Is it an addiction to basically grow your iTunes library? Because whenever I see mine I just think: "More more more!"
It's like Steam, once you buy something and see it in your collection you think: "More MORE!" I bought Daft Punks new album and it wasn't enough, I bought my favorite Miku songs after that and I'm still craving.
um ya this is basically what I've been doing for the past 5 months or so, editing/organizing/adding to my iTunes library It is addicting. I can't stop.
I really need to go through and organize mine, but I have a weird mindset when it comes to music. If I like even one song by an artist, I tend to download their entire discography because I can. I just think that there could, possibly, be something else I like in there, and even if not, it doesn't hurt to have it.
I'm similar in that I refuse to have one song from an album. I want the whole album. Even if I only ever listen to a single song on it, I want the whole thing in my library.
I do the same thing, but only for the logic of "If I like one song on the album/by the artist then they'll have some other songs I'll like" and then it spirals out of control.
Only when I really like the artist and I support their work.[DOUBLEPOST=1375153067][/DOUBLEPOST] Recently I've found that they've updated it quite well for organizing. The only problem is if you "barrow" a song and they turn out blank, that's really where the organizing gets to.
My problem is that I'll have to do a lot of manual work, someone I met at school gave me a flash drive filled with video game soundtracks and all of them are organized in psycho ways and I have to fix it all ( casually double posts )
This is what I do. Unless it's from an artist who's album I know I won't enjoy or the song isn't from an album, I'll download by the album. It's rare for me to download an entire discography or anything like that though unless the artist/band as a small body of work.[DOUBLEPOST=1375153781][/DOUBLEPOST] I buy music when it's an artist I actually like and I only buy physical copies, and have to like the packaging/artwork/whatever comes with it. If I like the album but it comes in a crappy jewel case with just the little booklet thing I probably won't buy it. Lately one of my favorite artist has been releasing his projects on cassette tapes with extra stuff included like art work and poetry though so I buy those.
Ouch. I honestly know this feeling, back when I had my PC I had a ton of unorganized songs. I was very picky and wanted them to even have album covers because I can't stand blank covers. Than when I got a iMac it asked if I wanted to transfer any of my songs to the computer, I just thought "lolnope". I was getting sick of most of the songs anyway, I always get this feeling of after loving a song and than listening to it do death, I just get tired of it, but give it a couple of months or a year and I love it again.