This movie looks awesome, down with videogame violence 8D I'll admit Jacky-boy has some (very few) good points in his arguements that I agree with, but most of it is just BS P: I'm still gonna watch this film for the lulz. Did I see City of Heroes gameplay in there? Doesn't that game reward you for saving people and stopping evil villans? XDDDD
I watched the interview gamehead had with him on GT today, and he had some points. And he didn't seem totally against video games. Just against violence in them and the lack of authority and parental control over their sales. But the 9/11 is just bull****. Edit - Though it's more the film claims that, not necessary Jack Thompson himself. He was just a spokesperson for the film.
You should send that letter to him libregkd. It is well thought out and very well written. As for this crusade he has going on about violent video games, he's lame. I think -most- people enjoy the games as some adventure and a way of relieving stress and anger they have. I know I do and it's good entertainment. The majority of people aren't about to take it seriously and I find that yes, some people are morons but if we cater to those people, or those who are mentally incapable to begin with, it seems we spiral down a path of accepting and tolerating that behavior which will just be worse. Even in places where there are Quakers, I hate to break it to this guy, but rape does happen. So does animal abuse as many places in PA sell puppy farm dogs that are mistreated a lot. There is not going to be an ideal society situation by removing video games. Rape, murder etc have all been done and the reason I would attribute to it being much more recognized is 1. people speak out against these violent acts more and are depending on the law to have justice done rather than dealing with it the vigilante way, and 2. there are more people crowded together in cities etc than years ago so much more will be seen and happens. In the end, if he wants to fix things and prevent issues like Columbine from happening, he should be talking about 'real life' things that make it happen instead of picking on video games. Admittedly, some video games are just about violence and all, but that -is- what ratings are for on games, and parents are the ones who need to acclimate themselves with something that isn't going away; just as they should with computers.
The documentary will show both sides of the debate, so I can only hope that someone in favour of the medium can stay in composure and remain objective on the subject. It seems that every advocate for the game industry gets too heated and some how makes a jab at religion on the subject. It shouldn't have to concern faith or even full blown morality for that matter. Violent games aren't blatantly instructing people on how to murder someone or encouraging immoral acts. They are simply a means of entertainment that explore and expand on these possibilities that literature and movies once and still give us. It should not just be about protecting children, it should be about educating them. It should be about parents taking an active role in their child's lives and teaching them that what they see, read, and play is simply a fabrication-- that it is as make-belief as pretend play or imagination. I will give Thompson credit though, as a number of his points are valid. Violent video games do increase aggression and more often than not heighten someone who is aggravated as opposed to helping them relax or blow off steam. Then again, so do movies, witnessing violent acts, and even reading violent literature. We are constantly affected by our surroundings whether we want to admit it or not. By no means is banning violent video games alone a way to put an end to school violence.
You realise you're doing exactly the same thing, DrMario64? -__-;; While Thompson does raise some good points, I fail to see how banning video games that are classified to be 'violent' to be the issue. Should it not be the parent's responsibility what the child or teenager is playing? They paid for it, they bought it but obviously the responsibility doesn't stop there. It is essential that children/teenagers are able to tell the difference between right and wrong. (If the adult who is playing the game can not tell the difference then we should be pretty worried.) And also, who is to say that video games are the problem? Movies, literature, comics, etc can be just as deadly as a violent video game. There are many books that give description about death and violence. (Do not forget fanfiction!) Heck, even a child could learn from a comic book that guns can kill people.
How does video games coz terrorism, i didn't even know they had video games over there!! I think it was just the way they are raised, and the leader and such, i dont belive that games like pacman can cause a guy to drive a plane into a building!!
The argument ceoms from the use of flight and combat simulator games like Halo and Flight Simulator. Pac Man isn't violent.
No, Pac Man can increase teh rate of cannabalism. >.> We're mostly talking shooter, flight simulator and freedom games.
Jack Thompson has a few good points but also has an even larger bad points! Videogames have a darkside but it's like yin yang! You can't have light without darkness! Seriously, Banning games like flight simulation games, ManHunt 2, Moral Kombat and everything else that are games like that are seriously FREAKIN BLOODY STUPID! He may say "Videogames caused 9/11" But what if they didn't even play Videogames!? He seriously has not been thinking lately! Games have rights! Games are almost the same as furniture, items like a vase and stuff like that! (ALMOST!) But seriously! The first people who started it was ourselves! We human beings made Videogames for entertainment and it may make the players violent doesn't mean it's because of the game! It's because they're DAMN FREAKIN BLOODY STUPID!!! Killing people just because of videogames or suicide's just because of them! EVERYTHING HAS RIGHTS!!! BUT BANNING THOSE RIGHTS MEANS BANNING RIGHTS LIKE HAVING TO SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES!!! SERIOUSLY, IF HE BELIEVES VIDEOGAMES CAUSED PEOPLE FOR SCHOOL MASSACRE WELL HE WAS DAMN FREAKIN WRONG!!! THAT IS ALSO THE SAME AS VIDEOGAMES CAUSING THE 9/11 INCIDENT!!! EVERYTHING AND I MEAN EVERYTHING HAS RIGHTS!!!
I am rather getting tired of ignorant people blaming video games for everything. If it's not video games, it's the corrupt rap or metal or rock music, or it's the movies or it's the TV. It's always something else's fault than the person's fault for being a wonky wacko that did something that all of the rest of us would not do, despite somehow being rather attracted to wanting to at moments. Many people wouldn't mind going and causing some violence now and then but our frontal lobe consciences and just plain commonsense prevent that. Profiled killers have reasons they killed and 'video games' doesn't happen to be a cause. One time spree killers are usually hardly expecting to get away with the crime and in fact usually want to die or at least darn well know they have a good chance of going down unless they are mentally challenged with some mental illness. I think in video games, we often think we can't die and can do whatever we want because of course we can just restart the game at our last convenient save point. The mentality here doesn't match up to me. Spree killers usually have -reasons- even if many appear to not be the smartest people out there, and most of the time these reasons are causing them hate, rage, frustration, depression and anxiety. Spree killers are what killed the Columbine people and also Virginia Tech, and as said, not even high profile Serial Killers are taking video games that serious. Delusional killers may be an issue, because they can delusion up anything but most of these appear to either be wasted on drugs that cause schizophrenia or have the actual mental disease. This guy really should get a clue and stop pretending to understand the human mind. He seems full of fail and hot air, venting at something that should not be his target. Murder, snap spree killers, raping and such deplorable acts will happen and it sucks, but this is why we have 'law' we can put these idiots away and have a 'safer' society for ourselves. I wish corrupted people like Tippy Gore and Jack Thompson would get a clue and find something better to do like take real psychological classes and actually ****yze (Yay I get to use this word again!...or maybe not... the word is -a-nalyze) some real data instead of making crap up to meet their desired goal, which is to remove anything that 'expresses' violence from our society. Violence is a natural part of life and I'd rather it be done on a game, or by singing some angsty woe song than by doing it physically. What caused 9/11 is a bunch of people that probably did not really enjoy video games that much and if they did play video games at all, it was probably to escape the horrid reality they were in. Somehow I don't see Osama bin Laden over there kicking up a violent thug game. Instead, he's got the real guns and is firing them in the air and getting teens to be prepared to kill. Good morning, Jack.