OH PRAISE BE, THERE IS A BUDDHA! Ok, though honestly, I don't know what this means for EA and its general direction. Likely, if there is any change I can't see it happening for about half a year or so. I'm soooooo hopin this will mean appeasing fans requests, less money grabbing, controlling and dictator control over its studios games. I'm praying, that's all I can say.
This was an interesting tibit of news that everyone pretty much saw coming. He had maybe one good year where he came in parading to do good business for "the gamers" but ended up just as any business man would in this situation. Especially since not long after he took over there was the whole "Spore DRM" issue. I wouldn't go as far as to say that he "took huge risks" because games like Mirror's Edge, etc. were already in development prior to him becoming CEO and even that was seen as a "failure" to them (even though it critically did well). IP wise they have been churning out more profitable IPs but not because of consumer confidence anyways, though it's better than just releasing Madden or those games based off of movies (LOL) but honestly looking at their abysmal stock trends it doesn't really say much. It's just that they have acquired smaller houses (most of them mobile) that created the IPs and now they are making money off of them. Sooooo. Yeah I wouldn't expect too much. I just love that it's happening during Sim City's release, even though that wasn't directly the reason for the step-down.