I honestly didn't know where to post this, but... JewWario, aka: Justin Carmicheal, shot and killed himself Thursday. For people who don't know, he was a huge Internet celebrity who recently broke off with TGWTG and was famous for: "You Can Play This"/"You Can Cook This". I will never forget his famous pokemon reviews with Suede and Linkara, which I always watch to cheer myself up. His wife was on the other side of the bathroom door when he killed himself, and she said he loved all his fans. RIP, and my thoughts and prayers go out to the friends and family.
It's really sad to see it from him, he always seemed like the happiest guy out of the bunch over at TGWTG. Although I must admit I haven't followed that site in years, but still it's really disheartening.
When I watched him, he seemed so upbeat and cheerful. He always made me laugh and especially in the Pokemon reviews his humor was outstanding. Oh yeah, the reason he broke off was because he wanted to go solo on his own. The TGWTG crew is hard hit by this, too.
I just read what his wife had written about it, how incredibly depressing. I cannot even begin to imagine how she feels right now. He must have been really far gone having his wife trying to talk him out of it, and still pulling the trigger. It's really tragic.
Posted today at the That Guy With the Glasses.com: http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/vi...tic/42100-in-loving-memory-of-justin-carmical Also, because I feel like sharing:
I saw that speech, too... It's incredible how much it touched me despite barely knowing the guy, even in the reviewers sense... The whole thing has honestly left me reeling, and I can't really describe why... Some of it is my own personal view. I do have one thing to say: THERE IS ALWAYS HELP OUT THERE!!! DON'T GIVE UP, SOMEONE CARES AND LOVES YOU!!! CALL AND GET HELP IF YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT SUICIDE!!! IT'S NEVER A GOOD OPTION!!! If I did it five years ago... I wouldn't be here today, talking to you.
I found out about this yesterday, and I ended up crying over it last night. The Pokemon reviews were some of my favorite things he ever did (along with his Pokemon retrospective video and playing Jareth in Suburban Knights), and he always seemed like the sweetest guy. It's really a tragic thing, knowing he got to the point where he didn't want to be here anymore. We'll all miss him.