Japanese Translation Please (Will Pay)

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Vexen_Is_God, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    I'm looking for someone who can correctly help me translate my upcoming album songs into japanese. I use babylon for translations usually, which is fairly accurate, but for this album I'd like it to be nearly spot on if possible.

    The album will be for sale (and have people lined up to buy it), and some of the profit will go to the person who helps me correctly translate per song. I think around $70-$100 for the entire project would be a good payment, but will negotiate, depending on exactly how much money we make. Most of the profits will go to my game devlopment company to help produce the games there and to get us equipment and a building to work out of.

    This is a Kingdom Hearts project, with songs dedicated to each of the Organization members. The album is entitled 'XIII'.

    I have three lyricks to be translated so far, but on some specific lines, I'd like to keep them in english.

    Lyricks Database:

    I. Lamentation Infinite - Embraces of the Void (Xemnas)
    II. (working on)
    III. (working on)
    IV. (working on)
    V. (working on)
    VI. In Obscuro (Zexion)
    VII. (working on)
    VIII. (working on)
    IX. (working on)
    X. (working on)
    XI. Gentian (Marluxia)
    XII. (working on)
    XIII. (working on)


    Anyone willing to help me take this on? I could also use more musicians (namely someone to help clean up the tracks and make the musick sound professional).

    Thanks for any interests.

    - Vexen
  2. Zeonark Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 28, 2008
    Trolling Shizu-chan
    So your asking for Japanese Text? Or Romaji? If so I can help.
  3. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    I can do some! I'd love to help!
  4. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Doesn't matter to me. I have a kanji to romaji translator. I know some japanese, but the grammar transliteration is terrible with my knowlege and with most engine-translations. Ugh.

    I want this translation to stay as pure to the actual meaning as possible. With an engine translation and limited knowlege, I can't seem to quite get that. Which is why I need help.

    I'll gladly split up people by songs if I get more than one person who wishes to help.