NOTE: Spoiler I have no idea where to put this so I put it here. Sorry if I put it in the wrong place. Feel free to move it if you have the need to do so. You dont have to contact me if you move it because I have it coming because I am not sure where to put it. My aunt said she will get me a iPod Touch (not sure when) and I've been curious on how iTunes work. 1.I've heard you need a credit card to make a iTunes account True or False? 2.Can I use 2 accounts on the iPod Touch? 3.(This is a continuation to Q2) Will I be able to have these Apps? Spoiler (apps Im not too sure I can get) Spoiler 4.What is the latest model? 5.(continuation of Q4) Will I be able to take video and pictures with it and whats the quality? 6.From seeing my list of Apps that have my interest what suggestions do you have that matches my interest. If there is a Resident Evil App please dont suggest it because I dont like Resident Evil.
When I made an account, I didn't use a credit card. Just the usual email and password thing. So I would say false. I believe so. Just create another account and sign in as whichever you want. If you mean at the sametime then no you can't. Though One account would be enough Yup you would be able to get those apps. Just buy an itunes card, type in the numbers/letters so you can add it to your account to buy them. Ipod touch 4th generation can take pics and record videos. It has a back and a front camera. The quality is good. And takes pictures really fast.
You can make an iTunes account without attaching a credit card or a gift card to it, though you have to do it in kind of a sneaky manner. I can help you out there if you need me to. =] But registration is otherwise pretty simple.
Oh it's totally legal, this may help others so I'll just post it publicly. Download iTunes. Go to the Store from iTunes once you've installed it. On the top bar of the Store, click App Store. There are some boxes to the right. Go to the Free Apps one and click on any app. It doesn't matter if you want it or not, it won't be downloaded. Click on the Free App button. A window will open, prompting you to login. Click the Create New Account button. Go through the registration and you shouldn't be forced to put in any credit cards or gift cards. Please note that I haven't done this myself in a while, but last I checked it was working. =]