Its one of the games I plan to get soon after getting a ps3, along with storm 1 and 2. /beenplayingultimateninjasinceultimateninja1
The games aren't terrible, but they fall into a cusp of there's only one type of attack you want to do, supers, like the DBZ games but worse, there's not much past constantly trying to nail a super move since normal hits are so minimal is damage.
I got two and I'm one trophy from platinum, but that trophy requires so much time and effort beyond the 60+ hours I have in it already. Maybe when the price drops though.
It's ok Unit 24 Nah I wish haha. I only have Naruto Storm 2, but I want generations and 3. Is Generations good anyways? Oh and I played the demo for 3. I pissed myself from excitement
Generations was okay. The story didn't have any big fancy boss battles, like the Pains or Tailed-Beasts. I'd just go for Storm 3. Since it's basically just more characters with a story that continues after Generations' does (I assume).
Oh alright, thanks. I'll just get 3 then. I honestly thought generations was a combination of Naruto storm 1 and 2 but with a continuing story. Because not everyone get to played the 1st game due to the fact that it was only for ps3. Did you happened to play Naruto storm 1?