Jesus and Horus

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Cin, Oct 5, 2008.

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  1. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Now, anyone who's seen Zeitgeist has already been enlightened to the amazing amount of similarities between Jesus, the christian Messiah, and Horus, the Egyptian god of the sky(of the sun, of war, of justice, etc).

    Most people don't realize that Horus and Jesus are basically carbon copies of each other, nearly every event that is described in the life of Jesus, in the bible or in other texts, can be found somewhere in Egyptian mythology, describing the life of Horus.

    Considering that Horus was worshiped 3000 years before Jesus, if anyone copied anyone, it was the Christians who took ideas from the Egyptians to create their religion.

    Of the 50 or so easily visible similarities, the major ones include:

    Supposed virgin birth
    Son of god
    Teacher at 12
    Baptized at 30
    Dead for 3 days
    Resurrected - Here is a much more in-depth list of parallels between the two.

    Thoughts and such?
  2. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    I can see why this happened, since the Hebrews or Jews or whatever were enslaved by the Egyptians until Moses came along and busted out his staff. I don't know how long they were slaves but it was atleast a few generations and probably enough time to be enfluenced by the Egyptian ideas and such.
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Also to add: Horus had many permutations, other than the ones soley expressed and compared to Jesus. In fact you could argue there were multiple Horus' in existence.

    I also read an article that expressed this goes further back than Egypt, and that Horus was a creation derived from ancient Babylonian astrological information.

    We all know it's from astrology, but at least this could be more detailed as to where it came from, not just the information itself.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    I did a whole list sometime ago in here on Horus and Jesus. The comparisons are 'stifling' to say the least for the person that actually seriously checks into it. I am a big fan of mythologies and Horus is the one that lines up the most but there are also other legendary figures that have similarities such as the resurrection, being scholars at youth, feeding people who were starving, curing diseases etc.

    I studied this around 5 years ago after studying Egyptian Mythology more in depth and there are even lines Horus says that are very similar, and it is -very- hard to actually tell the Nativity scene of Horus's from Jesus's because they are so very alike. People have gone out of their way in the Middle East to try to get rid of Nativity Scenes with Horus because of this. It's sad that even with the obvious rip on Horus who was well around before Jesus, that people don't see it.
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiin! >,<

    Well...I can tell when I've been played. Cin just sent me an Pm saying I might find this interesting. I found it to be pretty coincedental, actually, and not exactly something to attack the Church about.

    Whether you like it or not, Jesus is not just some picture on a wall. He is not just something some Egytpian guy thought up and brought to the High Preists or something like that. I dunno. Unlike Repliku, I'm not fortunately trained in the arts of Pagonamy 101.

    Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, gave up his life, and a Religion was started by his teachings, historically speaking. Historically speaking for Horus,...he's peeling paint and stone. And if anybody wants to say anything else about copyright problems, let me make two things very clear:

    Stories can be alike very much. Yes. True. This means Mary and Joseph thought up something for Jesus so that it would be the exact same thing? That's a big N-O, g'buddy. Several Myths revolve around Sacrifice, being the son of a God and/or Godess, teaching at certain ages, and, yes, even crucified. Crucification was a execution tactic before even Horus was thought up. of course some guy who didn't like something so wrong came up with Horus to give the people hope. Thinds come in 3s, so the whole "resurection in 3 days" simularity is also a coinkydink, dontchaknow.

    The other thing: Horus has the freakin' head of a Falcon! He's just a Mythological God, for, quite literally and on behalf of, Christ's sake! Jesus actually histirocally lived, died, and came to life on the third day. That last part, you may not believe...but....meh.
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Why is it that you firmly believe Jesus was a real person, but you dismiss Horus without a second though. Sure, head of a falcon you say. But didn't Jesus come from a virgin, bring himself back to life and turn water into wine? I can call shenanigans on this just as easily as you can with Horus. If you are willing to overlook the Wine and the resurrection, why can't you overlook the Falcon head too? If Jesus can be a real figure, why not Horus?

    Remember, Horus is older than Jesus, so naturally Jesus will be better known. The fact of the matter is that Horus could quite easily be a real person too. Eagle head? He liked to wear a mask of an eagle. Time distorted the image and he became truly eagle headed.
    But can you please explain why Jesus is so much more real than Horus. A virgin birth, really?

    Time is the nemesis of fact. It is fairly easy for tales to be misappropriated. Eventually the tale of Horus and the tale of Jesus could mingle and form a new story. I may believe that several myths revolve around sacrifice, yes. But one had to start doing it. Not to mention that when all of those things come together, it can no longer be explained away as a coincidence

    The eagle head is just as unbelievable as the whole "Oh, Hi Joseph. Yeah, I'm pregnant, but I haven't been cheating on you, honest!" or the "Watch closely. one fish... two fish... 2000 fish!" stuff.
  7. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    is this coincidential repliku....actually repliku introduced me to horus.

    who knows any person can aspire to be good....i mean you don't have to be the son of a deity incarnate to do that....well maybe the miracles but meh.

    eagle head?.....i think that was only in paintings to say he was ra's something....

    but any enlightened human could have had an halo like aura....what i mean to maybe they both existed....besides if one person says something before you that doesn't mean you can't say it also.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    You do realize I have studied religions of all kinds since I was 12 years old and also have attended actual world religious college courses for my studies in archeology and can translate quite well some Egyptian, as well as 5 other languages to include Latin when you say that you are so much more experienced...right? That made me lol seriously. Also Horus's depiction with a falcon head was not always there. He also had a human form. The falcon is a symbol that he is a sky god.

    Anyway, to get onto the point since I didn't want to draw it out before but you may some amusing claims without knowing what Horus actually was.

    Horus is: the father as seen through the son.
    Jesus: is the son of God who is seen as God.

    Horus claimed to be the light of the world as one of his eyes shows.
    Jesus claims to be the light of the world.

    Horus said that he was the way, the truth, the life.
    Jesus said he was the way, the truth and the life.

    Horus was the plant, the shoot.
    Jesus said "I am the true vine."

    Horus said "I open the Tuat that I may drive away the darkness."
    Jesus said "I am come a light unto the world."

    Horus baptized with water by Anup who later died by beheading.
    Jesus baptized with water by John the Baptist who later died by beheading.

    Horus's revelation were taken by Aan, the name of the divine scribe.
    Jesus's revelation were taken by John the divine scribe.

    Horus born in Annu, the place of bread.
    Jesus Born in Bethlehem, the house of bread.

    Horus The good shepherd with the crook on his shoulders.
    Jesus The good shepherd with a lamb on his shoulders.

    Horus seven fishermen on board the boat with him.
    Jesus seven fishermen on board the boat with Jesus.

    Horus depicted as the lamb in writings.
    Jesus depicted as the lamb in the Bible.

    Horus called as the lion.
    Jesus also called as the lion.

    Horus of 12 years old was a scholar and began teaching at the temple.
    Jesus of 12 years was also teaching at the temple.

    Horus A man of 30 years appears which from 12 to 30 nothing is really known.
    Jesus a man of 30 years at his baptism and very little is known between that time and 12.

    Horus the KRST, which means 'annointed'. J
    esus the Christ, which means 'annointed'.

    Horus the manifesting son of Ra/Osiris which is the overseer of all.
    Jesus the manifesting son of God.

    Horus - The trinity - Atum the Father, Horus the son, Ra the Holy Spirit.
    Jesus - God the Father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit.

    Horus The first legend of Horus is as a child of the virgin Meri, the second as son of Ra.
    Jesus as a child of the virgin, Christ as the son of the Father in heaven.

    Horus - Horus the sender and Set the destroyer in the harvest field. Set is known to be the possible word where the Hebrew translation of Satan comes in.
    Jesus - Jesus the sender or the good seed, Satan the sender of tares.

    Horus carried off by Set from a desert to the summit of Mount Hetep.
    Jesus carried by Satan from the desert in Palestine to an exceedingly high mountain.

    Horus and Set contending on the Mount.
    Jesus and Satan contending on the Mount.

    Horus - as Iu-em-hetep comes with peace.
    Jesus - the bringer of peace.

    Horus known as the afflicted one.
    Jesus known as the afflicted one.

    Horus as Har-Khutti had twelve disciples.
    Jesus had 12 disciples.

    Horus - Aani bears witness to the word of Ra.
    Jesus - John bears witness to the word of God and testimony of Jesus Christ.

    Horus had the morning star, also identified as Sirius.
    Jesus had the morning star, but it was a star to the east. ..which Sirius is.

    Horus who gives the morning star to his followers.
    Jesus who gives the morning star to his followers.

    Horus cast away demons.
    Jesus cast away demons.

    Horus was called the 'fisher'.
    Jesus was called the 'fisher'.

    Horus has the symbol of sun light beams behind him as being a 'sky' god.
    Jesus has the symbol of sunlight beams behind him.

    Horus was actually born at winter solstice, about December 23rd - 25th.
    Jesus was not born at this time but his date was moved to it.

    Meri is another name for Horus's mother.
    Mary is the mother of Jesus.

    Horus stilled the sea with his power.
    Jesus commanded the sea to be still.

    Horus's foster father was Jeb or Joseb who was born of royal blood.
    Jesus's was Joseph who also had royal blood ancestry.

    Horus - born and kept in a manger in a cave.
    Jesus - born and kept in a manger in a cave or stable depending on translation.

    Horus - both the annunciation and announcement of his birth were by angels.
    Jesus - both annunciation and announcement of birth were by angels.

    Horus - The first witnesses were shepherds and then 3 solar entities considered 'wise men' were witnesses to his birth.
    Jesus - The first witnesses were shepherds and then 3 wise men showed up to be witnesses of his birth.

    Horus - Herut tried to have Horus killed ordering babies to be murdered in an attempt to eradicate Horus.
    Jesus - Herod tried to have Jesus killed ordering babies to be murdered in an attempt to eradicate Jesus.

    Horus - Meri is told to run and does so with Horus to hide.
    Jesus - Mary is warned by an angel to flee and go to Egypt.

    Horus - life from past 12 to 30 is unrecorded.
    Jesus - life from past 12 to 30 is unrecorded.

    Horus - Baptized at age 30.
    Jesus - Baptized at age 30.

    Horus - walked on water and healed the sick.
    Jesus - walked on water and healed the sick.

    Horus raised Osiris from his grave.
    Jesus raised Lazarus from his grave.

    Horus gave a sermon on The Mount.
    Jesus gave a sermon on The Mount.

    Horus died by crucifixion which is why the cross is referenced to him. There were two thieves that accompanied him on the crosses.
    Jesus died by crucifixion which is why the cross represents him, two thieves again.

    Horus rose up from death 3 days later from a tomb and women told others.
    Jesus rose up from death 3 days later from a tomb and women told others.

    Horus - main role was a savior to mankind.
    Jesus - main role is as a savior to mankind.

    Horus - associated with the zodiac sign of Pisces.
    Jesus - associated with the zodiac sign of Pisces.
    Important to note that we are in the Age of Pisces. Both had fish as symbols.

    Anyone who can't see the relation between these two beings must have something caught in their eyes that won't let them read. You can research it for yourself but try to actually go and get books ON Egyptian mythology to compare instead of going to Christian sites that try to dismiss it. One of the reasons Jews did not believe in Jesus when the Bible popped up 200 years after his death was because it was too near what Horus's life was. Also, the events of the time certainly weren't known to anyone until this book came out because no one kept notes of the fantastic things he did.

    I won't say Jesus/Yeshua did not exist because I do not know that and I know for fact Pontius Pilot did as did Herod, and there is a bit of proof that there was a man named Yeshua who was a carpenter. However, next time you feel like insulting someone, make sure you actually know the person's background and also do understand as much as someone who actually is near to getting a degree in the field. I won't belittle you so don't try it with me anymore.
  9. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    This is something that has always interested me, I love how the old world religions still have an impact on our modern day ones <3 I guess because I am not of a religion I can look at it and find the similarities fascinating instead of offensive.

    Faith is a good thing, it can give people hope and it can get people through the tough times. By having something to believe in even when times are hard can be a great relief to people.

    However that being said, it disturbs me when people denounce a religion as being nothing more than myths and pretty stories yet force their own religion into the face of others as truth and fact.

    I am not religious, I do not believe in a god who looks down over us as most religions would have us believe.

    I view the Egyptian religion the same way I view the Ancient Greeks as well as modern day religions. Stories and ideas that are meant to teach us and guide us, they are advice written in a way that will appeal to the human mind. In the same way we tell Fairytales to small children to help them learn values, I see religion as similar.

    Also >_> I know it isn't really relevent as such but can I just add, Jesus did live, there is historical proof that a man by that name lived at the time Jesus is said to, however it is not proof or fact that he was the son of God. Plus, a lot of the stories in the Bible have been PROVEN by archaeology and other disciplines to be false >_> so uh I have lost where I was going with that.
  10. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland

    Anyway, if these many many similarities in this one part of the Christian faith I don't know what is. All modern religions share common origins and are practically the same thing. Corrupted by time, they are what we see today.
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