DAVID TENNANT'S BIRTHDAY! Oh... and Cat I'm posting this now so you can enjoy it because I know it'll take you a while to read o_O but I did it! I actually wrote a fanfiction! It's not great, I'm sure it has holes in it and I'm not 100% sure if it'll make sense but I hope you enjoy it and it lives up to your high expectations Cat. Never written a fanfiction before but hey, first time for everything! Don't kill me for any typos I missed ;-; Anyway, Cat- you brilliant friend : D It's been another year and I've loved our chats and your stalking MWHAHAHA! You're a great friend and I can't tell you how much you've affected my life o_O For example, when deciding which universities to apply to I didn't even consider Cardiff until I found out DW was filmed there- it was my favourite uni and the only medical offer that gave me an interview! I may be going and studying there next year thanks to you and your weird obsessions :3 To be honest, I should have stuck to what I do best but I thought I'd make things interesting :3 Next year you're getting a .gif of my face >:3 SIDE NOTE: To anyone who isn't Cat, feel free to read (but don't judge my terrible fanfic skills ;-; ) but there may be some bits that don't make sense... I don't know xD Anyway, Happy birthday Cat! You are now old and can speak like an old person, I give you permission. Spoiler: Kamikaze love “Perhaps one day we’ll meet. Perhaps one day my life will make sense and I won’t feel so alone. Maybe you’re alone too and maybe that is why we are destined to meet.” * “Come on come on come on! Download!” The Doctor, screwdriver in hand jammed into the socket of some space equipment, demanded behind gritted teeth. “We’ve got Judoon at 12 o’clock and they look maaad.” Cat, a young girl of about 17 years, replied with a jovial smile. “Can’t you distract them?” “What can I do? They’re huge rhino things who are probably very pissed by the interference, I doubt they’d enjoy hearing me talk about trivial things.” “Oooh… nearly there.” “Apparently it’s not polite to steal information.” She added for jest. “Caaaat, you’re not helping.” Cat smiled at the Doctor, this was exactly what she got out of bed for and despite the fact she did this every day, she wasn’t desensitised to the fear, adrenaline or violence, it was a homely feeling in some twisted way. She had been travelling with this man for so long she’d lost count of the days and honestly hoped it would never end, she’d already lost one Doctor and she refused to lose another. “Here they come, ready to work that Doctor magic of yours?” She rushed back from the door just in time to miss the heavy metal swing and hit the wall as 4 gigantic Judoon strode in staring at the weedy man in a stripy suit, foot balanced on the console for leverage, and an American girl with some gaming top on. “SHO FRO NO KO JO MO VO LO.” His voice reverberated around the tiny control room as his eyes bored into the Doctor’s cheeky grin. “Oh, ‘ello.” He grinned back, the stress seemed to just melt away through that smile, it always reassured Cat at times like this. “Fancy seeing you here. Now, if you give me a second, I’ll explain 3 very interesting reasons why you shouldn’t just shoot us or throw us out of the air lock. Firstly, I’m the Doctor and this is my trusty side kick Cat,” Her head quickly jolted around to stare at him, sidekick?! Really?! “And we’re private investigators who are trying to find the answer to a problem, well, I say a problem, which is found on this ship. And, would you believe it, we ran into this guy who told us he knew a guy who knew a guy who knew what was going on. So we followed this lead and ended up in a bowling alley where this purple woman showed us this weird alien dessert which you just have to try, it was divine. Anyway, she showed us this map and we discovered she had all this information cooped up without us knowing so of course we had to investigate…” Cat would have switched off if the adrenaline wasn’t pulsing through her veins like a hungry caterpillar forcing her eyes wide open. She couldn’t believe the Judoon were buying this load of rubbish that the Doctor was spewing from his mouth, sure it was based on a few truths but the rest was just utter rubbish. This man was just graciously doing what he does best- talk and talk and talk and somehow getting people to trust him. She swore he radiated chemicals that made people automatically trust him otherwise how would they still be alive? “… Sadly he told us that they had seen no vegetation on their spaceships so we had to try elsewhere.” A quiet beep sounded from the console signalling a completed download to the happy chirp of the Doctor as he unplugged his screwdriver, grabbed Cat’s hand and stared at the Space Police. “Lovely meeting you, have a nice day and sorry about barging in uninvited.” Cat, right on cue, pictured the TARDIS, her mind’s eye turning a telepathic connection into a physical one causing them to teleport from one lonely console to the next, leaving behind a group of puzzled Judoon. The green hum of the TARDIS welcomed them back like a dog ecstatic to see their owner. Both exhaled in unison and, turning their heads toward each other, burst out laughing. “You absolute newb. Vegetation?” Cat blurted out between hysterics. “Also, don’t call me your sidekick! You’re not Iron Man!” The Doctor grasped his stomach in some attempt to regain his breath. “I may not have a suit made from some goldy-titanium-y alloy but I do have a beautiful time machine.” “Yeah, yeah, I get it. I should really just leave you and your ‘Sexy’ alone shouldn’t I.” Cat giggled as she walked up to the console to see what the Doctor’s next move was. “Right! Now that I have the information I can create a code to destroy it, we just have to send it out and track the information back to its origin so we can have a word.” “But why would someone put information on the internet from the future? Surely no one would pay attention to it.” “It’s not just any old information, it’s about me and my… future. We can’t read it, no one can.” The Doctor swallowed a gulp of air and inserted his sonic screwdriver into a docking station behind some wibbly buttons. “Right, spoilers. But how did they get hold of this information and what impact would it honestly have?!” Cat leaned back on the console baffled as to his intent, she had just been dragged along not really sure of what was going on but that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. “Well, that is what we’re about to find out but first we have to send out this code…” He bashed some buttons, twirled some knobs and smacked the metal mesh with his trusty mallet for some unknown reason. “There we go. Now that information has been deleted from every wi-fi, internet browser and piece of technology in the universe. If I can’t know about my future then no one can.” Cat could sense the distress masked behind his energy, his tone was not his usual bouncy self as he stared at the wibbly circles on the screen. He’d read something… he knew something about his future, THEIR future. “What did you see?” She cautiously asked, afraid of the answer. “Nothing… don’t worry about it.” He gave the young girl a quick glance before rushing around the console, tickling the buttons to set his ship in motion. “Let’s get to the bottom of this.” With one final yank of a lever, the console jolted, shook and sprang into action as it bashed against the sides of the time vortex. Neither had any clue as to where they’d end up. After some clenching, clawing and rolling about on the floor, they materialised in an unknown location where the culprit was hopefully hiding. The Doctor was already up and bounding toward the door, grabbing his coat on the way. Cat scrambled to her feet quickly following the alien man. “Look for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary… or just any… life form…” The Doctor trailed off as he stared out across the barren waste land that they had ended up, there were rocks, so many rocks littered all over the place all in different formations and different sizes but nothing else at all. The Timelord licked his finger and held it up. “It’s the year 2569. This planet has 3 suns, about 7 times the size of earth, average temperature of about 35 degrees-“ “But it’s boiling hot!” Cat argued back, exasperated from the heat. “Yeah, oh right. That’s about 95 degrees Fahrenheit.” Cat nodded in acknowledgement before adjusting her glasses to look around. “There is also a 67 hour day… on average.” Cat quickly turned to give the Doctor a quizzical look. “There are 3 suns, they travel at different speeds.” “Riiiiight, and how did you come up with all of this?” “Oh you know, because I’m brilliant.” Cat raised an eyebrow in disbelief and returned to her searching. “They should be close by; the signal brought us to this spot so it can’t be far off.” The girl nodded in agreement and started walking off in the opposite direction. A terrific rumble came from beneath their feet causing both Doctor and companion to stop in their tracks and look at each other. The Timelord shrugged so they carried on going. It wasn’t long before Cat stumbled across a spaceship, cracked and crumbled upon impact with the ground. There was still smoke trailing from the top so it must have been a recent crash and there were a few flashing lights screaming for attention dotted across the shell. “DOCTOR!” Cat yelled hoping he wasn’t far off. It looked like an average spaceship with metallic wings and a shiny golden finish dirtied by the sand. “DOCTOR! I’ve found something!” He came rushing around the corner and carefully stumbled down a rocky bank before reaching Cat. “Ohohoho, look at that! It’s a Boumfer ship. I love the Boumfer. We definitely need to visit them.” “Doctor, a crashed ship!” Cat poignantly stated hoping to bring his mind back to the real issue. “There may be casualties.” “Right, erm… yes. You do that.” She grunted and went to work at prying open the door which had been scratched and scarred by the rocks. She peeled it back and came across darkness with the occasional burst of light as it flickered. Gingerly, she stepped foot into the corridor creating a clank as her shoe hit the metal grating covering the floor. She pulled out her torch from a pocket and began her investigation. There were wires dangling like meat hooks and bits of broken glass decorating the surfaces like snow on a field. The mesh creaked beneath her feet as she explored the dark chasm of each room, each the same as the last- glass, wires, food and paper everywhere but one vital thing was missing. “Doctor, there are no casualties. No one. Nothing. No bodies. That’s good right?” She popped her head out of the door as the Doctor slowly nodded in agreement, his face hadn’t moved since she left him. “What is it?” “The boumfer can’t be here, it’s physically impossible. They don’t evolve for another 8 million years, they can’t exist. This technology alone doesn’t exist on any planet so how can it be here.” “So what you’re saying is the Boumfer got hold of time travel? That’s not too farfetched, it’s no big deal.” Cat exhaled. “And maybe it was them, maybe they released that information about you. Have you done anything that might have irritated them? Is there something you haven’t done yet?” “No. The Boumfer hated time travel, I could never tell them my ship travelled in time as they would have banished me. They believe it to be the work of evil and nothing good comes from it. It’s as bad as… as serial murderers to you or religion to an extreme atheist. Like putting mayonnaise on chips or ketchup on nesquik cereal.” Cat smiled at the last two before glaring at him to be serious. “So someone has stolen their ship, makes sense. Explains why there aren’t any casualties.” Cat stepped back out into the baking suns to stand next the Doctor. “Yes… but who was driving the ship?” Cat opened her mouth to impress the Doctor with her intelligent answer before he rudely took the words out of her mouth. “Yes I know the ship crashed so it wasn’t being ‘driven’ but it doesn’t change the fact that someone had to have been in it at some stage for it to be here. The ship couldn’t have just turned up out of nowhere, can it?” She sighed. “Is this the part where we investigate?” He turned and nodded, his thoughts still racing around his head. “Yup, you get to impersonate Sherlock Holmes.” This made the young girl beam. “Now, go check out the engines, there may be an answer to why it crashed. I’m going to look at the ship’s log.” She dashed off to the other side unaware of what she was about to find and oblivious to the real reason behind this whole trip. As she rounded the corner, Cat ran her fingers along the veins of the ship, the wires, the bumps and the dips. A light aroma of perfume could be smelt as she neared the engines. “What, do these ships run on perfume in 8 million years?” She choked back a laugh before seeing the real reason for the sweet smell. A girl, about Cat’s age, was knelt against a rock, her mind deeply engrossed in some device she was holding. Her hair was brown and she sported a blue bandana in her wavy, shoulder length hair. Her crimson jumper hung over one shoulder and her Doc marten shoes covered patterned tights. She also had on denim shorts and a colourful bag which looked full of mysterious objects. Cat could sense some strong emotion radiating from this teenager. “Erm… Hi.” “Hello.” The girl looked up at Cat and smiled before returning to her device. “Hey, I’m talking to you! What are you doing?” “I’m busy.” “Okay, were you driving this ship?” The girl blankly pried her eyes away from the screen before glancing at the ship. “Yeah, well, before it crashed. Went a bit wibbly-wobbly and the mainframe just died. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I just need to fix it and then I’ll be off again.” “Wait, how come you aren’t all… dead?” Cat inspected the girl for blemishes or scars but she could see nothing under her neat hair and clean clothes. NEAT HAIR AND CLEAN CLOTHES?! Her ship just crashed! How was she not even the tiniest bit damaged? “Oh, nanogenes. They’re mini robots that heal you basically. I always carry some around, you know, for first aid needs.” “And they do hair and makeup as well?” Cat guffawed as she leant against the cold metal of the ship, the metallic sensation welcomed. The girl laughed, gave Cat one more glance before putting her device down. “No one has made me laugh in a long time. Not since I got split up from my parents. Well, I say split, I had to leave, I wanted to find this man, a- a friend of my Dad’s or more like a brother perhaps. I’m not from around here you see, it took a hell of a lot to get here and now I need to find him. He’s one of those people who doesn’t stay still for long but he has the exact same personality as my Dad, who I know better than anyone, so I should have some idea of where he could be. Sorry, I’m rambling. Are you human?” Cat was taken aback by the out of place question before answering, “Y-yes. Sort of. Human plus time vortex you could say.” The girl gave her a sideways smile before introducing herself. “Name’s Kathy. What are you doing here?” “I’m Cat and my friend and I are searching for the culprit who put foreknowledge on the internet. We’ve deleted it but we still need to find out who knows too much and what they want.” “Pleasure to meet you Cat. What was the information? Or is it still foreknowledge?” “We don’t know, he didn’t let us look-” “Spoilers? Wise move. But what are you doing here on this barren wasteland?” “We tracked the information back to its origin and wound up here. We were both very confused as the place is just abandoned but apparently this is where we’ll find them.” “I’m guessing you’re currently searching this ship in hope of finding an answer or even a clue? Feel free but I don’t know what you’d find.” “Hey, if you want we can help you find your friend, but only once we’ve sorted out the issue here.” “Really? Thanks, it’ll save me trying to fix this thing anyway. That’ll be nice. I’ll help you find the culprit in return then. I just hope the aliens I borrowed this from won’t miss it…” “Cool, I’m just going to go report back, won’t be long.” Kathy gestured in acknowledgement before returning to her device. Back on the ship, the Doctor was busy sonicing and generally investigating. “Doctor, I’ve just found the driver of the ship. Her name is Kathy and she offered to help us look.” The man energetically swivelled on his chair to look at Cat, his eyes wide with a guilty look painted on his face. “What?” “Is she hurt?” She shook her head. “I may have found out why the ship crashed.” He slowly swivelled back in order to show Cat his discoveries. “Remember that cancellation code I sent out? Yeah, that mutated into a virus and infected this ship. I’m guessing only this ship because the technology was so state of the art but I don’t really know how. It’s damaged the circuits and probably won’t ever fly again. Not even I could fix it.” He inhaled loudly through his teeth as he ran his fingers through his spikey hair. “And that’s not all. If my calculations are correct then there is a black hole growing at enormous pace not far from here and if we don’t get off this planet soon then we’ll fall into the void. It explains the rumblings.” “Fall into nothingness?” The Doctor nodded and stared grimly at the computer to gather his thoughts. “How long do you think we have?” “Hours at most.” He inhaled sharply. “Right! Then we better get to work.” And like that, he bounded out of the dimly lit control room and out into the baking heat… still wearing his coat. Cat, baffled by his weirdness, followed him out the wreck into the sunshine which just hid the fact that it was getting darker and the stars, only slightly visible, were going out, being sucked into the void. This world was blinking out into nothing. “Luckily this planet has 3 suns so if one gets sucked into the black hole then we’ll still have enough heat to keep us going. Nothing to worry about.” This feeling. It sank deep into Cat’s chest as she waded in the glory of knowing no matter how impossible things were the Doctor would save them, there was no doubt. “So, we have a few hours before this planet gets sucked into that black hole and in that time we have to find and locate the thing responsible for sending out that information, interrogate them to find out why and make sure it doesn’t happen again and then get off this barren waste land before things go… wibbly.” Cat looked up at the Doctor for confirmation, he looked back, a grin sliding across his face. There goes the adrenaline. “Hey Cat! I’ve just found something interesting, well you might find it interesting as it could be what you are looking forrr-” Kathy trailed off as she neared their location, perched on a rock. She stared… and stared and stared at this man. No… it couldn’t be. Her heart jumped, her pulse danced and her mind partied, this man couldn’t be her father as he was too young but by gosh did he feel exactly the same. She closed her open mouth and swallowed deeply, “Doctor? The Doctor?” The timelord looked at her, wracking his brain for memories- did he know her? Surely he’d remember. “Hello, err… sorry, my life is a bit wibbly and things don’t always happen to me in the right order, who are you?” His eyebrow peaked, his face pointed and his hair hanging over his forehead like a canopy. Kathy just burst out laughing, the repressed emotion spewing out of her like rivers breaking damns. Tears ran down her cheeks as she laughed and stumbled, how she missed him… not the Doctor but her father who had told her everything about this man. She wiped her face with her hand in an attempt to calm herself down as well as jiggling on the spot to shake off the jelly feeling running through her legs. “Hehe, no… you won’t know me. I’m… err… Kathy and I am so very pleased to meet you.” She beamed as she finally regained her mellow demeanour. “Sorry about that, just... overcome with emotion.” “Nice to meet you Kathy, I’m guessing you are the driver of this ship?” Kathy nodded as she hid her shaking hands. “Yeah… I acquired it from the Boumfer not too long ago. They didn’t mind, well, they didn’t know so I suppose, in a way, that’s like not minding.” “But… how is it here when the Boumfer don’t exis-” “Oh, vortex manipulator, I built it in the basement with my dad, you know, for fun.” Both companion and alien stared at her in astonishment- building time travel? “What? Have you never been bored, I had finished school because they couldn’t teach to my level so my Dad pulled me out and home schooled me. That pretty much involved shoving things together to make other weird technological advances every day, not going to lie, there were quite a few explosions and we spent a lot of the time clearing up but hey, it was an education worth having. Mum wasn’t overly impressed to say the least…” “So you managed to bounce through time on that… that space hopper and end up on this planet? I mean, what year are you even from?” “It’s hard to say really. The year I’m from is different from the equivalent year that you are familiar with. But it is the year 2028 and the world was dull- until recently.” The Doctor turned his face up so he looked down his nose at this girl but, no matter how much he wanted to suspect her of the mess they were in, he couldn’t, it didn’t feel quite right as he could almost sense the sincerity in her voice, and Kathy could sense his unease. “Trust, Doctor, is a very precious thing and I hope that I receive yours because you are just the man who could help me. I’ve been searching for so long and I’ve never felt so alone and so fearful of what my world is becoming. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of it-” Kathy was cut off by the rumble of the planet, a shaking that vibrated through each individual’s core. Time was running out. “Sorry to interrupt this lovely one sided reunion but what did you find Kathy?” Cat barged in out of urgency, she refused to be dragged into some large black hole as these two caught up- in a backwards timey-wimey way. “Oh, right, I’ve picked up a life signal coming from just over there. I don’t know how it can be since there is no water or vegetation on this planet- no one could survive long here let alone live underground. The creature would have to be one capable of storing energy or has access to easy get aways to find such resources- but then that would make no sense as what would be the point in living here?” Kathy paced off behind the ship, her mind deep in thought. “Look, let’s just follow the heat signal, it may be your answer.” The duo followed swiftly behind as Cat explained what she had told the bandana girl. The surface shook every now and then as they travelled over a cracked desert. Rocks, untouched by man, tumbled from their age old formations. They were blessed when shade fell upon them from a towering peak of stones forming the entrance to a cave. “In here?” Cat gestured toward the opening. “That is what my device is telling me, I just hope it’s right- do you guys have portable lighting devices?” Kathy replied back to the nods of the others. “You mean like torches?” Cat mocked. “Yeah, they could work.” Kathy replied as they entered the abyss of darkness. “Doctor, what is the name of this planet?” Cat quizzically asked. “Errr… Nol- no that’s not it, Nug, Nuk, Nurr, Nub… Nub, Nub, Nubuleria! Well, that’s the name of the galaxy we’re in- the planet, as far as I know, has not been named as nearby races are very inclusive. They keep to themselves and stay away from others… I don’t come here often.” The Doctor added on the end for emphasis. The trio carried on walking deeper into the belly of the planet with their torches switched on and their brains on alert, the adrenaline was pumping through their veins as they tailed Kathy’s path. The clock was ticking and they were getting further away from their escape. Not even Cat could teleport them at this moment as she hadn’t the energy to move everyone but that stopped none of them from carrying on. “Just to warn you, my vortex manipulator requires charging- it’s not great and can only transport me through time once every 300 hours so if you are relying on that to get us away from here before the black hole gobbles us up then I’d start thinking of a new plan.” Kathy informed the Doctor without looking up from her screen. This led to an exasperated sigh from the Doctor but no real disaster reaction which reassured Cat. “It’s fine, why are you helping us? Do I know your Dad or something?” The Timelord, calm yet riddled with the thoughts of everything that could go wrong, spat at this mysterious girl. “Not yet, but you will. He’s a great man… one of the best in fact.” The conversation ceased at this point as they got nearer to their answer. The silence caused their hairs to stand on end and the darkness was growing, eating away at their power supply. All of a sudden, after much tunnelling through narrow corridors, they came to a vast opening with light creeping in through the ceiling of rocks. The Doctor could almost feel those rocks crashing down on them at any moment after a single rumble. The silence grew as they stopped dead in their tracks, their blood pounding in their ears and their muscles weary from travel. All of a sudden, a raspy voice called out through the dimness. “Tiiiiiiiimelord…” “Who’s there?” The Doctor replied using his torch as a searchlight. “Caaaaaaaaaat…” The girl said nothing, she stood beside the Doctor awaiting to see this face off- this had to be it, their answer. “And the daughter of the one hearted Timelord…” Kathy remained still but both girls could feel the shock travelling down the Doctor’s spine. “It’s good to reunite.” “Come on! Show your face, we didn’t spend all that time travelling to talk to darkness!” “I already have, you just don’t remember.” The voice croaked melodically as it echoed around them. “Your minds are too weak.” “What do you mean?” The Doctor quizzically asked. “Silence, Doctor. They’re everywhere.” The Doctor turned to Kathy unsure of what she was saying. “You have probably met them before but you just don’t remember- they’re lazy, manipulative beings who rob you of your memories of them whenever you look away. They use other races to do their will and you can’t escape it because you can’t resist as you have NO MOTIVATION TO NOT DO WHAT THEY WANT.” Kathy’s voice was getting higher, infected with fear as her chest bounded up and down. “Look, as long as it stays in the darkness we can’t see it so they have no hold over your memories.” Listening closely, Cat looked at her and asked, “How do you know so much about them?” “I’ve met them, i-it must have been recent as I can recall such a meeting.” “What happened?” “Yesss, tell them Kathy… unless you can’t remember.” The Silent’s voice closed in on them, choking their thoughts. “Tell them of what you told me…” “What?! What do you mean?” The girls stress level was going through the roof and she didn’t even know why- but there was something within her mind that clawed at her fear sensors and told her repeatedly to get out. “What did you do to me?” “Nothing. I spoke to you and you answered.” “What did you say?” Cat yelled out, not allowing the fear to get at them. “I said, ‘Talk about the life of your father’.” Kathy, hands against her head attempting to shield her mind, closed her eyes hoping to regain her composure. She was brought up on the stories of the fear and adrenaline but nothing truly prepared her for the real deal. A slinky creature stepped out of the darkness and stood right in front of them, displaying its large bulbous head and a tall body covered in a human-like black suit. “You talked of burning time machines, Dalek invasions and the man who banished your father. The Doctor, who sacrificed his love to save the world from your dad.” “No! Please, stop. You don’t know my father, you don’t understand!” Kathy screamed in defiance. “But surely, you know better than anyone that the Doctor is the wisest being in the universe, he doesn’t banish anyone to a parallel universe for no reason. Your father was a madman.” “He made a mistake, he saved the world but it cost him his freedom. You know nothing of his distress over the situation and you will never understand the pain he went through.” “Do you really believe that Katherine Tyler?” Kathy swallowed a build-up of air as she stared at this creature. It had no mouth so the only way it could talk to them would be telepathically but she wasn’t sure. She took a few deep breathes and spent a moment composing herself, this was not how she was taught and she would not be bullied by this- this thing. It was almost as if she had been brainwashed to fear such a creature upon seeing one. “I do. I see that you are trying to rile me but it won’t work, you have been inside my head making me bend in the wind for you but I refuse to be beaten by a lazy-ass loser like yourself.” “It was you.” Kathy turned her head to face the Doctor, his sombre voice contrasting the wild croak of the Silent. “You put out that information about me. I read that I would lose the entire human race to a Dalek invasion, I would fail to save them.” “It’s not like that Doctor, I never intended to harm you… I had no idea what I was doing. I don’t really understand how he got the information out of me but all I remember i-is talking about his life.” The Silent gave a short, raspy laugh as it gleefully watched the humanoids struggle. “So now I will set this right.” She boomed as she edged nearer toward this alien. “Wait Kathy,” She stopped in her tracks to the Doctors plea, “first I need to find out why.” “Why?” The Silent stood still seeing the three organisms in front of him not letting their eyes wonder out of fear of forgetting. “Why I went to so much trouble to destroy you.” “Wait wait wait wait. Destroy me? You just posted foreknowledge about my future, that wouldn’t have destroyed me.” “Your narrow mind immediately thinks of a physical destruction, but there are worse fate’s than that. The courage and kindness of a timelord sullied by the loss of his precious earth. People will know of the Dalek invasion before it happens so shall prepare for it. They will push you away as they know you cause it-” “No way would they believe it!” Cat jumped in, defending the Doctor. “Are you sure about that? If a virus was sent out infecting all computer systems warning people of a Dalek invasion would you believe it? Some people would call it a farce but others would believe and prepare… just to be safe. At one point they wouldn’t have believed it but now their world is full of stories of time travel and aliens.” Cat stepped back realising that the cancellation code they sent out would never work on a virus- the information was still out there. “Doctor, the cancellation code didn’t work!” He jolted his head around in horror, they were back at square one. “No. I saw your attempts to destroy the information but it was more than just binary code, it was a full computer virus and it’s too late Doctor, it’s already been sent and the world is preparing for events to come. History is changing.” “But that invasion is a fixed point in time! You could never sustain the paradox.” Kathy blurted out in desperation. “Wrong. Time can be rewritten. The Doctor will never find the stolen planet and so your father will never be born and your mother never saved. Soon you will not exist, Katherine Tyler.” She would not give in, there was always a way out. Cat had been quietly absorbing this information, waiting for the opportune moment and finally stepped forward into the light. “You fool. That wouldn’t happen; you forgot one very important detail. Me. The world can prepare, they can push us away but I can teleport anywhere in space and time and nothing would stop us, the Doctor and I, getting to earth to save the human race. I’m a complicated human from a parallel universe, my mind contains the soul of the TARDIS and I am no push over. You are just one creature and your attempts to change history are pitiful. And not only that, but you underestimated our power. This world is falling into a black hole and as I’ve been talking we are getting closer and if my calculations are correct then any minute now we’ll be in the gravitational pull of the void meaning you can’t escape on your ship! You will be pulled in with no escape while we dematerialise. Don’t try and sound all omniscient because you’re not. Next time; do your research.” The Silent said nothing but its fearful expression could not be shielded and you could almost smell the distress as the planet began to rumble furiously. “Ha! It seems we had nothing to worry about but I hope this foreknowledge won’t affect our lives. You’ve been beaten at your own game, we can destroy that virus before it infests earth and plagues the human race with this information, liar. You’ve lost.” The monster creaked as it stared at the Doctor, hatred smeared onto its face. “For now, but not for long. The Silence will rise and cut you down and it will be unavoidable.” The shakings grew rougher and sand began to fall through the cracks in the ceiling. “Doctor, give me your sonic screwdriver.” Kathy demanded, knowing that he always carries it around. “What are you doing?” He asked as he fished into his pocket for the device. “You’ll see, you have to get out of here. GO!” Cat hesitated as she watched Kathy fiddle. “I’ll be right behind you Cat, now go.” She nodded in reply and reluctantly started to journey through the tunnels. “It appears you failed. I congratulate you on your marvellous plan but you just can’t win. You are on your own, a mad little Silent with a plan.” She adjusted the sonic and pointed it at the creature as if she was scanning it. “You don’t seem to have much to say now, is that where the name comes from?” It glared at her and inhaled deeply as she beamed. Pushing its leg back, it raised its three fingered hand directly at her readily absorbing the charges in the air around it. “If I die here then so will you.” Its mouth slowly appeared as it sucked in the surrounding energy ready to obliterate this girl. “Of course, you are on your own- were you exiled by your people? I mean, talk about stalkers, you’ve been following me all through time and space on your vessel and if I am correct then you opened that black hole further then it was before, meaning it can be closed from the technology on your ship- kill me and then go and do just that and fly away. A sweet thought really. How do I know that? Because I am brilliant.” All of a sudden, the Silent unleashed it’s charged up power directing it toward Kathy as she stood there ranting. “I don’t think so.” She held out the sonic causing all the electrical energy to be absorbed by its light up tip. “From what I can see of you, that attack is just the energy around you converted into electric charges. Now they are like you, easiest solution is always the best- they’re lazy, they shock the nearest object and if that object happened to be, ooh I don’t know, a sonic screwdriver then no harm is done.” The Silent pulled back and snarled in a menacing way. “And not only that, you’ve also provided the sonic with extra energy. You may not want to hear this but that is exactly what I needed. Good day.” She smiled as the rocks began to fall; the Silent remained still knowing of its unruly defeat. “Let that be a lesson, never mess with Timelords.” She swivelled on her heels and bolted out of the tunnels, her legs carrying her as best as they could. Turning, ducking, manoeuvring, she dodged and dived her way out of the cave and into the sticky sun, now alone in the sky, and continued on, tracking the others with her device. She stumbled over rocks and tripped on the sand as the planet began tumbling out of the sky, she had to make it- she was so close. Finally, she reached the doors of the Blue box, the one that’s stories she had grown up on, the mystical TARDIS and she was about to step inside. The door swung open and she walked in, taking in all the wonder, the noises and the smells, it was real. “Kathy!” Cat jumped up and ran to her, “We thought we’d lost you. What on earth were you doing?” “That black hole is growing at a phenomenal pace, it was ripped open by the Silent- the rate its going is too strong to be natural and I was hoping to be able to close it before it eats the rest of this galaxy and perhaps others around it. I’ve scanned the alien so now I should be able to hack into its technology from this device and shut off whatever it is holding the black hole open. I don’t even understand why it needed a black hole though.” “I think it’s a failsafe mechanism- if its plan didn’t work out then we’d all be catapulted into the void. I think it was probably a suicide mission.” Replied the Doctor as he fiddled with the controls. “Doctor, do you think it was lonely? Unless they are solitary creatures but somehow I don’t think they are. I could sense its desperation almost.” Cat paced back up toward the timelord. “It wasn’t an overly well thought out plan so I’m guessing he didn’t have much to lose or he had one last attempt before it died.” “I feel quite bad for it now. I never really thought about it like that before Cat. I… just left it to the mercy of the rocks.” “I think it had been exiled for whatever reason, you’re right Cat they weren’t loners, I can tell, and I sure as hell don’t want to meet a big bunch of them.” He sharply inhaled. “But I’m sure I will one day.” “I can remember now… and you can all remember! That’s not right… how can we remember.” Thought Kathy as she neared the console. “I mean, I still can’t remember what it looks like but we can remember what it made us feel like. Surely its power can’t come from being in a pack.” “I don’t think it does, I think it was old and alone… perhaps trying to fight its instinct to stop editing people’s memories. They must be very lonely creatures… no one remembers them.” The Doctor replied, eyes fixed on the buttons. “Well, if no one has any objections then I’m going to attempt to close the black hole.” She pulled out the sonic and pushed a few buttons on her handheld device in her attempts to hack the Silent’s computer. Suddenly, there was a jolt and the three people were thrown backwards by the momentum, the quiet hum of the TARDIS and the lights slowly began fading as if something was sucking it dry. “Oh no you don’t!” The Doctor, quick as a flash, dashed toward the screen of his TARDIS to find out what was going on. “It’s the Silent’s ship! It must be a time engine as it’s turning off our power. Automatic failsafe- drain the power from nearby ships to use for your own in order to take off.” The ship went dead, nothing but a dim light reaching out of the floor. “The Silent must still be alive! We’re stuck! Kathy, can you hack that ship?” “I’m trying! It’s harder to hack alien tech.” She jabbed the device with the sonic and, holding down the button, pushed all the built up energy right into the circuits of her device. “I’m in!” After a few flicks of buttons she stared at the screen. “Err… I don’t understand.” “Give it here!” Cat grabbed the device and stared at the screen. “But this is a game? How will that help us hack-” “We’re running out of time, 5 mintues before we fall into the black hole.” The Doctor screeched, avidly reminding them. “But I suck at this game, I literally can never get past the first level. My mind doesn’t work in blocks.” Cat smiled. “Just you watch me. I am amazing at this game. They call me… Tetriseese.” Her eyes lit up as she began, the simplistic tune humming out throughout the silent time machine. Cat’s brain was a whirl, rotating shapes to keep them ordered, sewing them together with each touch of a button. 1000, 5000, 10 000, the score crept up and up, the pace increasing, their heart rates pulsating. “This Silent is having a laugh with us. He thinks he could stop us with a game of tetris! Ha! He’s met his match.” It kept increasing, rows upon rows of blocks piling on top of one another, 100 000, 200 000, 500 000 until… jackpot. “I’m in.” Cat’s cheeky grin slid across her face as she looked at Kathy. “You legend! Now, let’s see what we can do.” Kathy took back the device and with a few twists and flicks of the hands she found her way onto the screen of the Silent’s ship. Lines upon weird shapes upon strange figures- gibberish to anyone without the TARDIS translation circuit. “Now, if I can just locate the-” The ship jolted, Kathy, barely clinging onto the device, was thrown forward onto Cat. “30 seconds. Kathy, wire up your vortex manipulator. It’ll give it extra power which will be able to connect to the time engine. Your device won’t be strong enough on its own to stop the other ship. Hurry up!” Nodding, Kathy obeyed as she wired the two devices together. “It’s not working!” Just then, Cat reached her hand out, closed her eyes and laid her fingers onto the device. This released a spark of electricity before jolting the TARDIS back to life with its vibrant colours and array of noises. Already, the Doctor was galloping around the console built for 6 hoping to escape from the block hole. Kathy continued searching the alien computer for a way to revert the dead star back to where it was before with great success. “Alright, done the blackhole- Oooh, the screen’s gone all weird.” “The planet is gone.” The Doctor’s sombre voice said. “Poor Silent. And poor ship, well, I suppose it’s gone now and can’t do much harm.” “Oooh! Just in time to save one of the suns! Good job! The nearby races will be happy I’m sure.” The Doctor, face pressed against the TARDIS’s screen, beamed. “If the ship is gone, then why can I still navigate its computer system? Surely it shouldn’t exist, it was eaten.” Kathy held up the device for the others to inspect only to the confused expressions on both of their faces. “It must still exist. Some black holes do lead to alternate universes.” Cat pitched in, knowing from experience. Kathy nodded in agreement. “Parallel universes… there are so many… how will I know which one is home?” “Are you from a parallel universe Kathy?” Cat asked looking at her to the slow nod of her head. “Yeah, but it’s dying. Nothingness was just everywhere… I left to get help from the only place I knew would be reliable- the Doctor, the Timelord Doctor. The one from the stories, the one my mother knew and journeyed with. I ended up here and all this stuff happened and… I don’t remember.” “Me neither, huhh, we mentioned this earlier I remember that. We were shocked that we could remember… but I can’t think what.” The Doctor spouted while the other two stood there just as confused. “Well, we still have to destroy the virus. I can recall that much.” Cat replied still bewildered by her decaying memory. “And I remember many, many rocks and a lot of running.” “Right! Kathy, give me your device. The only way to fight a virus is with a virus.” The Doctor snatched the machine and began steadily typing up the anecdote ready to fry the information from the system. “I can’t remember what this information is but I am very sure that it needs to go.” And with a jab of a finger the virus was sent off through time to neutralise the foreknowledge potentially rotting the human race. A smile spread across his face as his eyes bored into the screen. “Now that that’s sorted, where to now?” “Well Doctor, Kathy has helped us a lot and I think she needs us.” “Kathy, I’m sorry I’ve been a bit cold to you but you remind me of someone… someone I used to know and it hurts… it hurts looking at you.” “I thought it would and I’m sorry to hear that but surely you know Doctor, Rose Tyler.” The Doctor looked down, burying his emotion refusing to let it bubble over. “She’s my mother.” Kathy smiled. The Doctor just stared at her, gobsmacked. “Rose?” A smile burst through onto his face, he was overcome with joy as he dashed over to Kathy. “You’re Rose’s daughter! Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! I knew she’d do well!” “Haha, well you can’t ask me anything about it- spoilers… remember.” “No? Ahh! That makes sense, you have a very Rose feel about you.” Cat sprang. “Yeah, well you have a very TARDIS feel about you.” Kathy jovially replied. “Ahh, you’re just jealous.” “As if, I’m very content with my coolness. I don’t need no inner time vortex to complete me.” “Yeah, well I don’t need no timey-wimey gadgets and wibbly jumper to complete me.” Cat childishly replied in jest. Both burst out laughing to the dismay of the timelord. “Cat, you are brilliant!” “I know, don’t you wish you were?” “So, Kathy, where to next?” The Doctor butted in, his voice squeaking with excitement. “Oooh, how about an ice cream? I haven’t had one of those in ages.” “Yes! And we have to get some Mike and Ike’s!” Cat chimed in. The Timelord nodded before bouncing around the controls again, pushing them toward their destination. “Hold on tight!” “No! It’s too hard!” Cat, head in hands, jerked to the immature laughter of Kathy and the Doctor. “Oh real mature, you could make anything sound dirty couldn’t you.” “Come on, answer the question. You have to avoid one, sleep with one and marry one.” Kathy beamed, licking her ice cream as all three of them were perched on a wall staring out toward a twilight sunset. “Can’t I just have them all?” “No! Now choose.” “I think, if it were me, I would have to marry Robert Downey Jr., sleep with Dean Winchester and avoid Sora.” The Doctor spoke to the surprise of the girls. “I so can’t believe you just said that!” “What? Iron man is quite… nice looking. But come on, Sora is a cartoon and he’s a bit young.” “They’re all a bit young to you Doctor.” Cat joked. “Alright Cat, now you: sex, marry, avoid. Go.” “You are better off asking me to eat the earth.” “Alright, that can be your forfeit.” The Doctor smiled at Kathy’s suggestion and took another bite out of his ice cream. “Pressurrrre…” “Fine, I think… marry Dean… and sleep with… Sssssora.” Kathy burst out laughing. “Poor RDJ! When I meet him then I will tell him how you abandoned his love and rejected his affection for other men. He will be so crushed. It’s fine, I’ll have him instead.” “You made me choose!” Cat reiterated, a laugh behind her sneer. She prodded Kathy jokily whilst making a face to the joyful laughs of the others. The sun was almost fully behind the horizon, night was drawing in and the trio were at peace. Kathy, still eager to help her family, was enjoying this time of relaxation and quiet, it catapulted her back to the times she spent with her dad as they wasted hours talking and inventing. The Doctor, again ignorant of his future but had a growing sense of unease as the clock ticked. And Cat, a smile that couldn’t be stopped, a heart as strong as a gold-titanium alloy and a spring in her step. As much as she loved the adrenaline, it was nice to finally get to relax. “Cat?” Kathy’s melodic voice spoke against the silence. “Yeah?” “Do you feel like we’ve known each other for ages? As if there is some deep connection that can’t be explained?” “Yeah, I do. I think it was no mistake that your ship crashed and we met.” Kathy nodded, “You’re the cure to my loneliness.” “The Wibbly to my wombly.” Cat replied with a grin. “The timey to my wimey. Although, I feel quite bad because if I had never come here then I wouldn’t have put you through all that trouble.” “Ahh well, it’s just Kamikaze love.” Both smiled at each other before noticing that the Doctor had fallen asleep. “Got a pen?” “To draw on him?” “Yeah, I was thinking glasses and a moustache, maybe some beauty spots.” “Yeah, and how about some eyeliner?” The two girls giggled as they began their doodling. It was already shaping up to be a weird and twisted friendship.
I absolutely loved this. I honestly wasn't expecting a fanfic, let alone a huge, brilliant, finished one. And because my emotions are so wibbly-"worbly" I will respond to the rest of this post with GIFs (which I totally didn't decide to search for in the hour before this thread was posted PFFFT what even are you talking about). WARNING: SO MANY GIFS AHEAD Spoiler So I'm just sitting here for a few hours enjoying myself + being bored: When suddenly, a wild Nub thread appears, and I'm all like: [in Poshland, UK] Without hesitation I click the link (and anticipate the surprise after the two to four second loading time greatly), wondering what my bumf has prepared for me this year: I see a spoiler (spoilers are cool) and read the beginning of the OP. And suddenly "Kamikaze Love" and: So I click the spoiler, getting the song playing on iTunes and I read about the Doctor, clearly Ten. And then "Cat, a girl of about 17" and I start to break down on the inside: I read on and I spot all the little details (Mike & Ike's, Tetris, Iron Man) and BLOODY KATHY: I continue on and by the end (I would've made the Doctor's choices EXACTLY in sex, marry avoid btw >:c) I'm just at that point where my laughter and inner tears meld into: So now I thank you with a simple gif of an angel air kissing an angelic-ish scrotum ticklahbumfnub and a very crap pic of me (i am sorreh y do i torture u??). <3 I thank you for everything and I WILL WRITE YOU YOUR KATHY FIC EVENTUALLY ASDGDKLFHJASLFKJDSLFOI!!1!
IT'S ALSO CAMILLE CODURI'S BIRTHDAY YAAAAAAY (she was Jackie Tyler)!!! So let me get this straight, Jackie Tyler, Ten and now my Rose/Oswin too??? Is there like an explosion of time energy today or what coz that is pretty darn awesome! This can only mean it's two years until you dye your hair and move to London where you'll meet younger me. ;D 'RPing' aside, really wish you a happy birthday my dear Cat!! May we all talk nonsense more as time passes~
I'm very glad you enjoyed it and so happy that it makkes sense. I also hope I got facts about TARDIS! Cat right xD I would have asked you but I didn't want you to suspect anything. I will akype qith thee later if thou agrees to it :D Also, I had to make Cat reject RDJ otherwise the joke wouldn't make sense. MOAR GIFS!
Spoiler Oh Cat you're here too jk I LOVE YOU CAT AND CAT BABBUUUUUUUU HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY EVERRRRRRRRR MY DEAR DOCTOR, I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING THE MOST LOVELYYYYY TIME (time time time. heh. get it, doctor? heh. I made a time pun because i'm the Tardis ha ha ha time) ANYWAY SO DOC LOOKYes, even inside my beautiful. Mhm. Cake in the Tardis. I am allowing it - TODAY.There, that's your cake I made it myself because I absolutely adore you. Okay. Now time for mushy stuff. Okay hello Cat my dearest. You're the greatest person ever you are forever my 1996 buddy, XIII Siska, DOCTOR, TWEWY, DS Swapnote and just ughhhh babe you're just my bro. I hope everything is going sper well in school you super smart person you. YOU FINISH UP THOSE HIGH SCHOOL YEARS LIKE A BOSS. And just really I hope everythign is great for you because you deserve ALL OF THE GREATEST BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL OF THE GREATNESS YOU BEAUT. Guh, I can't even birthday greeting. Wow. You're just too amazing for words. NEver ever change because Cat, dang girl, you're just the greatest. Best of luck forever with everything. Your Sexy loves you very very much and I will always always be here - in space and in time, forever.and from the man himself