous, I take it?" he said, taking his seat once again and ignoring Jodin's grimace at his jab. "Besides, I wasn't finished."

    "Go on," she said, waving her hand as a sign to continue.

    "For the last couple years I've been following the actions of one particular member of the Brando bloodline. One Guardian S. Brando, a United States senator from Arizona."

    "So I take it that's the guy you name dropped back in the alley?" Jodin chimed in.

    "Yes," Synk nodded. "Most people are talking about him being a shoo-in for the winning the election for President in 2016. I was honestly surprised you didn't know him, Stand or no."

    "I'm... not from around here." Jodin said, her gaze shifting to the table then back up to SynK. "Why does my Stand matter anyway regarding this guy?"

    SynK hummed to himself, trying to think of the best way to explain.

    "Remember how I said he was a shoo-in?" he asked. Jodin nodded in response. "Well, the reason for that is that any political rivals that could seriously oppose him or journalists that give him bad press tend to... disappear or die under "mysterious circumstances.""

    "Mysterious circumstances?" Jodin repeated, tilting her head in curiosity.

    "By that I mean he has Stand users kill them." SynK said. "I uncovered this information just last year. Whenever Senator Brando encounters trouble, he calls in a team of assassins to deal with it. The problem gets dealt with and the public is none the wiser."

    "And you didn't think to expose him?" Jodin pointed out. To her, it seemed like the easiest way to deal with this man if he was bad as he claimed.

    "That isn't really an option. It would require having to explain the complicated nature of Stands and that's a can of worms best left unopened. Trust me." he said. "Occasionally, someone will try to pin the deaths and disappearances on him but because the killers are Stand users, no one can actually prove him guilty of the crimes."

    For a moment, Synk sat in silence as if to let the wait of his words sink in.

    "For the longest time..." he began, his voice solemn. "I've been trying to fight him alone, I've been trying to fight him alone, but avoiding his assassins alone is getting me no where. That's why I've come to you. I need help doing this now. I know you have no stake in this, but this is probably more important then you realize. And that's why I need your help."

    He looked down at the table, sadly.

    "I don't think I can do this alone." he said, his voice cracking a little. "But if you don't want to get involved in this I will understand. This is dangerous, and I wouldn't expect most people to agree to tag along."

    This was a lot for Jodin to take in. On one hand, she wasn't too sure if she should believe him. That story of his was a little far fetched. However, he seemed very genuine in his plea for help. Ever since she had gotten her Stand, Jodin had always tried to model herself as a superhero like in the comics, always ready to right wrongs and deliver justice where she felt it was needed. And the idea that someone was using people like her and SynK, other Stand users, to kill on his behalf and get away with it was sickening to her. Even if this wasn't her fight, inside she felt that, as a superhero, it was her's to share in.

    "Alright," she said, determination in her voice. SynK looked up at her, clearly shocked to hear her actually agree into joining him. She stood up from her seat and grabbed onto his shoulder, grinning at him. "I can't say I believe you a hundred percent, but it is the duty of the Magnificent Dinny to help those in need and to defeat villains!"

    "Thank you!" he said, grabbing one of her hands. He beamed at her, happy to have found someone to help in his quest. "I knew when I saw you that I could rely on you!"

    "Did you now?" she said with a smirk. He nodded his head rapidly. Smiling in satisfaction, she took her seat once more.

    "I do have one question: earlier you said you were waiting for me. What did you mean?" she asked. The question had almost slipped her mind in the time she was listening to him.

    "With my Stand's ability, of course!" he proclaimed. He reached down to the bag he had brought, opened it up and reached inside. As he retracted his hand, Jodin saw what he held in his hand was a Polaroid camera and two photos he kept face down with the words "Friend or Foe?" and "G.S." written on the backs.

    "My Stand has the ability to allow me to see scenes from the future through photographs. Usually I have to destroy a camera to do this." he explained, pushing the "Friend or Foe?" labeled photo towards Jodin. "All I have to do is think of a time and place and it'll show me."

    Jodin flipped the photo and her eyes widened, it was a picture of them in the ally, Synk was looking at her talking and she clearly looked taken aback by his sudden appearance.

    "Through this ability I have finally found and opening in which I can confront Senator Brando once and for all." he said, flipping the "G.S." labeled photo over. The scene was of a blond man with his back to the camera looking out a window, across the street from whatever building he was in was a building with huge neon words on the side. But of the words were cut off the edge of the photo but the words "Hotel & Casino" were in plain view. "I did some research of what I could see in the photo. The place the photo takes place in is Las Vegas and he'll be there in three months time. That'll be our time to get him."

    "I suppose you brought the camera just in case I need more convincing, Mr. Zeppeli?" Jodin asked, placing her index figure on the camera and nudging it slightly towards Synk.

    Synk nodded in response, his Stand appearing behind him. El Mañana moved on of its hands toward the camera until its palm was hovering just above it, a few wires disentangled themselves from the twisted mess of wires that made up the Stand's body and touched a variety of different parts of the camera. Through those wires an intense wave of energy transmitted from El Mañana into the camera. After a few seconds El Mañana retracted its wires and smoke started puff out of the camera as a photo came out of it.

    Jodin took the photo from the camera and waited for it to develop. After a few moments, an image started to appear. It was the two of them walking down the street, talking to one another. Where they were, exactly, she wasn't too sure.

    "When will this be happening?" Jodin asked, interested in how far in the future did this image came from.

    "That'll happen in exactly 30 minutes from now." SynK said as he picked up the camera, studying it with a grimace. "If I had to guess, it might be for the purpose of replacing this camera."

    "Go through a lot of cameras, I take it." Jodin observed.

    "Yeah and it isn't cheap." SynK groaned, placing the camera back in his bag. "I can also do it with TVs and video camera, but they tend to... explode once I'm done with them."

    SynK got up from his seat and Jodin followed suit. They threw away their trash and made their way to the nearest door.

    "First thing to do is find more help. Taking down Senator Brando won't be easy with just the two of us." Synk said as the door walked out of the building.

    "Know where to start looking?" Jodin asked.

    "No," he said bluntly in response. "But experience has taught me that we Stand users tend to attract one another, so it shouldn't be too long."

    Jodin grimaced at that, she wasn't exactly one to wait around for things to happen. Of course, she realized they might run into bad Stand users as well as ones willing to help them, which might be a problem for them.

    "Sooo..." SynK suddenly said. "What was all that "Magnificent Dinny" stuff back there?"

    Jodin scratched at her in embarrassment.

    "Ah! Well you see..."

    "First thing to do is find more help. Taking down Senator Brando won't be-" the recording came to an abrupt end as the sound of a door closing cut it off.

    "As you heard, sir, the target is no longer laying low and has sought help." said the individual on the monitor, his appearance hidden in shadow.

    The one he addressed was a well dressed blond man, facing away from the monitor, casually sorting through a bookshelf in the study he was in.

    "So it seems," he said, closing the book in his hand and placing it back on the shelf before taking another book.
    Silence reigned in the room after he spoke, the one on the monitor keeping silent, hesitant to ask the question on his mind.

    "Sir," he began uneasy. "Are you sure keeping him alive this long was a wise course of action?"

    The man was silent for a moment, as if to consider the question

    "Do you feel threatened by the target, agent?" he spoke, breaking the silence by closing the book in hand and placing it back on the shelf.

    "Of course not." the monitor responded with annoyance at the suggestion.

    "Then you will continue with the directives I have laid out for you and the rest of your comrades regarding this matter as previously discussed."

    "Of course, sir." he nodded. "But what of the girl?"

    "As previously discussed, the payout will remain three-million for the original target. In addition to the death of the girl and any other individuals he picks along the way will net an extra one-thousand each." the blond man said, continuing to focus on the book in front of him rather then the one he was speaking to. "Do I make myself clear, agent?"

    "Yes, Senator Brando. Ace of Spades, out."

    And with that the monitor unceremoniously went to a black screen with a logo on it. The logo was that of a skull with a hole in the middle of its head, below it were four playing cards, the aces of spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. A ring encircled the skull and cards with the words "CARNAVAL DE ASSASSINOS" on the top of the ring and "SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI" at the bottom of the ring.



    Stand: Caravan Palace
    User: Jodin "Dinny" Nyjo
    Destructive Power: A
    Speed: C
    Range: B (50m)
    Durability: B
    Precision: A
    Development Potential: A
    -Dimensional Distortion: Caravan Palace can manipulation and distort the otherwise intangible and invisible barrier that separates dimensions. This can allow Caravan Palace a number of abilities such as tearing apart the dimensional wall to create portals linking to other dimensions and teleportation.
    -Super Strength: Caravan Palace possesses immense physical strength; the destructive force of its punch is roughly equivalent to that exerted by a small, extremely fast meteor.

    Stand: El Mañana
    User: SynK Zeppeli
    Destructive Power: D
    Speed: C
    Range: D (10m)
    Durability: C
    Precision: A
    Development Potential: B
    -Wire Body: El Mañana's body it comprised entirely of wires which it normally clusters together into a humanoid form. This means that, if attacked, it can simply uncoil itself to avoid damage, without hurting SynK himself. In combat it can use these wires to bind targets or to strike at them like whips. The unfurled wire can also be used to weave out a net that detects the enemy's movements.
    -Clairvoyance Photography: El Mañana can allow the user to view scenes from the future by producing psychic photographs by destroying a camera or another object. The photo will reveal a scene from the future as it is in the moment of time and location the user specifies. It also can produce live psychic videos of the future on a television or video camera, though the video will last only a few seconds before the TV or camera gets destroyed from the overwhelming power El Mañana is channeling into it. The user has to be very specific with this power in order to get the image they want otherwise El Mañana may produce an image from minutes, days, months or even years in the future in a completely random location that may have no relevance to the user.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2014
  11. Ghost King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2012
    This, my friend, is a work of art. You don't know how excited I was to see an alert for this. You are amazing. Also I really like Dinny's stand. Super cool!
  12. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    Oh shit.

    This was literally entrancing. This build-up is incredible; I'm amazed you're able to speed ahead, yet keep a manageable pace with the story. We know a lot, yet not enough.

    A+, BIU. I'm seriously ****ing hyped, like you have no clue.
  13. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Thank you. I hope you'll like your Stand when it comes around.
    Hey look, a TV Tropes page.

    I thank you for your praise towards my writing, Ted. I hope you'll continue to enjoy the story as it unfolds.
  14. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    Very nice, BIU. I especially like Dinny's Stand's name. Caravan Palace is one of my favourites. There was some issues with the spacing of the paragraphs, but no other complaints from this peanut gallery! Noice!
  15. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Everyone likes Caravan Palace it would seem.

    I could have sworn I had got all the paragraph spacing when I first posted it. Whenever I decide to post from a document to a post for some reason it doesn't space the paragraphs like I had it. Kind of annoying. I looked through it and I think I fix the issue. :3
  16. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    Oooh, missed one. Please try again.

    "You can call me Dinny...

  17. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Thank you. :3
  18. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    woooow BIU this is so greaaaat * v *

    Your writing is superb! I can basically visualize everything in my head as I read through each scene. I'm definitely hooked as well - I'm going to come by KHV more often now hueheuheu but yeah! I can not wait to see how the story progresses! This is so wonderful!

    Also, this line omg:
    I get that so often OTL //scurries away//
  19. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    I am glad you're enjoying the story so far! It makes me happy the main character has come to enjoy my work! I hope that I can get future chapters out far faster then the first one so you can actually see them when you visit!
  20. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Interesting... I like the development into different powers. =3 Looking forward with more.