Jaynabelle's Diary [Test RPG]

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Jayn, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    So, I'm planning on making a horror puzzle RPG thing...Before I do that, I wanted to make a lighthearted test game to get familiar with this engine/software. That means this is super basic and I spent approximately two days on it (and like 5 minutes thinking up some stupid plot). I may make a second test which will elaborate on this one and also have a fully customized menu and parallax map. ETC.

    Decided to post it here if anyone would like to test for me! I played through it like ten times and it's extremely simple, but getting input for outside sources would be super swell, so if you have the time...

    It is extremely short. Took me about 5 minutes to play through--though that's with me knowing what to do, so maybe a bit longer.


    Jayn lives with her big brother in some kawaii pixel house. She has to finish some chores before he gets home from work.

    If you don't know me well enough, player discretion advised...


    V1 (+ This if you don't have it.)

    V2 (no extra download)


    X = Cancel (when a menu is up) // Menu (if you need to save)
    Space, Enter, Z = Confirm
    Arrow Keys = Walk


    If you really need one...lol.

    1. Go inside and get the empty water jar from the ... china cabinet thing.
    2. Get some water from the pond outside.
    3. Water the plant.
    4. Go into the hallway and into the first door.
    5. Wash the dishes and obtain WET RAG.
    6. Go dust the books out in the hall.
    7. Enter your room and go to the light in the corner to read your diary.
    8. Game over.


    Bedroom Lighting - KHAS
    Some tilesets - Celianna
    Window Light Rays - ZAI
    Some music - Joseph Gilbert


    Basically, if you run into any major issues like bad lag, or glitching or system incompatibility, multiple items when you already obtained them, the game not launching or ...anything horrible like that, let me know! Remember, stay on the technical...Creatively not a lot went into this, but before I devote my time doing something elaborate, I need to make sure the program, compatibility and game packaging works for me.

    Things I plan on changing already...SPOILER WARNING.

    - Learn how to create a border around the maps.
    - Add more detail and utilize map space better.
    - HOW 2 MAPS??

    - In the bedroom the room is SO DARK. Learn how to work the lighting script a bit better.
    - Learn how to customize the menu and take out all of the extra crap (weapons, skill, etc).
    - Learn how to customize the main menu to whatever I'd like.
    - 'Flip through...' the dialouge box there is really distracting and not what I wanted.
    - When reading the diary the light effects still apply. No.
    - (+Monochrome) Walk to door = Auto Open or Walk to door = Confirm Key...One or the other unless special case. // Chairs weird can walk on top of them doushite.
    - (+Bushy Brow) Auto pause when inactive window. // Chairs weird can walk on top of them doushite.
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Was thrown off with not being able to enter the house by just walking up to it and then being trapped in the last room.

    But yeah, like I said in the chat this is perfect for a test game. I didn't see any errors.
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Yeah, gomen. Originally you had to hit confirm before entering any of the doors but that was derp so I changed it and must have forgotten the front door. Whoops.

    Thanks for taking the time to play, bby.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Thanks to Midnight Star for pointing out needing the RTP. Worked for Mono probably because she has it already.

    I'm repacking the game now to run without it, but until then another download link has been offered.

    Edit; Uploading now. Will take like an hour. Crying and slitting.

    Edit 2: DONE. Please tell me if the second one doesn't work or something so I can CRY.
  5. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    When I tried leave the house via the left hand side(My left side, the character's right side) of the front door, I could not leave, I could only leave through the other side of the door. Didn't defeat the game or anything, but it is something tech.
    When filling the jar with water, selecting "No..." will make her fill it with water anyway, so she still waters the plant. Then once you obtain the water, you can select "Nope" and she'll still water it, allowing you to move on. And certain parts of the pond/lake(the bottom right and left corners) won't let you fill up the jar, you must go higher to do so.

    Momodoll is right though, I was trapped in the last room of the house too. It wasn't until went to the lamp that I figured it out by button mashing. Which is good for any game. Also, I played the game without getting the diary, and I still get the cut scene with the diary being read. Basically, you can beat the game without getting the diary.

    Those are the tech issues I found in the game, and only by purposely digging around. None of it blocks you from completing the game. It ran smooth and perfect for me at all times., and I used the second link, the one that gave you the game without the RPGmaker. Link worked just fine. There was a scary moment where the extractor stopped responding, but I closed it and gameplay was not affected, everything was extracted anyway. Also the art for Jayn's character is so cute. Her face changed at all the right times. The music was fitting and didn't hiccup on me at all either. The menu worked just fine also, no duplicate items or anything. This was very well done for a test game of your first game. And I know how much you've been practicing so I know and cannot wait for the greatness of the next game. <3 Hope I helped.