my sleeping habits are awful. ;____; I've been going to bed at like 4:30AM and waking up at 1:00PM. I think this might be the summer I finally become nocturnal.
Same thing here, although it's kinda difficult since my mother always drags me out of bed by 9am, so what winds up happening is I don't get enough sleep. ;_;
At least you have an excuse. I can think of several things. WHERE THE HELL IS MY IRISH DRINKING SONG?
We have a disease called KHV. kannot hibernateatpropertimesduring vacation aw yeah at the top of my game
If I lived on my own I would be. I thrive in the night. I can't tell you how many times now that I've looked at the clock at 1-2 AM and said to myself "getting late, I'll go to bed after one or two more things" only to find myself so engrossed in whatever I'm doing that I'm left scrambling for bed when my Dad's alarm goes off at 5:30 to wake him up. I've got to say, no complaints on fourth meal though. Speaking of which, I think it is time for a pizza. :lolface:
Things are more interesting here in the night anyway! Nothing really happens at any other point in the day. I was only on here 6 hours ago and in that 6 hours I slept, nothing else.