...It's actually extremely weird not having an avatar. It's kind of like walking into an elevator and not turning around. Except I'm the person not turning around, so I don't know why it's freaking me out.
@Llave and Hayabusa Oh gawd ;~; thank you guys. Um the only problem is I really don't have any pictures or renders picked out to give you nor do I know where to get decent ones. Some stuff I like (other than KH lol) are Portal, Monkey Island, and Higurashi/Umineko I guess although I would honestly be cool with just about anything, if you want to pick something and give it a shot or direct me to where I can find something I'd be really grateful, lol. Also don't feel bad Hayabusa I think your graphics look really cool <: .
I know Portal, so I did a few. They probably stink cause I've barely been touching Photoshop except very recently. FFFFFF-I shoulda waited. I was thinking of actually using the image you put up too.
Hoooly **** oh my god I love all of them Sorry I posted that so late haha, I didn't mean to waste your work ;~; Thank you so much both of you, they're all wonderful. I'll go ahead and use the new one you just did Llave, but thanks so much you guys 8'D Do you guys mind if I snag the others for the future? I adore them <3.