It's a Strange World

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by lord-insan-E-O, Jun 15, 2013.

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  1. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    "Right now. Cole you take these three out and show them where the outpost is. I need to have a talk with Angelina." Arthur ordered. Cole looked at Angelina then back at Arthur and gave them a nod. "Alright mutts you heard him." Cole motioned for them to follow him outside. After they left Arthur turned to Angelina. "I just wanted to tell you that I have faith in you. Even if you don't." Arthur said with a smile. He could sense her doubts. "I know your shape-shifting powers aren't as diverse as a skinwalker, and your not as strong as Cole, but trust me I've seen shapeshifters that could drop those boys in 10 seconds. Plus if you haven't noticed these boys are a few cards short of a full deck. Well that's all the touchy feely stuff I've got for today. Let's go before Cole leaves us behind."
    Arthur walked out of the house. Cole was talking to the skinwalkers with a map spread out on the SUV's hood. "We good?" Cole asked. "Yeah." Arthur replied. "Alright, we can take my ride. We should be able to pile in there." Cole said. "Whatever Teen Wolf. I've got my own ride." Tenga said as he pulled a tarp off of his motorcycle. "I'll meet you there." Tenga said and then he drive off. Cole got behind the wheel, Arthur got in the passenger seat, and the twins got in the back seat.
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Angelina wasn't sure what to think when Arthur wanted to talk to her alone. It made her nervous. Arthur was an elder and what was she besides a minor part of his plan. But his words caught her off guard. She never expected him to be so nice, comforting her before they went out on their mission. He at least somewhat cared about her, if he didn't he would have just expected her to do or job without another word. Angelina thought back to her father, he was probably one of those shape shifters. She followed Arthur to the car and took her place in the back next to Adler. "Hey Arthur..." She started then hesitated for a second. "Have you ever heard of someone named Malcolm... Malcolm Pond?" She asked innocently. She didn't know how well known her father was but she did know he was stronger then most shape shifters and more talented too.
  3. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    "Malcolm Pond? I'm sorry I can't say I have. But I'm sure the Elder Shape-shifter has. You see all Elders take care of our 'children'. We just watch over them, making sure they don't reveal themselves to too many people and don't get into too much trouble." Arthur explained. "Well most of us do. The Werewolf Elder, and the Skinwalker Elder don't. Since most werewolves and skinwalkers are in packs, they tend to take care of that thing themselves." Arthur continued. "I could ask the Elder Shape-shifter about him if you want. Hell I'm sure you've probably meet her already without even knowing it. She unlike other shifters can't be seen for her true form. Not even an Elder can see her true form. I'm not sure if she's a she, she just prefers to be a she. Wow I really got off topic." Arthur said. Cole was a little curious about this Malcolm Pond. But he could tell that was a difficult subject, and he can respect that.
    It didn't take long for them to get to the woods. They parked a couple miles away so the outpost couldn't see them coming. Tenga was there waiting for them. "Alright, Angelina, Adler, your up." Cole ordered. "Right. I'll shift and draw a guard out. Angelina you take his form." Adler said. Adler got out of the SUV. Feathers started to form all over his body and he began to shrink down. He was now a Golden Eagle. He squawked and flew off towards the base. "I'll take him out so you can take his form. It might be a little strange for the same guards to be walking around the base." Cole said. Cole shifted and leaped up in the tree line, where he seemingly disappeared.
    Adler got to the base. It was pretty large. It may be more difficult then they thought. Adler tapped on the door a few times with his beak until a guard opened the door. Adler looked the guard over. He was a male, about 6 feet tall, and pretty muscular. Adler's eyes were draw to the wedding ring on his finger. Prefect. Adler flew up and started pecked and scratching and clawing at him until he got the ring off. Adler picked the ring up with his beak and flew off with the guard chasing after him. Adler made sure to fly low and slow enough for the guard to keep up. After they were a good ways away Adler dropped the ring. The guard huffed and puffed as he bent down to pick the ring up. The guard looked at the ring and could see the reflection of something above him. It was Cole. Cole dropped down on the guard, bringing him to the ground. Cole rolled him over on his back and gave him one swift punch to the face and he was out. "Your lucky your married pal. Good work Eagle-eye." Cole said. Adler flew back down and perched himself on a tree branch above Cole. Adler squeaked with happiness.
  4. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "No, no it is okay. No big deal I was just wondering." Angelina said a bit disappointed. "You said you knew a few powerful shape shifters and I was just wondering.... but you know forget I asked it wasn't important." She told them. She didn't want to mention who he was to her but it might not be hard to guess. She didn't know how they would think but Arthur seemed smart enough to know. She didn't mention that he was a shape shifter and he knew that much so it was possible.

    Angelina nodded at Adler and Cole as she stepped out of the SUV and followed them to a place a bit closer to the outpost. She then found a place to hide while Adler and Cole did their thing to set up for the attack. Once the guard was out cold Angelina walked up taking a deep breath before shifting. When she sifted she gain a copy of everything that was on the body, but she thought it might be beneficial to get an extra gun off the knocked out guard. "Alright Adler lets go." She said holstering the extra.

    Angelina made her way towards the outpost. Her heart was pounding but she kept a calm appearance. She walked up to the door and knocked loud enough someone would hear. When they came to the door she held up the her ID and gain access to the building. She was in, and as the guard turned to leave she flipped the lock on the door so the others could get in. "Now just to find Russel." She said quietly under her breath.
  5. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    Adler followed Angelina by staying up high above her until she reached the base. When the guard let her in Adler quickly flew in without anyone knowing. He made sure Angelina saw him fly up in the rafters so she'd know he wasn't far. He scouted on ahead to look for Russell. It didn't take long before he found a few rooms that might hold Russell. They didn't have time to check them all so he had to rely on his enhanced hearing to find Russ. It was hard to tell if the sounds he heard was Russell or the guards going about their night.
    Finally he caught a break when he heard faint, inconsistent heart beats of someone injured. The heart beat was coming from a room at the end of a long hallway. Adler quickly looked around to be sure no one was there, it was clear. Adler shifted back to human form and peaked inside the room. Russell was beaten and battered. He was chained up and hung up by his hands. Adler shut the door and sent a message to Stier telling him he found Russell.
    "Sie haben ihn gefunden." Stier informed Cole, Arthur, and Tenga. "Gut." Cole replied. Stier was surprised that Cole spoke German. Cole lead them to a side entrance to the base. "Sagen Sie ihm, diese Tür zu öffnen." Cole ordered. Stier gave him a nod. Stier sent Adler a message for them to let them in through the side entrance.
  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Angelina looked up and smiled at Adler then followed him through the compound. She tried not to spend too much time looking up, just focused on her instincts to tell her where he was heading. She trusted him to know what room held Russel so she didn't bother opening every door. Once they found Russel she was in shock of what she saw. He was in bad shape and Angelina just wanted to run in there and save him. Unchain him from his chains that bound him. But she knew she couldn't do that, not yet. She had to let Cole and the others in first. She walked back to the side door as fast as she could without causing suspicion. Angelina looked around for other guards before pushing it open. "I can't be seen with you in this form." She whispered before turning and walking away back towards where Russel was. As a guard she would be expected to take them out if anyone saw her with them and she didn't think she could do that so she thought it best so go wait by Russel and let Adler lead them there. Once back at Russels room she entered and started to pace the floor like she was just checking up on things in the room. No matter how much she wanted to break him out she knew she couldn't yet.
  7. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    Russell faded in and out of conciseness before he fully regained it. "Angel.....Angelina?" Russell muttered. "Wolf's......wolf's bane. They drugged me with......wolf's bane." Russell muttered. "I'm...sorry." Adler stayed shifted and lead them all to Russell's room. Cole stared at Gamma strung up like a slab of meat. It took one slash from Cole's claws to bring Russell down. Cole helped him up. "I'm.....sorry." Russell kept muttering. "No, I'm sorry buddy. This was my fault, not yours." Cole said as he helped him limp over to Stier. "Umschalttaste jetzt. Er kann sich nicht auf seine eigenen, zu verlassen." Cole ordered. Stier gave him a nod. Stier then shifted to his Bull form. Cole lifted Russell up and laid him on top of Stier.
    "Alright the stealth part of this mission is over. Angelina, and Adler will stay back with Russell and Stier while the rest of us clear a path." Arthur ordered. "Finally some action." Tenga said with excitement. Tenga then shifted to a large grizzly bear. "I'm going to make those bastards pay!" Cole growled. Cole left the room they were in and saw a guard right out of the gate. Cole loudly growled at him to get his attention, he wanted him to see this coming. The guard stood in shock for a moment until Cole charged at him. The guard tried to draw his gun but Cole was too fast for him. Cole dug his claws in his gut and let him fall where he stood.
    Cole pushed forward with Tenga, and Arthur not to far behind. Cole ripped right thru the guards. By now all kinds of alarms were going off. The trio made it to the main entrance where a whole lot of guards were there to greet them, along with Elizabeth. "You?" Arthur instantly recognized her. "You know her?" Cole asked. "He should. I've kill most of his children. Sorry for having to keep your Gamma here. I had to make sure he didn't know anything else that would help me get Arthur." Elizabeth answered. Cole's eyes flashed much brighter. "You did that to Russell!" Cole growled. "It was needed." Elizabeth replied in a calm voice. Cole let out a primal roar and charged at her. "Damnnit Cole!" Arthur yelled. The guards opened fire on Cole with guns full of silver. Cole shrugged the bullets off and pressed on.
    Cole was within striking distance to her before a purple lightning bolt shot out from her fingers that flung Cole back to Arthur and Tenga. Cole spit out some blood and then he got up. Arthur walked forward. "Go. I'll handle this." Arthur ordered. The guards then fired upon Arthur, of course the bullets didn't do a thing. Arthur then transformed into his dragon form. Arthur sent a large fireball towards them. The fireball hit the wall behind them and it exploded, taking a huge chunk of the wall out. Arthur then let out a huge gust of white wind that froze them all in place. Elizabeth blasted her way out of her incasing. She fired rapid lightning bolts at Arthur.
    There wasn't anymore guards left so it was a clear path back to the SUV. Cole carefully pulled himself in the driver's seat. He needed treatment and fast or else he would bleed out. "Tenga! Make sure they get out. Please." Cole asked one Alpha to another. Tenga gave him a nod and went back to the base.
  8. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Angelina felt so bad for Russel. "No don't apologize it isn't your fault." She said while waiting for the others. As soon as Cole got Russel out and onto Stier she ran over and hugged him. "...Sorry... I am just glad you are safe." She said. She never really got to know Russel that well but she was still glad he was safe. Angelina paced the room waiting for some sort of sign that it was safe to leave but nothing had come yet. All she had heard was plenty of gun shots. Angelina pulled out one of her guns she got off the guard and checked the bullets. "Just as I thought, the guards guns are loaded with silver bullets. I will be right back, they will need help." She said with a sigh. With these bullets if Cole and most likely Tenga got hit they wouldn't be able to just shrug it off. "You two watch Russel." She said as she loaded a gun and stepped out of the room hesitantly. She wished she had a silence on the gun but she was lucky just to have a gun so it would have to do. She would keep anyone that had yet to be dealt with distracted while the twins got Russel out.

    Angelina scanned the hall, it was clear so she moved forward heading the opposite way of where they came in to see if she could find a back entrance, that and to avoid Arthur because he would likely send her back to wait. Angelina's hands shook as she walked down the dark corridor. She came across the first guard who didn't pay mind to her due to the form she was in, but as soon as she walked passed him she turned around and shot him. There was one less guard to deal with.
  9. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    Episode 14 Bleed
    July 14 2013

    Russell cringed when Angelina hugged. It hurt but he wasn't about to tell her that. Adler shifted back to normal and followed behind Angelina. When she dropped the guard he took his gun off of him. Adler whistled and Stier slowly came. He had to be sure Russell didn't fall off of him. Adler went ahead of them and saw Arthur and Elizabeth's battle raging on. Tenga came rushing in and unshifted. "Arthur can handle this. Cole's been shot up pretty bad. We need to leave now." Tenga ordered.
    Adler got on Stier's back to hold Russell in place as he picked the pace up and rushed back to the SUV. When Stier got back to the SUV Adler picked Russell up and gently placed him in the back of the vehicle. Russell glanced over at Cole and saw that Tenga wasn't kidding. " ok?" Russell barely got out. "Ah, a silver bullet a day keeps the doctor away. So I should be good for a month." Cole said with a bit of a laugh. "Ow. It hurts to laugh." Cole muttered. It took almost all of Cole's strength to turn the keys to start the car.
    Arthur and Elizabeth's battle was getting more violent. Fireballs, and lightning bolts were flying all over. Elizabeth attacks were strong, but not enough to do anything to Arthur while he was in dragon form. Tenga shifted and was coming right for her. "Screw this." She muttered. "Ostende te ipsum!" She yelled. A large purple shockwave shot from her hands and hit everyone in the room. The shockwave forced Arthur and Tenga to revert back to their human form.
  10. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Angelina stayed back slightly as Adler and Stier rushed Russel to the SUV. She watched Arthur and Elizabeth fight, she wanted to help but knew she couldn't do much. This was Arthur's battle not hers. After a couple minutes of just standing there with her gun in hand but not doing anything she regained her composer and started to make her way out of the building. Just as she got to the door she was hit by the shockwave and changed back to her normal form. This didn't bother her though she had no reason to look like a guard anymore. She made her way to the SUV.

    Angelina knew she didn't want to really speak up and tell anyone else what to do but she had to at this point. "Cole you can't drive, let someone else drive you are not fit to, not now." She told him worried about him passing out behind the wheel. "I will drive if I have to, you just can't do it!" She pleaded with him.
  11. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    "You keep talking like that......and I might think you cared about me or something." Cole smirked. But she was right, he could barely sit up straight. Cole pulled himself out of the driver's seat. When he did he fell to the ground. Stier tried to help him up but Cole pushed him away and limped over to the back seat. "Bird brain drives. Longhorn I'm going to need you to......" Cole couldn't even finished sentence before he passed out. Adler pressed his fingers down on his neck. "He's still alive. Tough son of a *****. But we need to get him back to the safe house soon." Adler said. Adler got in the driver's seat and revved the engines to signal that their leaving and then drove off.
    "Tenga you go too." Arthur ordered. "What? No! I'm not leaving you!" Tenga protested. "You can't shift, so your pretty much powerless." Arthur replied. Elizabeth blasted Arthur with another lightning bolt. Tenga growled before he went back to his bike. Arthur's hands started to glow and he shot Elizabeth with his own lightning. Arthur was one of the most powerful Elders, if not the most powerful, but his power was greatly reduced when in human form.
    They continued to trade blasts for quite awhile until she got one clean hit in right to Arthur's shoulder. Arthur was sure that they were out of danger by now so he didn't need to keep this fight going, no matter how much he wanted to. Arthur hobbled out into the woods and took cover behind some trees. "Come on, come on." Arthur muttered to himself. A pure white portal appeared in front of him. "About time." Arthur said as he hopped thru the portal. Elizabeth fired a lightning blast that tore the tree apart, but she was too late, he was gone.
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Hehe... Yeah..." Angelina replied. Did he think she didn't care? Why else would she have went along with him for that long or do anything she had done to set up a fair chance with him against Martian or anything. But it didn't matter, he could think what he wanted about her, it didn't matter what people thought of her. She was a loner, destined to live her life by herself. Once this was all over it was back to walking the streets using different forms to get what she wanted then move on to the next town and do the same thing. It was just what she did.

    Angelina hopped in the passenger side door this time instead of the back like usual. Angelina then turned around and looked at Cole. "Someone needs to put pressure on the wound slow the bleeding." She said with a worried tone to her voice. She was biting her lower lip counting the minutes till they reached the safe house. Both Cole and Russel where hurt and needed some sort of medical attention or they might die. As they drove away she turned and looked at the out post. Tenga was leaving, Arthur was on his own now. Every small thing was making her more nervous now. The situation wasn't good.
  13. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    Adler got them back to the safe house with Tenga not to far behind. "Get Cole inside." Tenga barked. Adler got out and helped Stier gently get him out of the car. The twins got Cole to the door but before they could open it, Arthur opened it from the other side. "Get them inside, I'm ready for them." Arthur ordered. They gave him a nod and placed him on the couch. Tenga helped Russell get inside. He was getting a bit better, the wolf's bane was starting to wear off.
    Arthur took a bottle of some kind of red liquid in it and began to shake it up. "This will get Cole's healing abilities working. But I'll still need to get the bullets out. Angelina get some towels from the bath room. Boys I'm going to need you to hold his arms and legs. When I start he's going to thrash around something awful." Arthur ordered. He took of his belt and he put in Cole's mouth. "And you." Arthur looked over at Russell. "Eat this." Arthur tossed him a white and blue flower. "That'll help get the wolf's bane out of your system."
  14. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Angelina nodded and found her way to the bathroom to collect some towels. She stopped and looked in the mirror. The stress and long days have been wearing on her lately. He eyes had dark circles under them and she seemed a bit pale. She exited the bathroom and handed Arthur the towels. "Do you need me to do anything else for you now?" She asked Arthur hoping that he didn't. She needed to sit down, but she was willing to help if it was needed.
  15. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    "No you should get some rest. I tend to forget that most of us here need only a couple hours of sleep." Arthur said as he took the towels. "You may want to cover your ears. This is about to get loud." Arthur took out a couple of pocket knifes. Arthur gave the guys a nod and they got held Cole's limbs down. Arthur poured the bottle of liquid down his gullet. "Ok, here we go." Arthur then started to dig out the bullet logged in Cole's shoulder. Cole shot up and started screaming. The skinwalkers struggled to keep him down. "One down. Eight more to go." Arthur said then he continued.
    It was about an hour before he finished. Cole was passed out and the skinwalkers were just as exhausted from holding him down. Russell was fully healed by now. A knock came from the door. Russell got up and sniffed the door. The guy behind it was a normal human. Russell cracked the door open and saw a older looking guy. He was in his sixties and was very gruff looking. "Can I help you with something?" Russell asked. "Is Arthur here?" The man replied. "Let him in." Arthur said as he walked in to the living room. Russell opened the door and let him. The man first saw Cole passed out on the couch. "Christ, Arthur. What the hell did you do to Cole?" The man asked. "Nice to see you too Michael. This was his own bullheaded fault. But he'll be just fine." Arthur replied. Russell stared at this man. "You know Cole?" Russell asked. "I should, he's my godson."

    "Ok sir here is all we got on Cole Jackson." A officer said as he handed Chuck a folder. "Ok let's see....born near Lexington Kentucky. Second child to Jason Jackson and Marie Jackson. Both were mauled by a unidentified animal when he was ten." The commissioner read in the folder. "He and his sister, Amy were raised by their older brother Tommy. Both were killed a few years ago. Amy as mauled by the same type of animal as her parents, and Tommy was stabbed to death. His killer is still unknown." he continued to read. "Then he just dropped of the map. Hmm there are a few reports here of a suspect matching his description linked to several murders across the country."
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Okay thank you..." Angelina said heading upstairs to a bedroom that seemed empty, she didn't want to accidentally invade on someones privacy. But she was able to find one that seemed like on one stayed in. She curled up in the bed and pulled the covers over her head to stop the sound of Cole screaming. Despite the screaming it didn't take her long to fall fast asleep. It felt like days since she last slept. It was something she really needed or else she was liable to fall asleep in the middle of there next assignment and she didn't want to be a hindrance to the group. For now there wasn't much for them to do, not till Cole was healed.

    While asleep she started to dream of her father. He wondered what he was up to and why he ever left her. She was ten, was a ten year old really suppose to be left on her own? In her dream it flashed to all the happy times with her father. She had pushed him out of her mind until now and this dream brought it all back to her. She woke up and slowly made her way downstairs wanting to ask Arthur to ask the shape shifter elder about him. She was now curious, although she never was before.
  17. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    Michael looked Cole over to check his wounds. They were completely healed now. While he was checking him over he saw Cole's necklace. "Good. I'm glad he got it back." Michael said to himself. "Arthur, I'm sure you have important business to talk to me about, but I'd like to spend time with my godson. I haven't seen him years." Michael said. Arthur gave him a nod. "Very well. I'll be upstairs in my room if you need me." Arthur went upstairs. "Angelina." Arthur greeted as he went to his room.
    "You said you haven't seen Cole in years? Why?" Russell asked. Michael sighed. "Cole carries a lot of guilt. He blamed himself after Tommy and his pack died. I thought he needed space. So I gave it to him." Michael said with much regret. "I'm what is called a Watch Dog among the Protectors. The Watch Dogs watch over a werewolf and skinwalker packs and Vampire clans. Only the longest and most powerful ones are watched." Michael continued. "Martian said something about Cole having his own body count. What did he mean?" Russell asked. "Purebloods like Cole first shift when they are about twelve or thirteen years old. And when they do they are all but feral. By the time they reach that age they are taught to control that feral side during the first shift. But every once in awhile a pureblood shifts early." Michael explained. "Cole was one of those purebloods. He was ten years old. Too young to control that side of himself. He........killed his mother and father. Cole blames himself."
  18. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Angelina hesitated nervous to ask Arthur to contact the shape shifter elder, but she had to suck it up for now. She needed the answer to the question she had been avoiding asking for years, why? "Arthur... can you contact the shape shifter elder? I need to know more about Malcolm...I need to know why..." She told him. "It doesn't have to be now, we are in the middle of something big so it can wait. It already waited 6 years, what is a little more time?" She said with a faint chuckle and smile. She was looking down at the ground as she talked and almost mumbled. She wasn't good at asking for help from anyone, she usually didn't, she would avoid it. Angelina figetted with her hands the entire time showing a sign of being nervous.
  19. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    "I think I could arrange that. But I don't know when she could get here." Arthur said before he went to his room. Downstairs Cole was regaining conciseness. He looked around and saw Michael. "Uncle Mike? What are you doing here?" Cole asked. "Nice to see you too kid. Arthur called me here." Michael replied. Cole rubbed the back of his neck. He was sore all over. "Russ you ok?" Cole asked in a worried tone. "I'm fine. How about you?" Russell replied. "Nothing years of repressed anger only to come out in violent outbursts can't fix." Cole said with a chuckle.
    Cole got up off the couch. "You might want to go upstairs and change your shirt. It's kind of bloody. I think Tenga is about the same size as you." Russell suggested. Cole looked down at his shirt, yeah it had a few bullet holes and was drenched in bloody. Cole took it off and tossed it in the trash. He then went upstairs. "Hey Angelina." Cole greeted before he got a shirt. "Thanks for helping me with Russ. If you need anything don't hesitate to call. You can consider yourself an honorary member of my pack." Cole gave her a faint smile.
  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Oh that is fine." Angelina said to Arthur. She could deal with waiting a little longer. She gave a small wave as Arthur resided to his room. She now stood in the hall not sure if she wanted to go back to her room and try to sleep or go downstairs. "Hey Angelina." The sound of her name caught her attention. It took a minute to realize who it was. "Cole?" She turned to see him awake and well. She smiled. "Good to see you are feeling alright now. And it was no problem...." She stopped when he said she was an honorary member of his pack. She wanted to help yes but she didn't like the idea of getting too close to someone. That always ended with something bad happening. "Thanks..." She said quietly as she walked past him and downstairs.
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